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Medallions d20 Modern (Update Wednesday 09-20-06)

Old Drew Id

First Post
Session 2 (5/14/2003) Pre-Dawn Gloom

Session 2 (5/14/2003) Pre-Dawn Gloom

Joe tried to take a deep slow breath, but the air came in jagged gulps like hiccups or how a kid breathed after crying. He had to get a hold of himself. He had to relax and maintain some control, and get some focus here.

He slowly raised his head up from the sink. The cold water running down over his head had helped. He could still feel the burning under the skin on the back of his neck, and the sticking, tingling-needle feeling in his eyes. His pulse was racing, and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. His head was swimming in pain. His stomach lurched again, but he fought the nausea with pure willpower.

He looked at his hands. They were cold and pale, clutching the porcelain white-knuckled. There was fresh blood everywhere.

He dared a glance into the mirror. His nose was bleeding, trickling down his lips, down his chin, and dripping onto his shirt. His eyes were dilated too much, and they were bloodshot. He took another ragged gasping breath and again tried to relax.

It was the book. The book was doing this to him.

Joe knew he should throw it away. He should throw it away, or take it back to the library, or just bury it. But he should get rid of it. It was killing him. He knew it was killing him.

But he was so close.

He unrolled a wad of toilet paper and held it up to his nose. He sniffled and felt the blood run down the back of his throat.

Joe turned back to the bathroom door, and gripped the door frame for support. He staggered back into the main room and sat down on the corner of the bed.

The room was in a shambles. Paper clippings were strewn all over the room. The magic book from the library…the Necromonicon or whatever it was, was open on his desk. He had been reading by candlelight. He couldn’t remember now why he had done lit the candles.

Joe wondered if he was going crazy. Was this what it felt like to go crazy? He sniffled again and fought back the urge to gag. He managed a slow and only slightly shaky breath.

The floor was covered in clippings. He wasn’t sure how much money he had wasted, but he had done a hell of a job. Scattered all over the floor were hundreds of pieces of Doctor Strange comic books. Joe had been slicing and dicing them all night. He had cut up every copy of every issue he had. He cut out certain words and phrases. He cut out diagrams and pictures. He couldn’t say why. He didn’t know.

That magic book knew. It inspired him to do it. It wanted him to do it.

He had taken out an old album, like a photo album, but once used for holding and collecting baseball cards. He had spent the last few hours carefully taking those bits and pieces of paper, and rearranging them into this new album. He added in scraps of paper, drawings and words that came to his mind. Ramblings. Piecing together words, putting together phrases. He didn’t know what he was doing. It was all making sense to him, and none of it was making any sense at all.

He had been in some kind of trance. He knew that much. Something like a drug, only more powerful. Something awakening in him, something changing in him. Something horrible and something very, very old.

Joe sat on the corner of the bed and stared at the album and did not move for a long time. He felt the sun coming up on his back, and watched the rays of early morning sunlight slowly edge their way across the ceiling, then outlining his shadow onto the wall.

Joe pulled the bloody tissue away from his face. His nose had stopped bleeding some time long ago. He looked up again at the Necromonicon, or whatever that thing was on his desk, then down again at the album of clippings. And then he knew what it was.

Joe had created a spellbook.
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First Post
Joe Empire: Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, or Jack Black from High Fidelity? I can't decide.

In any case, your characters are incredibly colorful and distinct. Kudos to your players. Really.

This whole story hour is an amazing peice of work.


First Post
RedAnt said:
Joe Empire: Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, or Jack Black from High Fidelity? I can't decide.

In any case, your characters are incredibly colorful and distinct. Kudos to your players. Really.

This whole story hour is an amazing peice of work.

I've always pictured him as a cross between the Comic Book Guy and Craig from Malcolm in the Middle. He's got the CBG's arrogance and condescending tone and Craig's utter weirdness and knack for completely unexplainable habits.
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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Drew you sly devil. Spellbook never came to mind until you spelled it out. The brain slows down with age. ;)

Anyway, thanks for the TWO updates, you getting this Jonrog?

