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Mass Effect - "the" Xbox360 title to get


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Well i just found that the right bumper button is a higher caliber gun, it made it all much easier, i had previously been trying it with only the machine gun. I feel like such a noob

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John Crichton

First Post
Goose said:
Well i just found that the right bumper button is a higher caliber gun, it made it all much easier, i had previously been trying it with only the machine gun. I feel like such a noob
Yeah, the BFG helps ... alot. ;)


First Post
Altho, after playing it for the past few hours, im finding some of the fights are just needlessly difficult. Pretty much any special fight with a special person, some take me 10+ times to beat. Im using my cover, using my abilities, just cant take any damage before im killed. Even with Barrier im getting killed in one or two hits most of the time. I just shut off the game after getting killed like 15 times against the Matriarch lady. Shes tough enough, yet they send in like 12 commandos at the same time. Cover isnt working and im getting killed from all sides before i can even get more than a few shots off. And the few times i dont get killed right away my teammates do, leave me (an adept) to try and clear out the rest of the bad guys.

Maybe im just getting old and im not nearly as good at games as i used to be, or this combat dosent seem very tactical and its more of a get lucky type system in the big fights.

Or maybe its my frustration talking.....


First Post
What level are you in the fight against Benezia? That's likely the hardest fight in the game, and people who do that world first without doing some of the uncharted worlds to gain a few levels have run into a world of hurt. (The same can be said for the krogan boss at the end of another major plot world.)

In vehicles, other people have had good suggestions. I pick one of two strategies with the Mako in a given fight. I either hang way back and use the cannon on zoom (jumping over incoming attacks), or I just drive hard right into their midst, hit the cannon a couple of times, and then get out of my vehicle and fight the (weakened, from my cannons) bad guys on foot. You get more experience that way, and you can use your abilities. Throwing a geth armature into stasis, or using AI Hacking on it, is all kinds of wonderful.

Also, just to cover all the bases for things that I've seen people miss:

- Are you upgrading your armor and weapons with weapon mods?
- Are you spending your talent points at each new level?
- Are you doing the same for both followers?
- Are you using your powers in fights?

(I've seen people not do all of these things.)


First Post
Ya, ive been doing all that stuff, im an RPG veteren, but it appears my problem is probably that this was my first planet (there was no indication that i should level up first) and have already wasted hours here trying to get to her. I figured the game had a kind of auto-level adjust kind of like KoTOR, but maybe it dosent and that could very well be my problem.


I was able to beat Benezia on Normal, with her being my first planet. Just take out the commandos first, ignoring her. Use your party's abilities (Wrex and Garrus both have good stuff) as much as possible. It's doable.


First Post
Enforcer said:
I was able to beat Benezia on Normal, with her being my first planet. Just take out the commandos first, ignoring her. Use your party's abilities (Wrex and Garrus both have good stuff) as much as possible. It's doable.

I haven't seen it mentioned, but what level are you, and what class are you playing? Where have you placed your skill points? What party members do you have? All these questions are important, because your tactics are going to vary based on that. Since you mentioned Barrier, I'm guess you're an Adept/Vanguard/Sentinel. If that's the case, try and direct your party members offensively while you stay in the back. As an Adept/Sentinel you should have a lot of powers; use them. Warp, Throw, Lift, Sabotage, Overload, and Neural Shock are extremely useful and should be popped after every cooldown. As a Vanguard, whip out that shotgun and start nuking things with Carnage. Use those tight corners to your advantage; the minions tend to bunch up in them as well. If you're finding yourself pretty fragile in these fights, use the command buttons on the D-pad to have them advance forward ahead of you and attack your targets. Perhaps set the AI to Offensive, so you needn't worry about them using party powers; they tend to go balls-to-the-wall and will typically unload abilities left and right. Stay out of Benezia's line of sight (her pistol attacks do disgusting amounts of damage) and focus on her minons. Maybe pull out a weapon with Combat Optics, so when she summons the Geth your radar isn't scrambled.

Even if Noveria is your first planet, you should've leveled up quite a bit from all the stuff you've had to kill. I think I was level 20 when I killed her with my Adept, on Veteran. You can beat her. Try and vary what you're doing. Benezia's no pushover, but she's beatable.


First Post
One important note about that fight is to get the hell out of your starting position ASAP; run to the platform on your right immediately when the fight starts. If you're on the right side of the room, the tank with the rachni queen blocks Benezia's line-of-sight to you, taking her out of the equation completely. Now you can pick off the squads of asari commandos and geth snipers at your leisure without having her constantly screwing with you.


First Post
ohGr said:
One important note about that fight is to get the hell out of your starting position ASAP; run to the platform on your right immediately when the fight starts. If you're on the right side of the room, the tank with the rachni queen blocks Benezia's line-of-sight to you, taking her out of the equation completely. Now you can pick off the squads of asari commandos and geth snipers at your leisure without having her constantly screwing with you.

Better yet, get to an angle where she's out of line-of-sight, but you can still lob grenades and (if you got'em) tech mines into her area.

There are also armor upgrades that protect against biotic powers. They are easy to overlook.


First Post
OK, now it's my turn to request a spoiler:

I have just finished Feros, and am now rebel scum fleeing the Council. If I go to Ilos, am I locked into finishing the game? Do I need to go ahead and wrap up loose ends first?

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