Mass Combat 1st draft


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Mass Combat 1st draft
I need to run a few large battles in my campaign, and I can't put them off until Fields of Blood Comes out, so this is a first draft of what I'm thinking of using - comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Before the battles, each unit will have its Unit Hit Points, as well as the damage it does with 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 members. Enech, mentioned in the morale section, is a measure of honor modified from the 2e Celts historical reference (my version is at,

1)Units, Companies and Armies
Each counter figure represents a unit of 5 individuals. Each mini respresents an individual leader/monster/PC. A company is all the units assigned to a particular leader. An army is all of the units and companies and leaders on one (of possibly many) sides of the battle.

Leaders, PC's, and Monsters (hereafter just called Leaders) may attack either other Leaders or Units. Units may attack and damage only other Units, though they may capture Leaders under certain circumstances.

2)UHPs (Unit Hit Points)

Units have UHP equal to the total hit dice (or level) of its individuals. Modify as follows:
+/- x per level (where x is the unit's average CON Bonus) * it's member's level or hit dice
+2 per level if the unit's members all use d12 for hit dice
+1 per level if they use d10 for Hit Dice
-1 per level if they use d6 for Hit Dice
-2 per level if they use d4 for Hit Dice
+3 if the entire unit has the Toughness feat

Record the bonus subtotal seperately.

a 3rd level barbarian unit with 14 CON and the toughness feat would have 15(+15)UHP.
a 1st level wizard unit with 10 CON would have 5(-2)UHP

Initiative is rolled once for each army, each round. Each company in the army modifies the roll based on its Leader's initiative modifier.

Companies may refocus their intiative as normal, though the bonus will apply only for the next round.

1 hex = 10 feet.
No 5' adjustments in mass combat.
Attacks of opportunity apply unless the unit that would make the attack is already engaged with a hostile unit. A unit with the Combat Reflexes Feat may make attacks of opportunity even if already engaged with another unit.

Units crossing a hex containing a steep grade must waste 10' of their base movement rate negotiating the change in elevation or suffer a -2AC penalty. The movement penalty is cumulative for crossing multiple steep graded hexes. When moving downhill, a unit may add an additional 10' of base movement a by accepting an additional -2 AC penalty (for a total of -4).

Movement through vegetation, mud, or other difficult terrain cost 2x or more of a unit's movement rate to cross, depending on its difficulty. Water up to knee depth costs 3x normal to cross, while water from kne depth to chest depth costs 5x normal to cross.

Units move according to normal rules in other cases.

Roll d20 once for each attack of each unit, modified as follows:
+/- Average attack bonus of the unit
+1 If attackers are on higher ground
-2 Shaken Morale
-4 Broken Morale
Any other standard modifiers to attacks (bless, favored enemy, flanking, cover, concealment, etc.) apply if the entire unit qualifies for the bonus.

Entire units of rogues may sneak attack, but if hide or move silently rolls are required, checks must be made for all members of the unit. If one member of the unit fails, the entire unit is discovered. Sneak attacks allowed for flanking apply normally. Leader rogues may sneak attack against units or leaders.

Units may attack multiple times only if every individual in the unit has that capability.

Leaders attacking Units attack as above. If six Units isolate and surround a hostile leader for two consecutive rounds, without having to battle units other than the leader, then that leader is captured.

6) Inflicting Damage

To figure damage, start at 5UHP and modify as follows:

(This applies for spell damage, as well as melee and missile damage)
+2 for d12 damage dice
+1 for d10 damage dice
-1 for d6 damage dice
-2 for d4 damage dice
+/- average strength (if appropriate to the weapon) bonus of unit
+/- average magic bonus of the unit's weapons.
+3 for each 1d6 of a rogue units's average sneak attack damage

Multiply the total by the number of active individuals in the Unit, and divide by 5, rounding down. Units that hit do a minimum of 1UHP, regardless. (This calculation will be done in advance, and the result for each unit, at a strength of 1-5 members, listed on the Roster Sheet of each company

Modifiers are applied after subtotaling base damage.

A full strength unit of dwarven fighters with great axes and an average strength of 15 does 9 UHP of damage per attack (5 +2 for the axes' d12 damage dice, +2 for their strength = 9. 9*5/5=9)

A unit of halfling Archers(STR 8) that has lost 1 member and is forced to melee with daggers does only 2 UHP of damage per attack (5 -1 for STR -2 for the daggers=3. 3 * 4 members of the unit /5 = 2). Using their shortbows, the unit does 3 UHP of damage (5-1 for the arrows=4. 4*4/5=3)

Leaders successfully striking a unit inflict 1UHP per dice of damage rolled, and add all their normal bonuses, but divide the subtotal of bonuses by 5.

