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Massive Character Portrait Request.

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While trying to find a DMG, I downloaded a torrent file that contained more then 100 D&D books. One of these books was called "Bastards and Bloodlines" and contains a lot of information about crossbreed races. I skimmed through it and five of the presented races caught my interest so much that I decided to make characters of those races in the hopes that I may someday find a place to play them. I have vague images of what these people look like in my head and I would like someone who actually has talent at drawing to help me solidify them.

I'll copy the information on the appearance of each race from the book so you'll have the same information I do. I'll also post the illustration--where possible. Then I'll give a brief description of what's in my head.

I'll post information on each character and their race separately to make it easier to keep track of them. I prefer to color my characters myself, but I can always trace your work and recolor it so feel free to add any colors you wish. I have not purchased equipment for any of them, so I can't tell you what they wear.

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Alivyre Siandon

Transcribed from book:
(Elf/Nymph)--medium-size humanoid

Nymphs are immortal creatures of great beauty and fine bearing. They rarely bear children and when they do so it is nearly always with a fey mate. Such children are always female and always nymphs. On the rare occasions a nymph takes a nonfey lover no offspring is usually possible, for nymphs are too far from mortal blood to bear children with humans, halflings, or orcs. Outside the fey races, only elves are able to sire a nymph’s child, and such parings are extremely rare. While elf-blooded nymph children are always female, they are not true nymphs themselves.

These houri, also known as muses, artemisians, and ninevah, are fetching creatures of elven wit and fey grace. Houri rarely stay with their mothers, instead joining some mortal community where they gain acceptance and often becoming heroes, wives, mothers, and matriarchs.

Though not as lovely as their mothers, houri are far more attractive then any elf or human, a fact that brings them great power as well as constant peril. A houri must always be on her guard, for wars have begun to win one’s favor, and the basest of villains have put aside all other thoughts once they decide to capture one. Fortunately houri are more then just pretty faces able to defend themselves as well as gather companions and allies to their sides.


Houri are among the most beautiful of all mortal races. They are universally fair, though their body types range from slender to buxom. They have flawlessly smooth skin, luxuriant hair, bright eyes, perfect features, and delicate, pointed ears. A houri may have any skin, eye, and hair coloration, depending on the appearance of her parents. Pale, creamy skin, blonde hair, and green eyes are most common, but houri have been born with brown, black, or well-tanned skin and any imaginable hair and eye color.

Houri never show signs of age, though they do mature. The follow the normal rules for ability score adjustment, but once they reach their middle years they take on an ageless beauty, making it impossible to determine the relative age of houri who are past their youth. Even in death houri do not lose their beauty, for their bodies never suffer the ravages of vermin or decomposition.


End transcript.

Alivyre Siandon (Silverbrook) in particular is 19 years old (the first year of adulthood for houri), 5' 4" tall, and weighs 100 lbs. She is a 6th level character--1st level Druid with 5 racial levels--neutral good in alignment, and has the following stats:

STR: 14
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 15
WIS: 18
CHA: 22

Except for her unnaturally beauty, she should look like a full-blooded elf--I want her to be mistaken for an elf until the party encounters a nymph, preferably her mother. She should be ridiculously thin like the women in The Incredibles, but curvy--buxom and slender.


First Post
Kevice Waveharp.

Transcribed from book:

(human/merfolk)--medium-size humanoid

Tales of love between sailors and mermaids fill hundreds of folk songs and epic poems. Less common but still prevalent are the legends of love between a lonely maiden and the man who lives beneath the waves. Most of these tales end tragically, with the two lovers driven apart by their families or overcome by the hopelessness of their situation, but this is not always the case. With the assistance of powerful magic, divine intervention, or just great determination, some of these land/sea romances actually develop into permanent, loving bonds. The product of such unions are mergs, children equally at home walking or swimming.

Also known as selkies, fetch, and gillettes, these half-merfolk often enjoy stable childhoods rare for most crossbreeds. A merg's parents sometimes manage to stay close, perhaps because the human is a sailor or by using abandoned lighthouses, allowing them to bring up the child together. The merfolk parent teaches her to sing to whales and swim the ocean deeps, while the human parent takes joy in the child's first steps and words spoken in air. Since a merg naturally switches from lungs to gills, her parents can simply pass their child back and forth, letting her spend half her life above the waves and half beneath.

Sadly, a merg's life changes once she is adult. Neither human nor merfolk societies as a whole accept a creature half of an alien world, and prejudice is very common. Fear is perhaps the greatest threat to a merg, for many legends speak of evil fish-people who drag young, attractive innocents away (to drown in the sea or suffocate on the beach, depending on who's telling the story). Older and more hidebound members of a community often drive away a merg to protect the youth of the village.


Merg are lithe and well-formed. The are essentially human in appearance, though thin webbing connects their fingers and toes. Some have pointed, ridged ears, but this feature is far from universal. The most obvious difference between a merg and a human is coloration: While mergs have a human range of skin color, their hair and eyes are blue, green, or pearly. Close inspection of a merg reveals a few other nonhuman traits, such as three tiny slits behind each ear indicating the location of gills. Roughly one in four mergs also have darker mottled coloration to the skin along their shoulders and backs, and a few even have scales running along the spine and down each leg.

