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Mary Jane Action figure draws ire of women comic fans

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Well, I would guess they were thinking that the sort of person that buys comic book figurines would like those sort of things. I mean, I didn't really think that comics really were big among feminists. You expect tacky things like that, really. I mean, doesn't every female character have a skin tight costume (at least over the areas that are actually covered) and implausible physiques?


The skimpy is one thing - but washing his uniform?


I mean...I suppose you could take it as self-parody but...


Question: does that appear to be the likeness of Kirsten Dunst to you?

I'm thinking - "close enough".

My guess is that the moment Kirsten Dunst sees that one - she'll be on the phone to her lawyer threatening a steaming bowl of litigation against Sony Pictures and Marvel in a heartbeat.

I'm sure the Kirsten Dunst licensed her image to Sony Pictures - but I also expect that they are not permitted to abuse that license in a way that demeans her,slanders her, or would make her the object of ridicule to the ordinary person viewing it.

Because I can win that case in front of a jury whilst shooting up heroin and reading kiddie porn.
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Steel_Wind said:
Question: does that appear to be the likeness of Kirsten Dunst to you?

Not at all, no. Just looks like the classic MJ from the comics to me. Not doing anything she'd DO, but still, don't see Dunst in that at all.

Dire Bare

Krug said:

Sigh. Yet another non-issue for people to get excited about.

Busty women in revealing clothing in comics and comic-related toys (er, statues)? Let's see if this new trend continues . . .

As for her washing Spidey's outfit, I imagine MJ might do that from time to time. Certainly not because she's a girl and it's her place to do so or anything like that . . . just simply to be nice for her busy crime-fighting hubby. I've had girlfriend's do my wash before, and I've done theirs too.

"Hmmm, look at that, a filthy spidersuit in the bathroom corner! Petey's usually pretty good about taking care of his outfits, but he's down to one clean suit and he's been out all night battling the Sandman . . . I think I'll be nice just this once and wash one up for him. He's got a big battle with Electro later this week and I want my man looking good and clean!"

Having said all that, while I find the sculpture kinda sexy, I'd never buy it. If I'm gonna lay down the smackers for an expensive comic maquette it's not gonna be of somebody doing the laundry . . .


The EN World kitten
Dire Bare said:
Sigh. Yet another non-issue for people to get excited about.

QFT. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, people. Damn near all of the women in comic books have the bodies of sex symbols; most of the men do as well. Likewise, reading something into her washing his costume says more about the viewer than it does about what's being viewed - sometimes girlfriend and wives do their significant other's laundry.

But as long as we can keep getting upset over the appearance of sexism, and ignoring actual cases of it, I think we'll all be able to go on feeling good about ourselves.


Dire Bare said:
Sigh. Yet another non-issue for people to get excited about.

Busty women in revealing clothing in comics and comic-related toys (er, statues)? Let's see if this new trend continues . . .

Having said all that, while I find the sculpture kinda sexy, I'd never buy it. If I'm gonna lay down the smackers for an expensive comic maquette it's not gonna be of somebody doing the laundry . . .

You might not drop the cash for MJ, but check out the statue of Emma Frost (White Queen).
You gotta love comic artists.



First Post
Dubya said:
You might not drop the cash for MJ, but check out the statue of Emma Frost (White Queen).
You gotta love comic artists.

There was a picture of this on the front of a collectibles catalogue I received in the post a month ago. My partner first thought I had bought a magazine of an adult nature before I explained what it was. :D


First Post
Dire Bare said:
Sigh. Yet another non-issue for people to get excited about.

Quoted for massive disagreement. You want to know why some women don't read comics? You want to know why some women have these crazy ideas about comics being sexist and stupid?

I know, she's not Batgirl. She's not supposed to be competent or deadly or dangerous. But washing the costume while barefoot, with the visible thong and the pearl necklace? C'mon.

You shrug this off, you've got no right to complain when people start slinging about comics-reader stereotypes.

Re: trancejeremy: I'd say that there's a line between sexy and sexist. I'm all in favor of sexy. I've got no argument with comic books as wish fulfillment on both ends of the spectrum -- the extreme masculine (ripped dude with pecs I will never have) and the extreme feminine (amazingly unrealistic babe in skimpy clothes throwing bolts of energy) -- but the combination of sexy and subservient is gonna trigger the tick-off for all the women who WANT to like comics. (And I'm on a feminist gaming board with a bunch of them. They do exist. They don't mind skin-tight and sexy, as long as the heroine looks like she's competent and cool -- an impossible ideal of a role model, at least. And of course, I don't speak for all of them. That's just the impression I got as a whole, from the ones who did like comics.)


A Wicked Kendragon
One, shouldn't statues portray people in iconic postures or actions? How exactly is doing the laundry an iconic action of Mary Janes?

Two, shouldn't products be able sell themselves? Who exactly is going to buy that, sexy or not?

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