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Menexenus's Age of Worms Campaign Journal


First Post
Session 56+: Thorash's End

11th of Fireseek. Thorash had just become visible after the party successfully dealt with a swirling melee against many monsters. He had laid his hand on Tarric's chest and commanded him to die. Tarric's eyes fluttered once again, as they had when they had fought the mummy. He felt the life draining from his body again. But this time, through sheer force of will, he prevented his soul from leaving his body. He was wounded but alive.

Katawan and Killick were stuck in the far room on the opposite side of the hydra. They attacked it through the doorway and asked loudly what was going on in the room with Tarric and Alees. In a quiet, confused voice, Tarric asked Thorash, "You're responsible for all this?" But he did not wait for a response. Tarric wheeled around with his sword in a display of martial beauty, bringing all of his skills to bear against his former party-mate. His first strike chopped through the rings of Thorash's chain shirt, leaving a large gash in his side. Tarric's second strike severed Thorash's right arm at the elbow. With his third strike, he plunged his bastard sword into Thorash's heart. Thorash looked at him briefly with a look of disbelief, but then the light went out of his eyes and his corpse slid off Tarric's blade. Seeing that Thorash had been dealt with, Alees stepped forward towards the hydra, drawing her sword. Some of the hydra's heads bit at Tarric, some at Alees, and some at Killick, but they did little damage. Katawan flew across the room striking the hulking creature that blocked the doorway. Killick stepped forward and delivered a full attack with his quarterstaff. Tarric stepped forward swinging his bloody sword. Alees did the same, disemboweling the creature. It's heads slumped to the ground and then its lifeless body collapsed.

For a short time, Katawan, Killick, Tarric, and Alees pondered Thorash's reasons for turning traitor. But soon, more pressing matters intruded on their thoughts. How would they get back to civilization without Thorash or Alexander? If the bag of holding containing the White Eye had been turned to stone, would it still keep its contents? It quickly became apparent that they had no way of answering the latter question, so they focused on the former. Alees started picking up some of the magic items that Thorash had been identifying and tried to activate the Ebon Steed figurine in the hopes that it could help transport them. Her attempt failed. Tarric asked Killick if his contacts in the druid community might be able to help send them home. Killick responded that he knew nothing about the local druidic community near Arn's Mountain nor did he know how to contact them. For a few minutes, no solution was apparent and the level of panic began rising. Finally, Katawan asked his party-mates if the couatl that they had encountered outside the temple might be able to help them. It was quickly apparent that this was their only realistic hope of getting home quickly.

The four of them headed toward the cave where they had found the couatl before when they had needed to ask it some questions. Killick addressed the couatl by name (Souref) and asked it to come out and talk to them. It emerged and asked them gruffly what they wanted. Killick explained the dire situation to the couatl, but before he could ask it for help, it interrupted him saying, "You are unclean. You are defiled by the taint of evil. I will speak to someone who is pure, or I will speak to no one at all." The party looked at each other and decided that Tarric would be the best person to address it. The other three walked away, out of sight, but still within earshot. Tarric repeated what Killick had said and then asked the couatl if it could help transport them to Magepoint.

It considered his request for a moment. Then, in characteristically grumpy fashion, it said, "Name yourself." Tarric replied, "I am Tarric of Diamond Lake." The couatl addressed him. "Tarric of Diamond Lake, I perceive that you are a man of pure intent. However, you have allowed yourself to consort with riff-raff. The one who spoke to me before is tainted by the influence of evil. Another of your companions is primarily selfish and will do anything for money. The third lacks moral direction, being driven only by loyalty to his friends, his training, and his sensei. In the company of companions such as these, are you surprised that one of your former comrades turned on you? I admonish you, Tarric of Diamond Lake, to consider the company that you keep so that their influence does not affect your judgment. Do not allow yourself to be led by fools. You must walk a narrower path if you wish to defeat the Ebon Triad and earn your eternal reward."

Having said his peace, Souref paused. Then he continued, "The answer to your question is, yes. I can transport you to your destination. But I will take only you, Tarric of Diamond Lake, as well as your friend who has been petrified - the one who bears the Eye. The rest of your party must remain behind. And I require you to give me your word that you will make it your priority to do whatever is necessary to secure the Eye before coming back to rescue your comrades." Seeing no other alternative, Tarric agreed. The couatl instructed him that they would leave when he had returned with Alexander's statue. Tarric rejoined his party mates. They returned to the temple and carried Alexander's statue back to Souref's cave with great effort and exertion. As Tarric prepared to leave, he told his partymates that he should return within 24 hours. When the others were out of sight, Tarric called on Souref again. He emerged from his cave and directed Tarric to lift the statue off the ground. Tarric did so hesitantly, wrapping his arms around the statue's waist and using all of his strength to lift it a few inches off the ground. Souref flew forward and touched Tarric with the feathers of his wing. And with a flash of light they were gone.

After a few minutes of silence, Killick, Katawan, and Alees moved forward to verify that Tarric and the couatl were indeed gone. Then they returned to the temple to wait for his return. Having nothing better to do, they began hauling the extra gold out of the treasure chamber and piling it up outside the temple next to Grimlock's statue.
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First Post
Session 57: Tenser (at last)

12th of Fireseek. The afternoon was getting late; Katawan, Killick, and Alees were growing restless. Tarric had promised that he and Alexander would return within 24 hours to recover them. With nothing else to occupy their time, all they could do was wait and wonder if their comrades would return. Because of the temple's protective properties, they were waiting just inside the temple where the statue of the otyugh, the statue of the troll, and the statue of the orc kept them silent company.


Finally, they heard Tarric's voice outside the temple. The three ran out of the temple to confirm that Alexander had indeed been returned to flesh. Tarric dropped two empty bags of holding on the ground, and the party began the time-consuming process of filling them with gold pieces. As they did so, Tarric recounted the events of the past 24 hours to his partymates with Alexander's occasional assistance.

Souref, the couatl, had transported Tarric and Alexander's statue to some otherworldly place at the base of an impossibly tall mountain where the air was crisp, clean, and refreshing and the water tasted better than wine. Radiant winged beings flew above him in the sky. Some flew purposefully, as if on important errands, while others seemed to be flying just for fun. Souref told Tarric that spending eternity in this place would be his reward if he fulfilled his destiny and stayed on the path of righteousness. But before Tarric could take it all in, Souref asked him to repeat the name of the town that he wished to travel to as well as the name of the powerful patron who would safeguard the Eye. After he reiterated the names "Magepoint" and "Tenser," Souref left him and told him to wait near the bank of a crystal clear lake.

Tarric couldn't say how long Souref was gone. The indescribable perfection of the smallest details of existence in that place had a strange ability to fascinate him. His attention was so engrossed by these details that he couldn't reliably gauge the passing of time. Eventually Souref returned and said that he was now ready to send Tarric and Alexander to Magepoint. The couatl assured him that his allies would be waiting for them there. The couatl instructed him to lift the statue once again, which seemed much easier than it had outside the temple. As Souref touched him with his feathers once again, he said a few short words in a beautiful-sounding language that Tarric did not understand.

And then, suddenly, he was in the main square of Magepoint, in front of the Inn of the All-Seeing Eye (which the party had frequented during their long stay at Tenser's castle before deciding to recover the White Eye). Four people were standing around him. One was Celeste, but the other three were unknown to him. Celeste introduced an elven female as Cymria, the Head of the Town Council. Standing beside Cymria was a beefy male human in platemail, most likely a bodyguard of some sort. The fourth was introduced as Bourafane, one of the head clerics of the Temple of Boccob, direct subordinate of Patriarch Riggby. After the hasty introductions were complete, Bourafane led the way to the Temple of Boccob which was only about a block away. (The beefy bodyguard helped Tarric carry the statue which had returned to its original weight.) The group hustled through the main hall of the temple - which was a cavernous library - through to a small audience chamber. Breathlessly, Tarric carefully set the statue on the ground and thanked the bodyguard for his assistance.

Moments later, an austere, elderly man appeared in the doorway, wearing ornate robes indicating devotion to Boccob. Bourafane bowed to this man and introduced him to Tarric as Patriarch Riggby. Riggby's face was an emotionless mask. He walked by Tarric as if he weren't there and approached Alexander's statue. He said some words and his hands glowed with divine energy. Suddenly Alexander was lying on the floor in the flesh, disoriented. Tarric did his best to reassure the suspicious Alexander that he was indeed safe and among friends. Meanwhile, Riggby quickly exited the room. Just before he closed the door behind him, he instructed Bourafane to collect the fee. Bourafane handed Tarric a small sheet of paper which the latter quickly recognized as a bill for services rendered in the amount of 1000 gp. Although Tarric was unaccustomed to such overt venality from men of the cloth, he did not object. He reached into his bag of holding and created stacks of gold pieces on the table in the middle of the room until the price had been paid in full.

At that point, the group made their way back toward Tenser's castle. Once they reached the causeway connecting the shore of the town to the small outcropping of rock upon which Tenser's tower was built, Bourafane, Cymria, and her bodyguard bade the others farewell. Only Celeste, Tarric, and Alexander continued across the causeway to the tower. As before, Celeste disarmed various traps along the way without revealing their secrets. When they were safely inside the walls of Tenser's sanctum, Celeste revealed that Tenser had still not returned, but that he had sent word ahead informing her of Tarric's impending arrival. She said that Tenser had instructed her to have clerics ready and to treat securing something in his possession with the highest priority. She now asked what it was that she was supposed to secure. Alexander replied the party had recovered the White Eye, the key piece of an artifact that was reputed to have the ability to break the barriers preventing Kyuss's return to Oerth. Alexander admitted that it was due to his own folly that the other two pieces of the artifact were already in the enemy's hands, and he felt personally responsible to ensure that this last piece remained safe. Celeste reassured him that there was no safer place on Oerth than in Tenser's vaults. She said that she had the key to one such vault and would gladly secure it there for him until Tenser's return. Alexander agreed.

After watching Celeste place the Eye in a vault in one of the tower's basement levels, he retired to his bed chamber. He was exhausted. After he awoke late the next day, Tarric insisted that they return as soon as possible to recover their partymates. Alexander memorized the necessary spells, and then they returned to recover their partymates. It took multiple teleports for Alexander to get the entire party (as well as Grimlock's statue) back to Magepoint. But they made it back successfully and again began waiting for Tenser's return.

13th - 26th of Fireseek. The party buys and sells some items and has other items commissioned by the remarkably adept mastercraftsmen in this unusual town. Alexander used Tenser's laboratory to begin work upgrading his Headband of Intellect.

27th of Fireseek. Before Alexander was done crafting, Celeste excitedly informed the party that Tenser had finally returned and would see them in his office in two hours. The party prepared for the long-awaited meeting. At the appointed time, Celeste ushered them to a large room on one of the tower's upper levels. The walls of the tall room were covered in paintings large and small. At the far end of the room, in front of an ornate fireplace sat an enormous wooden desk piled high with papers and scrolls. Near the desk was a dragonchess board with pieces arrayed in positions indicating an unfinished game. Tenser stood up from behind the desk to greet them. He was a thin, energetic man with short brown hair. He wore a deep blue tunic made of some unrecognizable fabric and carried a golden goblet filled with wine. The encroaching lines on his face and the gray at his temples were the only indications of his advancing age. He welcomed the party, whose names he already knew. He invited them to sit and made sure they were comfortable with drinks of their own before getting down to business.

Tenser told the party that he had heard much about them from his agent, Eligos. He asked about some of the details of the Worm's Rampage. Then he thanked the party for its efforts and its sacrifices, which had certainly averted a much greater disaster. He also inquired about the party's other run-ins with the minions of Kyuss. The party mentioned the black dragon Ilthane that they had killed in Diamond Lake. They mentioned that it had told them that its master was a dragon known as Dragotha. Tenser seemed to recognize this name. He informed them that Dragotha was an ancient dracolich - an undead dragon. This information gave the party pause. Tenser then asked the party about the difficulties they had encountered on the way to Magepoint. The party described their discovery of a fragment of the Rod of Seven Parts as well as its loss during an ambush by fiends on the way to Magepoint. Tenser informed them that the fiends had been servants of a powerful pit fiend named Visciannix. Tenser estimated that Visciannix was now in possession of 4 fragments of the Rod. Tenser would now have to devote a large amount of his time and energy to frustrating whatever plans Visciannix had for the Rod. As a side note, he thanked the party for rescuing Allustan from the trap in Icosiol's Tomb. He revealed that Allustan had once been an apprentice of Tenser's and indicated that they had not parted on the best of terms. Nevertheless, he was relieved to learn that Allustan was well.

Tenser returned to business and informed the party why he wanted their help. He confided that he had been aware of the Age of Worms prophecy for some time but had never given it much credence. He was even more dubious of the claims of the Ebon Triad cult. However, his mentor Bucknard, one of the original members of the Citadel of Eight (precursor of the Circle of Eight) had felt differently. Researching the Age of Worms had been a hobby of Bucknard's, bordering on obsession. Bucknard had believed that Tenser was wrong not to take it seriously. He had taken a trip to the ruins of an ancient city in the Amedio Jungle known as Kuluth-Mar, where Kyuss allegedly accomplished his ascension to godhood. Unfortunately, Tenser had been busy on Circle business when Bucknard had returned. Bucknard had left behind some scraps of paper briefly journaling his visit to Kuluth-Mar before leaving to investigate another lead. Sadly, Tenser never saw him again. Bucknard had disappeared without a trace approximately 20 years ago. Tenser had confirmed via divinations that Bucknard had been killed on his final trip.

