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Menexenus's Age of Worms Campaign Journal


First Post
Let me be clear: I am not a novelist. Most of the posts in this thread will not read like a narrative story. Instead, most of them will be mere summaries of my group's gaming sessions. I am hopeful that some of my players will get interested in writing some short fiction based on their character's perspective in the campaign. But such posts will most likely be few and far between.

For a while, I will be uploading recaps of old game sessions. After I get caught up with all of those uploads, I expect updates to the thread to come biweekly.

If you are not in my game, please do not post to this thread! If for some strange reason, you are reading this thread and wish to ask a question or make a comment, please email me directly. My address is menexenus at ATT dot net. If you *are* a player in my game, please feel free to post to the thread! However, I ask you to begin each entry with a Greyhawk date (or, if that is not possible, a description of when the events you are describing took place in relation to the timeline of the campaign). Also, please write your entry in the first person from your character's point of view. (Obviously, anything written by a player represents his/her perspective only and could be contradicted by later events in the campaign.)

This story hour is about the exploits of a small band of adventurers, most of whom grew up as childhood friends in a corrupt, backwater mining town known as Diamond Lake. Here's a quick Cast of Characters (in alphabetical order):

Alees, female human rogue (played by Kim). As a newborn, Alees was adopted by traveling Rhennee performers (despite the fact that she herself is, by all appearances, of Oeridian extraction). Her adoptive parents told her she was born in Greyhawk, but throughout Alees's childhood, they were either unable or unwilling to reveal more about her true origins. Growing up with the gypsy-like Rhennee afforded her the opportunity to learn many of the skills she would later use as a rogue in adulthood. After leaving the troupe to forge her own path in the world, she traveled a great deal in order to stay one step ahead of the law. Eventually, she arrived in Diamond Lake and was pressured into joining the service of Balabar Smenk, a local mining boss.

Alexander, male human wizard (played by Jason). Alexander grew up in Diamond Lake and was apprenticed to the wizard Allustan. Although Alexander was never Allustan's favorite pupil, by choosing to face the rigors of life as an adventurer, he is quickly surpassing his old master in magical power.

Katawan, male human monk (played by Dave). Katawan grew up in Diamond Lake. As a teen, he traveled north of the town and studied at the Twilight Monastery. After learning the basics of unarmed combat, Katawan was expelled from the monastery in order to adventure, grow in strength and prowess, and ultimately fulfill a very important destiny.

Killian, male human cleric of St. Cuthbert (played by Jim). Killian grew up in Diamond Lake and was tutored in religion by Father Jierian, the charismatic spiritual leader of the town's downtrodden. Although Father Jierian claimed to have seen a vision about Killian's destiny, Killian was killed fighting the Ebon Triad in an abandoned mine shaft beneath Diamond Lake.

Killick, male human druid/monk/ranger (played by JJ). Killick grew up in Diamond Lake and developed a love for nature and a hatred for the mines that polluted the lake and defiled the countryside. After wandering a bit in his early career, he was eventually invited to become a member of the Bronzewood Lodge. He accepted the invitation and devoted himself to a life of harmony with nature.

Tarric, male human fighter (played by Scott). Tarric grew up in Diamond Lake. He joined the Greyhawk Militia to help protect his home town and to develop his own martial prowess. When he was unfairly discharged from the militia due to the influence of a corrupt local boss known as Balabar Smenk, he turned to a life of adventure.

Thorash, male dwarf cleric of Wee Jas (played by Jim). Thorash grew up in the dwarven town of Dumadan located in the Abbor Alz mountains. He felt a strong calling to the Church of the Ruby Sorceress and left his home to seek other members of his faith. He found like-minded believers protecting a cemetery in Diamond Lake. After serving as an acolyte in the small congregation for a short time, the congregation's leader, Amariss, dispatched Thorash to aid the party in its struggle against the cult of the Ebon Triad. For a time, he overcome philosophical differences with other members of the party in order to remain with them and continue the fight against the advent of the Age of Worms. However, at long last, temptation got the better of him and he tried to kill the party in order to take an artifact known as the White Eye for himself. He died by Tarric's blade in the Temple of the Dark Sun.

Let the tale begin!
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First Post
Calendar and Timeline

For reference, here is a basic calendar for Greyhawk. The seven days of each week are ordered and named as follows.

Starday (work)
Sunday (work)
Moonday (work)
Godsday (worship)
Waterday (work)
Earthday (work)
Freeday (rest)

Each month consists of four weeks (28 days), and every three months there is a 7-day festival that is not considered to be part of any month. This calendar has a total of 364 days in each year. In the following table, words in italics represent festivals and words in bold represent months.

Needfest (like New Years)
Fireseek (winter)
Readying (spring)
Coldeven (spring)
Growfest (like Easter)
Planting (low summer)
Flocktime (low summer)
Wealsun (low summer)
Richfest (like the 4th of July)
Reaping (high summer)
Goodmonth (high summer)
Harvester (high summer)
Brewfest (like Octoberfest or Thanksgiving)
Patchwall (autumn)
Ready'reat (autumn)
Sunsebb (winter)

The weather in Greyhawk (as in Europe) is more temperate than here in Ohio. (Europe's temperatures are moderated by the Gulf Stream which draws warm tropical water up to the higher latitutdes of Europe. Greyhawk's temperatures are moderated by a similar oceanic flow that circulates warm water up the Wooly Bay towards Greyhawk.) That's why there are more summer months than winter months in the Greyhawk calendar.

The world of Greyhawk has two moons that are of approximately the same size in the night sky. One glows white and is called Luna. It has a cycle of 28 days. The other glows blue and is called Celene. It has a cycle of 91 days.

Campaign Timeline
For the players' reference, here are the dates of some important events in our campaign.

Year - 595 CY


10th - The party enters the Whispering Cairn for the first time.

12th - Alexander gets severe frostbite while exploring the Whispering Cairn. He loses his left ear and the two smallest toes on his right foot. Henceforth, Alexander walks with a slight limp and is slightly hard of hearing.

17th - The party fights Kullen's Gang in the town square of Diamond Lake.

19th - The party agrees to work with Luzane Parrin against Balabar Smenk. The party attacks and defeats Filge at the Observatory.

26th - In order to recover Katawan (who has been taken prisoner), the party agrees to assault the mysterious cult beneath Dourstone's mine.

27th - The party finally opens Zosiel's tomb at the end of the Whispering Cairn and finds only a magical circlet, a pewter box containing demon horns, and a strange loop of adamantine inside.

28th - Killian dies in the first assault on the temple of Hextor. The party encounters Thorash.


4th - On the 4th sortie in 3 days, the party finally eradicates the temple of Hextor.

10th - The party defeats the temple of Erythnul.

13th - The party defeats the Faceless One at the end of the temple of Vecna. Upon his death, the ground begins to shake. An hour later, the Ebon Aspect arises from the black pool and the party defeats it as well.

24th - The party leaves Diamond Lake with Allustan heading for Blackwall Keep in search of his colleague Marzena.

27th - The party relieves the exhausted remnants of the garrison at Blackwall Keep.


2nd - The party kills the King of the Twisted Branch tribe of lizardmen, saves Marzena, and learns about an egg chamber that is frequented by a black dragon allied with the tribe known as Ilthane.

7th - The party returns to Blackwall Keep and dispatches the Spawn of Kyuss that had infested the basement.


4th - After spending almost a month crafting magic items, the party arrives in Greyhawk and saves the town from a marauding chimera. The party learns that the Champions Games are already underway.

5th - The party is attacked by a doppelganger at breakfast. They follow clues leading them to the doppelganger hideout. They are unable to kill or capture Telakin, the leader of the doppelgangers.

6th - The party meets Celeste, who regenerates Alexander's lost ear and toes. They learn of a Kyuss cult beneath the Greyhawk Arena planning to unleash a horrific creature at the end of the Champions Games (tomorrow).