Mergs prefer light clothing and almost never wear boots or gloves. This makes their mixed parentage obvious, but it also allows them to swim more easily and prevents their finger and toe webbing from getting cramped or torn. Most merg are attractive and confident, so they favor garb that accents their figures and shows their features to good effect. This does nothing to put superstitious village folk at ease, but few mergs seem to care.

End transcript. No picture for this one.

Kevice Waveharp is a 1st level Ranger. He's 30 years old (again, the first year of adulthood), 5'8, 140 pound, neutral good, and has the following stats:

STR: 15
DEX: 20
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 11
CHA: 14

I'm thinking he wields a trident and a crossbow rather then the longsword and longbow of a traditional ranger. Also, he sticks more to the coast then the forest.


First Post
Jillian Brushgather.

Transcribed from book:
(elf/satyr, halfling/satyr)--medium-size humanoid

Satyrs are and all-male race that normally procreate with other fey, with male offspring satyrs and female children conforming to their mother’s race. As lusty womanizers, however, satyrs are not above dallying with females of other types. Most of these relationships last a few weeks at best, but those with elves or Halflings occasionally have much more long-lasting consequences. Satyrs are very affectionate toward their children regardless of the mother, but lacking any sense of time, responsibility, or discipline, they make terrible fathers. Their crossbreed offspring are generally raised by their mothers, who sometimes keep them away from the satyr fathers in an effort to provide a stable environment.

Pipers, also known as fetch, panlings, pucks, and rakes, are party animals who take after their fathers despite their mothers’ best efforts. They can be male or female and are able to bear children with nearly any sentient race. Indeed, many crossbreeds are truly a mix of piper and something else, though pipers do not advertise this fact.


Pipers are a hearty breed. They stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, they have broad shoulders, strong arms and backs, and striking facial features. A piper's most obvious characteristic is a set of small horns protruding from the forehead, too small to be useful as weapons but too large to hide under her mop of curly hair. They curve backward slightly but never grow more then 2 inches long.

A male piper sports heavy facial hair and slightly thinner growth on his back, arms, and legs. Female pipers seem to take after the fairer fey races, with huge volumes of curly locks on their heads but little other body hair. All piper's hair grows quickly and is nearly impossible to keep under control: One who trims her hair at the beginning of the week looks unkempt by the end. Male pipers rarely bother to shave, as stubble reappears within hours.

Most pipers are dusky, with dark brown or ruddy skin and black, brown or auburn hair, though any coloration is possible. They have pointed swept-back ears that are too long to be elven. Pipers’ legs are not goatlike, but hard calluses do grow easily on the bottoms of their feet, so they have no need for footwear of any kind even when walking on broken glass or in snow. [In game terms, a piper enjoys the sensitivity of being barefoot, but is treated as wearing stout boots when walking on dangerous terrain.]

A few pipers have slightly elongated feet and try to emulate their father's style of walking, balancing on the balls of their feet and going tip-toe for hours on end. Since they lack the proper muscle structure to do this, they inevitably get sore calves. A piper who can't learn to walk normally must buy special footwear that elevates the heel and supports the bottom of the foot while keeping the toe in contact with the ground. After wearing such boots for several years, the piper can’t walk well without them. [In game terms, her speed is halved if she is not wearing the boots.]


End transcript.

Jillian Brushgather is a halfling piper, so she's probably one of the ones with elongated feet, though she has been able to learn to walk properly. She's a 3rd level character--1st level Bard (my very first Bard, yay!) and 2 racial levels. She's 13 (first year of adulthood again) 5 feet tall, 95 pounds, chaotic good, and has the following stats:

STR: 14
DEX: 17
CON: 15
INT: 14
WIS: 12
CHA: 17

She's a dancing and panpipe playing bard.


First Post
Ielenia Iamnelear.

Transcribed from book:
Spring Child
(any humanoid/dryad)--medium-size humanoid

Dryads are unusual in that they are an all-female race who always choose mates from other species to father their children. In most cases they dally with fauns, satyrs, and other fey. The result of such liaisons are always dryads, born only when a new oak tree becomes a seedling. The young dryad matures and bonds her spirit to the oak tree, living as long as it does

Occasionally dryads take mates of other types, charming men of great handsomeness or artistic ability. Normally the result is the same, with a dryad being born months or years later and binding herself to a new oak. But once in a blue moon, the child is instead a delicate half-breed, with mortal and fey blood flowing equally through her veins. Very rarely, this child is male.

Though dyads love these spring children no less then they do their purebred daughters, they cannot truly understand or raise a being that lacks the spiritual bond to a tree. Inevitably, the child must leave home, in the company of her mortal parent or sometimes as a young adult after a life in a grove.


Spring children always resemble lithe , attractive humanoids, with pale clear skin and pointed ears. They have an elven appearance but are more rounded and robust then most elves. A spring child’s eyes are very bright, generally a striking color such as pale sky blue, fiery red, or even gold or silver. Her hair changes with the seasons: In spring it is some form of green, though this can vary from a light pastel hue to a dark mossy color; in summertime it is always brown, slowly turning to a brilliant auburn or blond by fall; and during the winter months it becomes pale blue or white.