Now that the Age of Worms prophecies seemed to be coming true and the Cult of Kyuss seemed to be growing in strength, Tenser expressed the hope that the party would be willing to retrace Bucknard's steps and try to recover whatever information Bucknard had found. When the party seemed agreeable to this idea, Tenser suggested that they start by exploring Kuluth-Mar. Maybe there was some key piece of information that had been left behind at the site of Kyuss's apotheosis that might help the forces of Good prevent the Age of Worms. Alexander asked if they party could delay their departure for a few days so that he could finish upgrading his Headband. Tenser agreed.

As the party was leaving, Tenser asked Alexander to remain for a moment. Killick also hung back for a private word. Killick informed Tenser that he had become a Wormhunter, following in the footsteps of druids of the Order of the Storm whose primary for centuries mission had been the defeat of Kyuss and the containment of his minions. However, the key to becoming a Wormhunter was the consumption of a living Kyuss worm. Killick explained that by doing so, he was able to use Kyuss's own energy to combat the Age of Worms. He wanted to make sure that Tenser was aware that a living Kyuss worm resided in his head, but only for the purpose of helping him to hunt down and destroy the minions of Kyuss. Although Tenser clearly found the transformation that Killick was undergoing distasteful, he thanked Killick for sharing the information and for risking his own well-being to become a more perfect weapon in the fight against the Age of Worms. After Killick departed, Tenser led Alexander to one of the deepest sublevels of his tower. There he welcomed Alexander him into the fold and inducted him as an agent in the clandestine network, sharing its secrets and capabilities with him.

28th of Fireseek - 3rd of Readying. Alexander continues work on his Headband.

4th of Readying. Alexander completed his Headband and announced that he planned to take a trip to Greyhawk to recruit a new cleric from the Church of St. Cuthbert there. Alees asked for permission to tag along. Alexander consented. They returned later the same day with a cleric that Alexander introduced as Jamlammen, or 'Jam' for short. Alexander informed the party that Jam had come highly recommended by Matriarch Eritai herself. Without bragging, Jam admitted that he had seen a significant amount of action in the Vesve Forrest along the northern frontier of Furyondy, fighting alongside the people of Highfolk against incursions by Iuz's orcs. He assured the party that he would serve them faithfully in their mission and could be relied upon to pull his own weight. The party members welcomed him into their ranks but told him that they would hold him to his pledge. They made sure he was aware that they were certain to face horrors the likes of which he had probably never seen. He said that he understood the importance of his mission and was honored that the Matriarch had chosen him for it. He would not let her, the church, or his god down. And if the Matriarch had assigned him to this party, then ministering to the party's physical and spiritual needs was tantamount to serving his church, as far as he was concerned. He could no more abandon them than he could abandon his own faith. This satisfied the party members and they prepared to depart.

5th of Readying. The party assembled in Tenser's office prior to departure. Tenser pointed out a painting on the wall that supposedly represented Kuluth-Mar, but he informed Alexander that this town was almost 2000 miles away. Alexander admitted that he could not teleport that far. He would need to find a stopover point somewhere between Magepoint and their final destination. Tenser suggested that they use a small town on the coast in the Kingdom of Keoland named Saltmarsh. He reminisced that early in his adventuring career he had once uncovered a sinister secret there. Once he became a powerful mage, he had commissioned a portrait of the town as it had existed then. He pointed Alexander to one of the multitude of extraordinarily detailed and life-like paintings on his walls. Alexander studied it in silence for a while. Then he turned to the painting of Kuluth-Mar and did the same. At long last, he said he thought he would be able to get the party there. Tenser suggested an inn to stay at in Saltmarsh while they were there. He couldn't be sure that it would still be there, but he was willing to bet that it was. He asked the party to mention him to the proprietor and report on how he was doing. They agreed.

After Alexander cast his spell, the party appeared on the docks of a thriving fishing village which was much larger than the town that had been depicted in the painting. They sought out the inn and it was indeed still there. And when Tenser's name was mentioned to the proprietor, the party received nothing but the finest treatment for the remainder of their short overnight stay.
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First Post
Session 58: Kuluth-Mar

6th of Readying. Alexander teleported the party once again to their final destination, Kuluth-Mar. The party appeared on a hill in the middle of a steaming hot jungle. The sounds of insects and birds were all around them. In the distance, about two miles away, they could see the top of a ziggurat peaking out over the treetops. And balanced precariously on top of the ziggurat was an impossibly tall stone spire that branched off in numerous places. Killick suggested that he could turn into a bird and scout the ziggurat for the party. They agreed. After a few minutes of observation, Killick took the shape of a large predatory bird and flew off into the distance. The party watched him as he flew in case he needed help. As he approached the spire, they saw the Killick-bird momentarily in distress. Then it continued on its path. A second time, the bird's path seemed to waiver, but then it righted itself. After making a number of circles, the bird returned. Killick reformed into his human shape and turned away from the party in order to vomit. He informed the party that most of the city had been completely overgrown by jungle except for the city center which was surrounded by a 30 foot tall obsidian wall with arcane writing on top. The jungle had not encroached on the area within and around this wall. When he had flown over this wall, he felt the Kyuss worm that lived inside him die. (That was what he had vomited up upon his return to human form.) He informed the group that he would be without some of his abilities until he could find another worm to replace it. He reported that all of the the town's structures had crumbled down to the foundations except for the ziggurat which seemed to be untouched by the forces of time. When he had approached the spire, he noticed that there was a spot at the top that seemed like it should hold something. As he flew up to get a closer look he had experienced a vision. He had seen a large black monolith that was slightly wider at the base and narrower at the top resting in that spot. Then he had seen a large red claw grab it from its place of rest and carry it off into the distance. He noticed that the dragon was of an advanced age, and he wondered if it could have been Dragotha while it was still living.

The party asked if there had been any gate or opening in the obsidian wall. Killick replied that there had not been. So the party decided to fly over the wall and land on the ground near the ziggurat. Killick grew wings out of his back and carried Grimlock. Alees drew her Lightning Sword and used its flight abilities. Katawan and Tarric used their winged boots. Tarric carried Alexander while Katawan carried Jam. After a short flight, the group landed at the base of the ziggurat. Killick walked around the base of the ziggurat inspecting the ground. He found multiple tracks of the same set of booted footprints walking in many directions. He also noticed that the soil around the ziggurat was literally crawling with slow Kyuss worms. He instructed the party not to lie down on the ground for more than a few seconds. They took his advice to heart. Finding nothing else to interest them, the party ascended the short stair case leading into the ziggurat.

As they ascended, they all had a vision of Kuluth-Mar back in its heyday. The ziggurat was surrounded by a throng of thousands who were looking up to the top. At the top of the spire rested the black monolith that Killick had described seeing in his vision. At the base of the spire - where the spire met the top level of the ziggurat - a tall, handsome, dark-haired man sat on a throne made of green stone. On the man's dark gray robes was a skull and scythe motif reminiscent of the holy symbol of Nerull. Beside the man, who had the copper colored skin of the Flan peoples who inhabited the Flanaess prior to the great migrations of Suel and Oeridians, rested an unusual polearm that seemed to combine the attributes of a morningstar, a glaive, and a pick. As the party members listened, the chants of the throng became clearer and clearer - "Kyuss. Kyuss. Kyuss." The rhythmic chanting increased in volume, threatening to shake the jungle apart. Then the vision faded, replaced by the ruined city of today.

The party continued up the stairs. As they approached the entrance, an undead figure dressed in ancient platemail stepped out of the darkness. Small green worms crawled over all of its exposed skin, and its eyes were replaced by the ravenous mouths of two bloated worms. It drew its bastard sword and gave a horrendous shriek. If any of its allies had joined it in undeath, they were certainly alerted to the party's presence.

The undead knight seized the initiative and charged at Killick, who was in the lead. It thrust its sword into his side, causing him grievous damage. Katawan activated the Shield spell stored in his ring. Tarric and Alees moved to flanking positions around it. As Tarric's holy sword, bit into the undead knight's flesh, it looked at his weapon with violent anger. In a language that no one in the group had ever heard before, the creature said that it would not allow Tarric to defile its temple with that execrable sword. (Only Alees was able to understand the creature's speech because of a scroll of Comprehend Languages that she had read a few minutes earlier.) Killick moved away from the undead knight to prevent any of its allies from entering through the double doors on the far side of the room. Alexander and his faithful cleric companion, Jam, hung back and cast preparatory spells.

Because the two spellcasters remained outside the room on the stairs, they saw two enormous beetles burrow their way out of the worm-infested soil. These bloated green beetles crawled toward the spellcasters and began emitting a maddening chitter from their mandibles. This noise was so distracting that Tarric, Grimlock, and Jam found themselves momentarily unable to concentrate. Rather than swinging its sword at Tarric while he was distracted, it targetted Tarric's sword instead. And in one blow, it was able to sunder Tarric's newly enchanted blade, much to his consternation. To draw its attention, Alees stabbed it with her undead bane dagger. She succeeded in drawing its attention. It said, "You will not bring that weapon into this unholy place!" And with one more swing of its sword, Alees's dagger lay on the ground in pieces.

Meanwhile, the two spellcasters had run into the room to avoid the terrible bite of the two beetles. Killick had moved back across the room to block the stairs and protect the party's rear flank. At this point, with the two blades sundered, the combat became a bit more conventional. The party tried to kill the undead and the undead tried to kill the party. The party discovered that their enemies were capable of doing tremendous damage but, for some reason, their weapons did not seem nearly as effective against their enemies as they should have been. One of Alexander's well-placed empowered fireballs did most of the work of frying the chittering beetles. Then the knight was surrounded. When it was severely damaged, it tried to make it back through the double doors at the back of the room. Alees heard it tell Katawan get out of its way so that it could 'replenish' itself. Although it did get to the doors, Katawan was able to destroy it before it could get through.

Beyond the double doors was a cavernous chamber. The characters' light sources only illuminated a narrow strip of the room lined with pillars. And before the party members had time to let their guards down, they heard the sounded of mailed creatures moving through the dark in their direction. From out of the dark, emerged two undead creatures covered from head to toe in heavy plate armor wielding greatswords. They met the party members in the doorway, where they traded blows. When the undead creatures struck the party members, they did tremendous damage with their swords.

The party concentrated its attacks on one of the two creatures. After a few moments, it called back over its shoulder to one of its unseen comrades. Alees understood what it said: "Brother, assist me. Invoke the worm!" From the darkness, a similar voice replied, "It is done." Suddenly, a blast of black energy rose up out of the ground swirling around everyone in a 20 foot radius around the doorway. The two undead creatures seemed to drink in the dark energy that rose around them, causing their wounds to close up, while the party members caught in the blast had to jump out of the way to avoid being damaged by it. At about the same time, Tarric shook off the effects of a Hold Person spell, and a ribbon of black energy flew over the undead creatures' heads at party members in the rear. There seemed to be unseen spell casters beyond the party's range of vision! Moments later, a third armored undead warrior strode forward into the light, and the party saw it invoke the worm a second time. They were surprised to find out that it was the armored creatures (and not a spellcaster) that invoked the worm, and apparently they could do it more than once a day. Tarric dropped his shield and drew Branwhite (the living longsword) in his off hand, in order to take advantage of the sword's Evasion ability.

Again, from somewhere in the darkness two spells were cast. Killick shook off the effects of another Hold Person spell, while in the rear of the party a Flame Strike went off. Sadly, this column of unholy flame instantly killed and cremated Grimlock II, Killick's trusty wardog. The dog had taken serious wounds from the beetles and had hung back around a corner at its master's instruction to avoid taking any unnecessary damage. However, this column of flame had included the area behind a corner where the dog had been instructed to wait. Perhaps it was fortunate that the dog never saw it coming... This enraged Killick who activated Thorash's ring and turned himself into a lightning bolt in order to get past the undead into the room beyond. He was determined to face the spellcaster(s) that had done this to his dog! When he returned to flesh and blood, he saw only one skeletal spellcaster in platemail armor walking about 15 feet up in the air. After studying the spellcaster briefly, Killick determined that it must have quickened spells, allowing it to cast more than one at once.

However, despite Killick's sudden departure through the front lines, Alexander made an executive decision. He recognized that many of the party members were severely wounded (including himself and Jam). He saw that the undead seemed to be dealing more damage that they were taking. In addition, they seemed to be able to heal themselves (while also damaging the party) at will. Alexander decided that if the battle were to continue at its current pace, the party would lose. So he loudly announced his intention to leave. He then walked up to Jam and Alees, touched them both, intoned the arcane words, and the three of them were gone. Katawan and Tarric stood staring at each other, suddenly alone. Katawan used his monk ability to step sideways through the seams of space and time. He emerged just outside the obsidian ring. Tarric yelled out to Killick that the party was leaving, and he withdrew slowly, waiting to hear a response. When he heard the whinny of an unseen steed from the darkness beyond the doorway, he finally activated his boots and flew away. Once outside, he saw the shadowy image of Killick riding a black steed through the wall of the ziggurat.

Hours later, the party gathered itself together at the overlook where they had initially arrived, about two miles outside the city. Alees and Tarric were intent on getting their blades repaired. Killick wanted to train a new wardog and find out why their weapons seemed only partially effective. All of these tasks required a return to civilization, and Magepoint seemed the safest destination. So the party rested until morning, waiting for Alexander to rememorize spells.