7th - The party infiltrates the sub-basement of the Greyhawk Arena. Because of their efforts, the Apostle of Kyuss is released prematurely, causing horrific death and destruction to the city, but thwarting whatever plans the cult of Kyuss might have had for it. Alexander and Tarric are killed by the Apostle. Celeste is missing in action.


2nd - The party follows a clue they found in the doppelganger hideout and find a series of caverns in the sewers inhabited by drow. Tarric is killed (again) by a stray fireball.

18th - After spending a week in jail and a week crafting items, the party kills Zyrxog, the mind-flayer sorcerer, in his lair.


1st - The party intercedes in a conflict between the churches of St. Cuthbert and Wee Jas in Diamond Lake. After hearing both sides of the story, Alexander (with the official backing of Matriarch Eritai) instructs Father Jierian to cease preaching against the church of Wee Jas.

4th - Because of continued tensions, the worshippers of Wee Jas suddenly leave Diamond Lake in the middle of the night. They leave a sign in the cemetery which reads, "Because of your foolish actions, Diamond Lake no longer enjoys the protection of Wee Jas. May She have mercy upon your souls!"

23rd - After a long trip along the Urnst trail, the party finally arrives in Rosewater, home of the Rainbow Mage. The party accepts a commission from the Rainbow Mage's daughter, Learah, to investigate his house in hopes of finding his corpse (or some other evidence about where he might be).

26th - The party finds the Rainbow Mage's body in the dungeon. With Learah's permission, the party begins crafting magic items using the Rainbow Mage's laboratory.


4th - Alexander suddenly teleports away, taking with him some of the artifact level items that he had been researching with Learah's blessing. The rest of the party is left to wonder about Alexander's possible motivations.

5th - Alexander returns to the party. He explains that once he cracked the code of the Rainbow Mage's journal, he discovered that the items they had recovered were two pieces of a three-piece set that could be used to free Kyuss from his imprisonment, allowing him to return to Oerth. Alexander decided that these items needed to be given to Eligos for safe-keeping, so he took them away to keep them out of Thorash's hands. The rest of the party was angry with Alexander's unilateral decision. To make matters worse, Alexander relates his doubts that the man he gave the items to was truly Eligos. This upset the party even more. However, arguments could get too heated, Alexander received a Sending from Allustan informing him that Diamond Lake was under attack by a black dragon and seeking the party's help.

6th - The party returns to Diamond Lake, witnesses the devastation that Ilthane has caused, and destroys her. During the combat, she admits serving Kyuss and mentions the name of her draconic superior: Dragotha.

9th - The party follows Allustan into a portal leading to the cairn of Wind Duke Icosiel. Thorash is killed by an elder black pudding.

10th - The party travels to Greyhawk. Mother Iridni, Prelate of Wee Jas, consents to raise Thorash so that he may continue the fight.

11th - While in Greyhawk, the party confronts Eligos. After some attempts at subterfuge, the doppelganger posing as Eligos attacks the party. He is joined by Loris Raknian and his assassin cohort. The party is victorious. Eligos's dead body is discovered in an upstairs closet. Alexander teleports his corpse directly to the Church of St. Cuthbert to have him raised.

12th - The party teleports back to Diamond Lake to pick up some magic items they had commissioned from Venelle. She warns them about some potential conflict brewing in town. The party returns to Icosiol's Cairn (via the portal Allustan had found in the Whispering Cairn) and recovers Allustan, who had fallen victim to a trap that had placed him in stasis.

16th - The party teleports back to Rosewater to meet with Learah. Alexander explains what has happened recently, apologizes for taking/losing her father's items, and submitted himself to whatever legal process she thought was appropriate. She informs the party that she no longer has legal standing to prosecute Alexander's crimes because her father has been raised from the dead. Since the items were his, he would be the one who would have to complain. This news filled the party with fear, because Alexander had read in his journal that the Rainbow Mage was a servant of Kyuss. A mage that powerful would make a powerful enemy...

20th - The party destroys the Oculus Demon defending Icosiol's true tomb and recovers the seventh piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.


4th - In a public ceremony, Tarric is knighted at Greyhawk's church of Heironeous by the Order of the Shield.

5th - On the road to Magepoint, the party is ambushed by a small group of bone and barbed devils. They take the party's piece of the Rod of Seven Parts and planeshift away.

6th - The party is greeted in Magepoint by Celeste! She leads them over the causeway to Tenser's tower. She informs the party that Tenser is currently on the Astral Plane conducting important business. She invites them to enjoy Tenser's hospitality in the protection of his tower until he returns. She also gave each party member an opportunity to drink from a magical fountain created by Zagig.

Year - 596 CY


1st - After having waited 3 months for Tenser's arrival, the party leaves Magepoint in an attempt to recover the White Eye, the third piece of the artifact needed to return Kyuss to Oerth.

2nd - The party discovers the Temple of the Dark Sun hidden within Arn's Mountain in the eastern arm of the Abbor-Alz mountain chain.

4th - While dominated by a vampire, Alees delivers a mortal blow to Katawan. However, despite his wounds, Katawan does not die. (Katawan explains that this was a one-time gift granted to him by Zagig's magical fountain.)

5th - Thorash is the victim of a dastardly acid trap and suffers the loss of most of his magic items.

6th - Thorash is killed by huge Displacer Beast. Lacking a scroll of Raise Dead, Killick reincarnates Thorash as a human.

7th - Alees executes a prisoner against Alexander's orders, causing more party disunity.

10th - The party recovers the White Eye. Tarric discovers that a sword he found in the temple is intelligent.

11th - In the early morning hours, while most of the party is still sleeping, they are suddenly attacked by numerous monsters. Alexander is turned to stone by a gorgon. During the confusion, Thorash suddenly turns on Tarric and tries to kill him. Tarric slices Thorash to pieces, killing him. Souref, the couatl guardian of the Temple of the Dark Sun, helps the party return to Magepoint with the White Eye.

27th - Tenser finally returns and he meets with the party. He confides that his mentor, Bucknard, had been investigating the Age of Worms before his disappearance a decade ago. The last place he had been before he died was the ruins of a city called Kuluth-Mar in the Amedio Jungle. Tenser asks the group to investigate.


19th - Alexander's new cohort Jam is killed fighting minions of Kyuss inside the temple at the center of the ruins of Kuluth-Mar. Killick and Grimlock are killed fighting a rear-guard action as the party withdraws.

27th - After several forays into the temple of Kyuss beneath the Spire of Long Shadows, the party finally clears the first level, defeating a corrupted eladrin named Kelvos. (The party is grateful for the help of Celeste and Alexander's new cohort, Norvell.)


6th - The party destroys a spellweaver lich named Ma'kar in a cavern below the temple. With the lich gone, the enormous Spire of Long Shadows atop the temple crumbles, crashing through the magical Obsidian Ring which had imprisoned the minions of Kyuss. Some Kyuss worms and Sruggut (a Worm Naga) escape through the gap in the Ring. Killick travels to the Elemental Plane of Fire to retrieve Alees's charred corpse in order to raise her.
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First Post
Campaign background

The campaign starts in a small mining town called Diamond Lake, which lies 3 days travel east of Greyhawk, one of the largest cities in the known world. Diamond Lake is nestled in an area called the Cairn Hills, named after the many elaborate and ancient burial tombs that are scattered throughout the region. Most of these tombs were thoroughly plundered about 100 years ago during a golden age of adventuring, and conventional wisdom suggests that they have all been emptied of their ancient riches. (There are frequent rumors of new Cairns being discovered that contain untold riches. However, these rumors are almost always dismissed as tall tales.)

