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Meridian Adventures: The Dragonwick Campaign


A traditional yet widely encompassing game-world with a Medieval-fantasy focus where players assume any number of exotic character races and classes depending on their interest. Gameplay begins within the prominent Kingdom of Meridia, one of the more influential nations in the region.

Throughout the evolving storylines, the main characters are you- the Player Character (PC)! PCs will assume the central roles in a chain of fantastic adventures while interacting with the world around them as well as the non-player characters (NPCs).

What drives the PCs? Each player is free to explore any number of motivations that might lead their character to begin a career as an adventurer. Most common, of course, are the higher valued motivations such as altruism, heroism, love, glory, devotion or faith to a deity or cause. They may also just be the naturally curious seeking out a world of excitement and thrilling adventure. On the negative side, characters could also be motivated by greed, anger, fear, hatred or revenge.

The World of Meridia is one of your traditional medieval culture with a kiss of magic and wonder. Characters will be drawn through regions both urban and rural, full of deadly dungeons, ominous castles, expansive wilderness and gloomy moors. Characters will be required to both act and react to this environment as they explore the imaginary world around them.

There will be an emphasis on story-telling and detail while painting a rich and colorfully vivid landscape through which the players are exposed to all manner of challenges, traps and creatures.
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The learned Sages of Dragonwick typically categorize the history of our world into four rather distinct eras of varying lengths. The first two time periods known as the Age of Mythology and the Age of Fables are somewhat vague with few distinct dates if any. This is primarily the result of lack of written records and often contradictory accounts. The later two time periods known as the Age of Empires and the Age of Heroes include the more recent past. They are often used by historians to place certain prominent events in a codified manner more than anything else. Those acknowledged by most of the civilized world are:

First Age, the Age of Mythology

(roughly 3 million years ago)
Dawn of Time
Rise of the Powers
Time of Creation
Retreat of the Glaciers
Ordering of the World

Second Age, the Age of Fables
(roughly begins with the ordering of the world by the gods and ends with the War of Law and Chaos)
Year 412 Appearance of the Humanoids and Creatures
Year 500 Discovery of Magic
Year 1689 Arrival of the Humans
Year 2750 Smaller civilizations appear
Year 5792 War of Law and Chaos

Third Age, the Age of Empires
(covers the time period when the vast Draconian Empire was forming and at its peak and ends with its collapse)

Fourth Age, the Age of Heroes
(begins with the collapse of the Draconian Empire and the establishment of the parade of nations to our current time)
1 Retreat of the Dragonborn
233 Kingdom of the Mountain falls in the Whitehorns
554 Dragonwick established as a minor trading post
561 Caerwall established along coast of the Brightwater
800 Telerians enter Pelinore
854 Kingdom of Valoria established
910 Empire of Hrathgar formed with the crowning of its first Emperor
950 Kingdom of Pelinore established
970 Kingdom of Dunwyn established.
990 Kings of Pelinore begin major castle building campaign against the barbarian hordes of the north.
1154 Kingdom of Meridia is united
1215 First Troll War begins in Dunwyn
1260 Second Troll War begins in Dunwyn, Dunwyn allies with Hrathgar
1265 Volkhov Khanate is formed under the banner of its most powerful Khan
1317 A still mortal Mathraxis enrolls in the College of Spellcraft at Dragonwick
1337 Valkyria invades Pelinore
1348 Flight of the Necromancer from Meridia
1355 Troops of the Great Khan of Volkhov invade Keridwen upon the wings of dragons
1356 Archmage Gloridhel helps drive the Volkhov forces from Keridwen
1420 Mathraxis begins the ritual which will turn him into a lich
1453 Valkyrians finally expelled from Pelinore with the aid of the Maid of Pelinore
1479 Two most powerful Royal Houses of Coronar united through marriage
1481 The Great Conflagration results in the virtual destruction of Golgathor.
1492 Last Comorian outpost of Lampwater is defeated uniting all of Coronar under dwarf rulership
1499 Elf-realm of Gwytheria closes its borders
1500 Great War of the Stormlords begins, Plague arrives in the Kingdom of Rendore
1501 Plague spreads outwards into the surrounding kingdoms
1509 War of Ruin results in the devestation of Rhuthune and Draugmore
1589 War of the Stormlords ends
1618 The Border Wars begin between rival kingdoms of Meridia and Dunwyn
1648 Treaty of Oldcastle ends the 30-year Border Wars between Meridia and Dunwyn
1652 Padishah of Draconia crowned in Shalizan
1654 Prince Leofric crowned King of Meridia
1660 Current Year
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The Dragonwick Campaign focuses on the wealth of adventures teeming from the City of Dragonwick, a unique frontier community along the Western border of the Kingdom of Meridia. It is a region bordering on a great dichotomy of ecosystems including badlands, forests, mountains, marshes, rivers and even the local curiosity known as Mount Wildfire.

