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Medallions d20 Modern (Update Wednesday 09-20-06)

Old Drew Id

First Post
Episode II - Session II: Crystal's Apartment, Southside

Episode II - Session II: Crystal's Apartment, Southside

Willie was on the balcony smoking and staring out into the distance. Crystal was in the kitchen making coffee, and that left Taylor to watch the “prisoner”. The kid looked like he was starting to come around. His eyes were fluttering at least, and he let out a low moaning noise every now and then. Taylor took that as a good sign.

Taylor had checked the kid’s pulse, and it was a little weak. When he took a peak under the kid’s shirt, the bruise on his chest looked like he’d been hit with a sledgehammer. But, on the bright side, there was no swelling of his abdomen, and his breathing didn’t sound congested, so Taylor figured there was probably no internal bleeding. Still, he expected that the kid would have woken up by now, and he began to worry about whether the kid had suffered a concussion or maybe was suffering from shock. He felt a weird connection to these people, but he certainly didn’t intend to be stuck with them if there was a dead body to get rid of.

The couch shifted underneath him, and a odorous mixture of perfume and cheese assaulted Taylor’s nose. Taylor turned to greet Joe, who had returned from the bathroom and sat down beside him. Joe had washed most of the blood and mess off of his face, and his hair was slicked back with water and several handfuls of some thick hair gel. In place of his comic book tee-shirt, he had a pink silk bathrobe wrapped around himself.

Joe nodded to him in greeting, “Man, I feel a hundred percent better.”

Taylor nodded back in kind, “Aye…ye do look a sight better. Ye were startin’ ta ‘semble death warmt o’er a wee bit erler.”

Joe nodded thoughtfully, “Yep…yep…I have no idea what you just said.”

Taylor grunted, “Ah said---”

“Don’t bother, “ Joe interrupted, and stood up to scrutinize the kid’s face. “So, is he gonna wake up anytime soon?”

“Ah cannae say. He’s in shock, Ah’d wager,” Taylor answered.

Joe furrowed his brow for a minute, then fished a pink silk handkerchief out of his pocket and started wiping the kid’s face. When that didn’t change anything, Joe used the handkerchief to pat the kid on the forehead, then started poking the kid in the nose with it.

Taylor sighed, “Joe, yer erse is oot the windae with tha. ‘e’s in shock or---”

“Is that my kimono?!” Crystal was standing behind the couch, holding a pot of coffee in one hand and a couple of empty mugs in the other. She did not look pleased.

Joe looked up at her in calm surprise, “I don’t know. It was in the closet on the far left side behind---”


“Ahem…neighbors,” Taylor muttered, and reached for one of the coffee mugs.

Joe sighed and set the handkerchief down on the kid’s head, then started untying the kimono. Taylor nearly had a grip on one of the coffee mugs, but Crystal suddenly ripped it from his hand. “IS THAT MY UNDERWEAR?!”

Joe stopped untying the kimono, looked down at the underwear he had set on the kid’s head, and replied calmly, “I don’t know. It was in the third drawer next to the---”


“…neighbors,” Taylor muttered again, as Willie walked in from the balcony.

“What the hell are y’all doing in here? Are you trying to get somebody to call the police?” Willie hissed.


“Tell her to calm down! She’s gone psycho!”



“Crystal, look, Joe, take off the robe, man…”



“Sure, Willie, take her side. I see…”

“Wheesht! Wheesht! Wheesht!” Taylor hissed at the three of them and snapped his fingers. The group fell silent and looked at him.

“The kid’s awake.”

. . .

“At least tell us your name.”

“You will pay when Grandmother Spider comes.”

Willie leaned back on the couch and rubbed his eyes with one hand. This was going nowhere. No matter what questioned they asked, they got the same response. He tried again anyway, “Where are your parents? Do you want us to call them?”

“You will pay when Grandmother Spider comes.”

“Yeah, thanks. I got that.”

Joe turned to Taylor, “Bring me some pliers and a blowtorch.”

Willie shook his head, “We’re not gonna hurt the kid.”

“Um, Willa, shood Ah punt at tha’ ya already shot ‘im once in tha’ chest?”

“With non-lethal rounds!” Willie’s voice rose indignantly.

“You will pay when Grandmother Spider comes.”