End transcript.

Ielenia is a human/dryad mix, but for one reason or another her father was gone by the time she was born, so her mother sent her to a nearby wood elf settlement to be raised. They gave her an elven name, but they also called her by a nickname of Iamnelear or Oaken-born which she has taken as her surname. She’s a 3rd level character--1st level sorcerer and 2 racial levels. She's 16, 5'5", 115 lbs. and chaotic good. Her stats are as follows:

STR: 15
DEX: 17
CON: 11
INT: 11
WIS: 17
CHA: 21

I would like four pictures of her--one for each season. The background of these pictures (and maybe her clothing too) should clearly show which season it is--maybe put her under a tree or something like that.


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Loraella Kiirlo

Transcribed from book:
(elf/naga)--medium-size monstrous humanoid

According to ancient myths, elves were once the most powerful of all races, ruled by a matriarchy symbolized by snakes and masks. These wise women were well versed in the secrets of the universe and led their people fairly and firmly, maintaining a strong tie to the forces of nature. But in time they became feared by their own people, especially the rising tide of male warriors, and were struck down by the masses. The wise women sought to escape persecution and took the form of the snakes that were their symbol, so that they might hide in the waters and dark places. They became a new race known as nagas.

Almost all current elven (even drow) cultures deny this myth, but a few rare mystics strive to prove its truth. These elves, who refer to them selves as soothsayers but are often called lunatics, seek out nagas and live among them, learning powerful shapeshifting magic to become part of naga society.

Most soothsayers are content to study naga lore and correlate its myths with elven ones, but some insist on going further. They most fanatical believe that nagas must be brought back into elven bloodlines, to form a new priesthood and guide elves back to their former glory. The result of these efforts are the snake women known as sthein.

Although there are many possible combinations of naga and elf, the most common sthein are water naga/elf or dark naga/drow mixes. The only effect this has on the sthein is in appearance (mostly coloration). Whether this is because naga and elves truly share a mixed heritage, or simply because a sthein is the only possible offspring of any such union is unknown and debated by a few elderly scholars. Sthein are always female, though, and able to bear children with either naga or elven fathers.


Sthein have roughly elven heads, arms, and torsos, but their lower bodies are completely serpentine. They have flat, single-colored eyes (usually green, red, or yellow) with no pupil, white, or iris. Their skin is smooth and unmarred from the waist up, with small scales developing around the navel and merging into larger scales along the tail. Sthein have long, fine hair, pointed elven ears, slightly forked tongues, and pronounced canines. Their fingers are very long and thin, ending in tough points but not true claws.

Sthein from water or spirit naga bloodlines generally have green, blue, or yellow skins, with striped patterns of a complementary color developing in the scales of their lower bodies. Their hair is usually a darker shade of the same color and can grow to a great length. Sthein with dark naga blood are generally jet black in coloration, or black and red, with thicker hair that they often crop short.

Because they can shift between a serpent and a humanoid shape, many sthein wear long tunics or wrap swaths of cloth around them, items that serve as clothing in either forms. Other sthein eschew garments altogether.


End transcript.

Loraella Kiirlo (Nightgem) is 15 (sthein mature at age 10, but I didn't want to play a 10 year old) and a 5th level character--1st level sorcerer, 4 racial levels. She's 14 feet long and weighs 250 pounds. She's a water naga mix and has the following stats:

STR: 18
DEX: 18
CON: 17
INT: 15
WIS: 11
CHA: 20
(I rolled exceptionally well on this character)

She is not a sthein that has decided to go without clothing. I would like a picture of her in her natural form, but I wouldn't mind one in her alternate form either. The alternate from just replaces the tail with legs--rather convenient I think.

Tolen Mar

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I wish you luck, I really do.

No one on these boards tolerates pirates very well. Downloading books is illegal, it is theft, and around here, gets you ignored but quick (and thats a nice response).

Furthermore, posting those images is another violation of their copyright. You definately don't have the permission to post them.

Moreover, the people of Green Ronin visit these boards often. I wouldn't surprised if you hear from them soon.

All in all, you probably won't get anyone willing to do the portraits you asked for.


First Post
uploading is illegal, downloading is not. it is also not a violation of copyright law if you site the source of the images--which i have done. i've studied this, i know.

also, i visit my local gaming store frequently and have never seen any green ronin products. having seen the quality of this one i am inclined to look online to find more of their products to purchase. i would think they would be greatfull that i accidently happened upon this and am willing to become a paying customer--as soon as i get some money.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
mandyscog said:
uploading is illegal, downloading is not. it is also not a violation of copyright law if you site the source of the images--which i have done. i've studied this, i know.


I am sorry, but you are incorrect on a number of fronts here - mere citation of sources for images is not at all sufficient. And you are posting descriptions of races that are not yours. Unless that conent was clearly marked as OGL, this constitutes creation of a new copy without permission - copyright infringement.

EN World cannot condone or support infringement upon the rights of those who keep our games alive. Thread closed.

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