Though most of the activity will likely occur within these illustrious borders, Meridia is but a single cog within the continent of Teleria. The kingdom is surrounded by potential allies and enemies, glorious riches and devastating disaster. To the West lies the fledging realm of Trithyria, a land mired in a current state of chaos and upheaval. To the East is found the mighty dwarven empire of Hrathgar, ruled by an elected monarch where the Elector-Lords hold perhaps as much power as the Emperor himself. The northern and southern borders of Meridia are formed by the Stormcrest Sea and the Springwater Sea.

Though not the largest city, Dragonwick maintains an international reputation nonetheless. Most of this stems from the city’s location along major trade routes as well as its proximity to a number of popular adventuring destinations. The city itself is ruled by the Duke of Dragonwick, a vassal of the Meridian King. Rule of law is maintained within the city walls and perhaps a few miles in the surrounding farms and fields. Beyond this, however, travelers take their safety into their own hands. The frontier along the western Meridian border is well known to be frequented by bandits, brigands, monsters and other similar dangers.

The following entries will include a number of details pertaining to people, places and things encountered within the World of Dragonwick. Feed back is always greatly appreciated.


Hyperion, the world upon which the Dragonwick campaign is built, is a planet that revolves around a distant star and is orbited by a single moon. The world is roughly the same size as our Earth about 8000 miles in diameter. The World of Dragonwick completes one rotation around its sun every 366 days. The majority of the campaign will take place on the one of the main continents.

Calendar of Dragonwick
Most sentient races of Dragonwick observe a simple 12-month calendar. Each month has exactly 30 days and in addition there are 2 festival periods each lasting 3 days. The months are known as:

Winterheart (January)
Coldstead (February)
Crophatch (March)
Seedtime (April)
Greenrise (May)
Growfest (June)
Highsun (July)
Brightfield (August)
Fadefall (September)
Harvestime (October)
Barrenbrown (November)
Snowdown (December)

Some of the longer lived races, particularly the Elves, observe an even more simple calendar consisting of only 4 months, each month corresponding with each of the four seasons. They call the months "Awakening," "Evergreen," "Retreating" and "Silversnow."

The 12-month calendar system is further divided into a 7-day period:

Sunday, day of the Sun
Moonday, day of the Moon
Twosday, 2nd day
Holyday, day of the gods
Earthsday, day of the Earth-Mother
Highday, day of the ancestors
Starday, day of the Heavens

Holyday is commonly recognized as a day of rest and worship. Many businesses are closed on this day and commonfolk will spend the day in prayer and honoring the gods at the local shrine or temple.


Character Races


Humans of Hyperion are typically identified by various ancient clan or tribal groupings. Rather than exhibiting physical differences, each human clan is differentiated along common beliefs, customs, ideology and sometimes language. There are five commonly acknowledged human clans.

Altari "Nomads"

Strong, courageous and daring, the Altari clans inhabit much of the central plains lands of the continent. Once nomadic in nature, the Altari gave up their wandering ways and development healthy civilizations based on common precepts of justice and law. Many Altari prefer the character classes of Cleric, Fighter, Paladin or Ranger. Those following one of the arcane pursuits have a preferences for combat magic, both offensive and defensive.

Altari Names: (Male) Aedan, Braden, Cynwig, Donan, Donubhan, Drustan, Eogan, Loegaire, Maedoc, Tristan; (Female) Brin, Genova, Ninian

Teleri "Mystics"

Originally a sea-faring people dwelling along the coastline, the Teleri made their living at sea as sailors, fisherfolk and merchants. Curiosity and adventure have long been the hallmark of this clan. The Teleri have a long history of great intellectual advancement, the accumulation of knowledge and the trading of secrets. Most of the Teleri dwell along the western lands of the continent. Many Teleri prefer the character classes of wizard, warlock, sorcerer, bard and rogue. Those following one of the arcane pursuits have a preference for more suble magic involving deception and trickery like illusions but also divinations and transmutations. Air and Water magic are also common among the spellcasting classes.