Willie tried again, “Kid, we’re here to help you. Alright? We’re private investigators. We’ve seen Grandmother Spider’s husband earlier tonight, alright? And everybody down at the lab, and they’re all worried about her. Alright? She could be in danger, and we’re here to help her.”

“This blows. This is the worst interrogation ever.” Joe got up to pace around.

Crystal shrugged and took another sip of her coffee, “Actually, I’d say the kid’s doing a pretty good job of interrogating us. So far, we’ve told him who we are, what we’ve seen, and that there’s a lab somewhere with another giant spider in it…Willie, would you like to me to get my purse so you can read him my credit card numbers?”

Willie cut her a dark look.

“You will pay when Grandmother Spider comes.”

Taylor suggested, “Ah dunnae think the kid can ‘ear ya anyway. Look’s like ‘e’s been brainwished er droogged.”

“No s#&^, Sherlock,” Willie snapped. He sighed, and lowered his tone, “Look, we may be wasting our time here. It could take days to break this brainwashing or whatever, and we still---”

“Wait!” Joe piped up, obviously excited. “Brainwashed? Or mind-controlled?” Before anyone could answer, he ran into the kitchen. Immediately, Willie could hear the sounds of cabinets and drawers being opened and rifled through.

The noise continued for several more seconds. Willie leaned over to Crystal, “Okay, he’s just been trolling through your frilly underwear, but now you trust him unsupervised around your silverware?”

Crystal considered for a second, and then jumped out of her chair to run into the kitchen. At that point, Joe came bounding out of the kitchen with a roll of aluminum foil with a swashbuckling, “Aha!”. He tore off a long sheet with a flourish and wrapped it around the kid’s head. “Tada!”

Willie watched Taylor’s face work through a quick spectrum from complete confusion to amused pity. “Joe, Ah think ya---”

Willie interrupted him, “No, Taylor, you weren’t in the foil room at the lab. This could---”

The kid screamed. Everyone froze. His face was flushed a deep red, and was contorted into a grimace. He convulsed once, and every muscle in his body tensed up. He moaned through clenched teeth, and a thin line of drool oozed out one end of his mouth. Then he passed out.

. . .

Crystal leaned against the counter in the tiny kitchen and watched the pot slowly fill with a fresh batch of coffee. She was completely exhausted. The adrenalin boosts earlier in the night had used up all of her energy and left her totally drained. Plus, she had closed the bar the last couple of nights, and she was really in need of some quality sleep tonight.

As she filled her coffee cup with the fresh brew, she noticed that her hands were shaking.

Taylor popped his head around the kitchen door, announced “The kid’s oop,” and disappeared back into the living room. Crystal closed her eyes, rolled her neck back until there was a satisfying cracking sound, and braced herself for the scene in the next room. With a deep breath, she headed back through the door.

Inside the living room, all of the lights were out except for one lamp right beside the kid. Joe was pacing back and forth around the room, wearing an aluminum foil hat and periodically peeking out the blinds and through the peephole in the front door. Willie was sitting on the edge of the coffee table facing the kid, encouraging him in a low voice to wake up. Taylor was standing behind the kid, fingering the roll of aluminum foil thoughtfully. Crystal sacked out on the couch beside Willie.

Willie continued, “Kid, you awake? Kid? We need to talk to you, man.”

The kid squinted through one half-open eye, “where’s…what?…what’s going on?”

Willie nodded, and Taylor shut off the lamp. The room was cloaked in darkness. Crystal could just barely make out everyone’s shadowy profiles by the streetlight coming in through the blinds on the windows.

“Easy, kid,” Willie continued. “Listen, you’re safe now. We think that you were under the effects of…a drug. You probably didn’t even know you were taking it.”


“Listen, kid, what’s your name?”

The kid paused, then answered slowly, “Wolf in…winter”

Crystal interrupted before Willie got too confused, “What’s your English name?”

The kid paused again, longer this time, then mumbled, “Randy...Randy Martin.”

She continued, “What tribe are you from, Randy?”

“Choctaw…Mississippi Choctaw.”

Willie took back over from there, “What are you doing this far from home, Randy?”

“I don’t remember. I… it’s all confused.”