Old Drew Id

First Post
Session 3 (5/21/2003) News at the Griffon

Session 3 (5/21/2003) News at the Griffon

Crystal always enjoyed Friday mornings. She was done with classes and done with teaching for the week. Sure, she still had to pull a shift behind the bar tonight, but she didn’t mind that. She considered Friday morning to be the beginning of the weekend. With the spring sunlight beaming through her bedroom window, Crystal donned her best bike gear and a light little travel pack, and hopped onto her mountain bike for her Friday morning ride.

Four hours later, she finished her route by riding back up through Southside. The hills were always a killer, especially at the end of a long ride. The heat was also much worse now near the middle of the day, when the sun was directly overhead, and the humidity was a nightmare. She hopped the curb and swung into some shade on the sidewalk in front of Griffon Comics. Putting a foot down to steady herself, she stopped, panted for a minute, and then took a long drink from her sports bottle.

Crystal saw someone inside the shop. It looked to be a teenage kid behind the counter. It was difficult to get a good look inside, with the view all cluttered by flyers and posters all over the front window. She spotted a bike rack a couple of stores down and locked her bike up before heading in.

The place smelled like three-day-old pizza and ozone. A pimple-faced teenage boy was behind the register, and a couple of kids were playing some card game on a table between two rows of comic books. A set of stairs led up in the back to a second floor, with a little sign that read “Off Limits.”

Crystal removed her helmet and sunglasses and walked over to the gangly teenager behind the counter. He was wearing a T-shirt with some muscle-bound spikey-haired cartoon character on the front, and he had a yellow Post-It note stuck to his chest that said, “I work here. My Name is Ronny.” As she walked over, she couldn’t help but notice his complete lack of subtlety in staring at her chest. And she would be the first to tell ya, she didn’t have much up there to be proud of, but this kid couldn’t tear his eyes off ‘em.

“Are you Ronny?”

His eyes bulged and he swallowed hard. His voice cracked like Peter Brady, “Yes, ma’am.” Spoken straight to her chest, no eye contact needed.

“Do you work here, Ronny?”

“Yes, ma’am.” The little Post-It note on his chest unpeeled itself and fluttered down to the floor. He didn’t seem to notice. Still no eye contact.

“Is Joe here, Ronny?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She wondered if this kid had even actually seen her face.

“RONNY, I TOLD YOU!” Joe yelled from the stairs as he entered the room carrying some kind of space ship model, which he set down on the counter, finally breaking Ronny’s concentration. “Jeez, Ronny, how do you know that she’s not a federal agent? Or one of those women stalking me? Never tell anyone that I am here…and you dropped your name tag again.”

Ronny looked down and noticed the missing Post-It note. He scrambled to the floor to pick it up and re-apply it to his chest.

Crystal rolled her eyes at Joe, but couldn’t help noticing that he looked like hell. He looked like he had not slept in two days. Still, she couldn’t let him continue in his fantasy world, “What women do you have stalking you?”

“What? You mean besides you? Hey, I’m sorry baby, but I’m a popular guy. I can’t have you coming around here all the time wanting---”

“Right, whatever. And Ronny, stop staring at my chest.” Crystal was already irritated, and she hadn’t been here sixty seconds yet.

“Jeez, Ronny.” Joe said, exasperated and shaking his head. “They’re not even that nice.”

Crystal cracked her knuckles. “He’s right, Ronny. Joe’s are much bigger than mine.”

Joe’s brow furrowed. “You ought to watch it, Crystal. There’s places where I could put you in jail for saying things like that to me.”

“Oh really? Like where?”

“Qo'nos, for one. There’s probably others.”

Joe started to continue and she cut him off. “Hey, I’d love to spend here all day with you and the social elite, but I need to show you some information I found and then I have to go.”

Joe stopped, looked at the kids playing their card game at the table, nodded, and pulled a megaphone out from behind the counter. Ronny grabbed the megaphone from his hand and whispered, “Sir, remember? You said since I am working here--”

“Right…um…okay, Pocahontas, you and me can go upstairs,” and Joe turned and started back up the stairs.

A moment later, Crystal was picking her way through a room covered in half-empty food containers, dirty clothes, and shredded up comic books. The smell was already strangely sweet and sour just getting up the stairs, so she stopped breathing through her nose long before she made into the actual living quarters.

