Malazan Book of the Fallen [Recruiting: M&M 2nd Ed]

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Just a quick FYI:

Won't be doing a post until tomorrow maybe, need to sit down and have a think about it! Just so you guys know - one is forthcoming! And we have a map now! Which I'll be adding shortly - I've got a less detailed version to upload and a really detailed version which I can email to you guys (its probably to big to upload) if you want? Let me know.

Walking Dad

First Post
Durzo is PL 10 with his bow:
(att +9(+11), dam +10.
Both attack specialization and sneak attack count for PL purpose. Just to say.

There's something wrong in Durzo's stats. He can't have an attack bonus beyond the campaign power level, and if he does, he must trade off defense (or was it toughness?) I think.

Mostly I want to be sure, the NPC's will not be to strong, too.


Whatever Friday decides is fine with me. When I did it I thought it was okay and he approved it. But if it's not right or unbalanced we should fix it.

Does losing the Accurate Arrows do it, or should I drop the Attack by +1 and put 2PP elsewhere ?

Voda Vosa

First Post
Power level is a value set by the Gamemaster for the campaign. It places
certain limits on where and how players can spend points when creating
heroes. Power level affects the following things:
• Attack: Your hero’s total attack bonus cannot exceed the campaign’s
power level.
• Defense: Your hero’s total defense bonus cannot exceed the cam-
paign’s power level.
• Save Difficulty: The saving throw modifier for your hero’s attacks
and powers cannot exceed the campaign’s power level. So at PL 8, for
example, your hero cannot have a save modifier greater than +8 (a
+8 damage attack, or a power with a save DC of 18, for example).
• Toughness Save: Your hero’s total Toughness saving throw modifier
cannot exceed the campaign’s power level.
• Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saves: Your hero’s total Fortitude, Reflex,
and Will save modifiers cannot exceed the campaign’s power level +5.
• Skill Rank: A character cannot have more ranks in a skill than the
campaign’s power level +5. So in a PL10 campaign, a player character
cannot have more than 15 ranks in any one skill (10 + 5).
• Ability Scores: Ability scores are limited to a bonus no greater than the
campaign’s power level +5. Strength is restricted by the Save Difficulty
limit to a bonus no higher than the campaign’s power level, as is
Constitution by the maximum Toughness limit. This means a limit of (10
+ twice power level) for Strength and Constitution and (20 + twice power
level) for other ability scores. The Strength and Constitution limits may be
raised with an attack/defense trade off (see the following section).

From the manual, page 24


M&M pg 24 said:
Attack & Save Difficulty: You can trade-off attack bonus for the saving
throw Difficulty Class modifier with an attack on a one-to-one basis.
So a PL 10 hero could have a +8 attack bonus in order to have a +12
save DC modifier, for example, or a hero that has chosen to have a
+15 attack bonus is limited to a +5 save DC modifier.
So if I get Sneak Attack (applicable firing from shadows???) then I cannot use Accurate Arrows. Attack +9 Damage +10

If not Sneak attacking the Attack +11 Damage +6

Doesn't sound like I need to change the character, just which bonuses I use. If my understanding is correct, I should try to get a base Attack at +10 instead of +9 to balance with the +10 damage.

Voda Vosa

First Post
You can have a +10 attack, if you drop your dmg to +0. like here: So a PL 10 hero could have a +8 attack bonus in order to have a +12 save DC modifier


First Post
Forgive me, a rather large lapse in my attention here - I agree with Voda, so perrin if you want +10 attack then the dmg modifier drops to +0. You can drop the attack bonus lower to get a dmg modifier.

Sorry guys, I think I was too eager to get everything going which meant I didn't look closely enough at the stats - my fault.

Walking Dad

First Post
att + dam < = PL x 2

Anything else would break the PL cap / makes him a higher PL than the other characters.

Edit: Ninja'd. To the point, Friday.

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