7th of Readying - 17th of Readying. Alexander teleported the party back to Magepoint, via Saltmarsh. Alexander paid the Temple of Boccob 100 gp to utilize their library for a week to research the minions of Kyuss. At the end of the week, he discovered an ancient text written by a bard who had witnessed one of the decisive battles against the minions of Kyuss 1500 years earlier. This ancient bard recorded that silver weapons seemed to have the greatest effect on the forces of Kyuss. With this new information in hand, each of the party's melee fighters commissioned silver weapons from the local blacksmiths and metallurgists. Tarric and Alees had their broken blades repaired, and Tarric paid to have Branwhite's magical powers enhanced to include undead bane. Meanwhile, Killick purchased a new wardog from the halfling kennel master. He named it Grimlock III, and man and beast formed a bond of respect and comradery almost immediately. Killick taught his new wardog some rudimentary commands that would be crucial in combat situations. Finally, the party was ready to return to Kuluth-Mar.
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First Post
Sessions 59-60: Disaster!

18th of Readying. The party teleported to Saltmarsh and stayed at the same inn where they had overnighted on their previous visit.

19th of Readying. The party teleported back to the overlook 2 miles away from the ziggurat at the center of the ruins of Kuluth-Mar. Again, they flew themselves back to the ziggurat and climbed the short staircase leading to the western entrance. This time they were not attacked. They noticed that the double doors between the foyer and the larger worship chamber beyond had been closed. Tarric opened the doors. Nothing stood immediately behind them and all was quiet. He began walking forward and quickly found himself face to face with another undead with worms for eyes, just like the one the party had dispatched before. In an effort to prevent his sword from being sundered, he fought this undead with more evasive tactics. Since this creature was the only visible enemy, it took quite a pounding from all of the party members (especially now that they all had silver weapons). The undead knight called back over his shoulder for assistance and fell back into the larger worship area of the temple.

Jam cast Daylight on his armor, and then he and Alexander flew in to get a look at things. They finally saw the entirety of the cavernous worship chamber. At some point there had been a tremendous explosion in the middle of the room because there was a gaping hole in the floor about 50 feet across and all the nearby pillars had been blown outward. Sickly green vapors rose slowly from the pit. They saw the wounded knight retreating to the party's left towards a pair of double doors in the middle of the wall. Approaching from the far side of the chamber was another undead knight. On the right side of the room, just outside an open pair of double doors, were six undead creatures. Three of the six were walking on the air about 15 feet up. They were hunched over skeletal figures in full plate armor. On the ground were three other figures in plate armor carrying greatswords. Although he wanted to prevent the knight from reaching the "replenishment" that the other knight had spoken of before, Alexander fired a Maximized Fireball at the cluster of 6 undead nonetheless. This caused significant damage to them, forcing two of the greatsword wielders to invoke the worm on themselves to repair the damage. The third greatsword wielder invoked the worm on the wounded knight across the room, causing a number of its wounds to close. Naturally, the cluster of 6 undead scattered to prevent taking similar damage again.

The unwounded knight stepped forward to protect the retreating knight. However, Katawan, Tarric, and Alees flew past the new knight to focus on the wounded one. Killick, riding an enlarged Grimlock, moved up to face a greatsword wielder that was moving closer to Alexander and Jam. Alexander produced another Maximized Fireball that wounded 3 of the original 6 on the right side of the room. And again, the greatsword wielders invoked the worm twice, causing explosions of black energy which seemed to strengthen themselves and their nearby allies. The one that had moved forward invoked the worm on Killick, Grimlock, Jam, and Alexander. Killick and Grimlock were able to evade the blast of negative energy, while Jam and Alexander appeared to simply ignore the effects of the explosion of dark energy. The greatsword wielder moved up to Grimlock, who promptly bit its leg and knocked it to the floor.

Meanwhile, the unwounded knight was incapacitating Tarric (who was flying in the air) with visions of the impending Age of Worms. Katawan and Alees were focusing on the wounded knight but were not quite able to drop him. Once the wounded knight reached the double doors on the left wall, it flung the doors open. Inside, Alees saw a 10 foot tall being with beautiful golden hair, tanned skin, the wings of a bird, and arms that were flaming longswords. She also noticed a green worm crawling out of its left ear. It seemed to be holding back for some reason. Realizing that this might be the last chance to put the wounded knight down, Alexander fired a scorching ray at it and empowered the spell with his rod as the rays left his fingers. The rays shot into the creature's back and incinerated it from the inside out. Its armor fell empty to the ground.

Then Alexander turned his attention back to the group of 6 undead on the right side of the room. The nearest greatsword wielder had stood back up and had taken a big chunk out of Grimlock's hide, forcing the wardog into a slow retreat. Meanwhile, the airwalkers had been tossing ribbons of black energy at the party while simultaneously ordering various party members to hold still. However, these efforts at spellcasting were all in vain because, before the combat had started, virtually all the members of the party had been protected by Deathward spells. These protective spells made the ribbons of black energy (as well as the invocations of the worm) useless against the party. The attempts to hold the party were almost equally as futile. Killick and Tarric wore Rings of Free Action, making them immune to the effects of Hold spells. Only Jam was briefly affected by one of these spells, but he quickly snapped back out of it.

Successive Flame Strikes from Jam and Killick put down two of the three airwalkers and seriously wounded two of the greatsword wielders. At long last, the angelic-looking being on the left side of the battle emerged from its room, flew up and dove down at Tarric with both of its armblades extended. It yelled out that the partymembers would pay for their intrusion on this temple that was so sacred to Lord Kyuss. It seemed to be trying to fly right through Tarric, but it merely clipped him instead. Tarric finally snapped out of his catatonia and announced to the party that something invisible had just emerged from the double doors on the left side of the room. As if on cue, suddenly a pillar of fire erupted surrounding Alexander and Jam. Jam had sustained some damage earlier in the battle from Flame Strikes fired by the airwalkers. He had been able to persevere through those attacks, but this one caught him unawares. He gave out a scream and collapsed to the floor dead. Although Alexander wanted more than anything to avenge his young cohort's death, his monumental intelligence helped him to keep his wits about him and act rationally. He announced a withdrawal.

Hearing the call to retreat, all the party members flew back through the double doors that Tarric had opened to start the battle. Unfortunately, this left Alees in an exposed position at the mouth of the corridor. However, as an unintended consequence of Alees's danger, it caused all of the enemies to congregate together at the corridor's bottleneck. Two of the severely wounded greatsword wielders were dispatched at this bottleneck, with magic missiles and spring attacks. Alexander tried tossing a fireball at the end of the corridor to help take advantage of the bottleneck, but the fireball's effect was completely negated by some sort of magical protective sphere. The undead creatures took turns targeting Alees, but her luck held true and she found a way to dodge all of the incoming attacks. Finally, after taking their measure, she cast a spell creating an obscuring mist that allowed her to tumble away and join the rest of the party in relative safety. (She had been very lucky to escape with her life as well as almost all of her weapons!) Once Alees managed to evacuate, Alexander cast a spell erecting a wall of iron to prevent the remaining undead from following close on the party's heels.

Although the intention had been to continue retreating, the party cast a number of healing spells and briefly discussed whether to stay and fight. They were encouraged by the fact that they had been able to drop two of the greatsword wielders at the corridor's bottleneck just seconds earlier. They also considered the fact that most of the enemies had used up their most potent attacks for the day and were probably just as wounded as the party was. Tarric, who had stood in front of the wall of iron ready for the enemy to break through, pointed out to the group that they did not seem to be trying to do so. There was no pounding coming from the far side. This made the party nervous. If the party was taking time to heal, what was the enemy doing? Alees, who had run all the way out of the temple and had been called back, said she thought staying was a bad idea. But if the party chose to do so, she would hold the healing wand and use it on anyone who needed it. Katawan was also opposed to staying. He complained of being severely wounded and said he would hang back to guard the exit and Alees. This left only Alexander, Killick, and Tarric to fight the enemy. Alexander said that he couldn't leave Jam's corpse behind to whatever fate the undead might have in store for it. Tarric agreed. Once he was healed up, Killick also voted to stay and fight. After almost a minute of eerie silence from the behind the Wall of Iron - the only sound that had been heard the whole time was that of breaking glass - Killick extended his gauntleted hand and magically opened a 6-foot-wide hole in the wall of iron by causing it to rust at an accelerated rate.

The angel had been left to keep watch at the end of the corridor. It alerted its companions in the same unknown language, presumably that the party was returning. Then it ducked back around the corner to the left. Seeing that the way was momentarily clear, Alexander flew into the large worship chamber and took stock of the situation. Since Jam's armor was still glowing as bright as day, he could see that the remaining undead - an airwalker, a greatsword wielder, a knight, and the angel - were all returning to the battle from the room on the left hand wall. He also noticed that the greatsword wielder was now significantly larger than he had been before. After having taken a quick look around, he flew to Jam's burnt body on the ground (which was thankfully still undefiled) and cast a spell that brought both of them back to the antechamber cotaining the rest of the party. Alexander quickly communicated what he had seen. The party saw the greatsword wielder move across their line of fire to a position around the corner on the right hand side.

Killick rode forward on Grimlock III to occupy the end of the corridor for the party. From around the corner, the enlarged greatsword wielder struck him twice, wounding him grievously. Tarric moved forward to help out his comrade, but seeing Killick's terrible wounds and seeing the sundering knight with the visions of the Age of Worms moving quickly toward them, he became dispirited. Tarric communicated his uncertainty to the rest of the party. Sensing the gravity of his friend's doubt, Alexander announced yet another retreat. He told everyone to gather around Jam's body. Tarric looked at Killick. They both knew that Alexander did not have the capacity to teleport all of them away. Even though Killick was more wounded than Tarric, Killick volunteered to stay. He ordered Tarric to fall back and leave with Alexander. When Tarric resisted, Killick argued that he wouldn't leave Grimlock behind anyway, so Tarric might as well join Alexander's teleport. Still Tarric hesitated. Finally Killick argued that if Tarric stayed behind, he might get frozen by the knight's visions again, and if that happened he'd just be a liability. Again, Killick ordered Tarric to withdraw. He reassured Tarric that he and Grimlock would be able to make it over the wall together and that they would rejoin the party at the campsite in a matter of minutes. Reluctantly, Tarric nodded and fell back to the circle that had formed around Jam and Alexander. As soon as Tarric grabbed onto Alexander, the party (minus Killick and Grimlock) teleported out to the clearing 2 miles away from the ziggurat.

As the teleported party members reoriented themselves to their new surroundings in the jungle, they turned to face the ziggurat and watch for Killick's escape. Seconds passed and they saw nothing. Then they heard a horrific howl of remorse coming from Grimlock. Something had gone terribly wrong! The party mobilized and began flying back to the ziggurat at top speed. They arrived about 10 minutes later to find Killick and Grimlock's corpses lying on the ground about halfway between the ziggurat and the obsidian wall surrounding it. Although Grimlock seemed untouched, Killick's body was nearly naked, having been stripped of almost all its valuables. Already worms were crawling all over his body and were burrowing into his lifeless flesh. The party hurriedly wiped the exposed worms off his body, picked him up, and flew away. Tarric and Alexander stayed for a few extra seconds to liberate Grimlock's collar and barding. Then they flew away as well, back to the campsite.

The party had 2 corpses to keep them company as they waited nervously for dawn to arrive. The survivors were almost as quiet as the corpses that night...

20th of Readying. The party teleported through Saltmarsh back to Magepoint. There they focused on scraping together enough cash to get their companions raised. Once this was done, they asked Killick what had happened to him. He explained that he took an unnecessary risk in an effort to magically cure the angel of its madness. His effort was unsuccessful, and when he tried to withdraw, the knight landed a lucky blow that knocked him nearly senseless. Grimlock did what he could to drag him away, but the invisible creature had come forward and cast a spell at him as he was retreating. Although he had resisted the full effect of the spell (which would have destroyed him), the partial effect was enough to do him in. When the party told him about Grimlock's howl of remorse, he said a quick prayer thanking the Shalm that he had not been alive to hear it or to witness his companion's slaughter at the hands of the minions of Kyuss.

When Jam was returned to life, Alexander apologized for failing to protect him and dismissed him from the party's service. Jam reluctantly departed Magepoint later that same day on a stagecoach headed for Greyhawk.

21st - 25th of Readying. Alexander spent time in Tenser's workshop crafting an item. During his off time, he recruited a new cohort at the local bar. Meanwhile, the rest of the party made plans for another assault on the lost temple of Kyuss amidst the ruins of Kuluth-Mar.


First Post
Sessions 61-62: Alexander's New Cohort Saves the Day

21st of Readying. When the party returned to Magepoint, they met with Celeste who told them that Tenser was not in residence. The party told her the tale of their combat within the ziggurat. Celeste seemed very intrigued by the description of the two angelic-seeming beings the party had fought. Celeste informed the party that she had heard legends of a lost rogue angel named Kelvos who had supposedly led a small band of like-minded angelic warriors to destroy the growing evil of Kyuss while he was still a mortal. Kelvos and his band had attacked Kyuss in contradiction to explicit orders given by his superiors, but he felt stopping Kyuss was important enough to disobey orders. Sadly, Kelvos and his followers were never heard from again. Celeste told the party that, from their descriptions, she believed that some of the beings the party had fought were remnants of that lost expedition. The party asked her questions about Kelvos's abilities which she answered to the best of her knowledge. The party asked if she would like to accompany them on their next assault of Kuluth-Mar. At first she demurred. She really shouldn't, she said. But soon, she changed her mind and consented to accompany the party to help destroy the abominations that Kelvos and his follower had become. However, she swore the party to secrecy regarding her participation. The party agreed.

