Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor


First Post
It's a pleasant spring evening in Sasserine as a diverse group of characters assembles at the estate of the Vanderboren family for dinner. Each arrival has received a letter of invitation from Lavinia Vanderboren, promising a unique opportunity.

Vanderboren Manor is located in the eastern section of the Merchant District, on Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane. The seven-foot-high stone wall that surrounds the estate is impossible to miss, as is the towering, gothic, three-story house that dominates the grounds within. Leering gargoyles and capering nymphs festoon the eaves of the manor's roof, and several trees give the manor grounds a nice buffer from the bustle of the city.

The front gates have been left open for the invitees, who arrive one by one, curious and eager to learn the nature of the dinner party. As the fledgling adventurers approach the front door of the manor house, they note that several others have been invited as well.

(OOC: And so, we begin! Please role-play the arrival of your character at the estate grounds, including a description. Feel free to converse with one another, making reference to any past ties your characters may have with one another. Also, please indicate any knowledge checks you wish to make to learn more about your hostess. Once everyone has assembled together on the grounds, we'll go from there. Enjoy!)
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Keoni arrives early, and looking slightly out of place. His dark hair and complexion mark him as different from the native inhabitants of the city, and his worn hide clothing seems remarkably plain in the face of the Vanderboren Manor. However, he has obviously made an attempt to appear his best for the dinner. He is scrubbed clean, and the bronze torc around his neck glimmers in the remaining light.

He approaches the open gate nervously, with his invitation held in his hand. As he notices the other arrivals he peers around, scanning the group for any familiar faces.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A man dressed in crumpled clothing---it may have been fine long ago---starts wandering towards the manor. He is an older sort, with salt-peter hair that was half-heartedly put down with some loosely applied oil and a unkempt beard that would not be tamed. The man is only half-paying attention to where he is going; instead, he seems fascinated by something small that his playing with in his hands. Just before running into the outlander in hides, the man looks up with a bit of a startle and quickly tucks the object of his fascination into an available pouch.

"Gobs, man! Why be you lurkin around like so? Gave and old man a fright, did ya!"
The man's eyes narrow a bit as scrutinizes the young man. "By the barbed beards of Ix'chila the Damned, it be you, Keoni? What takes you to these twisted passages of the merchant princes? Don't be a'tellin me that the Lady Vanderwhomever got your strings too?"


Striding up the path is a tall handsome elf attired in striking silver clothes. His violet eyes sparkle with the anticipation of good times. Upon spying Mad Col his smile broadens. "Master Col! Well this is a pleasant surprise, I wasn't expecting to find you at Lady Vanderboren's meeting. I wonder if this will turn out to be a gathering for an occult society then." Kalen turns to the islander talking with Col. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kalenestarianthalus Floriandin, magister of the Art. Are you a fellow practicioner as well?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Cutting off the boy's response, Col rejoinders, "The boy? Nah, he be a tribesman from the distant isles. Gots a gift, true, but tis not da occult. If his stories be true, they be the dragon-whershiping kind, so they may have ties to the Dracoloxali, but he not be a spell slinger." The old coot then eyes the building. "Vanderhouse. I'm sure I've heard that before somewhere..."

OOC: Knowledge (nobility) and (local) checks about these dem folks.
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First Post
Col's Knowledge Checks:
[sblock]The Vanderboren name is well known in Sasserine as a noble family with a long history of prosperity in the city. Col recalls that a tragic fire a month ago claimed the lives of Verik and Larissa Vanderboren, and that they were survived by their two children...daughter Lavinia (the eldest) and son Vanthus.[/sblock]


Keoni jumps a little himself as Col suddenly speaks up from behind him. He whirls round to find the moon-touched man from the docks standing there. The man's way of talking was very strange, and Keoni only understood about half of it.

"I was given this letter. . . "

He is saved from trying to explain further by the sudden arrival of another man. He bows his head politely to the newcomer as the elf and old man rattle off at each other.

"My greetings to you . . . magister. I practice no magic of my own. Tonight's gathering must have some other purpose, but I must admit that it has not been revealed to me."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
hafrogman said:
Tonight's gathering must have some other purpose, but I must admit that it has not been revealed to me."
Col had already started ignoring the two, looking instead at a carving on the impressive stone wall. It almost looked like it could be one of the Seven Signs of Shargoth, but he could be reading too much into it. As Keoni's statement filtered into Col's awareness, he straightened up and looked at the two again. "Hmm. My guess? She needs something done discreet-like. Maybe her brother's got the pox and only we three know the special herbs to heal him. Or maybe her folks are flamey zombies, back from the dead for some tragic wrong. Gobs, who knows with these noble types! We'll find out soon 'nough." Col pauses a moment, then adds, "Oh, and don't mention the folks. Probably a sore subject. Not that they're undead as far as I know, but burnin' to death ain't good for nobody."


First Post
Damash felt uncomfortable leaving the security of the ports behind, as there was little to fear when he knew the sea could offer him refuge, but two hours before the appointed time he began his journey to the Vanderboren Manor. He knew that his simple clothes marked him as a tradesman and until he knew what his mystery summoner required of him, perhaps that was a good thing.

Asking directions as he walked, Damash finally made it to the proper street and as he approached he saw a trio of men nearing the open gate which lead into the property. Two of the men he knew he had seen from the docks, but the slender elf was unknown to him.

'The older man watched me from afar as I did my devotions for almost a week, but never approached me and the other is a solid sailor I have been told. Could she be wishing to hire men for a cruise?'

His thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched yapping bark from the gate Damash was standing beside. The small dog, smaller than some wharf rats Damash had killed while moving cargo, ran in a smalll tight circle behind the safety of the iron fence barking at him to move on.

The three men turned as one and Damash thanked the Deep Father for the bronze of his skin keeping his flush from showing.

"I am looking for Lady Vanderboren's Manor. Would you three happen to know where it is?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tonks said:
"I am looking for Lady Vanderboren's Manor. Would you three happen to know where it is?"
At the sudden yapping noise, Col's head swivels. Animals were sensitive to the evils that walked freely among us, and one could never be too careful. Putting his hand inside his pouch to where he placed that hereto unseen acquisition from earlier, the older man carefully scrutinized the stranger. After a moment, it came to him, and his hand eased back out of the pocket.

"You be that boy that swims like a fish? What's-his-name? Flanash? Demend? Never you mind. This here be the Vanderboren's place, though we have na seen hide nor tail of anyone as yet. They got to you to, then? This be a stranger and stranger. What by Vecna's bloody secrets would a lady noble want a green tribesman, flout'n elfin rapscallion, swimmin' lad, and this old coot fer?" He scratches his beard thoughtfully, not really expecting a response. "Bys the by, the name is Col, lad. That's Keoni"---the young man---"and that's Kalenblahblah." Col turns to the elf a moment. "Your name just be too long."
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