Malvoisin's Dungeonaday Playtest [PFRPG][IC]

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Walking Dad

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Playing with his fingers in his beard, the monk asks in his deep sonorous voice: "First checking all branches for traps? And then, which way should we take? ... I suppose one of you is trained in finding traps..."


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Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer


Playing with his fingers in his beard, the monk asks in his deep sonorous voice: "First checking all branches for traps? And then, which way should we take? ... I suppose one of you is trained in finding traps..."

"Finding trouble? Yes. Finding traps? Not so much," Nathan offers non-helpfully.


Thy wounds are healed!


Yuin looks at the others and then nods his head off towards Anundr, he then starts down the steps after the blonde barbarian using his ransuer like a walking stick. His other hand motions for the others to follow.


Guest 11456


The young woman raises her hand. "I can check for traps. But I think it is a mute point. They are already headed down that way." She points toward the descending Anundr and Yuin.



Iradias giggles at Nathan's joke and when Raven indicates he'd rather be in the rear of the group Iradias follows after Yuin.


First Post
Raven's warnings notwithstanding, the boldness of Anundr leaves the party little choice but to follow the barbarian down the right-hand stairway, and hope for the best. Fortunately, nothing harmful befalls the group as they proceed.

After descending, the party emerges into a massive chamber filled with cobwebs and dust. A shallow pool twenty feet across lies in the middle of the room, with tall pillars to the east of it, each carved to look like a tall, beautiful, human woman. The ceiling is vaulted, and a crescent moon has been painted at the highest point, which is directly above the pool. Although the paint is chipped, it still retains a peculiar luster that reflects light with a glistening glow. The walls sport a few empty sconces, and an imposing set of bronze doors is visible on the east wall. These double doors bear images of winged horses rearing majestically. Two passages proceed into darkness to the east, one each to the north and south of the double doors.

[sblock=Iradias]You easily recognize the moon symbol on the ceiling and the images in the pillars as that of Glarias, your patron goddess. Some would call hers a minor and mostly dead cult, though you are walking proof to the contrary.[/sblock]

[sblock=Knowledge Religion Check, DC 15] You recognize the moon symbol on the ceiling and the images in the pillars as that of Glarias, Goddess of the Moon. Hers is a minor and mostly dead cult focused on secret lore and divination.[/sblock]



Iradias stares in astonishment at the pool and paired statues. "We've found it!" His look of wonder turns to dismay and he takes a few small, hesitant steps forward before dropping to his knees at the edge of the pool. "It's too soon," he murmurs. He carefully touches his fingertips to the lip of the pool (but not touching the water) before jerking them away and clambering to his feet. He droops a little and in a dull voice says, "It would be dangerous to drink the water. I believe the pool is cursed and poisonous. And there is nothing I can do to raise the curse...yet."

There is a gleam to his eyes as he looks at his companions and he raises his right hand to his chest, fingers touching the silver crescent moon symbol that rests there. "But I swear, as Glarias reveals to me her secret face, I will lift the curse!"

Walking Dad

First Post

"So, this is a symbol of your god? Maybe a good omen. But we still shouldn't be pressing our luck. This young lady here said she knows something about traps. Why not let her contribute to our success?" Raven asks, as he glances around the room.

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