26th of Readying. The party made sure to pick up Celeste before teleporting back to Kuluth-Mar. After Alexander cast the spell, the party found itself at its campsite in a jungle clearing atop a hill overlooking the ruins of Kuluth-Mar. They flew over the obsidian wall surrounding the strangely in-tact ziggurat in the center of the ruins. Killick found a slow-moving Kyuss worm in the soil and devoured it to regain the abilities he lost every time he passed over the obsidian wall. Meanwhile, the other party members cast preparatory spells. Alees scouted ahead to get an idea of the position of the enemy forces. She found that the double doors leading into the cavernous worship chamber were closed. She listened at the door and heard hurried movement inside. She came back out to her comrades and informed them that the enemy were aware of the party's presence and seemed to be preparing for battle, just as they were. This caused them to hurry their preparations and attack as swiftly as possible. The party opened the double doors and charged in. They saw the same enemies that they had left behind before approaching them from the room on the left wall - the sundering swordsman, the winged angel with swords for arms, the airwalking skeleton in armor, and the enlarged undead fighter wielding a greatsword. Tarric had activated Branwhite's ability to see invisible creatures, so he was also able to spot Kelvos from his position 10 feet in the air. The enlarged greatsword-wielder charged forward at him and sliced a gaping wound in the Shield Knight's side.

Finally seeing a target, Alexander poured all of his prodigious spell-power into destroying the enlarged creature that had harmed his friend Tarric. He sent a volley of maximized, empowered scorching rays into the undead creature's hide. This assault of arcane energy knocked it back on its heels, nearly destroying it. It invoked the worm on itself moved back a bit and called out for assistance. Either Kelvos had no help to give its ally or it chose to leave its companion to its fate. The party heard an invisible figure command the large great-sword wielder to get out of the way. Then, from a position hovering over the pit in the middle of the room, he shot a bolt of lightning toward the party members in the doorway. After striking Alexander, the electricity jumped from one target to the next, harming Norvelle as well. Then the airwalking skeleton called down a Flame Strike in the same location. Despite his wounds, Alexander moved forward and continued focusing his most potent magic on the greatsword-wielder. After another volley enhanced scorching rays, that enemy was destroyed. The party had drawn first-blood in less than half a minute. They were pleased; things were going well. Annoyed at seeing its companion destroyed, invisible Kelvos flew forward and cast a spell causing multi-colored beams to strike the entire party (which was still mostly congregated near the doorway). One of the beams struck Alexander and he was instantly turned to stone! Meanwhile, the sundering knight of Kyuss was using some kind of mental power to show Tarric visions of the Age of Worms, rendering him immobile. Suddenly, the party's two most potent combatants had been neutralized! O, how the tides of war can turn! The party's hopes for a quick victory were dashed.

Since they couldn't see Kelvos and since the sundering knight was causing Tarric's catatonia, Alees and Katawan focused their attacks on it. Katawan assaulted the vile creature with silvered fists of fury while Alees tried to knock the creature off balance and moved around to provide Katawan with flanking attacks. Meanwhile, Killick flew up to occupy the winged being and prevent it from diving at the party with impunity. Lastly, Celeste, who had cast a spell to see invisible creatures, yelled out, "Kelvos, your twisted mockery of an existence ends here! Your suffering ends now!" With that, she flew up in the air toward the location from which the Prismatic Spray had appeared. As she rushed forward, a shimmering greatsword appeared in her hands. She then engaged in an aerial melee combat with an invisible opponent. Alexander's new protege, Norvelle, was shaken at having seen his master turned to stone. He did his best to provide himself and the party with healing when they needed it, but he also stayed out of direct combat.

For about a minute the combat swirled around in this fashion with neither side doing much damage to the other. After having little luck with the winged being, Killick changed targets and attacked the airwalking spellcaster. However, after that spellcaster had exhausted its few flamestrikes, it had nothing left with which to harm the party (all of whose members were warded against death and negative energy effects). So it broke off and flew down into the pit. Killick, sensing that his opponent was near death, followed it down into the pit until it landed in a tunnel and disappeared inside. At this point, Killick thought better of following and flew back up toward the combat against the sundering knight. When the sundering knight found itself unable to land a blow on Katawan, it tried to switch targets and attack Alees. It had more luck with her, but she withdrew. Killick and Katawan blocked it and kept it from pursuing her. Killick struck it with his undead-bane quarterstaff. This seemed to anger it. Even though it was very damaged at this point, it took the time necessary to sunder the petrified wood quarterstaff that Killick had found on the party's first adventure in the Whispering Cairn.

Out of other useful spells, Norvelle called on the power of St. Cuthbert and cast a spell making him larger and more powerful. He then charged, heedless of his own safety, into combat, brandishing his mace against the large winged opponent. They traded blows. He even drew Kelvos's attention. (Now that Kelvos was visible, it was apparent to the party members who looked that Celeste and Kelvos were dueling each other with the same kind of shimmering great sword.) Kelvos broke away from Celeste and sliced her greatsword into Norvelle. Norvelle had taken a great deal of damage, and his resolve was wavering. Celeste sensed this. She charged Kelvos and her greatsword sliced through him wounding him grievously, but he wasn't dead. Celeste looked Novelle in the eye and insisted, "Finish him!" Although what he wanted most was to withdraw and heal himself, he heeded Celeste's exhortation and swung his mace at Kelvos. His swing connected, smashing Kelvos's skull. He used the momentum of his swing to attack Kelvos's winged cohort, destroying it as well.

Seeing that the momentum of the battle had swung decisively in their favor, Katawan unleashed a flurry of blows against the sundering knight. Alees saw one of Katawan's silver fists punch all the way through the knight's armor, and then it collapsed around his arm onto the floor becoming a pile of writhing worms that decayed and liquefied in a matter of seconds. Suddenly Alees's voice remarked from out of nowhere that, if she had known the party was going to defeat the enemy so quickly and decisively, she wouldn't have wasted her Dust of Disappearance. Celeste congratulated the party on their hard-fought victory and reminded them ominously that she was never here. Then, placing her index finger in front of her lips in a sign of secrecy, she teleported away.

Although some in the party were tempted to follow the airwalking skeleton down into the pit, the rest of the party convinced them that it was time to retire. Tarric flew Alexander's statue form back to the campsite while the rest of the party searched the two rooms. Norvelle investigated the room on the right which was apparently a library of some kind. As he looked around it, though, he found himself witnessing another vision of the past. Suddenly the room was much cleaner and newer. There was a man sitting at the desk. The man seemed to be the human form of Kyuss that they had seen in a previous vision. Standing behind him was a six armed undead thing with grey skin. It pointed to something on the desk, a old and pitted bronze disk. Suddenly a look of comprehension bloomed on the man's face... and the vision ended.

Inside the room were rows of dusty books. There were also 12 jars resting on a shelf, each containing a writhing gray worm with arcane symbols written on it suspended in a cloudy liquid. With a Detect Magic spell, the party determined that the only thing magical in the room were the worms in the jars. Norvelle told the rest of the party about what he saw in his vision. Being the party's expert on worms, Killick looked more closely at the worms in the jars. He also found a book that was lying open on a small pedastal near the jars. He investigates it closely as well.

In the mean time, Norvelle approached the other room across from the first one. Apparently this room had been a torture chamber. But before he could make out any details, Norvelle found himself witnessing another vision. In this one, he saw the same man accompanied by the same 6-armed, gray-skinned creature. The creature presents a jeweled golden box to the man. He opens it, and with a pair of iron tongs, pulls out a writhing green worm. The man's expression turns to one of exaltation as he examines the worm... and the vision fades. The room's walls are covered with ancient instruments of torture, rusted iron hooks, knives, and other unrecognizable tools of vile intent. One of the walls had apparently contained a pane of glass, as there was broken glass and green liquid on the floor. Apparently, the glass had made up part of the far wall and the green liquid had been retained behind it. Apparently the liquid had only been released days ago, as it was not yet completely dried.

At this point, Alees suddenly appeared at the edge of the pit. She informed the party that she had scouted out the tunnels below with the remainder of the invisibility effect. After a few twists and turns she had come upon a wormlike creature with a horrific humanoid face. Although it didn't see her, when she looked at its eyes, she felt strange as if she were being overcome by some sort of magical effect. But she shook off its effects and flew back to report what she had found to the rest of the party.

With this new knowlege of what enemies might be waiting below, the party instructed Norvelle to keep watch at the top of the pit while they looted the undead bodies for valuables. Alees left the obvious stuff to her party mates while she looked around for secret doors and compartments. After about 30 minutes, Norvelle called out that he had seen a face like the one Alees had described poking its head out of the top tunnel. He had also felt that strange, disorienting magical effect that Alees had felt. The party looked over the edge to see if it was still there, but it was gone. The party continued looting and searching until their fly spells were about to wear off. Then they grabbed what they could and returned to their campsite on the hill about two miles from the ziggurat.

27th of Readying. Norvelle tried to cast Break Enchantment on Alexander's statue with no luck. Killick learned that the worms in the jars would provide one with knowledge if one were to consume the worm (and survive). Figuring that he had the best chance to survive, he took the rest of the party back to the library and consumed 10 of the worms one-by-one. Each time, the process was disgusting to watch and visibly painful. On two occasions, Killick screamed out as the worms made it to his brain. But both times, he was able to bring himself under control. After this ordeal, he seemed to lost some of his wits and had trouble expressing himself in clear sentences. However, Norvelle cast a Restoration spell on him, and he was back to his old self. In fact, he seemed noticeably improved - more knowledgeable about every subject. Seeing the benefits that Killick had gained, Katawan risked swallowing the remaining 2 worms that Killick had said were repeats. Katawan suffered no ill effects after swallowing the worms, and seemed to gain increased knowledge of religion and arcane spells. After this the party retired to its campsite.

28th of Readying. Norvelle successfully broke the enchantment on Alexander's statue, returning him to normal. Alexander teleported the party back to Saltmarsh, where they stayed the night at the inn.

1st of Coldeven. The party completed the second leg of the trip to Magepoint. They sold the unclaimed magic items that the undead had been wearing, settled some debts, and purchased a few items. Killick found someone skilled enough to repair his petrified wood quarterstaff inexpensively. Killick purchased the components necessary to research a spell.

2nd of Coldeven. The party returned to Kuluth-Mar by teleportation. Killick noticed that something humanoid had investigated their campsite in the past couple days. The party decided to abandon its hilltop campsite with a great overlook of the ruins in favor of a more nondescript campsite closer to the city. Because they were concerned about security, the party left Tarric and Grimlock behind to guard the new campsite while the rest of the party flew back to the ziggurat to investigate the tunnels in the pit.

They all flew down into the pit and Alexander challenged whatever was within the tunnels to come out and face them. Many members of the party heard slithering sounds coming from within the tunnels. Alees, Alexander, and Norvelle all chose to fly back up to the top of the tunnel to stand on solid ground. Only Killick and Katawan continued flying. Soon thereafter, man-sized green worms with horrific humanoid faces emerged from the numerous tunnels carved into the sheer sides of the pit. All who saw the eyes of these worm-creatures were forced to fight off some sort of magical effect. As soon as the creatures emerged, the party let loose their prepared attacks. Killick and Katawan both flew into the 4 foot tall tunnels to attack their targets in melee. Meanwhile, Alees fired her crossbow at the third worm-creature while Alexander and Norvelle fired ranged spells at it. The worm creature takes a surprisingly large amount of punishment before dying. However, as soon as it died, another slithered forward to take its place.

The worm creatures seemed to prefer to attack by casting spells. Killick noticed that his opponent cast Slay Living, Enervation, Ray of Exhaustion, and Blindness at him, all to no effect. Each time, his opponent backed up to cast its spell and Killick was drawn farther and farther into the tunnel. But he was clearly defeating his opponent, so he continued the pursuit nonetheless. However, after about 30 seconds, he noticed a strange silence coming from his partymates outside the tunnel at the top of the pit. Had something happened to them? Killick dismissed this worry and continued attacking.

Katawan finished off the worm creature in his tunnel only to see its place taken by another right after it fell. With this brief lull in the action, Katawan also noticed the strange silence coming from outside his tunnel, so he flew back out to see what had happened. He saw Alees, Norvelle, and Alexander just standing at the top of the pit. They were still able to move, but they were doing nothing but looking at each other and at their own hands with confused looks on their faces. Katawan yelled back to Killick that something was wrong. Just then, one of the worm-creatures cast Dispel Magic on his Winged Boots. Luckily, he was close enough to the wall so that he could use his Slow Fall ability. He reached out and grabbed at a crevice along the side of the pit and held on, stopping his descent. He yelled out to Killick that he was unable to fly and hanging from a ledge.

(to be continued)


First Post
Interlude: Campsite Encounter

2nd of Coldeven. Tarric, in his full plate armor, was sweating profusely in the steamy jungle heat. As he took yet another drink from his waterskin, he cursed his luck that he was the one who drew the short straw and had to stay behind to guard the campsite. His only company for this duty was Grimlock IV, Killick's wardog (who, Tarric noticed, was equally uncomfortable wearing chainmail barding). Grimlock lay down in the shade, panting heavily.