“Actually, I was doing some more research online this morning myself,” Joe announced, as he picked his way over to a desk where his laptop was waiting. “I was gonna show Willie and Preacher-Man this afternoon. More proof of the conspiracy.”

Crystal kicked a pizza box out of her way and made it over to the laptop. Images of old newspapers filled the screen.

Joe had several windows open showing various headlines. He clicked through them as he explained. “So I was looking up some of those guys from South-Medical. Specifically the top four guys, the ones that moved up through the ranks too fast. And I found this stuff. Look at this. All of them were inducted into the Ward Numismatic Society in the eighties, right when South-Medical was really taking off.”

“They reported this in the paper?” Crystal saw the headlines and pictures of a gala event with women in ball gowns and men in tuxedoes.

“Yeah, they publicized it and everything. That’s what took me so long to find. This was all in the Social pages, with the, ya know, debutante parties and crap like that. And that’s not all. Look at the picture, the one here on the left.”

Crystal squinted at the picture. It took her a minute to recognize the face, some twenty years younger than she was used to seeing it on TV. The picture showed a young Dick Scorse, smiling and standing arm-in-arm with several other young executives.

“So Dick Scorse is in the Ward Society?”

“No, that’s what’s weird, or at least, that’s part of it. Nobody else is in the club. Just these four guys, as far as I can tell. Even our guy Jack Bolling and Rich Hall are not in it. Maybe they just work for them or something. I don’t know.”

“Well, add this to your file then.” Crystal pulled a folded up printout from her travel pack and set it down on Joe’s desk.

“What is this? Anaconda, Colorado? Look baby, I don’t have time to go on a trip with you. Maybe next weekend--”

“This is the town from my dream. It’s a real place. I’ve never been there, and I’ve never heard of it before, but this is the town I dreamt about last week.”

Crystal could see that Joe wanted to make a smart remark, but he either couldn’t think of one, or he was caught not wanting to interrupt her. She knew that he had mentioned his strange dream from last week as well, and he apparently wanted to hear more about hers. She continued, “So I spent some time in the university library between classes, and did some internet searches too. And the guy in my dream? The old cowboy sheriff in the black hat? Turns out he was a real guy.”

Joe was hooked. He was even looking her in the eye. Speaking of which, his eyes looked a little dilated.

“His name was Hal Runyan. He lived in the Old West. He was like a famous lawman at the time. He was a U.S. Marshal in that town when it was first founded back in 1894. Apparently he was really old at the time, just like in my dream.”
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Yay, another update! <insert happy dance here> One question though. Isn't the name of the comic store (in the SH at least) Empire Comics?

Keep up the good work!!


First Post
The Griffon

linnorm said:
Yay, another update! <insert happy dance here> One question though. Isn't the name of the comic store (in the SH at least) Empire Comics?

Nope - it's the Griffon. Oddly enough, there is a store named Empire Comics here in Birmingham (although I think it recently changed its name). When Joe's player was trying to come up with a last name, two of us suggested Empire. A perfect fit, I think :cool:

Perhaps we can woo Joe into posting up his description of the Griffon....


First Post
Comic store

I was going to name it Empire Comics but I did not want to use the name of a real location....

However, I did not know they changed the name of the store here in Birmingham, so .... I could change the name of The Griffin to Empire Comics. It would be more fitting.

Then again, why would Joe want to put his name on a big billboard advertising his location to all those who are searching for and/or spying on him?


First Post
Well, just finished another session

Wow, tonight was great. I just wanted to post a quick quote from tonight before I hit the sack.

Brother Cooper: "You see, I'm not a priest, I'm a salesman."


Herder of monkies
Re: Well, just finished another session

Eyas said:
Wow, tonight was great. I just wanted to post a quick quote from tonight before I hit the sack.

Brother Cooper: "You see, I'm not a priest, I'm a salesman."

GM: "Ok, Crystal, there is a bad guy on the passenger side of the 18 wheeler with a glock trying to get the door open, another bad guy with an uzi on the driver side step with the door open ready to climb in, and another 2 bad guys scrambling to get onto the cab, and a giant spider in the back of the truck. Your action?"

Crystal: "I scramble up Mr. Uzi's back, jump in the driver seat, and start the truck."

I just love it when the 'smart hero' does something this incredibly stu... uh... brave. ;^)

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