“Alright, Randy, just take it slow. What’s the last thing you remember clearly? You were in Mississippi, and…”

“White Oak was gonna take us on a camping trip…”

“And who is White Oak?” Willie took a hint from Crystal, “What’s his English name?”

“He’s the leader of the youth group…I don’t know his…other name. I just joined the group a few days ago…and he said we shouldn’t use those names anyway.”

“Okay, Randy, good. That’s good. And then what happened? You went on your camping trip?”

“Yeah…I mean, no…we got on a bus and then he started talking about…legends and stuff…and Grandmother Spider…and how we were going to go help Grandmother Spider…and it doesn’t make sense now, but it made sense then, you know? And…except we didn’t go camping…we went over to Birmingham and…wait…wait…I shot a cop! No…wait! I think I shot somebody!”

“Easy, Randy, easy!” Willie did his best to calm the kid. Crystal couldn’t see his face in the dark, but she could hear the strain in his voice. “Don’t worry about that right now. Tell me what you remember…just relax and go through it step-by-step.”

The kid’s voice was strained now. Crystal wasn’t sure, but he may have been crying. “I…I don’t remember. There was a warehouse…and we got some cars from somewhere…and we drove around…and he told us to watch this place…”

“Do you remember where the place was? Could you find it again?”

“I don’t know…I don’t remember…but then he told us that people were in a bar…and they were gonna get together and hurt Grandmother Spider…and we had to stop them…and he gave us some guns…and…and…he told us to do it…and it made sense then, but…”

“Easy, kid, easy. It’s okay, alright? It’s gonna be alright, Randy. It’s gonna be alright. Look…how about you just rest right now, okay? We’re gonna take care of everything.”

Willie stood up, and motioned for everyone to move into the kitchen. Crystal led the way and flipped the light on in the kitchen once everyone was inside.

Willie looked angrier than she had ever seen him before. He whispered coolly, but with a deadly resolve, “I wasn’t lying to that kid.” He took a deep breath and explained in a business-like tone. “We’re gonna find this White Oak b@$&@*$ and then we’re gonna take care of things.”

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Herder of monkies
Old Drew Id said:
He felt a weird connection to these people, but he certainly didn’t intend to be stuck with them if there was a dead body to get rid of.
Save this comment to refer back to later. It will seem *so* much more ironic then...

Old Drew Id said:
Crystal shrugged and took another sip of her coffee, “Actually, I’d say the kid’s doing a pretty good job of interrogating us. So far, we’ve told him who we are, what we’ve seen, and that there’s a lab somewhere with another giant spider in it…Willie, would you like to me to get my purse so you can read him my credit card numbers?”
"Hey, it's called winning their trust or giving them an out. See, you tell them stuff they already know or that you dont care that they know, then they either subconsciously feel like they need to respond with information or they start actively concocting a story using the info you gave them which you can then later pick apart to find the actual truth. Yeah, that's it. Strategery, baby."

Or it could be that I, as a player, suck a lot more at interrogating than Willie, the PC does. :D

(BTW, I read that stuff in the Idiots Guide to Private Investigating :eek: )

Great update Drew.

Old Drew Id

First Post
ledded said:
"See, you tell them stuff they already know or that you dont care that they know, then they either subconsciously feel like they need to respond with information..."

This is a one of the dozens of running jokes in our campaign. We're currently in episode 9, and the group had been in these interrogation situations now about a half-dozen times since then, and they are not getting any better at it. The group always ends up telling the prisoner anything they want to know, and at the same time, getting almost no information out of the person. The funny part is that they are aware that they are doing it, but they just can't seem to help themselves.

ledded said:
BTW, I read that stuff in the Idiots Guide to Private Investigating

That little quote there points out what I love about this crew. Ledded plays a private eye, so he went out and bought the Idiots Guide to Private Investigation. Pierceatwork is playing a preacher, so he brings a bible concordance to the table with him, so he can always have context-appropriate verses ready to use in-game. Fludogg subscribed to a couple of comic titles because of his character. Eyas can fill you in Choctaw history and on the details of an archaelogical dig. These are not things I asked any of them to do. They just wanted to contribute to a fuller gaming experience.


First Post


Found this site last week and printed of this thread and Jonrog1's Southern Girls for reading (lot of paper) and all I can say is WOW. I now join the ranks of those wanting another update.