Only a few minutes after the party left for the ziggurat, Grimlock suddenly stood up. He sniffed the wind and started growling. Seeing this, Tarric stood up as well, drawing his sword, and peering into the dense jungle looking for whatever was alarming Grimlock. At first, Tarric saw nothing, but then, amazingly, an enormously fat 8 foot tall creature with leathery skin and large wings strode out of the jungle approaching the campsite with its hands up. Tarric couldn't believe that such an enormous creature was able to get so close to the campsite so stealthily.

In a deep, gravelly, but somehow friendly voice, the creature began to speak. "No need for that sword. I'm here to talk and hopefully to make a deal. I'm not here to fight. My name is Boshliwur, what's yours?"

Tarric was put off-guard by the creature's amiable tone. He almost found himself putting his sword down and greeting it in a similar fashion. But that's when he caught a whiff of it - its stench was incredible! Tarric struggled to keep his breakfast down. He now saw that the creature's leathery skin was kept moist by a secretion with a slightly greenish hue. No doubt it was this secretion that smelled so bad.

Tarric had learned a great deal about demons during his training as a Knight of Holy Shielding, and this was no demon that he had ever heard of. Still, it didn't take an expert to realize that this creature must be from some infernal region. Tarric kept his sword raised and responded warily, "I don't make deals with the likes of you, fiend. Go back where you came from and leave me and my companions alone. Otherwise you will taste my steel."

Boshliwur's enormous belly rose and fell with a loud sigh. Then, as if to himself, he said, "Figures. The one they choose to leave behind would have to be a narrow-minded paladin. Oh well. So much for talk." Then in a much louder voice, he ordered, "Seize him!"

From out of the nearby underbrush charged 3 emaciated figures with long arms and a black, sticky tar-like substance coating their bodies. They seemed to be vaguely of the same race as Boshliwur, but they were shorter (about Tarric's height) and lacked wings. As they rushed at Tarric, they all tried to claw at him, but luckily they all missed, much
to Boshliwur's consternation.

Tarric wanted very badly to destroy these fiendish abominations, but he knew that the tactical situation was not favorable to him. They outnumbered him and they could probably guess his modes of attack, while he knew nothing whatsoever about theirs. He made the decision to withdraw and live to fight another day, hopefully with the support of the rest of his party. He picked up Grimlock IV, activated his winged boots, and flew as fast as he could in the direction of the ziggurat. As he flew away, Tarric heard Boshliwur yelling, "You fools! You let him get away! We needed him!" Tarric looked back to see Boshliwur flapping its wings just enough to lift its enormous bulk above the treetops, but it did not seem to be in pursuit.

A few minutes later, Tarric landed on the ground just outside entrance to the ziggurat. As he set Grimlock down on the ground, the dog bolted, running inside and barking. Tarric guessed that there must be some action inside the temple, so he drew his sword again and ran up the short flight of steps leading into the ominous structure...
Last edited:


First Post
Sessions 63 - 64: The Worm Nagas' Gaze

2nd of Coldeven. Although Killick heard Katawan's cries for help, he sensed that his opponent was near death. And Killick the Wormhunter could not abide the thought of leaving one of Kyuss's minions alive unless absolutely necessary. Soon thereafter, Killick's opponent fell as predicted, but he did not realize that there was another Worm Naga directly behind the one he had defeated, waiting to take its place. At this point, he withdrew from the tunnel to find out what was going on. As he emerged into the vertical shaft that led downward from the middle of the great worship chamber of Kyuss's ziggurat, he flapped his wings and took stock of the situation both above and below him. Below he saw Katawan clinging to a rocky outcropping on the side of the shaft. Katawan's magical Winged Boots had apparently been disabled. Above he saw Alees, Alexander, and Norvell staring mutely and insensibly at the top of the shaft. Of course, there were also Nagas pointing their heads out of two tunnels across from his, and he knew that a third naga was pursuing him and would soon emerge in the mouth of the tunnel from which he had just emerged. He asked Katawan to report, but Katawan also seemed mute and insensible, just like the rest of his partymates. For a moment, Killick was unsure which of his partymates to assist first. But just then he heard Grimlock's bark from up above. Then he heard Tarric calling out to Alexander, asking what was going on. Killick yelled up to Tarric, telling him to lead Alees, Alexander, and Norvell away from the shaft and warned him not to look within it himself. Then he commanded Grimlock to stay back. Meanwhile, Killick dove down to retrieve Katawan. Killick had to really exert himself to fly up to the top of the shaft carrying Katawan, all the while dodging spells cast by the nagas. But he made it without incident, and the party congregated in the ziggurat's antechamber, out of sight of the shaft and its denizens. They waited for a few minutes to see if the nagas would follow them, but they did not.

When they were convinced it was safe, Tarric and Killick conferred with one another about how best to proceed. Tarric informed Killick about a brief encounter he had just had at the party's campsite with a large winged fiend who seemed to want to make a deal with the party. To bring Tarric up to speed, Killick surmised that the rest of their partymates had succumbed to some kind of magical gaze attack that he had felt coming from the nagas' eyes. After consulting his knowledge of spells and spellcraft, he decided that the effects were similar to those of a powerful spell called Feeblemind. If the effects were identical to the spell's effects, the party members' symptoms of idiocy would be permanent unless powerful curative magic were used to remove them. Neither Tarric nor Killick were able to cast what was needed. Somehow, they would have to return to civilization to bring back scrolls or spellcasters that could help. For a while, they were stumped about how they might do this. Eventually, though, Killick remembered his Ebon Steed. It would allow him to teleport to a different plane, from which he could then teleport back to Magepoint. He realized that there would be some error in the process - he wouldn't end up exactly in Magepoint, but he would be a lot closer than he was now!

Now that they knew how they would get back, they started collecting things to sell in order to pay for the necessary scrolls. (Since they had just recently been back to Magepoint, they had already sold all the enemy swag they had found in the previous combat.) Luckily, they found that Alexander had a great deal of unspent gold in his Bag of Holding. Next, they had to consider where the party would make camp now that their previous campsite had been discovered by the winged fiend that had confronted Tarric. They decided to go a few miles south of the city and camp in some inhospitable swampy terrain until Killick returned. After helping to set up this camp, Killick grabbed Alexander's Bag of Holding, mounted his Ebon Steed, and teleported away to the Astral Plane. From there, he teleported back to Oerth with the intention of teleporting back to Magepoint. However, when he returned, he found himself over a body of water with no land in sight in any direction. Killick reasoned that this body of water must be the Nyr Dyv, and since Magepoint is on the south shore of that lake, Killick flew his steed south. After hours of flight, he reached the coast, found a friendly local, got directions, and - many hours of riding later - finally made it to Magepoint very late at night. He went to the temple of Boccob and asked for Bourafane, the cleric the party had dealt with before when the party needed to safegard the Pyramid of Tyranny (and get Alexander's statue turned back to flesh). A few minutes later, a bleary eyed Bourafane greeted Killick and asked how he could be of service. Killick explained the party's dire situation and said that he would like to confer with Celeste. Bourafane said he could help. He cast a spell, and after a few moments, he told Killick that she was on her way.

About 20 minutes later, Celeste arrived at the temple of Boccob. Killick described the party's situation to her and described what kind of spells were needed in order to snap his partymates out of their stupor. Celeste said that she could cast one of the necessary spells and volunteered to cast them in order to help the party. Celeste had been there when Tenser had shown the party the picture of Kuluth Mar on the wall of his office, so she was confident she could teleport there, but she could only get herself there. She could not include Killick in her spell. Killick was not confident that he could get back to Kuluth Mar the way he had come. He estimated (based on riding time) that the Ebon Steed had returned him to Oerth about 200 miles away from Magepoint. He had been able to use his knowledge of the geography of the region as well as the information provided by helpful local residents to find his way. He would not have those advantages if he suddenly found himself in the vast Amedio Jungle 200 miles away from his intended destination in a random direction; he would be hopelessly lost with very little chance of ever finding the ziggurat. So, after some discussion, Killick decided to buy 2 scrolls of Heal and 1 scroll of Greater Teleport from the temple of Boccob (which Bourafane was happy to sell at standard market price). Celeste would use the scroll of Greater Teleport to get them both there together, she would cast the necessary Heal spells on his partymates, and then the party would have 2 Heal scrolls as backups should the same thing happen to the party again. But first, Celeste would have to rest and re-memorize spells.

3rd of Coldeven. The next morning, after prayers and breakfast, Celeste and Killick gathered in Tenser's office. She warned Killick that she was not as adept at arcane spells as she was with divine spells, so there was some risk of failure when she attempted to cast Greater Teleport from the scroll Killick had bought. Killick reassured her that the party had the funds to purchase another one, if need be. She unrolled the scroll parchment, concentrated on the picture of Kuluth Mar on the wall, and cast the spell. Suddenly, the lifelike portrait dissolved and turned into the real scene. Celeste's casting had been successful; they were at the scenic overlook that the party had used as their original campsite. Killick sprouted wings and the two flew together toward the new campsite in the swamp. There they found Tarric and Grimlock guarding their still senseless partymates. One-by-one Celeste cast Heal on them, causing them to snap out of their stupor. After she was done, she put her finger to her lips once again and said, "Remember: I was never here." Then she teleported herself away.

The party strategized about how best to proceed. Alexander took his Bag of Holding back and gave Norvell the two Heal scrolls. Alexander reasoned that his ability to teleport the party away from the jungle back to civilization was crucial. Consequently, he gave his cohort strict instructions that the Heal scrolls were only to be used on him (Alexander) unless he specifically told Norvell otherwise. Additionally, he instructed Norvell that only one of the two of them could be in combat at any one time. With these safegards in place, the party returned to the ziggurat to eliminate the remaining Worm Nagas and discover who or what resided at the bottom of that long shaft. Again, the entire party was magically warded from the effects of death magic, which shielded them from the nagas' most potent spells. The party members also did whatever they could to shield themselves (to the extent possible) from the nagas' gaze attacks. Using these tactics, the party was able to finish off the remaining four nagas in the tunnels near the top of the shaft without much difficulty. This time only Killick succumbed to the nagas' gaze. Although Alexander was tempted to leave Killick (at least temporarily) in the state of idiocy, once the battle was over, he relented and ordered Norvell to use one of the scrolls on him to restore his intellect.

The bottom of the shaft was hard to see because of the greenish vapors rising from the bottom. Norvell cast Daylight on Alexander and he descended slowly. About 125 feet below the level of the top, Alexander spotted another series of naga tunnels. Alexander let loose with his standard volley of Maximized Empowered Scorching Rays and Quickened Magic Missiles, and a second combat was under way. Again the party members did what they could to shield their eyes from the nagas' gaze. However, this time the party noticed that the nagas seemed to be better prepared than the original group had been. Not only were some of them resistant to fire which the nagas above had not been, but they were now using Dispel Magic to try to eliminate the party's Deathwards so that they could bring their more deadly spells to bear on the party. They were also using Bestow Curse and Ray of Exhaustion in tandem as a one-two punch that resulted in enormous losses of party members' physical Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution all at once. Tarric's tactic was to enter one of the tunnels, cover his eyes, and use his Blindfighting abilities in close combat with the nagas. Katawan's tactic was to pummel them with his fists of fury until a Dispel Magic spell knocked out his Winged Boots again, at which point he used his Slow Fall ability to descend to the bottom of the shaft. Alees's tactic was to shoot at the nagas from range with the Rainbow Crossbow and occasionally close with one of them in order to feint it and do sneak attack damage. After a short time, the party spotted the source of the nagas' better preparation and change in tactics; the Wormcaller that had fled the battle in the cathedral above was assisting the nagas in one of the tunnels. This was of particular interest to Killick, because this particular Wormcaller still wore Killick's Gauntlet of Rust. Killick used the power of the Ring of the Wind Dukes to transform himself into a bolt of lightning so that he could get past the naga blocking his way to the Wormcaller. Then they exchanged a few Flamestrikes which did little damage to either of them. Killick resorted to his Undead Bane quarterstaff which he found much more effective. However, by mistake, he caught a glimpse of the Worm Naga's eyes and all reason left him (for the second time that day). Now Killick swung his quarterstaff at the Wormcaller in an insensible panic, simply trying to escape. Luckily, by this point in the battle, Killick was getting assistance from a number of his partymates fighting the naga on the other side. It wasn't long before all the enemies were defeated and the party regrouped. Unfortunately, by the end of the battle, Alees, Tarric, and Alexander had also been turned into idiots by the nagas' gaze, and Tarric had dropped his sword and shield to the bottom of the shaft.

As instructed, Norvell used the last scroll on Alexander to return him to his senses. Katawan described what he had seen in at the bottom of the shaft - swarms of writhing worms that seemed to know he was despite the Greater Invisibility spell that had been active on him at the time. Since Alexander still had some Fireballs memorized that he hadn't used, he decided to fly down and launch Fireballs into the room at the bottom of the shaft in an effort to clear it of the worm infestation that Katawan had described. After one Maximized fireball, Alexander saw a blackened layer of worms on top, but he saw that there was still writhing beneath. He shot another normal Fireball in, and still he was not certain that the mass of worms in the room had been completely neutralized. Katawan volunteered to help with his Necklace of Fireballs (his favorite magic item). He tossed in the most powerful bead that he had remaining on the necklace, and finally the room was still. Alexander and Katawan flew back to the rest of the party at the top of the shaft.

