Making your own power cards


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For what it's worth, I think that after the first notch which indicates the attack type the next question a player would have would be: 'What's the attack roll?' Basically, I don't think that the Stat vs Armor notch should be the last, I think it should be the second, right after the attack type. And basically move all the following notches down one.

Notch 1 attack type
Notch 2 attack rolls
Notch 3 class/attack level
Notch 4 action type
Notch 5 action sustain minor

2 coppers worth.

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quindia said:
Yes, I can post a version 9 format... They are up to 14 now. I usually only get every three versions so I always assume everyone else is ahead of me! I used transparencies for the gradients (quicker to me than messing with the actual gradient fill tool) and I don't remember if they translate well in version 9, but the vectors should be intact.

Here Ya Go

Quindia, I love the cards you put together and I intend to use them for my group. Thanks for the artistry and the effort!

I'd like to make a request, though. Wizards in their "infinite" wisdom has broken a cardinal rule of design: they made colors mean something. Worse, they used red and green, which is the most common form of color blindness.

Would you be willing to produce a card background using royal blue or deep purple? The blank JPG or PNG format you posted of all 3 cards earlier would be the best format for me for this since I don't have access to CorelDraw.

If you'd be willing to do that, (and with your permission) I'll do the community a service and package up a PhotoShop native file as a template that might help people produce their own cards based on your awesome templates. When I have it ready, I'll post it here.



David Jose
My suggestion for colors is to always have a strong variation between the shades of red and green that you use, and to have different distinct background patterns for each color.


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ianleblanc said:

For what it's worth, I think that after the first notch which indicates the attack type the next question a player would have would be: 'What's the attack roll?' Basically, I don't think that the Stat vs Armor notch should be the last, I think it should be the second, right after the attack type. And basically move all the following notches down one.

Notch 1 attack type
Notch 2 attack rolls
Notch 3 class/attack level
Notch 4 action type
Notch 5 action sustain minor

2 coppers worth.

Very good point, I'll fix that and repost the template.


:area: Here's one with my PhotoShop template. I'll edit to add in more as I create them...

Meh, images too big. Update shortly...
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Khaalis said:
However, I can't get it to recognize that the command is there when selecting M in the symbol window. Is there another file that needs to be modified to get it to recognize the new symbol?
1) Open the game file in the D&D.mse-game subdirectory with a text editor.
2) Find the line mana_sort := sort_rule(order:"WUBRG")
3) Add M (and any other character you want the filter to recognize) to the WUBRG string, within the quotes. This filter is case sensitive.
4) Save the game file, start MSE.

I'll also post the complete DDXP pregen powers set file when I'm finished, possibly tonight.
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randolph said:

The zip file contains three folders that need to be extracted into the MSE data subdirectory. The template should just work, and I added a little bit of explanatory text for each card field (mouseover a field and text will appear in the status bar).

I included a blank jpeg of the background color for reference/cut-and-paste; use RGB 238, 222, 196 as your background layer, or just drop the image you want to use into the attached jpeg.


I stole a few things from the other D&DPowers MSE that was posted earlier and added them to the "game" file inside the D&D.mse-game directory. This allows for, in the main text box at least,

- converting * to a dot
- automatically bolding some keywords like "Target:" and "Hit:"

I couldn't get the *-to-dot conversion to work in the Power Descriptors textbox, but at least this way we can get some auto-formatting. I've attached the file here if anybody else wants it, or if you want to incorporate it into your work later.


  • D&
    45.9 KB · Views: 314


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Would anyone be willing to turn Quindia's or Trolls' templates into MSE files?
I would if I had any skill with a computer whatsoever, but I'm afraid that's not the case.

Lovely job by both of you however. I am infact torn on which to try.

I too joined these boards just to see what you all created, must say I am impressed.


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baberg said:
I couldn't get the *-to-dot conversion to work in the Power Descriptors textbox, but at least this way we can get some auto-formatting. I've attached the file here if anybody else wants it, or if you want to incorporate it into your work later.
Sure, I'll take a look when I get home and see if I can get it to work in all the fields.
C_M2008 said:
Would anyone be willing to turn Quindia's or Trolls' templates into MSE files?
Sure, I can do that if someone would post the component images* in a non-lossy format, such as png (I don't have Corel and don't want to install PDN).

*Mainly the card backgrounds. Having the headers, icons, etc with transparencies would make the conversion a lot faster, though.


First Post
Updated tutorial.

Randolf - All the image files, at full quality, are included in the .pdn in the tutorial if you want to try to make an MSE for these cards.

Currently working on warlock pregen powers.


    1.1 MB · Views: 329
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