Drew, I am very interested in the magic system. The document you provided early on made great reading. Is there any chance for an update considering that your group probably knows more about the effects (or you hope they do).

Keep up the great work guys.


Herder of monkies
Broccli_Head said:

Liked the wierdness of Joe and Crystal's reactions...

did it really occur like this in game play?
Oh, no. Nope.

It's usually much, much worse in actual play.

In this case, I think certain connections between a phosphorus shotgun round, a ball-peen hammer, and a particular orifice were mentioned in most explcit terms, but my memory isnt that good so I might have seen that on Scrubs or something. Joe certainly did those things, and probably worse.

If that was only the creepiest thing that Joe did this episode, well, then the nightmares wouldnt have been nearly as bad. <shudder>

In episode 8, Willie actually very nearly shot Joe, like 2 guns-boomboomboomboom-double-tap-until-I-can-see-the-street-through-the-holes shot Joe, he was so mad at him. After therapy and a few perscription pharmacuticals, he is feeling much better now. He's learned to control that rage thing a little better and the voices are a good bit more muted, more like a constant murmuring instead of the BLAH BLAH BLAH KILL KILL KILL...

ahehheh... heh... did I say that out loud?

Just kidding folks. Really. Ok, sort of. Well at least a little kidding. Ahehheh.

By episode 9, bickering has turned into a bonafide art form, and we spend most of our non-combat time doing it. And most of our combat time, but that is usually Willie b****ing right after jumping through a window into the middle of the heavily armed bad guys, then getting shot at for 5 rounds while screaming for backup, or for at least someone to *show up*...

<BLAM> <BLAM> <KABOOM> "I thought you m___ f___'s said you was gonna back ME UP!" <RATATATATATAT>

"Hey, I can back you up from the car across the street juuuuust fine... just draw them out here, will ya, but take your time because I need to finish this pie and then check out the warehouse across the street and around the block..." <munch munch munch> :D

okay maybe I'm exaggerating maybe just a little bit, maybe... we'll actually everyone else has had a time of it and I can be a bit rash sometimes... Taylor did have that really nasty thing with the bus, and Cooper was all by himself when that thing clawed the door off the car after him, and Crystal nearly died when I slung her out of the sunroof and that thing exploded and sprayed us with shrapnel and flaming body bits, and Joe took that *really* long fall which nearly killed him considering any falls over 60' in Medallions go straight to Wound Points, then there was that time that... well you get the point. Forget I said anything.

Actually, oddly enough, most of the worst beatings members of the team have taken have been while taking cover somewhere supposedly safe, or in a large heavy vehicle, or while actively trying to avoid the enemy in an intelligent manner.

Willie, ironically enough, has stayed the safest when he charges straight into the open in the direct middle of his enemies and just blazes away until they all fall down while barely taking a scratch (unless he shoots himself), while at the same time some of the rest of the team is nearly killed by things on the periphery by slavering beasts while trying to take cover, or drive away just as the helicopter crashes on top of them, etc you know those mundane things that happen to normal folks.



First Post
ledded said:
Oh, no. Nope.

It's usually much, much worse in actual play.

Yeah, ledded is correct there. Between Joe's "ahem" charm and Crystal's "I'm smarter than you" attitude, well, lets just say these two don't get along real well.

ledded said:
By episode 9, bickering has turned into a bonafide art form, and we spend most of our non-combat time doing it. And most of our combat time, but that is usually Willie b****ing right after jumping through a window into the middle of the heavily armed bad guys, then getting shot at for 5 rounds while screaming for backup, or for at least someone to *show up*...

Oh, but Willie, we always have your back....just usually way back, and from around this corner. Isn't that why you gave Crystal that really big rifle?


First Post
fludogg said:
Yeah, ledded is correct there. Between Joe's "ahem" charm and Crystal's "I'm smarter than you" attitude, well, lets just say these two don't get along real well.

Oh, but Willie, we always have your back....just usually way back, and from around this corner. Isn't that why you gave Crystal that really big rifle?

Doh, all that above was really from me. Poor fludogg only has net access at work and his web nazis, er, I mean network administrators, have a filter in place that blocks enworld, so he has me log in an subscribe to threads for him. Oh well, just wanted to clarify the post, as I am fairly certain that flu would have a different take on the bickering between everyone :D

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