7) Suffering Damage
Damage is applied to UHPs the unit has gained from hit dice, CON, or other bonuses, first, and then consecutively to each individual in the unit until each is incapacitated. If, because of penalties, a Unit has fewer UHP than it has members (Such as a 1st level Wizard unit which has 5[-2] UHP) then, upon a successful hit by a hostile unit, the unit loses members until a ratio of 1 individual: 1UHP is achieved. Then, the damage from the attack is applied.

A Third level barbarian unit with the Toughness feat and a 14CON has 15(+15)UHP. 15UHP are from bonuses - Hit dice type, CON, and Toughness. A dragon does 19UHP Damage to the unit. All the bonus UHP are knocked out, leaving four UHPs to be applied. One barbarian takes 3UHP of damage and is incapacitated. Another is wounded with the remaining 1 UHP, and will have only 2UHP left to face the next attack.

A First level wizard unit with 5(-2) UHP is attacked by Archers that do 3 UHP of Damage. Upon the successful attack, two of the wizards are incapacitated. The 3UHP of damage incapacitates the remaining 3 wizards.

Incapacitated individuals are either moderately wounded (unable to fight, but will recover), gravely wounded (unable to fight, and permanently disabled), or killed.
30% Moderately Wounded
30% Gravely Wounded
40% Killed


New Feat:
Martial Discipline (General, Fighter)
Benefit: The character(unit) receives a +4 morale bonus to Will saves when forced to check morale in a mass combat situation.

Sample DC's
DC 30: Chracter's unit ordered on an obvious suicide mission
DC 20: Character's unit has been reduced to 1, 2, or 3 members.
DC 25: Character's leader is killed.
DC 20: Character's army runs out of food.
DC 20: Enemy unit has chariots, elephants, or other "shock"
equipment while character's unit is on foot.
DC 15: Enemy unit is mounted, while character's unit is not.
DC 15: Character's army is badly and visibly outnumbered
(checked only the first time this becomes apparent.)

Additional modifiers to the Will Save:
+1: For each four points of enech the unit's leader has, if the
leader is within sight of the unit.
+1: If the leader of the company has the leadership feat.
+4: Character's army is defending his homeland
+2: Character's army is a willing participant in a holy war.
+1: For each enemy unit eliminated or routed by the
character's unit.
-1: If the character has not slept on the night previous to the
-4: Cumulative for each night beyond one in which the character
has not slept.
-2: Cumulative for each day beyond one for which the character
has not eaten at all.
-2: Cumulative for each week for which the character received
only half rations.
-2: Character's unit is Shaken.
-4: Character's unit is Firghtened.
-6: Character's unit is Panicked.
-4: Character is last remaining member of his unit
-2: Cumulative for each friendly unit in the company which is
eliminated or routed.


For each unit a player controls, there will be an entry on that player's roster sheet that looks something like this(but formatted better): (In this example, the player's PC is Caled Ap Rhodri)

Unit: 1st Owain Spearmen
Company Led By: Caled ap Rhodri (Enech 28)
Type: Fighter2
UHP: 10(+4) AC:16 (Chain Shirt +4, Dex +2) Initiative: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 Improved Init)
Scores: STR14 DEX14 CON14 INT10 WIS10 CHA10
Skills and Feats: Craft +3, Handle animal +5, Profession +2, craft +2, Hide +0, Listen +2, Move silently +0, Perform +1, Spot +0; Martial Discipline, Improved initiative, Power Attack.

UHPRemaining : Active Members : Attacks/Damage : (Special)
>8 UHP : 5 : Longspear/+4/7UHP or Shortsword/+4/6UHP
7-8 UHP : 4 : Longspear/+4/5UHP or Shortsword/+4/4UHP
5-6 UHP : 3 : Longspear/+4/4UHP or Shortsword/+4/3UHP : (MC DC20)
3-4 UHP : 2 : Longspear/+4/2UHP or Shortsword/+4/2UHP : (MC DC20)
1-2 UHP : 1 : Longspear/+4/1UHP or Shortsword/+4/1UHP : (MC DC20 at -4)

Current UHP: Morale Base: 7 Current Morale Modifier:


When Caled is present to lead his company into battle, this unit's total Morale bonus will be +15, because Caled's Enech/4 is 7, the unit has the Martial discipline feat (+4), and he has the Leadership feat for an additional +4

Edits: More revisions to Morale and Sample Unit.
Last edited:

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Just one self-bump, I promise...