Diamond Lake is a very bleak place to live. Diamond Lake was once a fishing town, but over the years, the lake that gives the town its name has been horribly polluted due primarily to run-off from the mines. As the fish population dwindled, those who were once proud fisherman were forced by necessity to take jobs in the mines, toiling in dark mineshafts for pennies a day. These tired and dirty masses spend their hard-earned coin on the few diversions available to them in town: alcohol, drugs, gambling, and prostitution, all of which are legal. But the greatest profit of all is made by those who own the mines, known collectively as the mine managers. While they are not nobility, they are by far the most wealthy and powerful people in town. These 6 individuals are embroiled in a constant, barely hidden struggle for dominance.

Balabar Smenk is (at present) the dominant mine manager in town. He owns the greatest number of mines, employs the most people, reaps the greatest profits, and casts the largest shadow over the town. He attained his position of dominance very quickly after arriving in town 8 years ago. Intimidation, bribery, ruthlessness, and the occasional assassination are his weapons of choice. Smenk is widely feared and seldom crossed by the citizens of Diamond Lake, and that's exactly the way Smenk likes it. Smenk is a rotund human in his 40s.

Smenk took the position of dominance in town from a man named Gelch Tilgast, an older gentleman in his 60s. In his heyday, Tilgast was no better than Smenk. But now that he is no longer top dog in town, he is trying to mend fences and build coalitions as a check against Smenk's influence. It is widely known that Tilgast is using what influence he has left to oppose Smenk with the goal of one day reclaiming the position of dominance in town.
Tilgast has enlisted the aid of a mine manager who has fallen on hard times, a woman named Luzane Parrin (in her 30s). Parrin inherited her mines from her father who, many decades ago, had been the dominant mine manager in town (before Tilgast). Now Parrin's mining operations are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and she is desperate to do whatever is necessary to salvage her family business.

Luzane Parrin has been seen in town openly wooing another mine manager named Chaum Gansworth. Gansworth is the youngest mine manager in town (late 20s) and has attempted to remain neutral in town politics. If Tilgast, Parrin, and Gansworth were to join forces, they would present a real threat to Smenk's dominance. However, as yet, there is no indication that Gansworth intends to join the opposition.

Two other wildcards are Ragnolin Dourstone (a dwarf) and Ellival Moonmeadow (an elf). Rumor has it that Dourstone was kicked out of Greysmere, a large dwarven community about two weeks' travel to the south. The story goes that, after he was exiled, he came to Diamond Lake to profit from his mining expertise. When it comes to the technical aspects of mining, no other mine manager in town is as knowledgeable or experienced as Dourstone. Moonmeadow runs one of the most successful silver mines in town. He ships almost all of his ore back to his native country of Celene, an elven nation southwest of Greyhawk. Recently, there has been some political upheaval between Celene and the Domain of Greyhawk, so Moonmeadow and his elven lieutenants are little trusted in Diamond Lake. But, since Moonmeadow and his entourage keep mostly to themselves, and since his money is good, his operation has been allowed to remain in town. Neither Dourstone nor Moonmeadow seem the least bit interested in town politics.

The authorities in town are Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff, a local minor noble appointed by the Directors of Greyhawk to administer Diamond Lake. Neff is a selfish and corrupt narcissist who cares not at all for the people of Diamond Lake. He realizes that his position is guaranteed only so long as the mines are productive and Greyhawk gets its taxes and raw materials. Consequently, Neff can be counted on to do nothing that would antagonize or otherwise impede the mine managers. Neff has appointed a boisterous alcoholic named Cubbin as the Sheriff of Diamond Lake. Cubbin understands that his main function is to maintain law and order in town so that the mine managers can make money. Cubbin leaves most of the details of day-to-day law enforcement to his deputy Jamis who is well-known to accept bribes and solicit "protection" money. Cubbin and Jamis have hired six constables, most of whom understand the score and are just as corrupt as their masters.

Just west of town up on a hill is a garrison of 60 Greyhawk Militia soldiers whose job is to protect the town from possible incursions by lizardfolk from the Mist Marsh (which lies a day or so southeast of town). They are also charged with protecting the roads to and from Greyhawk from bandit activity. However, the garrison has no authority to enforce laws in town. During town emergencies, the Governor-Mayor may officially request the assistance of the Militia. Under such circumstances, the Militia is to execute the orders of the Governor-Mayor. However, this power has never been exercised in the 5 years that the Militia has been stationed in Diamond Lake. For the most part, the militia men keep to themselves.

The only other source of power in town is Allustan, who is a powerful wizard and sage (late 40s). He is Lanod Neff's (the Governor-Mayor's) younger brother. About a decade ago, Allustan retired from a life of adventuring and built a comfortable home for himself in his hometown of Diamond Lake. When not reading or researching, Allustan occupies his time by training promising youngsters as apprentices. Allustan also offers his services as a sage. He will answer any question for the price of 20gp. If he does not know the answer to a question, he will research it. He provides a guarantee that if he cannot find a definitive answer to a question within 3 months, he will refund the customer's money.

Recently a band of adventurers from Greyhawk have arrived in town. They are Auric, a burly fighter who always wears an ornate red and blue girdle around his waist, Khellek, a red-robed wizard, and Tirra, a female elven rogue. Although their purpose in town was supposed to remain secret, the fighter of the group has let it slip (while talking to Tarric in a bar) that they are in town to explore a nearby tomb known as the Stirgenest Cairn south of Diamond Lake. This tomb was thought to be fully explored, but apparently another group of adventurers has recently found secret passages in another similar cairn that was also thought to be empty. Khellek, the brains of the operation, thinks that there may be a cairn near Diamond Lake with a similarly undiscovered stash of riches. He thinks that the cairn in question must be the Stirgenest Cairn.

However, Tarric, who was born and raised in Diamond Lake, thinks he may know better. He suspects that there may be another cairn near Diamond Lake which has largely been forgotten. When he was a child, he and his friends used to play near a cave entrance that he and his buddies called the Whispering Cave because of the strange wind-like noises that emerged from it. This cave lies about 3 hours north of town near an abandoned mine office. Tarric, Killian, Killick, Alexander, and other children used to take day-trips to the cave. There they would test their own bravery by touching the strange glyphs near the cave entrance, and they would dare each other to go inside. The cave was also the stuff of childhood legend. As children, the group believed that there were ghosts haunting the cave and that anyone who sleeps in the cave overnight would die. Whenever someone turned up missing in Diamond Lake, it was naturally assumed by the children that the Whispering Cave (and the ghosts inside) had taken another victim. The adult Tarric now believes that this strange cave entrance might actually be the entrance to a cairn, and it may be this cairn that the adventurers from Greyhawk are looking for, not the Stirgenest Cairn.

Tarric (who recently lost his job with the Greyhawk Militia) took this information to some of his childhood friends (Killian, Killick, and Alexander) and asked if they would like to go explore the Whispering Cave with him. For various reasons, they all agreed that now was a good time to make a break with their previous lives and embark on a bit of adventure. At a chance meeting, Tarric encountered Alees who had recently left the service of Balabar Smenk and was in need of an opportunity to make some money. Terric suggested that she join their group of adventurers, and she agreed.

Thus, 5 bold adventurers struck out one morning on the road leading north of town heading for what could be the Whispering Cairn...


First Post
Alexander's backstory

There is a memorial obelisk in the Diamond Lake boneyard that is dedicated to all the miners lost in cave-ins over the years. The young wizard Alexander, apprentice to master wizard Allustan, goes to it from time to time out of respect for the father that died in a mining accident when he was still small. One day, while visiting the obelisk, Alexander decides that his mother has paid Allustan enough tuition. It is time for him to strike out on his own, earn his keep, and pay his mother back for all those years of apprenticeship that she paid for with back-breaking labor.

After all, Allustan has treated Alexander and the other two apprentices mostly as servants, rather than students. He did teach Alexander a few minor spells, but mostly he also had Alexander cleaning and cooking and doing other menial chores. In addition, he seemed to favor the other two apprentices over Alexander when it came to attention in the classroom.