Killick, Tarric, and Alees were still Feebleminded and in need of Heal spells. Alexander wanted to teleport back to Magepoint immediately. Katawan asked to be allowed to spend some time to explore the naga tunnels looking for a lair or some treasure of some kind. Alexander allowed him one hour. When an hour was up, Katawan returned with the last Wormcaller's swag (including Killick's Gauntlet of Rust) as well as Tarric's intelligent longsword Branwhite and his magical shield. (Miraculously, these had been shielded from the flames of the multiple fireballs by the mass of worms that had swarmed atop them.) He reported that the naga tunnels were like a 3-dimensional maze. He had not found a lair, but he was not confident that he had been through all the tunnels yet. Alexander decided that the party could look for more swag later, preferably after the party was back up to full fighting strength. The party teleported back to Magepoint.

Once there, the party sought out Celeste, but she was unavailable. She had apparently left town rather suddenly on a mission. Consequently, Alexander paid to have clerics of the temple of Boccob cast Heal on the Feebleminded party members. The party reimbursed him for these costs out of the proceeds of the sale of the Wormcaller's armor.

4th of Coldeven. The party teleported back to Kuluth Mar - this time to a point inside the ziggurat directly above the shaft, rather than to some campsite outside the obsidian ring. Although some wanted to search more for the naga's lair, the party decided to continue downward to explore the bottom level. The party emerged from the bottom of the shaft into a room of worked stone. The floor was covered with crispy worms. Alees found the sight of all the burned worms on the floor repulsive and refused to step on them, hovering just above them. She quickly checked the walls for secret doors, finding none. The room had three exits: one open passageway leading into another room, one set of double doors, and another passage way leading into a large natural cavern. The party chose to open the double doors first. Alees certified that the doors were neither trapped nor locked. However, she reported hearing running water on the far side. She flew back and allowed Killick to step forward to open the doors. They opened easily.

Inside, Killick saw a green fountain bubbling with liquid. This fountain was flanked by three wormcallers who all beckoned at him to step forward. In thickly accented Common (that had probably been learned phonetically), they croaked in unison, "Come. Drink." Despite his hatred of all minions of Kyuss, Killick thought this sounded like an excellent idea! (Now that he thought about it, he *did* feel a tad parched...) Alees ran forward to attack the nearest foe, knicking it slightly with her sword. All three of them turned on her in unison, launching ribbons of powerful black energy at her. All three ribbons struck her, and she feel to the ground unconscious. Katawan, Alexander, and Norvell repositioned and cast buff spells. Tarric entered the room and attacked the nearest Wormcaller; Grimlock moved forward and did the same. Despite Killick's thirst, he decided to move Alees back to the healer Norvell before taking a drink from the fountain. He pulled Alees's pale and unconscious form back to Norvell. As he released her next to the party's cleric, he said absent-mindedly, "Alees needs your help. I need to go drink the water now." Norvell looked at Killick strangely for a moment, but then Alexander gave him an order and he was unable to inquire further about Killick's strange behavior. As the melee swirled around him, Killick moved past friends and enemies alike, walking towards the fountain in a strangely unguarded fashion, and then drank deeply of the water which came burbling up from the top. Only after 3 full swallows did Killick realize that the water he was drinking was full of worms! He could feel the worms eating away at his stomach! He dropped to his knees and did his best to retch some of them out, but he could still feel most of them inside him, squirming and biting. He had to get them out, but he also saw the Wormcallers shooting those ribbons of black energy at his wardog. His duty to his animal companion came first. He moved next to Grimlock and cast a spell that would protect them both from the black ribbons, whincing all the while from the stomach pain. Then he cast Remove Disease on himself. This killed the worms in his stomach, but it also killed the one that he carried around with him inside his head.

By this time, the battle was coming to an end; the party had easily gotten the upper hand against these three minions of Kyuss. When it was finished, Killick asked the party to wait for him to go back up to the surface and find another worm that would be suitable for him to host, so that he could regain his Wormhunter powers. They agreed to wait for him, but they told him to hurry - they didn't want their preparatory spells to run out. He flew up as quickly as he could and returned about a minute and a half later. Killick asked, "So, shall we check out the cavern next?"


First Post
Sessions 65 & 66: Ma'kar, The Harbinger of Worms

4th of Coldeven. The party moved to explore the large cavern near the bottom of the shaft. The cavern was enormous - about 90 feet high, 70 feet long, and 120 feet wide. The ceiling was covered with stalagmites and a number of large stalactites poked up out of the water. Along the cavern walls were a few small disconnected landings of flat stone above the water line. Across from the cavern's entrance was a short worked stone hallway leading to stone double doors. There was also one worked stone passageway leading away on each side of the cavern. As they approached the partially submerged cave, Killick noticed that the water in the room was filled with green worms, like the ones in the fountain.

While the rest of the party considered how best to proceed, Katawan flew out over the water, landed in the hallway on the far side, and approached the double doors. Just then, two more undead clerics of Kyuss airwalked down from the ceiling, out from behind stalagmites, in Katawan's direction. One of them cast a spell at Katawan while the other one lifted its arms and called out in a foreign language. In response, an enormous green worm rose up from out of the wormy water. It moved towards Katawan, blocking the passageway and his line of retreat. However, Katawan was unphased. He used his ability to slip through the cracks of time and space to transport himself directly back to the rest of the party on the far side of the cavern.

Having a clear target, Alexander let loose with his artillery spells. The Overworm absorbed the damage that Alexander dealt, approached the landing, and tried to knock Tarric into the water, just barely missing him. Eventually the party withdrew out of reach of the giant worm. Realizing that it could not get at the party, it submerged itself back under water. The Wormcaller clerics continued attacking the party with ranged spells. Dispel Magic seemed to be one of their favorites. However, when the party concentrated their ranged attacks on just one of the Wormcallers, it was quickly destroyed. The remaining Wormcaller decided to take a cue from the Overworm and withdraw behind a stalactite out of sight of the party. With the party in hot pursuit using their flight powers, the Wormcaller once again summoned the Overworm to emerge from the sea of worms below. It was clear that the Overworm had healed a portion of its damage for the brief time it had been submerged. Again, it tried in vain to strike Tarric, missing him by the closest of margins.

In a matter of seconds, the Overworm was destroyed without having ever successfully struck any of the party members. The party breathed a sigh of relief, as some of them still had horrific memories of what it was like to die in the gullet of an enormous worm. With the main threat neutralized, the party ganged up on the remaining Wormcaller and dispatched it quickly. With the battle over, the party investigated one of the side passages and found a small suite connected to three small, spartan living quarters. Alees did her best to find treasure or secret passages but came up empty.

Next the party decided to check out the stone double doors that Katawan had originally intended to investigate. Alexander and Norvell waited around the corner while Alees checked the doors for traps. Finding none, the party opened the doors. Inside the 20 by 20 foot room beyond was a six-armed undead spellcaster, the same one that the party members had seen in their visions aiding the mortal Kyuss. Two of its hands were holding rods while the other 4 hands were free for spell-casting. One of the rods began to glow as it shot a Cone of Cold at the party, but all of the party members standing in the hallway were highly Evasive. At the same time, with another hand, it cast Magic Missiles at Tarric. Katawan ran into the room, but as he did, a sword slashed down at him from the corner of the room. There was another undead fighter in the room, like the one that the party had fought before in the temple up above. Tarric came forward to give assistance and found himself face to face with the fighter, whose sundering abilities he feared so much. He quickly withdrew, hoping to preserve his magical swords.

The opponents had clearly had time to cast many buff spells and the party members in the hallway were making little headway against them. They called out for Alexander's help. He cast Improved Invisibility on himself and reluctantly flew forward. He noticed that the 6-armed spellcaster was able to see him. It was clear that the combat was going poorly for the party: Grimlock IV was dead, Killick was unconscious and bleeding, Alees was held immobile by some magical effect, Katawan's actions had been slowed, and Tarric was avoiding the sundering fighter at all costs. Alexander called for a retreat. Tarric picked up Alees and flew her to the far side of the large cavern. Katawan took great risk to pick up Killick's body and exit the room, facing many slashes of the fighter's sword in the process. Once the party was out of the room, invisible flying Alexander created a Wall of Force across the passageway to separate the combatants. The party began to exit at top speed. However, when Alexander looked back over his shoulder, he saw that the spellcaster and the fighter had somehow escaped the Wall of Force. The spellcaster continued to shoot ranged spells at the party as they exited, but once they were in the shaft rising towards the surface, there seemed to be no further pursuit.

When the party was all together again, Alexander teleported them all to Saltmarsh hundreds of miles away, where they could lick their wounds, re-supply, and strategize.

5th of Coldeven. The party continues recuperation, casting all of Norvell's healing spells.

6th of Coldeven. The party teleported directly to the fountain room in the basement level of the temple of Kyuss. Katawan immediately went exploring some of the rooms that the party had missed the first time, finding large rooms containing stacked corpses. In the first room, the corpses were undecomposed while in the second room the corpses had all rotted to skeletons. But in both rooms the corpses were laid out in a very organized manner, as if stored for later use. After running through these rooms, Katawan found himself at the side entrance to the large cavern. Meanwhile, Killick and Alees flew to the stone double doors which were closed once more. They listened at them and heard nothing. Killick cast a spell that allowed him to reshape the doors. He created a hole in the middle large enough for a man to walk through, but the room was empty. Killick donned his Hand of Glory and attempted to see if the enemies were invisible, but he found nothing. Killick communicated his findings to the rest of the party. Tarric activated Branwhite's ability to see invisible creatures and searched for the enemies in the other rooms near the cavern entrance. Having seen nothing invisible in the cavern, Killick listened carefully. He thought he heard spellcasting coming from the suite of living quarters on the left-hand side of the cavern. He moved up to the doorway, cast a preparatory spell that turned his skin to stone. Then he stone shaped the door in the same way he had done the last one and stepped through. Killick saw the six-armed spellcaster and the fighter was, but his Hand of Glory also allowed him to see an invisible worm naga.

Killick yelled out to the party that he had found the enemies. The spellcaster tried to hold him in place with powerful magic, but Killick's Ring of Free Action prevented the effect from taking hold. The undead swordsman charged forward at Killick, missing him. Katawan, Alees, and Alexander all tumbled into the room to support Killick while Norvell and Tarric waited in the hallway. Appearing to receive a mental command from the six-armed creature who had no mouth, the sundering fighter withdrew to a corner of the room. Then the spellcaster stepped forward and cast a Prismatic Spray. Katawan and Alees were hit by the purple streams. Katawan resisted the colorful stream's effect but Alees did not, and she suddenly disappeared. Killick was hit by a green and a blue stream; he was immune to the first and resisted the second. In order to allow Tarric to join the fight, Alexander fired his most potent spells at the undead fighter. The first most potent spell expended the fighter's magical fire protection. With all party members focused on the fighter and with its fire protection gone, it was quickly dispatched by Alexander's fiery barrage. Seeing the damage that Alexander could do, the 6-armed creature cast a spell on Alexander that caused him to disappear from the battlefield as well. A brief hush came over the party now that two of their number had disappeared under suspicious circumstances. Where were they? Would they be able to return?

With the sundering fighter gone, Tarric was able to commit more fully to the battle. The 6-armed spellcaster and the still invisible worm naga were holed up in one of the small dormitory style rooms, and Tarric strode forward to block them from leaving. The naga moved to the doorway and tried unsuccessfully to deliver a touch spell on Tarric. This caused it to become visible again for all to see. With his blindfighting abilities, Tarric was the best person to fight the naga because he could literally close his eyes and still have a good chance of hitting. As he sliced into the naga with his blade, it recoiled back into the room, opening the way for other party members to enter. The other party members averted their gazes from the naga completely and focused on the spellcaster, leaving the naga to Tarric. Killick summoned small air elementals and instructed them to attack the spellcaster to help eliminate its mirror images. Meanwhile, Killick himself flew into the room, attached himself to the ceiling using his Slippers of Spider Climb, and attacked the spellcaster from above. The spellcaster was able to quickly eliminate the elementals, but this just allowed room for Katawan to move forward and begin pummeling it with his magically enhanced fists.

At this point, Alexander suddenly returned from wherever he had been. This lifted the party's spirits and reinforced the feeling that the tide was turning in their favor. The spellcaster's face betrayed a look indicating that it was annoyed with the naga. It seemed to expect the naga to be doing something that it wasn't. The spellcaster was clearly seriously wounded and began casting a spell. Up above, Killick had been waiting and struck the lich just as it began to cast. This caused it to lose the spell it was casting. In addition, the force of Killick's blow was enough to cause it to crumple to the floor in a pile of dust. Suddenly all the members of the party experienced a vision in which they saw many of the prophecies of the Age of Worms coming to pass in the last decade. Only 2 more prophecies remained to be fulfilled - a tripartite spirit becoming one and a fighter of the pit gifting a city to the dead. As the party's perception returned to the here and now, they heard a thunderous crack followed by an enormous crash that nearly knocked them all off their feet.

Luckily, the remaining naga was no longer interested in fighting. It quickly and nervously began begging for its life in Common (which none of the other worm nagas had ever spoken). It assured the party that it had served the six-armed lich against its will and had, over the centuries, uncovered secrets that the party would surely want to know. In return it asked to be left alive and granted its freedom. Alexander agreed to these terms. The first question Alexander asked was where they could find the lich's phylactery. The naga explained that the lich's phylactery had been destroyed in the battle that had been fought centuries ago when the denizens of the temple had been trapped behind the obsidian wall. Alexander didn't trust this answer at first, but when the naga insisted it was true, and when more details about the battle were supplied, his incredulousness abated. Next the party asked the naga where Alees was. The naga explained that the purple stream of the Prismatic Spray would have sent her to another plane. The party asked the naga which one. It said that it did not know for sure, but that it suspected the lich would send her to a plane whose environment was very inhospitable, like the negative energy plane or the elemental planes of fire or water. The party guessed that she had been sent to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They pooled their resources and discovered that only Killick had a means of getting there by using his Ebon Steed. He activated the figurine, hopped on the steed, and disappeared.