Any thoughts, commemts, or suggestions? For example, I know I need to streamline or rework morale.


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For what it's worth...

For what it's worth, I actually have already done some rules for this and used them a couple of times. They seem to work pretty well, actually... I didn't have problems with the game, and the character activity fit well inside the action. You can find the original in the conversion library. I've added a couple of morale tips to this, and could use cleaning the initiative system up a bit.. The big differences between yours and mine is yours is more wargamish (some bookkeeping), where mine is more "a big version of DND combat. Both systems work. I like some of the stuff you've got here, though.

Quick and Dirty Skirmishes and Wars for DND3E
Interim Rules for Battlefield Actions in DND
By Brennan O’Brien

This system is not intended to carefully detail all possible activity in war. Doing so would take forever and isn’t what I wanted. What I did want when I set out to create this quick and dirty system was some means of adjudicating large scale conflicts on a battlefield where my hero PCs were running around doing their own dirty work.

So, I started out using the model of a combat between two characters as my basis of creating this system. I’ve noticed that combats in my own game end up looking a lot like really ugly wars, and I figured the closer I could make the system to adhering to the existing DND3E rules, the easier it would be for me (and others) to use it. Not only did I want my characters to have a backdrop of war during an adventure, but I also wanted something I could incorporate the various monsters from the new Monster Manual, the Creature Catalog, or any other source.


1 TURN on the battlefield represents 1 minute.
Scale 1”=10’ on the battlefield.

Units are represented by single counters of a size based on the size of the creature represented.

Fine ½” x ½”
Diminutive 1”x1”
Tiny 2”x2”
Small 3”x3”
Medium 4”x4”
Large 6”x6”
Huge 8”x8”
Gargantuan 10”x10”
Colossal 20”x20”

The standard move on the battlefield is equal to the SPEED of the unit divided by 2.5, in INCHES Therefore, a standard human could move 30’ / 2.5 = 12” per turn. This assumes the unit is maintaining some level of coherence as it moves across the field. (Some of you may notice this also is the conversion figure used from 2nd Edition to 3rd Edition).

A move is considered from the CENTER of the unit to the CENTER point of the new location. A unit may change to any facing as they move. A unit CANNOT move through another unit in any way. If there is insufficient room for a unit to move between two units, or a unit and another blockade, the unit MUST stop upon reaching point where it can no longer move. (Note: This differs from the PHB, where individuals can pass through other friendly units).

Reach is the distance a unit threatens. It is equal to 1” per 5’ of normal reach. Attacks of opportunity occur in the same fashion as presented in the Core Rules. Therefore, if another group passes within 1” of a unit with a (normal) 5’ reach, they are subject to an attack of opportunity (assuming the action would trigger an AOO).

A unit can be comprised of any creature. In practice, the creatures used should probably be something which can either be controlled or can control itself – humanoids, trained animals, etc. Because the statistics used for warfare are derived directly from the profile of the creature itself, its easy to plug in a creature to these Q&D rules.

Hit Points for a unit is determined by finding the average HP for the creature represented, multiplied by 10. Hit points are broken down into four groups, which show the relative current strength of the unit at any given time. 100%, 50%, 25% and 0%. As a unit suffers casualties, its hit points are reduced. As the unit reaches one of the groups points, it looses combat effectiveness.

AC is determined as normal for the creature being represented.

Initiative is determined as normal for the creature being represented.

Saving throws are determined as normal for the creature being represented.

Melee attack bonuses are determined as normal for the creature being represented. Creatures with multiple attacks should be noted as such. Each of these attacks can be attempted as an action during the UNITS action.

Because multiple individuals are attacking, the value of damage varies from the basic rules. A successful attack against another unit delivers damage based on the normal damage dice of the creature, modified by the current strength of the unit.

Current Strength 100% 50% 25% 0%
Damage Dice 10x 5x 2x 0x

In order to enter melee combat, a target must be in reach of the unit. As discussed earlier, reach is equal to 1” per 5’ of reach listed for the unit.

A unit can only attack with full strength from directly forward. A unit can attack at half strength (50% of current Damage Dice) for attacks to the side, and cannot attack to the rear of the unit.