Finally, Alexander gets up the courage to announce that he is leaving Allustan's service. Alexander expects Allustan to be his usual gruff and uncaring self. Instead, Allustan suddenly becomes much more congenial and almost sympathetic. It was as if he had expected that this day must eventually come, but is surprised that it has come so soon.

Allustan looks at Alexander and says meaningfully, "Yes, there is only so much we can learn from books and practice, isn't there? At some point, if we truly want to become a master of the mystical arts, we must strike out on our own and face the challenges that can only be found on the fringes of civilization. A nasty business, adventuring, but at the end of the day, it is also a *necessary* business, isn't it?" For a moment, he seems lost in thought. Then he abruptly continues, "Well, best of luck to you, my good lad! If you change your mind, I'll keep your room ready for you for at least a couple weeks. And of course, I'll be sending back your mother's next payment with a note saying that she need not send any more of them. If at any time, you need help deciphering some strange puzzle you encounter along your travels, or you need something translated, or you simply want the advice of a man with more experience and knowledge, I will offer you my services as a sage at half the usual price.

"I've already taught you all the things that a young adventurer needs to know. Just remember that your companions are counting on you to cast spells, not fight hand-to-hand! The goal of an adventuring wizard is to discover new spells and to grow in arcane power. You will achieve neither of these goals if you are dead! Discretion is the better part of valor, my boy! Don't let your conscience - or anyone else - try to tell you differently! I say this because you've always been a very good boy who has tried to do the right things - defending those who are weaker than you, telling the truth, helping those who are suffering. These are wonderful attributes in church, or in the safety of a town, but they will get you killed down in the dungeon. Be careful, my former apprentice, and fortune will smile upon you!"

With these surprising words of encouragement, Alexander left Allustan's service and began the journey from boyhood to manhood.


First Post
Killick's backstory

Killick was raised by his father, a miner, after Killick's mother died in childbirth. As he was growing up, Killick watched his father's health deteriorate over the years of toil underground, and the child became determined never to work in the mines himself. Left to his own devices for long stretches of time, Killick explored the surrounding countryside with his boyhood friends. Unlike his friends, however, Killick never outgrew this phase. He became fascinated with the world of Nature, so unlike the lawlessness, deception, and corruption of Diamond Lake. In the world of plants and animals, almost anything could happen, but at least you knew when your were predator and when you were prey. The rhythms and cycles of Nature comforted Killick as his father grew sicker and sicker.

When he was barely a teenager, Killick had to begin supporting himself and his father, who had become too ill to work in the mines. Rather than sign up for a mine company himself, Killick became somewhat of a maverick in town by hunting for a living. He taught himself to track and kill small animals, then brought the meat and skins back to Diamond Lake for food and trade. At first, only friends and neighbors would purchase Killick's offerings, and considered it charity, but as he grew older and more skilled, Killick was able to trade with many across town, including innkeepers, and make a living for himself and his father.

Killick had thought that all human society was as raucous, disorderly, and crime-ridden as Diamond Lake, but as he ranged further from the town hunting larger game, he made contact with other groups in the surrounding area that showed him how civilization could be. A secretive band of monks from a far-off land began to trade with Killick, after he hunted a wounded bear almost to the door of their monastery. Also, Killick found and befriended the druids of the area, and it was they who taught him to revere Beory, Goddess of the Earth, who represented the things he loved best about Nature. Killick asked to be included in the druidic rituals, but they told him that he would be needed in Diamond Lake when the time came, and to return to them when he was older, if he still desired it.

Killick's father has recently died. The young man is filled with grief, but also with hope of escape from the dreariness and chaos of Diamond Lake, now that his last link to the place has been severed. When Tarric comes to him with the idea of an exploring the old "Whispering Cave" of their childhood, it seems like as good a way as any to gain the wealth needed to begin his travels.

<fast forward to the second day of the campaign>

It is late in the evening of the 12th of Planting. Killick is on guard duty in the old abandoned mine office. He has just finished skinning his wolves and is resting before the fire. Suddenly, he hears a familiar call from out in the woods. It is the distinctive bird call that Killick's mentor, Merris Sandoval, makes whenever he wanted to get Killick's attention without others knowing.

Killick takes a torch and wanders out into the night without alerting his comrades. He follows the sound of the bird call for about 150 yards until he finally hears Merris's voice from above. "I thought that was you, young Killick!" Killick looks up and sees Merris sitting on a tree branch about 10 feet above the ground. Merris continues, "You should probably know that we in the Greyhawk Militia keep a relatively close eye on this abandoned mine office. It seems to be a magnet for bandits, vagabonds, and other ne'er-do-wells." He pauses. Then with an impish smile and a wink he says, "You haven't decided to take up a life of banditry, now, have you lad?"

With catlike grace, he makes his way quickly and quietly down from the tree. And in moments he stands before Killick, a thin man with weathered features. His hair is almost completely gray now, but he retains a boyish charm that makes him seem younger than he is. Merris goes on, "If it were anyone but you, lad, I'd be required to ask about your business out here in the middle of no where. But since it *is* you, I'll forget I saw you and your companions and mind my own business. Was that Killian and Alexander I spied in there with you?" Before Killick can answer, Merris puts his hands up and says, "Nope, don't answer that. Never you mind. Tain't none of my business, now, is it?"

He begins digging around in his backpack for something. "I'm glad I happened upon you out here in the middle of no where, Killick, as I've been meaning to give you something. I've spoken on your behalf at the Bronzewood Lodge, and they've agreed to allow you to attend our next communion service. After they've had a chance to look you over and ask you a few questions, they'll most likely induct you as a member, if that's still what you want. The service will be held starting at sundown on the night of the next full moon, which as I'm sure you know by now will be the 4th of Flocktime, 20 days from today. It'll be best if you come with me, but if I'm sent out on a mission and can't attend the service for some reason, this brooch and a password will grant you access to the meeting." He hands Killick a very simple wood and leather brooch with the figure of a bronzewood tree etched upon it. "The password is 'Yin Maega un Dorada'. It means something like 'Nothing is more sacred than Nature' in the language of the Druids. I'm told it is a common greeting among them. I'm not a druid myself, so I don't know their secret language." Suddenly Merris's face beams with mischievous humor again, and he exclaims, "For all I know, it could mean 'I'm a :):):):)ing idiot who can't speak Druidic'!" Merris indulges in some quiet laughter at his own joke. Then he continues, "But if it gets you in the door, I guess it doesn't really matter what it means." He winks.

"Well, my boy, I'm on patrol duty this evening. I still have a ways to go tonight before I can head back to the garrison and make my report. You and your friends be careful out here, alright? Good night."


First Post
Killian's backstory

Killian Dunbar is an imposing man standing nearly six feet tall with shoulder length brown hair and a bushy fu-manchu style moustache. Even though Killian has not lived a rugged outdoorsy life, per-se, he has been blessed with a muscular build and a hearty constitution. Even more important, some say, is the fact that Killian is no fool. He has wisdom beyond his years and a genuine, optimistic manner that endears him to many people.

Sadly, Killian's mother died of disease when he was very young and he has only vague memories of her. He has no siblings. His father, a teamster for the local shipping company, worked hard to make their small family work, but being gone for days on end made it unfeasible to raise a small child. Kindly, the Church of St. Cuthbert agreed to take the young boy as a live-in laborer. However, Killian's father did not abandoned him. They spent time together when his father was home and when he was old enough to take care of himself he moved back into their rundown two room shack. However, he still maintained his employment at the church.

It is no secret that Killian has always dreamed of becoming a warrior. Even from his early years he was saving money to purchase armor and a weapon. Today that dream has culminated in Killian proudly owning a suit of studded leather armor and a massive greatsword (which he is still learning to use). Despite his dreams, however, Killian has found himself drawn to the teachings of the Church of St. Cuthbert. He has even taken up the controversial practice of self mortification, taught as a method of purification by his mentor, Father Jierian. This practice has significantly raised Killian's endurance level, enabling him to tolerate much more pain and injury than most could possibly bear.

