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Mark Questions...


First Post
Ok the Mind Spike ability from PHB3 calls for a target to attack someone else when marked by you and they receive the same damage to them as they do to others.

Now if you are doing a Paladin/Battle-Mind hybrid and you mark someone with Divine Challenge would they still be able to be effected by Mind Spike even though it was my paladin mark vs my battle-mind one?

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[-]A creature can only be subject to one type of mark at a time. It cannot be simultaneously marked by both the Battlemind's mind spike and the Paladin's divine challenge/sanction.[/-]

Oops. The above is basically gibberish. See below for (eventually) the correct answer.
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First Post
No, Divine Challange is a power that on top of Marking does extra damage when you violate that mark. You actually have to use that power to make that happen. The same goes for Mind Spike. Marked is just a condition that is on page 277 of the PHB and on page 218 of the PHB 2 there is a more detail explanation of the Marked condition. It's the power that is doing the damage not the condition.


First Post
I think you guys missed the point of the question.

If you are a hybrid Paladin/Battlemind, you can use divine challenge to mark an opponent. That opponent attacks someone who isn't you, so it takes divine challenge damage automatically. Since the target of Mind Spike is an enemy marked by you...why couldn't you ALSO lay on a mind spike?

Mind Spike isn't a mark on its own. Using Divine Challenge to mark, and then lay on extra hurt with Mind Spike? Seems RAW, but very strong.


First Post
Crap, you know what I did miss the point. Let me do some research. I completely forgot that you don't mark with Mind Spike like you do with Divine Challenge and Aegis's.


First Post
Yes, it will work. There is nothing about the Hybrid Battlemind that says it has to be marked by a Battlemind power. Keep in mind that you still need to be adjacent to the enemy to use Mind Spike.

This is why we must look stuff up before we answer. :blush:


First Post
Yah the description of Mind Spike is very vague just says must be marked by YOU but a Divine Challenge is a Divine mark where as Battleminds Mark is Psychic which opens it up to interpretation whether a Divine Mark would trigger a Psychic recoil.


First Post
Fighters who multiclass into Paladin and get Divine Sanction or Divine Challenge have been using this sort of situation since the game came out.

There's no difference here; Mind Spike is triggered by a marked enemy, it doesn't care how the enemy was marked. It's the same as Combat Challenge in that respect.

And DC's damage is a non-action. So both end up applying.

Using Ardent Strike with a Hybrid Battlemind is more damage by the way, hybridizing doesn't reduce Divine Sanction's damage.

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