Ranged attack bonuses are determined as normal for the creature being represented. Creatures with multiple attacks should be noted as such. Each of these attacks can be attempted as an action during the UNITS action.

Ranged damage is handled in the same fashion as Melee damage, diminishing as the unit looses strength.

Divide the ranged increment of the attack by 2.5” and round to the nearest inch. This is the distance the unit can attack in range increments.

Ranged direction, unlike Melee direction, can be directed out the forward, sides or rear of the unit without changing the strength of the attack.

As a unit looses strength, it runs the risk of being demoralized. A unit reduced to 50% must make a WILL save against DC15 to remain functional. This WILL Save is again made any time the unit takes further damage. A unit reduced to 25% must make a save against DC20 to remain functional, and makes an additional WILL save at DC20 each time it is further damaged. A unit which fails a MORALE save first drops to SHAKEN status. SHAKEN requires the unit make a save WILL versus DC15 each round before it can attempt any action. Failure means the unit cannot act on this round. If a unit is SHAKEN and is required to make another MORALE check and fails, the unit is BROKEN. The unit will begin retreating from it’s position during its action in the next combat round. A BROKEN unit can take no offensive action, cannot attempt Attacks of Opportunity, or perform any action other than a hasty retreat from the field. Finally, if a BROKEN unit is required to make another MORALE save and fails, the unit is considered ROUTED, with all members fleeing independent of one another. The unit counter is immediately removed from play.

A character capable of performing the leadership skill can attempt to RALLY troops which have been SHAKEN or BROKEN. A DC20 skill attempt is necessary to successfully RALLY SHAKEN troops. A DC25 skill attempt is necessary to successfully RALLY BROKEN troops. The character must be within 3” of the unit in order to attempt to RALLY.

In addition to providing battlefield leadership, characters can perform other actions, up to and including attacking units, casting spells, etc. There’s a bit of time crunch in here, so play it by ear. Remember that a single round in battlefield time is 10 normal combat rounds. A single character can get a lot of damage off in 10 rounds unanswered (because the target unit hasn’t reached it’s initiative yet). Therefore, the EASIEST method to handling this is to break the unit INITIATIVES into groups of 5, and allow all characters on the board to act during their initiative. HUH? Okay, check this out…..

There are 20 units and 6 characters on the board.
By SHEER STROKE OF LUCK (yeah, uh huh, right…) the UNITS have their initiative running between 20 and 1. So, for the actual TURN of BATTLEFIELD COMBAT goes something like this…

(CHARACTERS ACT) 20…. 19….18….17…
(CHARACTERS ACT) 16….15….14….13….
(CHARACTERS ACT) 12….11….10….9
(CHARACTERS ACT) 8…..7…..6…..5
(CHARACTERS ACT) 4….3….2…..1

So, with the characters in the mix, with their initiatives of 17, 14, 13, 8, 7, 3, the combat turn on the battlefield goes something like this….

(17, 14, 13, 8, 7, 3) 20…. 19….18….17…
(17, 14, 13, 8, 7, 3) 16….15….14….13….
(17, 14, 13, 8, 7, 3) 12….11….10….9
(17, 14, 13, 8, 7, 3) 8…..7…..6…..5
(17, 14, 13, 8, 7, 3) 4….3….2…..1

So the characters start the combat off, and all of the characters act. Then the UNITS get into the action, then the characters again, some more units, characters, units…. Etc. Again, play this by ear. What you don’t want is a 5th level character delivering 100 unanswered HP of damage to a UNIT of STORM GIANTS and then darting away before anyone can do anything….


First Post
Hmm. Interesting info, I was planning on doing something like this, but I think I can just your sets of rules, saves me a lot of time. :)


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I was lazy. I shelled out for the Chainmail Starter set and got some minis to boot. :D

The starter set was much cooler than I thought. It evens includes a small section on using the Chainmail mass combat rules in conjunction with heros. (Rules for on the fly conversion between the systems make D&D heros stand out among the chainmail henchmen.)


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Thanks for the input everyone.

Veilheim, may I *yoink* some of your stuff? (Don't know why I didn't make the Will Save/Morale connection, for example - must be a 1e/2e holdover.


First Post
Thanks Veilheim :)

Actually, I've redone Morale as a skill (Martial Discipline), rather than a Will save, as i wanted it to be something that fighters ad warriors would be good at and be able to have training affect, rather than having Wizards be the best disciplined troops.

Revisions will continue...

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