When Tarric came to Killian suggesting that they team up to embark on an adventure, Killian thought that there was no chance he'd be allowed to leave the service of the church. After all, swearing oneself to the church is a holy vow, one that cannot be broken simply for the promise of gold and adventure. However, Killian did not want to leave his childhood friends without the ministrations of a priest as they embarked on what could be a very dangerous undertaking. So he decided to ask Father Jierian, the charismatic leader of the church of St. Cuthbert in Diamond Lake, for special permission to accompany them.

At Killian's request, he is granted a private meeting with Father Jierian. Strangely, the Father seems surprised to see him. He asks Killian what prompted him to request a private audience. Killian reports that his friends have decided to begin a life of adventure and have asked him to accompany them. Killian confesses that he feels conflicted because he knows that the church needs him, but he also knows that his friends will need the holy guidance and assistance of St. Cuthbert. Killian asks Father Jierian to help him recognize the path of righteousness in this situation of conflicting loyalties.

Father Jierian's face lights up and he says, "Your coming to me today is no coincidence, my son. Yesterday, during prayers, I fell into a deep trance. During this trance, St. Cuthbert, the holy paragon of rectitude himself, appeared to me! Yes, it's true, my son! His Holiness told me that you would ask to leave the confines of the church and serve as an adventuring cleric, and He also told me that I should grant your request. I bowed before His Perfection and told Him that I am his faithful servant and would do whatever He asked of me. Out of curiosity, I then asked His Perfection if He might see fit to share with me why He felt it necessary to guide me so directly on this issue. His Holiness responded that you, Killian, have a very important role to play in averting the apocalypse that I have been dutifully preaching about for so many years. He said that much responsibility rests on your shoulders and the shoulders of your companions, and that you cannot be allowed to fail, or else the whole world will suffer.

"So, with my utmost blessing, I tell you to follow your friends and bring the strength, wisdom, and unflagging direction of St. Cuthbert everywhere you go. And know that St. Cuthbert himself walks with you, my son."

With these unexpected words of encouragement still ringing in his ears, Killian left the church to inform Tarric that he would be accompanying his childhood friends on their expedition to the Whispering Cave.


First Post
Tarric's backstory

One night, right after a night on patrol with the Greyhawk Militia, Tarric was feeling particularly depressed and lonely. He really missed his parents. So, without even taking off his armor, he immediately headed to the Diamond Lake boneyard after his shift was over. When the green-robed acolytes of Wee-Jas saw that he was there to pay respects, they let him in, even though visitors aren't usually allowed after dark. Tarric spent an hour or so standing over his parents' graves, mourning and talking to them. As he left the cemetery, he felt a strong need to live a better life, a life that would have made them proud.

As Tarric passed through the center of town, heading back to the garrison, he heard some woman sobbing and screaming nearby. Without even thinking twice, he ran towards the screams. When he found the blind alley that the screams were coming from, he discovered four street toughs guarding its entrance. When they saw Tarric's intention to enter the alley and investigate the cries for help, they put up their hands and one of them said, "You don't want to go back there, Hero. Nothing to see. Best be on your way."

Tarric was in no state of mind to do the smart thing and take the easy way out of the situation. He may have hesitated for a tenth of a second before bull-rushing past them. At the end of the alley, he saw a middle-aged fat man with his pants around his ankles smothering a thin teenage girl whose shirt had been ripped. With no fear and no thoughts of the likely consequences, Tarric drew his longsword and commanded, "Let the girl go."

The fat man turned around to face Tarric. Now Tarric could clearly see that he was Balabar Smenk, the most powerful and corrupt man in town. Tarric was relieved to see that he was in time - the girl had not yet been violated. Despite having his pants around his ankles, Smenk was nonplussed by Tarric's commanding tone and implicit threat of force. In fact, if anything Smenk looked shocked to be spoken to in such a manner. He said, "What's your name, soldier?"

With the pride of a righteous man who has accepted his fate, he did not hesitate to answer, "Tarric of the Greyhawk Militia."

Smenk replied, "You realize, don't you, Tarric-of-the-Greyhawk-Militia, that you have no authority to enforce laws here in town and that your brandishing a sword at me is an act of assault?" Without giving the strapping young man an opportunity to answer his rhetorical question, he asked another. "Do you know who I am, son? I am Balabar Smenk. I could buy and sell your pathetic life in a heartbeat without thinking twice about it. I can make your life a living hell, boy." With one hand clasped tightly around the girl's arm and one hand pulling up on the belt of his loosened britches, he began moving toward Tarric's swordpoint menacingly. Under any other circumstances, the sight would have been laughable, but Tarric felt no urge to laugh. Glowering, he continued in an unconvincingly avuncular tone, "Now, I can be a forgiving man. Maybe you walked down the wrong alley by mistake. Maybe you wish to leave right now and forget everything you saw here. I think that would be in your best interests, young Tarric." After a pregnant pause, he concluded with heavy emphasis, "What do you think, Tarric of the Greyhawk Militia?"

Unshaken by his not-so-veiled threats, Tarric replied, "Take your hands off the girl, sir." Instantly, he could see the rage boiling inside the fat man. But after three long seconds, Smenk released the girl's arm without taking his eyes off Tarric. Without a word, the girl ran out of the alley and into the night. In a quiet tone that belied his angry reddened face, Smenk said, "You've made a terrible mistake here tonight, son. One that you will regret for whatever is left of your pathetic life."

Tarric sheathed his sword, tipped his cap, and said, "Have a good evening, sir." Then he turned his back on the man who had just threatened his life and walked out of the alley. As he left, he happened to notice one of the guards at the entrance of the alleyway who had tried to stop him just a moment ago. She mouthed the words "Thank you" to Tarric as he walked by. Tarric thought it best not to reply.

The very next day, at the beginning of Tarric's shift, he was immediately called in to Captain Trask's office. When the captain told him to shut the door behind him, Tarric knew it was going to be bad. Trask wasn't the kind of soldier who went for much small talk. He began, "This morning, I had the Governor-Mayor standing right where you are now tearing me a new one, reading me the riot act about jurisdiction. Now, Tarric, you're a good soldier, but I've warned you men over and over again about not getting involved in the :):):):):)hole Down the Hill." (Tarric had heard Trask use this expression before. It was his not-so-affectionate name for Diamond Lake.) "How many times have I told you that our mission is to defend the town, not police it?" Trask paused to give the young man a chance to respond, but Tarric was smart enough to know a rhetorical question when he heard one. Trask continued, "The Governor-Mayor tells me that you brandished your sword at one of the mine managers. Is that true?"

"Yessir," Tarric replied crisply, standing at attention and staring straight ahead. Tarric knew what was coming next, but he was determined to take it like a man - like a soldier.

"Well, then, I've got no choice. Neff has got a lot of pull in Greyhawk. He says it's either you or me, and unfortunately he's not just blowing smoke. He can have my a$s if he wants it bad enough. To the Directors, I'm just an employee. Neff is a nobleman. I'm dirt to both of them, and I will not ruin my career in a futile attempt to salvage yours!" His voice had been rising over the course of the last few sentences so that the last word was almost a full shout.

He paused for a moment to compose himself, and then began again more quietly. "Tarric, you're a good man. Your father was a good man. I have no doubt that you were acting honorably in town. But sadly, in this town, acting honorably is about the same thing as acting stupidly." Trask paused again, but Tarric had no response to give. The Captain continued wearily, "As much as it pains me to do so, I've got no choice but to relieve you of your rank and your duties. You are hereby discharged from service to the Greyhawk Militia. You need to clean out your gear by the end of the day. Dismissed."

Without emotion Tarric replied, "Yessir" and then turned smartly on his heals to leave Trask's office.

