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Mercy in the Nine Hells... a solo game for Isida Kep'Tukari

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Has this white witch trouble you and yours? The icicle you carry makes me think perhaps you've run into her before," Tess asks carefully, attempting to keep any acusation out of her voice.

"Aye, and your eyes glow too!" Roscoe puts in, taking the drink offers on behalf of the group.

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*Tess easily keeps accusation from her voice. The man still appears extremely nervous*

"Nay, it troubles me not." he'll protest. "I worship Imir... as do my kin. We are all safe from it... it seeks Imir's blessings for its quest of ice."

"Why do you keep saying it? Its a she," Aust will insist.

"It takes the form of a female when it wants to, they say," the old man will cut Aust off, his voice dropping down into a hushed whisper, "But it can take the form of any man... it could be walking amongst us right now! Should we displease it...the hellstorm...

*He visibly shudders*
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Tell me, do you know where it... she resides? No one should have to live in fear of a hellstorm if you fail to please some arbitrary thing! What has she done to frighten you so?" Tess asks, her voice full of compassion, though her eyes flash with anger.

"What can it do?"

*The man gives a frightened, absurd laugh at the question.*

"The skies will grow dark, the winds will howl. Snow and rain, fire and ice, will all fall from the sky in an unholy union. Whirling columns of fire, snow, earth and water rise up, lifting to the heavens those that offend it. A storm that can walk on earth in the guise of a human, before climbing to the skies to unleash its terrible fury. I have never seen it... neither have any of the living elders... the last time the hellstorm came was centuries ago... and it took entire cities with it."

"Now, traders have found these in the mountains, near the foothills of the Balarac and Icefang Mountains."

*He points to the icicle hanging from the chain around his neck.*

"Ice that is not magical, yet never melts. One of the things that falls from the hellstorm's fury. This is no 'he' or 'she,' it is no creature one can strike with a sword... it is a storm, nature's fury with what we do to her... how the farmers here plant crops in soil the gods did not intend for growing, how loggers drive off the elves of the virgin forests. The god of frost himself is angry at us, if he sends this spawn onto our world."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Where is it? No one should have to suffer under that kind of wrath, and I mean to see if I can put a stop to you and yours having to live in fear!" Tess says passionately.

*His eyes go wide*

"Are you mad? It is the will of Imir that this thing is here... to collect the debts he is owed from all of the soft southrons that have come this far north."

*Seeings Tess' continued passion, he'll give a sigh*

"They find these in the foothills of the Icefangs...about a hundred miles north of here. I do not know where this hellstorm is, woman, but if you truly search for it, it would be there, as will its servants."

"It is strong... many worship its power... both creatures great and small, light and dark. Few can be trusted that way... many would tell it of your presence..."

*Aust will lean over and whisper in a very hushed, very frightened voice*

"The Icefangs? Those are just outside of Arbor Pale! Do you think... she's... a storm?"
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Ordinary people have fought demons and storms before Hadrada, and won. I and mind intend to do nothing less," Tess says quietly. "Even if she knows that we're coming, we are more than able to protect ourselves. No one should have to live in fear, and it is my thought that perhaps someone has twisted the holy words of Imir so that you would tolerate this witch."

[OOC - Bardic knowledge, is Imir known to be the vengeful type of god that would allow some creature to unleash hellstorms on his followers?]

[ooc: Bardic Knowledge roll of 44

No. Imir is considered a relatively benign deity... he brings cold and winter, but to the people of the north, he fufills part of life's cycle... the ending and death of plants around them. He's not thought of as someone capricious enough to create a storm of such malevolence as the old man describes. IN addition, Imir hate's fire... and thus would likely have nothing to do with a storm that dropped snow and fire both.]

"Demons, you say? I gather it is yourself you speak of. Have you ever fought a storm, intent on your death?" he'll ask. "We keep the storm sated by doing its bidding. Its servants come, and demand what it needs, in its name and the name of Imir. They say Arbor Pale opened its door to the servants of the storm, and they now rule the city. Why a storm would want a city, I do not care to know... Imir alone knows such."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"I fear someone is using Imir's holy words for their own evil ends, and I mean to see if it's true. I'm sorry my friends, no rest for the wicked, we will have to leave at first light for Arbor Pale," Tess says firmly to the others, ignoring Roscoe's groan.

[OOC - Tess will thank Hadrada for his willingness to talk, get some rooms for the night, and set out the next morning at dawn. However, she does intend to get a large room for everyone, and set watches if necessary. This witch sounds like she means business.]

*There seems to be little disagreement between the others in the party over this. Haman and Roscoe seem intrigued... Aust looks more and more worried.

The old man will nod at your thanks, looking about the room worriedly.

It is relatively easy to find a large room... the innkeeper states that your singing was so profound that he gained a great deal of business this night... the room is on him.

The rooms themselves are well apportioned, with a large window to the outside. Aust volunteers to watch first, and Haman agrees to go with him.

All is relatively quiet for the first few hours of the night, until Tess wakes up to the noise of something falling over, and faint, distant screams. The screams become louder as a dull chunk signals the windows being opened. When she sits up, Tess can see Aust has opened the window, and both he and Haman are looking up the street. Aust in particular looks on nerve's edge.*

"Someone's screaming bloody murder," Aust will say hurriedly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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