While the party waited hopefully for Killick to find Alees, they continued questioning their prisoner. The naga explained that the six-armed spellcaster, whose name was Ma'kar, had tricked the mortal Kyuss at the behest of some elder god. It had given Kyuss faulty instructions about how to ascend to godhood, so that when the process was finally utilized, Kyuss became trapped in the very stone monolith that had been used as a focus for the ritual. The ritual had indeed transformed him into a god as promised, but it had also left him trapped and unable to work his will on Oerth. In additoin, the Spire of Long Shadows which Kyuss had been led to believe was an important part of the ritual was in fact a conduit that helped to siphon off the devotional energy that would normally have gone to Kyuss, diverting it to this elder deity instead. The naga said that he hoped that the loud crash that they had heard earlier was the spire collapsing of its own weight now that Ma'kar was no longer around to support it with his magic. Alexander asked what would happen now that the spire was destroyed. The naga responded that it believed that Kyuss's devotional energy would now flow to him unimpeded. Alexander asked if this energy might help Kyuss escape imprisonment. The naga thought so, but not on his own - Kyuss would still need assistance from his worshippers here on Oerth. The naga added he couldn't be sure but he believed he knew the identity of the elder god whom Ma'kar had served - Tharizdun.

The party asked the naga where they could find treasure in the temple. The naga replied that it would be happy to show the party all the treasure in the temple in exchange for its freedom. It showed the party the lich's treasure (mostly jewelry and artwork), his own treasure (mostly books including a Manual of Clear Thought and a Tome of Bodily Exercise), and the other nagas' treasure (mostly gold and magic items that required arms to function). As the party moved around the complex, they observed that all the green worms in the cavern and in the fountain had disappeared. At long last, the party emerged from the ziggurat and saw that indeed the spire had collapsed and crashed through the obsidian ring, opening a hole in it. The naga cheered that it was finally free of this prison after all these centuries. It thanked the party once again for liberating him and for keeping its word. Then it airwalked away through the newly formed gap in the obsidian wall and disappeared into the jungle. Katawan expressed reservations about letting the creature go, but Alexander reminded him of the promise they had made. Katawan responded that it was only Alexander who had promised and griped sarcastically that he couldn't remember when the party had voted him party leader.

It was nearly dusk when Killick and the Ebon Steed flew back to the ziggurat bearing Alees's charred corpse. He had been gone for nearly 12 hours. He explained that he had had to summon many fire creatures on the plane of fire to help him locate Alees. But apparently she had been unable to withstand the plane's intense heat for long. The party was saddened by the news of Alees's death, but relieved that her body had been recovered so that she could be raised. After resting a bit, Killick observed that the slow worms inhabiting the soil of Kuluth-Mar were now slowly leaving through the gap in the wall. Alexander suggested fireballing them, but Killick restrained him saying that that would only kill the ones near the surface. Most of the worms were deeper in the soil and would get through anyway. However, Killick was determined to find a local druid population and warn them about the threat posed by the Spawn of Kyuss.

7th of Coldeven. The party collected their belongings and their dead and teleported directly back to Magepoint with mixed feelings. They had destroyed many minions of Kyuss, but they had also freed some. They had learned a great deal about Kyuss's origins, but they had strengthened him by destroying the apparatus that prevented him from receiving the devotion of his worshippers. They had all been touched by powerful divine energies that had bestowed upon them them limited control over their own fates, but the cost had been the grisly death of their friend Alees. Truly, the victory was bittersweet.
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First Post
Session 66+: Trouble in Diamond Lake

7th of Coldeven. The party returned to Magepoint after defeating the denizens of Kuluth-Mar in the Amedio Jungle. They spent the better part of a week enjoying some well-earned relaxation.

12th of Coldeven. In the absence of any immediate threats or missions, Killick, Alees, and Katawan left Magepoint on personal business. Killick informed the party that he would be returning to the Amedio Jungle to find and make contact with a local druidic community there in order to warn it of the danger posed by Kyuss worms that escaped from Kuluth-Mar. Alees told the party that she would be returning to Greyhawk to engage in commercial activities that she was unable to profitably pursue in (much smaller) Magepoint. Katawan said that he would be returning to Diamond Lake to check up on the old home town. Alexander decided to remain in Magepoint and use Tenser's laboratory to begin crafting magic items. Tarric also decided to remain in Magepoint to undergo additional instruction from the local legate of the Order of the Shield, an elderly vassal knight named Sir Abradius Stahzer.

17th of Coldeven. Katawan arrived in Diamond Lake after a leisurely trip on foot along the road, south and then west. Immediately upon arriving, he noticed that all was not well in town. Very little construction had been completed since Ilthane wrecked the place in Harvester of the previous year. For instance, the temple of St. Cuthbert on the main town square was still a deserted wreck, as was the Feral Dog tavern. Among the noteworthy new buildings was a wooden palisade fort on the hill where the Greyhawk Militia garrison once stood and a new church of Wee Jas constructed on the outskirts of town near the cemetery. Katawan also noticed that teams of four fully-equipped Militia soldiers were patrolling the streets. Katawan remembered that, in the past, Militia members could only come into town when they were off-duty. Katawan also noticed the unusually hostile reactions he got from the townsfolk, even some of the ones he recognized from his youth. It was a given that the people of Diamond Lake didn't care much for the monks of the Twilight Monastery, but that old resentment did not seem to fully account for the level of hostility he was attracting as he walked down the city streets. He decided to go visit Allustan to find out what was going on in town.

Allustan's house was one of the few that had been rebuilt. He welcomed Katawan inside and informed him that things have not gone well for the people since the party left town for Magepoint. In the chaos immediately after the dragon attack, all of the town's authority figures had either fled or been killed. So the party had briefly "taken command" of the situation. They had told the townspeople to pool their labor and keep at least one mine operating. The townspeople took this advice perhaps a bit too literally. After they had run a single mine on their own for a while without the supervision of mine managers, they took the position that the mine they had commandeered in the emergency - Dourstone's mine - was now theirs to run collectively. And, naturally, they were reluctant to go back to work for the mine managers earning slave wages when they could work the collective mine and share in its profits.

This political battle between the Collectivists and the mine managers became uglier and uglier. The leaders of the Collectivists frequently bolstered the townspeople's courage to resist by referring to the implicit support they had received from the party. Their leaders told the people that the mine managers wouldn't dare try to use force against them, because the local heroes - Tarric, Alexander, Killick, and Katawan - would surely mete out bloody vengeance if they did. Eventually, the mine managers employed thugs to intimidate the Collectivists, but the townspeople stuck together and ran them off. The people's spirits were high. They would not listen to those (like Allustan) who told them that they had misunderstood the party's instructions, that Greyhawk would eventually be forced to respond to this challenge to the natural order in force, and that the party was unlikely to be able to help them when that happened.

Just as Allustan predicted, eventually Greyhawk sent in the military to defend the rights of property holders (i.e. the mine managers) and to restore order. After receiving reinforcements from Greyhawk, Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff (Allustan's brother) followed the orders that he had received from the Ruling Oligarchy and ordered the people to vacate Dourstone's mine and return to work by the beginning of the new year or else. The townspeople resisted bravely. Many of them still believed that the party would return in time to save them. Others believed that the Militia would never turn their swords on fellow citizens. The standoff continued until that fateful day, the first day of the new year, the 1st of Fireseek, arrived. Neff declared martial law and ordered the Militia to clear out Dourstone's mine and force people back to their old jobs using whatever force was necessary. Melinde, a paladin of Heironeous who was one of the few survivors from Ilthane's attack, pleaded with the Collectivists to submit to Neff's instructions. They refused. Neff instructed her to give the order to advance in force against the Collectivists' fortified defensive positions near the mine entrance. Melinde refused. She publicly offered her resignation from the Greyhawk Militia rather than raise arms against her own people. Neff angrily accepted her resignation and summarily banished her from Diamond Lake. Neff gave a battlefield promotion to Melinde's next-in-command and instructed him to carry out his order. This newly-minted Captain Fetod was not from Diamond Lake and no allegiance to its townspeople. He gave the order to attack. In the ensuing melee, about a dozen townspeople were killed and and about the same number were seriously injured before the people surrendered. The Militia suffered no losses. All those living in town who had worked the mines before the dragon attack were escorted daily at swordpoint to their jobs. For good measure, the Governor-Mayor ordered Dourstone's mine collapsed. The spirit of the people was broken.

It was in this atmosphere that the priests of Wee Jas had returned to town. Katawan recalled that they had pulled up stakes after Father Jierian had started preaching against them. They had left town in the middle of the night and left behind a sign in the cemetery warning of trouble to come now that Diamond Lake no longer enjoyed the protection of their Scarlet Mistress. In this atmosphere of utter defeat and degradation, the clerics of Wee Jas returned and began preaching to the people that it was not too late to get back into the Scarlet Lady's good graces. With the town's traditional church of St. Cuthbert destroyed and since the newly rebuilt chapel of Heironeous was associated with the hated Militia, the people had no where else to turn. Consequently, Wee Jas quickly become the main religion in town. Wee Jas is the goddess of death, and now that the people's spirits had been broken and their hope was gone, they had no trouble worshipping a death goddess. Many townspeople believed that only death would bring sweet release from the injustices of this world.

In any case, many of the townspeople harbored a great deal of resentment towards the party for not coming to their aid and defending them in their time of need. Rightly or wrongly, the party was generally held responsible for the entire debacle. Katawan thanked Allustan for the information and asked if he might stay at his house until attitudes were a bit calmer. Allustan agreed. Katawan spent that day meditating and considering how he should respond.

18th - 23rd of Coldeven. Katawan realized that winning back the people's trust and admiration would be an uphill battle. He decided to do what he could to help, despite the hostile stares and jeers that he got from many of the townspeople when he walked down the streets. Whenever he encountered a group who clearly wanted to start trouble, he exercised great emotional control and turned the other cheek, accepting their abuse - both verbal and physical - without response. He met quietly with the surviving leaders of the church of St. Cuthbert. Since all of the priests and acolytes had been killed by Ilthane, only the lay-person leaders of the church remained. They complained about the slow response to the tragedy from church elders in Greyhawk - it was as if the leaders had not received their requests for aid. Katawan gave them 1000 gp to begin rebuilding the church. Katawan assured them that once the church was rebuilt, it would not be so difficult to staff it with priests. And once the church was re-opened, the people would return to their traditional faith. The deacons expressed deep gratitude to Katawan for his generosity and his wisdom. They promised to begin hiring contractors as soon as possible.

Katawan then met quietly with each of the families that had suffered deaths or maimings during the Militia's assault. He offered them financial assistance for the loss of earning power that their families had sustained. This cost him another 1000 gp. During the course of these visits, Katawan encountered a powerful cleric of Fharlangn named Talon who was also going around to families and offering healing assistance to the wounded. Talon had grown up in Diamond Lake as well. She had returned quickly when she learned of the conflict and had stayed to help the wounded. Katawan and Talon struck up a fast friendship. After Talon and Katawan had earned each other's trust, Katawan related to Talon that the party had not been available to help the townspeople because of their fight against the forces of Kyuss. Talon was impressed by the importance of this mission and asked to join Katawan in this fight. Katawan agreed to introduce her to the rest of the party and ask that she be admitted.

After about a week of working behind the scenes to help alleviate suffering, he decided that there was only so much he could accomplish on his own. Lifting the martial law and returning the town to some semblance of normalcy would require the presence of the rest of the party. He asked Allustan to dispatch one of his apprentices to Magepoint to deliver a message informing the rest of the party of the situation in Diamond Lake. He agreed. In the meantime, Katawan - having done all he could do in town - returned to his monastery to meditate in solitude about how to proceed in town. (He was conflicted about how much he should get involved in Diamond Lake and wished to achieve greater clarity.) Talon would keep an eye on things in his absence.

28th of Coldeven. Allustan's apprentice arrived in Magepoint and delivered Katawan's letter to Alexander (who recognized him). Alexander shared the contents of the letter with Tarric. Alexander explained that his magical research was at a delicate stage and he could not afford to leave it just then. In addition, he was skeptical of the party's ability to affect real change in Diamond Lake - a place that he had no love for and to which he was not eager to return. Tarric considered it his duty to return and do whatever he could. He summoned his bonded mount and made haste for his old home town (along with Allustan's apprentice).

2nd of Growfest. Katawan returned to Diamond Lake from his sabatical with a new sense of commitment and purpose. He had decided that he must do whatever was necessary to assist the people of Diamond Lake in their plight.

4th of Growfest. Tarric arrived in Diamond Lake and was brought up to speed on events. Generally, Katawan found that Tarric was more committed to upholding law and order than he was to relieving the suffering of the people. However, both he and Tarric agreed in their commitment to work toward an amicable solution between the mine managers and townspeople so that martial law will no longer be necessary. They both used their influence to arrange a public meeting between the mine managers and collectivist leaders. The Governor-Mayor and Militia soldiers are asked not to attend. The mine managers were reluctant to attend such a meeting until they were given promises of protection and safe passage by the party members. The meeting was to take place at the new Wee Jas church (the only building left in town large enough to accommodate a large crowd) in 3 days - the last day of Growfest.