As Tarric reached for the doorknob, the captain stopped him by saying in a much more friendly tone of voice, "Tarric, if there's ever anything I can do for you, just ask. I owe your father at least that much. You were a good soldier, Tarric. Take care of yourself. And watch out for that Smenk bastard. From what I've heard, that fat S.O.B. thinks of revenge as a hobby and is capable of just about anything."

"I will, sir. Thank you, sir" Tarric replied as he opened the door and stepped out of his former Captain's office for the last time.

News of Tarric's discharge gets around fast. Tarric has always been popular among his fellow soldiers, and they insist on getting him drunk at the local militia bar called the Spinning Giant. The gravity of what has just happened to him starts to hit, so he's not in much of a mood to refuse the offer. After much consoling, Tarric notices a tough-looking new guy walk into the bar. Although the bar's patrons are usually not that welcoming to civilians, this guy is clearly no civilian. He's built like a god, wearing armor, a sword, and a large, gaudy red and blue ceremonial belt with a gold medallion in the shape of a lady's face in the front. He walks right up next to where Tarric is sitting at the bar and orders a drink. He downs it in one gulp, has a seat, and introduces himself. He calls himself Auric. The two of begin talking about the lousy days they are having. After Tarric tells his story, Auric agrees that his day was worse. He says he's spent the day swatting away bloodsuckers while staring at the back of a rogue who's searching for secret doors. Tarric asks where, and then the large newcomer suddenly gets a little quieter. Sheepishly, he responds that he probably shouldn't tell.

Auric makes himself quite a star at the Spinning Giant that evening. He offers 10 gp to anyone who can beat him arm wrestling. Many men try, but none win. Later on, after he has had many more drinks, he is challenged to a game of darts which he loses decisively. It is clear to everyone that he has had way too much to drink. Defeated at darts, he returns to his barstool next to Tarric's. Tarric asks him where he got the belt. Proudly, he answers that he won this championship belt at last year's Champions Games in the Greyhawk Arena. When Tarric seems unfamiliar, Auric explains that every year during Richfest, the Greyhawk Arena hosts a single-elimination tournament in which groups of adventurers fight each other to claim the prize. Auric boasts that he is the leader of the group that won the contest and is currently one of the reigning Champions. That's what gives him the right to wear the belt. Auric explains that some groups fight for the honor, others are mercenaries fighting for greater name recognition among potential customers, and still others fight for the cash prize of 20,000 gp. He says he fought for all three reasons. He points out that Richfest is coming up again in about a month and a half. He tells Tarric that he plans to go back and win the championship again this year. Getting a little glory will be welcome after the humiliation of checking out the stupid cairn. Then he shrugs and says, "Paying customers... What are you gonna do?"

Tarric decides that now's the time to pump him for more information. This time Auric has enough liquor in him that he answers every question without hesitation. He tells his new buddy Tarric that he's here with a rogue named Tirra and a wizard named Khellek. They are in town investigating the Stirgenest Cairn south of Diamond Lake. Tarric informs him that the Stirgenest Cairn was cleared out a decades ago.

Slurring his speech, Auric replies, "Yeah, that's what everyone thinks. But Khellek has heard that some adventurers recently discovered secret burial chambers full of treasure in other cairns that were thought to be previously cleaned out. Khellek did some research, and he thinks there should be another cairn here around Diamond Lake that should also have a similar secret chamber. And since the only cairn around these parts is the Stirgenest Cairn, we've spent the last week or so searching every inch of that place for undiscovered rooms. So far, though, no luck. I'm beginning to think that Khellek is just barking up the wrong tree on this one. But, he's been right before, and I've learned that it pays to listen to him."

Soon thereafter Tarric makes his excuses and departs the Spinning Giant. As he leaves, his former coworkers insist that he is welcome back any time, and Auric assures him that they are now lifelong friends. However, Tarric can't help but wonder if Auric will remember him - or, more importantly, what Auric said to him - at all in the morning.

Tarric lies awake all night thinking about what Auric said. Maybe they are searching the wrong cairn. Maybe the Whispering Cave north of town where he and his friends used to play around is the cairn they are looking for. At first, Tarric considers selling Auric the information (since he is clearly a wealthy man), but then he thinks that maybe he and his friends in town could explore it. After all, those childhood friends of his were all grown up now. They can all take care of themselves in a fight. Why should Auric and his group get all the wealth? Besides, Tarric's savings isn't going to last very long if he doesn't find paying work soon.

The next day Tarric goes around paying visits to all his childhood friends, discussing the opportunity with them. Killick, who has become quite an outdoorsman says he's willing to join in. Alexander, the apprentice of Allustan, the local sage and wizard, is also an easy sell. Killian, the acolyte at the church of St. Cutbert, seems a bit more reluctant. He says he'll need to ask permission of Father Jierian. The next day, Killian returns and excitedly says he'll join the expedition, too. But Tarric realizes that his growing party of adventurers really needs someone like Tirra in Auric's party - someone who's good at finding traps and secret doors and such. After all, all the legends of the Cairns that Tarric has ever heard tell of fantastic deadly traps to which many an explorer has fallen prey.

The following day, Tarric is in the town square getting a bite to eat at the farmer's market when he spots one of Smenk's bodyguards. At first Tarric worries that maybe she's following him on Smenk's orders, but after a few minutes he realizes that she hasn't even noticed him. As he watches her, he remembers that she is the one who mouthed the words "Thank you" after he rescued the girl in the alleyway.

Tarric walks up to her and starts a conversation. She seems genuinely glad to see him. She introduces herself as Alees and thanks him again for saving the girl in the alley. She expresses shame that she was unable to do more herself. She says that she now wishes she would have stood up to that depraved lout since Smenk ended up firing her anyway. Tarric shares that he has recently been fired, too. Tarric pauses for a moment weighing whether he should trust this young woman, but then he tells her that he has a job offer to discuss with her. She says she's open to anything right now. Tarric describes the conversation he had with Auric at the Spinning Giant a few nights ago as well as his suspicion that Auric and his group are exploring the wrong cairn. Tarric confides that he has already recruited three other skilled adventurers, but they are looking for one more person with specific skill sets to join in with them. Tarric asks if she's interested. Alees momentarily tries to play it coy, but she quickly breaks down and seems genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunity to get rich quick. She also seems happy to have found an excuse to get out of town quickly. She officially agrees to join the party for a full share of the treasure. You tell her that the group is planning to begin exploring the cairn the next day. She says that's fine with her, and she'll meet you at the same spot tomorrow at dawn.

Thus, an adventure was born...


First Post
Alees's backstory

Alees grew up in a clan of Rhennee performers that traveled across this land entertaining countryfolk with crude amusements - and robbing as many marks as they could find along the way. Alees was adopted as an infant by a husband and wife, named Gerick and Azlee. She is an only child because Gerick and Azlee couldn't have children. She loves her adoptive parents very much and is very close to her extended Rhennee family, but has come of an age in which she felt the need to strike out on her own to make her own fortune.

After being on her own for a bit, she discovered that the life of a lone rogue is not an easy one. She was passing through Diamond Lake, and stopped for a few days. Late one night, a very inebriated patron of a bar accused her of trying to pickpocket his coin purse. Alees denied the allegation strongly, despite her actual guilt. The situation took a turn for the worse when one of the town constables was called to investigate the situation. Alees contemplated her chances of escape if she just ran away, but she decided they were quite low.

Suddenly, a fat man in fancy but tattered clothes walked up to the accuser and the constable who was investigating the theft and made the whole issue go away. After only a few words from Smenk, the accuser changed his story and apologized to Alees, and the constable simply went away without a word. Afterwards, Smenk offered Alees his arm and asked her to accompany him outside. Even though Smenk was clearly overbearing and distastefully overweight, she felt that she couldn't refuse after what he had just done for her. The two of them headed outside for a walk, followed at a discreet distance by 4 bodyguards.

