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Maptools D&D 3.5 campaign needs 1-2 more


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Campaign name: Ascension

Type of game: Maptools DnD 3.5 edition

Players: Currently I have 4 registered and I can't be absolutely sure of their dedication. I'm looking for 1 - 2 more players, ages 21+. If you are easily offended or thin skinned, don't bother as we're a pretty lewd bunch who likes to have a good time and crack jokes, etc. It will take a certain type of personality to get along well with the group, and especially with me. Game times will be on Saturday evenings around 1pm eastern, and run aprox. 6-8 hours every week. Ventrilo will be used in conjunction with maptools, so you'll need to be able to use both and have a microphone.

Premise: The one god has failed, his grand experiment lie in ruins at the hands of His own creations and that of His children. The world, still burning out from the fires of war, slowly began to cool as He grieved for uncounted decades. Not for the lives and souls lost, but at the concept of His own falability. It took a great deal of time, even by the reckoning of a god, for the One god to come out of this state and progress forward. He decided to start anew, and rather than allow His own children to sit in the lap of luxury that is godhood like spoiled brats playing with a rat in a cage that they cared little for, His children would walk the face of the scarred earth amongst it's people and learn from their trials and tribulations. It would be their responsibility to rebuild and repopulate the world, and what became of it this time was simply not his problem. Should it fail this time, it would not be His fault as He had done His duty and remained neutral in all things...

The players, along with a host of NPCs from both real life and other d20 system mythos', come together in an attempt to become the gods of this shattered universe in it's time of rebirth. Will the gods of old amongst the rest of the multiverse regin here as well, or will the players manage to find a place in the heavens alongside (of perhaps above) them?

This campaign, while at it's heart is a 3.5 ed system wise, introduces some home brewed elements (such as the miracle system), as well as kingdom/domain management elements borrowed from Birthright. If this sounds interesting to you, perhaps we can find a time to meet and discuss it in more detail.

Characters in the campaign are currently at level 11 as the campaign has been underway for awhile now. New characters can be of any race. (savage species may be nessicary for you monster lovers). The campaign world is filled with elements from other d20 games like Iron Kingdoms, Grayhawk, Ravenloft, and Forgotten Realms, so classes and races from these systems are all possible. Things to consider while making a character. Who was I in my previous life before the One God called upon me? Why am I a part of the party/group? What drives me to work with them and be cooperative? (This is mandatory, I want very little to no interparty conflict) What do I wish to be the god of? Will I be a secular god who runs his own country of followers, or will I be a religous god who has no single home, and instead a powerbase of churches spread out amongst the other realms? What is my alignment and moral base? (party layout is somewhat mixed at this time)

Feel free to post your interest if any here, and contact me via email.

The current party is made up of two humans and two dragons. Dragons hold a special place in the campaign world, and as such they belong to a higher 'order' of which the party is current tied to. More on this later if you join.

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To save everyone some time, some of the questions I will ask you (to determine if you'll be a good fit for the group) are as follows:

How old are you? What do you do for a living? How would you describe your sense of humor? What kind of music do you listen to? If you had to stereotype yourself, how would you label yourself? These questions may sound odd, but this stuff will give me some idea of what kind of person you are. One of the most important things needed for a good game group that I've found is a mesh of personalities that don't clash. It'd be ideal if everyone concerned were friends, but in this online medium, we have to start somewhere right?

To be fair, my own information: I'm 33. I'm a tattooist by trade, though I'm also an IT person and recently a day trader. My sense of humor is quite dark and or morbid at times, but I'm generally a nice guy when I don't have reason to be otherwise. I'm a drummer, and as a musician I listen to alot of music (classical and jazz are favorites), but one could easily label me as a metalhead or biker type, as I listen to a good deal of heavier music and have the long hair/tattoos typically found amongst tattooists, metalheads, and bikers.

Be prepared to email this information to me if you are interested in joining us, please.

Also, a bit more about the campaign and your role within it. (I feel like I might have been vague)

Characters in this campaign are made the same way a normal 3.5 ed character are made, however there are some special elements. For one, all characters have a "god" template attached to them. This template confirs many natural defenses and abilities to the character throughout level 20. (I don't make the info public however, I like to keep it a suprise) Also, depending upon the type of god you wish to become (god of fire, undeath, etc. etc.) some of your abliities will differ from other players and NPCs. Further, when you gain a class level you also gain an "archtype level", which is part of the miracle system for this campaign world. Gods, and godlings (as new potential ascendants are referred to) have the ability to create spell like miracles. Each "archtype" specializes in different miracles and is based around a specific stat, but they are all loosely based on the epic spell seeds. For instance, a god who focuses on strength (a god of war, barbarians, etc.) may choose to focus on the archtype related to strength as it's primary statistic which is known as The Dreadnaught. The miracles themselves are treated as special skills, each based around an epic seed, and the archtype confirs X amount of skill points per level which the godling can spend on those miracles. (seeds, or skills technically) Each archtype specializes in a set of specific miracles, and buying a "cross classed miracle" works much the same as cross classed skills for a normal character. Using the miracles are simple. The higher the roll you get when you use the miracle, the more effective it can be. The miracle system is fully written out and will be given to players once they're accepted into the game, as it's just too much to go into full detail with it here.

The second characteristic of a god in this campaign is his or her powerbase. Every godling has a "domain" (not to be confused with a cleric's domains). This domain represents the god's followers and their ability to alter the world around them. Domains fall into two primary types: secular and religious.

A god who rules a secular domain will often rule one or more countries of people of his choosing (as appropriate, for instance a Rakshasa god of magic may have a country full of Anthromorphic cats ruled by other Rakshasa) The god, or goddess for you ladies, has a direct hand in the day to day operations of his domain much as a priest king would. Armies can be raised from the populace, and both power and wealth can be taken directly from your lands. The downside of this is that your followers interact with you often, and as a result tend to have less "true faith" in you, thus generating less ascendant power.

A god who rules a religious domain however will not actually have an entire country under his sway (at least not at first, but who knows in the future!). Your churches are spread throughout multiple realms, and your potential follower-base is generally larger and more diverse. Also, being spread out makes it much harder for another god to wipe out you and your religon. Further, because your followers don't actually interact with you often (if ever), they generate more "true faith" in you, allowing you to ascend faster. The downsides of a religous domain are that you can not raise an army from a country you don't actually control fully, and are limited to mercenary units only. This makes it much harder for you to wage war on another god directly.

While all this may sound clunky or heavily involved, it's actually not much of a deterant from the normal gameplay found in a DnD game. You'll still have lands to explore, plots to create as well as unravel, and your own goals to accomplish. The systems used for running your country, upgrading it, and fighting army vs army battles are actually quite simple, and most major domain vs domain scenarios can be played out fully in the course of one session.

If you love the normal RPG aspects of DnD, AND you're a real time strategy buff, this campaign will definately be for you.
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Last bit of info. This game is not for beginners. Having to learn the basics of the d20 system and the mechanics of the miracle/domain systems have proven time and again to be too much for in experienced players.

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