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Making the chaos planes more... chaotic


Chaos Elementals
Frequency: Very Rare (Common)
No. Appearing: 1 (2-20)
Armor Class: 0
Move: 12”
Hit Dice: var. (2 to 16)
% in Lair: 0%
Treasure Type: none
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage/Attack: 1d4 per 2HD
Special Attacks: Severing bite, disintegrate, swallow whole at higher HD
Special Defenses: Regenerate. Immune to non-magic weapons. Immune to fire, poison, and acid. Half damage from cold or lightning. Mindless. Perfect adaptation (see below).
Magic Resistance: none
Saving Throw: As fighter according to HD.
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: var. (spherical, approximately ¾ foot diameter per HD)
Psionic Ability: none
Level/XP value
2 HD: IV/190 + 2/h.p
4 HD: IV/440 + 4/h.p
6 HD: V/1150 + 6/h.p.
8 HD: V/2675 + 10/h.p.
10 HD: VI/6600 + 14/h.p.
12 HD: VII/12,700 + 16/h.p.
14 HD: VIII/14,850 + 18/h.p.
16 HD: IV/20,950 + 20/h.p.

Chaos Elementals are semi-living non-sentient manifestations found almost exclusively on the plane of Limbo. No one is certain of their origins but they are believed to be manifestations of either the will of some potent deity, perhaps Chaos himself, or else manifestations of the needs of the plane itself. The purpose of Chaos Elementals is, however, well known. They exist only to turn orderly matter into formless nothing.
Chaos Elementals appear to be nearly spherical globes with the apparent power of levitation since they are at times capable of hovering several feet above the ground, and moving about in great gliding leaps. They are nearly featureless, but there skin has a complex roughened leathery warty peeling and at times shimmering texture. There only feature of note is their gigantic and seldom inactive mouths which split their bodies almost in two and gape to reveal rows of dagger like fangs leading to a black abyss of nothingness. When moving, the body of the Chaos Elemental appears to be semi-plastic, and changes shape much like a bead of water or oil. They could undoubtably alter their shape to squeeze through small openings, but they much prefer to bite through any obstacle in their path.
The bite of a Chaos Elemental is fierce in the extreme, and is capable of severing almost every known substance with equal ease. On the roll of a natural 20, the Chaos Elemental is assumed to have severed off whatever it biting. Roll severing critical hits for live targets, and inanimate objects must roll vs. disintegration or be destroyed. Once Chaos Elementals reach a certain size, they are capable of swallowing smaller objects whole. Chaos Elementals of 8 HD or more are capable of swallowing halfling size creatures and objects whole on a roll 4 better than what is required to hit. Chaos Elementals of 10 HD or more are capable of swallowing dwarf size creatures and objects, and Chaos Elementals of 12 HD or more are capable of swallowing human sized creatures and objects whole. A creature that is swallowed whole takes automatic biting damage every round, and further any object or creature that is swallowed must save vs. disintegration each round or be lost forever. If the creature is much smaller than the largest creature or object that could be conceivably engulfed, then it must save vs. paralyzation on any successful hit to avoid being swallowed. For instance, 16 HD or larger Chaos Elementals could conceivably swallow ogres, and always swallow dwarves that did not evade their bite. In addition, Chaos Elementals gain energy very quickly by rendering mass substanceless, and as such regenerate h.p. equal to half the damage they do with every successful attack regardless of the target of the attack. It is said that after sufficient matter is ingested that Chaos Elementals grow in size and power.
Chaos Elementals, being adapted to the extremes of the plane of Limbo, are extremely resistant to most forms of attack. They take no damage from normal fire, acid, or poisons. Cold, magical fire, and lightning do only half damage. A disintegrate spell will actually fully heal a Chaos Elemental, and increase its HD by one. In addition, Chaos Elementals have the ability to alter there form rapidly and in such a way to be comfortable in any environment. Any one type of energy attack will only effect a given Chaos Elemental once during a single combat. For instance, a lightning bolt spell cast on a Chaos Elemental will do half damage, but after that first attack the Chaos Elemental will be adapted to electrical attacks and neither another lightning bolt spell nor a shocking grasp spell would effect it during that combat. Finally, Chaos Elementals are essentially mindless forces of destruction and thus immune to all mind effecting spells.
Chaos Elementals exist in great numbers on the plane of Limbo. It is said that thousands, if not millions of them gnaw continually on the edges of the planes of neighboring Gladshiem and Pandemonium. Millions more roam the chaos soup seeking permanent matter to destroy. Although the range of 2 to 16 HD encompasses most Chaos Elementals, smaller ones to as little as 2 inches in diameter are known - sometimes occurring in great numbers. There is no known upper limit to the size of Chaos Elementals and they seem capable of increasing their size for as long as they exist and have sustenance to destroy. Reports of monstrosities of up to 60’ or more in diameter are known (implying 80 HD), however Chaos Elementals do not have infinitely prolonged existances. At random times, and for no apparent reason, a Chaos Elemental will simply disassociate into a cloud of substance formless primal matter. Outside the plan of Limbo, the life span of a Chaos Elemental is even shorter, probably a few days at the most. While capable of gutting themselves on thousands of cubic feet of matter in this time, there is something in the nature of more structured planes that is baneful to the Chaos Elemental. Over time they become increasingly rigid and sluggish, until eventually they turn into immobile lumps of ordinary rock. Whatever they consumed is, however, still lost.

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