Smenk started off with small talk that included some disgustingly blunt and graphic sexual humor. Despite being uncomfortable with this man, Alees did not want to offend him and remained as polite as possible. After gauging her response to his crass flirtations, he told her that he had need of people with talents like hers. He offered her a position with his organization that would require the utmost discretion. Although something was telling her not to get involved with this suspicious man, when Alees considered her current lack of funds, she found that she had little choice but to take the job.

She was given what were clearly low-priority assignments while Smenk gauged her trustworthiness. She participated in a few "collections" assignments and a few bodyguard assignments, during which time she met a number of Smenk's other employees. She was never given any missions to perform on her own - she was always teamed up with more experienced employees.

On one of her nights spent as a bodyguard to Smenk, he was enjoying himself at a rough drinking establishment he owned known as the Feral Dog. He had a little too much to drink and was all over a young, pretty neighborhood girl. It was clear to everyone that she wanted nothing to do with the pig, but she was clearly afraid of Smenk and was unable to say so directly. He bullied her into walking with him out into the night. Alees and the other three bodyguards followed at a discreet distance, as they had been trained to do. Alees witnessed Smenk getting more and more grabby with the woman, trying to take her clothes off in the middle of the street.

At this point the girl started fighting back more aggressively. This seemed to spur Smenk on. He grabbed the girl and physically dragged her into an alley. He gave Alees and the rest of his bodyguards the order to keep watch at the end of the alley and not let anyone through. The girl started protesting louder and louder, eventually shouting for help. Alees wanted to do something to help her, but she knew that if she tried to fight to help the girl, his other three bodyguards would stop her.

Suddenly, a tall man in the uniform of the Greyhawk Militia appeared and loudly asked what was going on in the alley. The other 3 bodyguards tried to shoo him away, but he would not go. He was still in his armor, and he pushed his way past the lightly armed guards. Once past them, he drew his sword and commanded Smenk to let the girl go in the name of the Greyhawk militia. Smenk looked shocked to be spoken to in such a manner. He asked the stranger for his name, and the stranger replied "Tarric of the Greyhawk militia." Smenk reminded Tarric that the Greyhawk militia had no authority to enforce the law in Diamond Lake. He asked threateningly if Tarric knew who he was. But Tarric was steadfast in his insistence that he let the girl go. As he pulled up his unbuckled pants, Smenk told Tarric that he was making a terrible mistake and that he would regret it. The girl thanked Tarric and hustled by Alees and the other bodyguards as quickly as possible, covering her naked torso with her arms. As Tarric walked by Alees to leave the alleyway, she mouthed the words "Thank you" to him.

Less than a week later, Smenk was drunk again and he tried the same thing on Alees that he had tried on the young girl in the alley, but Alees would have none of it. When she pushed him away forcefully, he said if she didn't come with him and follow his instructions, she would be out of a job. Alees insisted that that was fine with her - she quit. Then Smenk replied ominously that she had better watch her back as long as she was in Diamond Lake. Without waiting for Smenk to regain enough of his wits to order his bodyguards to harm her, she turned and fled into the night.

The next morning she was getting a bite to eat at the open air farmer's market and trying to decide which town to travel to next. There she met Tarric again who told her that he had been fired from the Greyhawk militia for standing up to Smenk. She thanked him again for what he did for the girl and told him that she had lost her job as well. It was then that Tarric invited her to join him adventuring, and since it offerred the possibility of making good money while also getting her out of town, she jumped at the opportunity.

The five newly minted adventurers left for the Whispering Cairn at dawn the next day...


First Post
Katawan's backstory

At the beginning of the campaign, Katawan is 18 years old. His younger years were spent in Diamond Lake. He left town to join the local monastery at the age of 15 and has not been seen in town for those 3 years. As a boy growing up he was an inquisitive child, always asking why things were as there were and wondering why things happened as they did. He was an average child in relation to size and stature, only about 5 feet 6 inches tall and rather slim at about 150 pounds. Even though seemingly smallish his 3 years of training among the monks would eventually make him into a hardened, quick and worthy adversary. He is a quiet person saying little but meaning what he says. He has courage but also knows that at times the "best fight is one that is not made".

Katawan's family - the name of which was Caine before he was given a new name among the monks - still lives in Diamond Lake, although he has not seen or heard from them over these past 3 years. When he left three years ago, his father and mother were still living along with his younger sister. His family had been living on a small farm on the outskirts of the town where they were just able to make ends meet.

Throughout young Caine's childhood, he has occasionally seen monks in town, buying goods at the market. While most of the townsfolk seemed to despise the monks, he admired their quiet wisdom and sense of peace. Eventually he learned why the townsfolk despise the monks. Twenty years ago, a mob of out-of-work miners stormed the local monastery, demanding that the mistress of the monastery use her mystical powers to help them find new sources of ore. When she refused, the miners attacked. The monks were able to repel the invaders, and only 15 miners returned to town to tell the tale. That very night, each of those 15 townspeople were murdered in their sleep. The monks had infiltrated the town at night and assassinated every last miner who had participated in the raid on the monastery. Since then, the relationship between the town and the monks has been very tense. The monks are allowed in town only to sell the exotic herbs and spices that they cultivate in their clifftop compound and to buy provisions for themselves. Otherwise, they are not welcome in town (which is fine with them).

About 3 years ago, when he was 15, Caine felt a strong calling to join the monastery and become a monk. He left Diamond Lake in hopes of beginning training at the Twilight Monastery. He traveled 8 hours north until he came to a towering crag called the Griffin's Roost, atop which is perched foreboding edifice known as the Twilight Monastery. (It is called the Twilight Monastery because the monks inside it are heard chanting at dusk.) Caine climbed the steep rocky hill and knocked on the large double doors of the compound. At first there was no answer, but then after a few minutes, the doors swung open. Behind them stood a man with a shaved head dressed in poor quality clothing. He looked at Caine and beckoned him wordlessly to follow. The shaved monk led the teenager into a large building and up some stairs. He pointed at a doorway and motioned that Caine should enter. He opened the door and found an elderly woman sitting alone on the floor of a relatively unadorned room. Incense was burning in a small censer before her, and her eyes were closed.

For a while, Caine stood there waiting. After a few minutes, he seated himself across from the woman, waiting for her to speak. Caine sat there with her in silence for about 20 minutes. Suddenly, with eyes still closed, she began speaking. "Greetings. My name is Izenfen. I am the mistress of this monastery. I have been expecting you. The stars told me of your arrival. Your are to be trained for a great test. When you face this test, the fate of untold multitudes will depend upon your actions. Therefore, if you choose to undertake the training that we offer here, you must do so with the utmost seriousness and devotion. Are you willing to devote your entire body and spirit to our teachings?"

Although this experience had been a bit unsettling for the young man, Caine decided there was no point in turning back now. "Yes," he replied.

"Are you willing to follow my every instruction without question and without fail?"


She paused for a moment, as if trying to gauge the truth of his responses. At long last, she opened her eyes and looked directly at him with a penetrating stare. "Good. Welcome to the Twilight Monastery. Henceforth, you will be known among us as Brother Katawan. Your previous name is of no significance. You will never use it again. Leave me. Follow Brother Watano. He will show you where you will stay and prepare you for what is to come. He will be your instructor. Follow his every instruction as if they were my own." She closed her eyes again, and Katawan left her, as instructed.

The training was brutal. Every day the boy went to bed bruised and hungry. There were times when he thought he couldn't endure the physical and mental punishment any more. But then he remembered Izenfen's words. The fate of multitudes will depend on him. These words inspired him to withstand more punishment than he ever thought possible. Eventually, he saw that his skills were indeed growing, and he came to appreciate his instructors and their teachings, despite their harshness.

Almost 3 years to the day of Katawan's arrival at the Twilight Monastery, he was summoned to Izenfen's quarters for only the second time. Again, she was seated and meditating. He knelt across from her and pressed his forehead to the ground, as he had been taught to do out of respect for those who had mastered the martial arts. He asked, "How may I serve you, Sensei?"