5th of Growfest. Killick suddenly returned to town on his Ebon Steed and was brought up to speed on events. He related some of what he had learned in the Amedio Jungle. First, he had contacted Boshliwur by spell and learned that he had wanted the party's help in overthrowing a local tyrant in exchange for some minor magical help. In his travels Killick had visited two cities in the Amedio region - Sasserine on the coast and Cauldron in the crater of an allegedly extinct volcano. He had learned that about 2 years ago, the long-dormant volcano under Cauldron had begun rumbling ominously. There had been an incredible panic as people fled the city en masse. During the evacuation, people had noticed spiraling red clouds hovering above the city which seemed to get noticeably wider over time. Some people recalled seeing creatures falling from the skies (out of the red clouds). Most of these humanoid-looking things had been thin, but some had been enormously fat. They were all covered in gooey slime and they all had strange bat-wings that seemed a bit too small to actually carry their weight. Tarric interjected that these creatures sounded exactly like the type that had attacked him at the party's campsite in the jungle near Kuluth-Mar.

Killick continued recounting what he had learned. As people had fled the city with all the possessions they could carry, a red dragon named Hookface had attacked. Most people in town had thought the dragon was only a legend, but apparently the tremors preceding the eruption had awakened him and all the treasure that people were carrying out of the city had aroused his interest. A valiant group of powerful heroes had remained behind to fight the dragon and try to stop whatever was causing the strange clouds and the eruption. In the end, these heroes had been successful: Hookface was killed, the swirling red clouds disappeared, and the eruption was relatively minor, destroying only a small section of the city. (Killick had been unable to learn much about the heroes themselves. Apparently, they had moved on to greener pastures.) Cauldron had experienced no further seismic activity since then. So most of those who had fled the town eventually came back.

Killick also related that he had been successful in contacting druidic communities in the Amedio, giving them as much information as he could about the threat posed by the Kyuss worms and how best to defeat the spawn that they might create.

7th of Growfest. Katawan, Tarric, and Killick attended the summit meeting between mine managers and townspeople. The mine managers laid out their position that they were paying the workers a fair wage, 1 sp per day - the same wages they had earned before Ilthane's attack. They added that this payment was extremely fair considering the reduced level of productivity that the workers were currently providing. After this, they were mostly silent as the workers complained that payment was irrelevant while they were being compelled to work at swordpoint. They might as well be slaves! They also brought up lots of old resentments going back to when they controlled Dourstone's mine. The meeting was clearly turning into an opportunity to express anger rather than an opportunity to achieve consensus and move forward.

Tarric quieted the crowd and addressed them. He explained that laws exist to protect and benefit all people, not just those of wealth. The wealthy may have more privileges, but nobody is above the law. He reminded them of what life was like when the city was ruled by Smenk and others like him who ignored the laws and ruled through threats, force, bribery and blackmail. Tarric told his personal story again, of how he was fired from the best job he ever had (as a member of the Greyhawk Militia) because he dared to stand up for the law and protect a citizen of Diamond Lake from Smenk's evil intent. Smenk got away with his deeds for far too long, but the law eventually caught up to him, as it does for all agents of chaos and evil. <The townsfolk cheered.>

Tarric explained that regardless of what certain people may think of the mine managers, their property rights must be upheld. Their property cannot be seized without due process, so what the collective did surely was not acceptable. This city had just suffered a major catastrophe, and we made some suggestions in the hopes that the people of Diamond Lake would come together as one to work through these new struggles. Instead, they gave into their fears and became little more than a mob, shamefully squandering an opportunity for the town to gain some unity. <The townsfolk turned on Tarric and booed him vehemently.>

Tarric continued lecturing the crowd asking, "Once things devolved into lawlessness and they seized the mine, what did you think was going to happen? You fiercely protected what you perceived as 'your' mine; did you expect the lawful owners to do otherwise?" <More raucous booing. Hecklers told Tarric to sit down and shut up. Some of the leaders quiet the crowd and explain to Tarric that they offered to pool their resources and purchase the lease to Dourstone's mine from Gelch Tilgast, the mine's "lawful" owner, but he refused. Tilgast shrugged and said that it wasn't in his interest to allow the town to continue working one mine collectively while the other mines languished without workers. He looked around him at the other mine managers - Moonmeadow, Parrin, and Gansworth - and said any of them would have refused the Collectivists' offer at virtually any price.>

Tarric continued, defending the Greyhawk militia as good men and women who were just trying to uphold the law. Everyone should be happy that they're not the monsters some of the townsfolk are making them out to be, or there would have been much heavier casualties. <The crowd boos and hisses vehemently. They had heard enough from Tarric. One heckler asked sarcastically, "We should thank them for only killing 12 of us? Are you serious?">

At this point, Tarric turned his attention to the mine managers, asking them how they think they are any better than their predecessors in the way they are running things now. He asserted that the mine managers had duties to treat their employees as people, not as slaves. <This comment received muted cheers from the crowd. Although they agreed with this one statement, they were clearly not behind him.>

Tarric then turned back to the crowd explaining that when he started his adventuring career, he was penniless and no better off than any man in town. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, he seized the opportunity of my and struck out with his friends to seek their destinies. He suggested that if life is so bad in Diamond Lake, they should leave. He said, "It's a big world of opportunity out there - trust us, we've seen it! It's much more productive to seek solutions to problems instead of complaining about them, or even worse, taking the law into your own hands and engaging in lawless, evil behavior." <The crowd was clearly tired of being lectured by Tarric. One of the leaders responded, "Congratulations on your good fortune, but not everyone is so lucky. Some people have families and mouths to feed. They can't go off risking their necks in the hopes of finding some shiny trinkets in dark dungeons! What if we get killed? Who will feed, clothe, and shelter our kids? Some people have obligations and can't go galivanting across the Flanaess looking for thrills!" The mood of the crowd was clearly getting ugly.>

Killick stood up to address the crowd and Tarric sat down shaking his head. Killick was never much of a diplomat, and he was even less of one after the dark things he has seen, experienced, and sacrificed. Killick spent his childhood looking for ways to avoid going to the mines for a living, hating the town. Killick was upset that the townsfolk seem to be mad at the party. He leveled a finger at the crowd, saying, "We never promised you a brand new life after the dragon destroyed half the town. You seemed to want get back to the way things were, so we gave you advice to help you do that. It seems to me that things are not so far from normal around here, as dreary as that may be. Most of the mines are open, the connections with Greyhawk are reestablished, and people are working for about the same wages as before. The chaos and deaths that took place after we left were a terrible thing, but they weren't our idea. What I don't understand is why more people didn't leave town when they had the chance. Everyone received a mystery gift of gold after the dragon was killed, didn't they? If I had been in your shoes, I would taken the money and run for greener pastures. But again, most folk seemed to want to keep the town going, so we gave you advice to help you do that." <The crowd was unreceptive to Killick's defense of the party, eliciting more boos.>

"I agree that the martial law and the fact that you all are forced to go to work is a bad situation. I don't want to speak to my friends, but for whatever it's worth, I'll do my best to talk to the mine owners and the garrison to try to improve things around here. But breaking the law will make things worse, not better." Killick turned to the mine managers and suggested that they make some sort of gesture of goodwill to the town, like sponsoring a townwide feast/service in rememberance for those killed both in the riot and by the dragon. Killick reminded the mine managers that forcing people to work at the point of a sword is only going to brew up more trouble, and won't work forever. <The mine managers looked at each other, confering in private. Their spokesman Tilgast said they were willing to host a feast of remembrance if it would get people back to work. However, the townspeople did not like the idea of the mine managers "buying off" their grievances with a little food and drink.>

Killicks suggestions seemed to be making some progress, but the two sides were clearly still far from agreement. Katawan stood up to address the crowd, and Killick sat down. Katawan briefly but assertively made the following points as if he had been giving them great thought and had rehearsed them beforehand.

1) He does not believe in forced labor and if a person does not wish to work
for whatever reason that is his or her right. <The crowd cheered.>

2) Any person or entity doing so is guilty of a crime against
humanity...slavery. <The crowd cheered even more. They were quickly warming to Katawan, seeing him as perhaps their best friend among the party members.>

3) This person or entity must be stopped, preferably by nonviolent passive
resistance. <Confused cheers greeted this statement, since the crowd believed that it had already tried nonviolent resistance with their occupation of Dourstone's mine.>

4) Wages and working conditions should be established by mutual agreement. <The crowd went wild for this comment. Since there were fewer miners left in town since the dragon attack, they realized that they would be able to negotiate much more favorable wages and working conditions if given the opportunity.>

5) The mine owners have the right to bring workers in from out of town. <Grudging acceptance from the crowd.>

6) Any city residents who wish to leave town must be allowed to do so. <Applause>

7) Any person using violence or causing it must be held responsible. <Loud applause.>

8) The best way for all to prosper in Diamond Lake is for all groups to work together in a common direction without intimidation or threat. <Cheers from both sides.>

The crowd clearly appreciated Katawan's approach to the situation more than they did Tarric's or Killick's. However, his statement of principles did not bring them any closer to an actual agreement. After a great deal more talk, both sides agreed to consider what they had heard. But no concrete agreement was reached. It seemed that the mine managers were reasonably content with the status quo and had little incentive to offer the miners anything more.

1st of Planting. Alees arrived back in town unexpectedly. She was brought up to speed on events in town.

2nd - 4th of Planting. No new negotiations were started between the mine managers and the townspeople during this period. The people were clearly becoming impatient with the lack of progress. Graffiti started appearing on signs around town accusing the mine managers of wrongdoing and ridiculing them by accusing them of embarrassing acts.

5th of Planting. Having seen no progress after their big town meeting, the party members gather at the Rusty Bucket to discuss how to proceed over dinner. Katawan vociferously championed the townspeople and exhorted the party to assist them against the mine managers, come what may. He asks, "My Friends, not so long ago we offered our lives in support of the people of this town, even to the point of fighting a fierce dragon which we had little chance of beating. Is it so much more different now to put our support behind the people once again? True it may not be a direct attack by a wicked dragon this time, but it is as evil and potentially deadly as before. Is it not our task to turn away the evil wherever we find it? As for me, I choose right over wrong, light over darkness, good over evil. It was not my wish to make a stand here, but it is here that I will stand. I hope it will not be alone, but alone it will be if that is what is required." He turned to each of his partymates in turn saying, "Good Sir Knight, is it not your code that says you should help the meek and downtrodden when you find them? And you, Master of the Woods, is it not you who believe in the order of nature? I ask you sir, where in nature do you find slavery being up held? Is it not the natural order to be free? And Lady of the Flute, do you not think that, with the wealth of the city rising through a genuine desire for individual profit, there should be enough to go around to all?"

He paused for a moment, as if collecting himself. Then he continued, "Some might ask, is this pitiful town worth dieing over, and my answer is: for me, yes. It would be an honorable death. I know we all feel we have bigger fish to fry, but who is it among you who can tell me for sure that helping this town to survive and hopefully prosper is not part of that big picture?" He smiled wryly and concluded, "Besides, after we are gone to the after life they may erect statues of us beside that lonely statue of Killian down in the cemetery!"

The group was taken aback by Katawan intense level of commitment to the cause. In some ways, these words were very unlike the Katawan they had come to know. Something in him had changed, whether for the better or for the worse was for each of them to decide. Still, Killick and Tarric were reluctant to employ force to resolve the situation. They were convinced that there must be some way of getting the mine managers and the townspeople to see reason without resorting to more violence.

After a number of good suggestions were offered and shot down as unworkable, Alees said in disgust, "Fine, I'll take care of this mess myself!" She got up from the table and walked away, heading toward the restroom. They waited for a long time for her to emerge, but she did not. Killick, Tarric, and Katawan looked at each other, hoping that one of the others knew what Alees was up to, but no one did. Eventually, they returned to their conversation, confident that Alees could handle herself, whatever happened.

About 30 minutes later, Alees came back out of the restroom and seated herself back at the table as if nothing had happened. Killick, Katawan, and Tarric asked her where she had been. "No where," she replied with a barely perceptible smile. The party members finished their dinner and left, without having come to consensus on how to proceed. Katawan was still advocating armed revolution, while Tarric was convinced that the group might be able to convince Greyhawk's Ruling Oligarchy to replace Lanod Neff as Governor-Mayor.

6th of Planting. However, by noon of the next day, this debate among the party members had become moot. Out of the blue, for no apparent reason, the mine managers had returned to the bargaining table, saying that the miners' reduced productivity under martial law was hurting their bottom lines. They offered to double the miners' normal wages if they would return to work uncoerced. After a bit of foot-dragging, the townspeople accepted the offer. Later in the day, the Governor-Mayor officially rescinded martial law, and there was dancing in the streets. The impasse was over, but the party was dumbfounded about what had caused the sudden change.

7th of Planting. To celebrate the new agreement, the mine managers sponsored the feast that Killick had suggested. The wine was flowing as the townspeople celebrated in the streets for a second day. The party members were hailed as heroes once again, despite their protestations. Even though the party insisted that they had had nothing to do with the mine managers' sudden change of heart, the townspeople were certain that their presence had somehow been the motivating factor that had caused the mine managers to change their minds.

8th of Planting. Seriously hung over, the party members departed their old home, headed for Magepoint with no further concerns about the welfare of their fellow citizens.


First Post
Session 67: Welcome to Alhaster

[I have gotten way behind on my recaps due to increased workload. I will complete this recap as soon as possible.]

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