She responded, "Brother Katawan, the day of your departure has arrived."

He was so shocked by this sentence, that, for a moment, he began lifting his forehead away from the ground. He quickly replaced it and replied, "But Sensei, I still have so much to learn. I am not yet ready for the great trial you spoke of."

"Nevertheless, the day of your departure has arrived. You will leave us and join your childhood friends. They are exploring the Whispering Cave about 5 hours south of here. You know the one. You will join them. Together you will face many challenges, and these challenges will make you stronger. And it is together, with your friends, that you will face the great test that I told you about when you first arrived here. Remember your teachings and you will grow stronger in mind, body, and spirit. When the time comes, you will be ready."

Izenfen stood, so Katawan stood up as well, with his head bowed. She gave the young man a short, curt bow. This unnerved him a bit, because it was not customary for the master to bow to the student. She said, "Our prayers go with you, Katawan."

Katawan gave a deep bow in reply, signifying his great respect and lower station. Then, even though his head was still filled with questions, he turned and left the room, as commanded. Brother Watano was standing at the door carrying all Katawan's worldly possessions (which fit easily into a small tattered cloth sack). Watano handed the sack to him as he left the room, escorted him to the main gate of the compound, bowed deeply, and closed the gate behind him. Katawan had not left the compound in 3 years, and it seemed strange to be standing outside the walls of the place that he had called home for so long. After a few moments looking around and experiencing the strangeness of it all, he began walking toward the Whispering Cave to meet up with his friends.

It was thus that a great adventure was begun...
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First Post
Session 1: Into the Whispering Cairn

Cast of characters:
Tarric (Scott's fighter)
Alexander (Jason's wizard)
Katawan (Dave's monk)
Alees (Kim's rogue)
Killick (JJ's ranger)
Killian (Jim's cleric)

10th of Planting:
The 5 characters (all except Katawan) departed Diamond Lake at dawn and traveled 3 hours on foot to the abandoned mine office near the Whispering Cave where they used to play as kids. The property is extremely dilapidated. Inside, the characters fight and kill a RABID SKUNK.

After some looking around, the characters decide to use the office as a base camp for their exploration of the Whispering Cairn. Killian stays behind to try to spruce the place up a bit and make it semi-liveable. The other four scout ahead, trying to remember where the Cave was. After some looking, they find the old cave entrance they remember hidden behind a collapsed tree. They climb through the dead branches of the collapsed tree and enter the cave. Alexander recognizes that the glyphs along the wall are written in ancient Auran. (However, he is unable to decipher them.) The party finds a broken mirror-shaped object with a glyph at the bottom. Alexander identifies it as a personal glyph (i.e. someone's name), copies the glyph, and picks up some shards of broken black glass.

The party notices a greenish light up ahead. At that moment, Katawan - another old childhood friend whom the group has not seen for years - arrives at the cave entrance and hails his former childhood friends. He relates that he was sent by the leader of his monastery to join them because the group of them have an important destiny to fulfill (as strange as that seems to all of them).

Soon thereafter, the party is attacked by THREE WOLVES that had turned the entrance of the Cairn into their own lair. Alees finds a silver armband and a leather backpack containing an ornate indigo lamp in the wolves' den. Across from the wolves' lair is a fresco depicting a large room with seven alcoves, all of which contain gleaming lamps of different colors.

The party follows the green light up some stairs and into a very large room with 7 alcoves. Only the green lamp is lit. There is a sarcophagus in the middle of the room carved with an image of a 7-foot tall hairless person in robes. The sarcophagus is shaped vaguely like an arrow and is pointed west. Alees finds and disarms a trap on the lid of the sarcophagus, at which time she discovers that the sarcophagus moves. Four characters work together to move the sarcophagus one click clockwise. An elevator comes up out of the floor in the alcove that the sarcophagus is pointed towards. Alexander places a torch in the elevator. The party decides to move the sarcophagus back. The sarcophagus will not budge in the counter-clockwise direction, so they move the sarcophagus clockwise again. The previous elevator descends, and a very loud, grating noise comes from below the alcove that the sarcophagus is now pointed towards. After about 10 seconds of noisy racket, the party hears a loud mechanical-sounding bang. The grating noise stops, but a new humming noise can be heard in its place. It gets louder and louder until a SWARM OF BEETLES and a MAD SLASHER emerge from a hole at the end of the alcove and attack the party. Alexander blinds the Mad Slasher with a Color Spray before being knocked unconscious by the swarm. The swarm of beetles attacks by completely enveloping party members within its range of motion, doing acid damage each round, and then moving on. The party kills the mad slasher but finds that it is unable to damage the swarm. They are forced to run. They burn some oil behind them, hoping that the smoke will delay the swarm's pursuit. This gambit buys the party just enough time to make it out of the cave mouth before the swarm emerges. However, once it emerges out into the open air, it disperses. The party is safe.

The party returns to the abandoned mine office and receives healing from Killian, who had focused his efforts on getting the fireplace and stove of the mine office working. Killian returns to town for supplies to repair the well, and returns later that night. While Killian was gone, Killick skinned and cleaned the 3 wolves they had killed and cooked up some wolf steaks that were tough but nutritious.

11th of Planting:
The party (except Killian) return to the Whispering Cairn. They check to see whether anything in the cairn has changed. It has not. They open the lid of the sarcophagus in the middle of the room. It is empty. Killick guts the mad slasher's corpse and finds a strange gooey orange substance in its stomach.

They decide to explore the hole in the floor below the green lantern (from which the beetles and the mad slasher emerged the previous day). They tie a rope to a piton and climb down the 20 ft deep shaft. The first room in this lower level contains a mangled/destroyed metal elevator compartment. The party surmises that its destruction must have caused all the loud noise. The walls of this room are covered with bas-relief carvings of hairless beings looking disapprovingly at those in the room. (However, these bas-reliefs have been severely damaged by the acid beetles.)

A few feet ahead the passage branches off to the left and right. Alexander, Tarric, and Killick went left while Katawan and Alees went right. The room on the left contained 6 raised slabs that looked like beds and a large statue of a hairless being holding a great club in two hands. At the end of the room was a corpse with a crushed skull lying on one of the slabs. They entered the room to investigate, and Alexander was immediately overcome by an overwhelming sense of fatigue. At that moment, they heard a scream from Katawan in the other room!

In their room, Katawan and Alees had discovered a large basin filled with a gooey orange substance that was crawling with more of the same blue acid beetles they had encountered the previous day. Before they could react, a GIANT BOMBARDIER BEETLE that had been crouching near a hive in the corner of the room sprayed acid at both of them. Alees dodged the acid spray, but Katawan took the brunt of it (causing him to scream). Tarric came running to help his wounded comrade. The fatigued Alexander also joined his friends in the room with the beetles. He cast Sleep at the back of the room, but instead of incapacitating the Giant Beetle, the spell merely caused hundreds of the small beetles on the orange goo to fall to the ground in a dormant state. Nevertheless, the giant beetle was quickly killed by Tarric, Killick, and Alees. Killick poked his quarterstaff into the hive. This aggravated the beetles within, but Killick chose to remove the staff before the beetles were aggravated enough to form another swarm.

Alees and Katawan tied ropes to Tarric and Killick and sent them back into the room with the statue to retrieve the corpse's body lying on the slab. Tarric quickly succumbed to the fatigue effect, but Killick quickly grabbed the corpse and left the room without any problems. This man had been dead for years. He wore masterwork red leather armor with an 8-pointed yellow star stitched to the chest. He wore a silver ring with a similar 8-pointed star insignia on his right hand.

Now that 2 party-members were fatigued and Katawan was wounded, the party decided to withdraw from the cairn for the rest of the day and return to the abandoned mine office (where they were given more healing by Killian). Alexander and Tarric immediately fell asleep and slept soundly for 8 hours even though it was only about noon when they returned.
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