Teleri Names:
(Male) Andrev, Auderic, Dizier, Gerrard, Gerrik, Guarin, Guiscard, Hugh, Olier, Renard, Ronan; (Female) Alais, Amaril, Blanche, Genevise, Josse, Melisende, Mariot, Naevin

Voltari "Warriors"

Strong and forthright describe the basic tenants of this clan. The Voltari value simple truths such as "only the strong survive" and "might makes right." This isn't to say they don't value honor and justice too but such concepts generally take a more secondary role in Voltari society. Voltari are individualists but practical by nature with a great belief in freedom as well as personal honor. The Voltari are sometimes known as "barbarians" by the other clans due to the tendency to pursue physical prowess over intellectual gains. The Voltari are concentrated along the northern regions of the continent. Many Voltari prefer the character classes of barbarian, bard, cleric, fighter and sorcerer. Those following one of the arcane pursuits have a preference for aggressive magic with a strong tendency toward evocation and conjurations. Fire magic is also common among the spellcasting classes.

Voltari Names:
(Male) Asgeri, Asmund, Bard, Bjarni, Brynjar, Einar, Garth, Haldor, Olavi, Randilf; (Female) Alva, Astrid, Audra, Eerika, Gerd, Helka, Hertha, Runa, Solvi

Comori "Slavers"

The Comori clan have long valued many of the more negative aspects of humanity such as greed, envy, power and selfishness. Although such traits exist in all people, there has often been a propensity within the Comori to exhibit these traits in abundance. A certain "amorality" perhaps best describes their viewpoint. It is common for the Comori to look at an issue from multiple viewpoints rather than in simple cases of black and white. It is the varying shades of gray that certainly provide more interesting results. The Comori can be found throughout the central and southwestern regions of the continent. Many Comori prefer the character classes of rogue, fighter, barbarian, warlock, sorcerer and wizard. Those following one of the arcane pursuits have a preference for enchantments, necromancy and conjuration.

Comori Names:
(Male) Arzhel, Bogumir, Dmitri, Dragomir, Mikael, Milivoj, Radovan, Yaromil; (Female) Bozhena, Elena, Nina

Lyceni "Shepherds"

The Lyceni have long had a great affinity to the natural world around them. They value co-existence with nature and a healthy respect for all forms of life. Perhaps neither 'good' nor 'bad,' the Lyceni are firm believers in the basic balance of life. Life and death. Joy and sorrow. Growth and decay. Hunter and prey. All are elements of this yin and yang duality. Of all the human clans, the Lyceni are the least likely to form cohesive nation-states. There are few large concentrations of Lyceni though certainly they prefer regions of great natural beauty and abundance. Many Lyceni prefer the character classes of druid, bard and ranger. Those following one of the arcane pursuits have a preference for abjuration, divination, conjuration and enchantment.

Lyceni Names: (Male) Judikael, Meriadoc; (Female) Sylvi, Thora, Thyra
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If the DM allows, players who choose the human race for their character may use this alternate list of traits. These traits were developed to add additional "flavor" and uniqueness to each of the 5 human clans. These traits are to replace those listed in the Players Handbook:

Ability Score Increase: Add 1 to your Constitution and 1 to your Wisdom scores.
Skillful Heritage: A player choosing an Altari Human may select one of the following Skills to gain proficiency: Athletic, Insight, Investigation, Medicine or Perception.
Feats: A player choosing an Altari Human may select any one Feat of their choice.
Language: You can speak the Altari dialect in addition to the Common tongue.

Ability Score Increase: Add 1 to your Dexterity and 1 to your Intelligence scores.
Skillful Heritage: A player choosing a Teleri Human may select one of the following Skills to gain proficiency: Arcana, Acrobatic, History, Investigation or Stealth..
Feats: A player choosing a Teleri Human may select any one Feat of their choice.
Language: You can speak the Teleri dialect in addition to the Common tongue.

Ability Score Increase: Add 1 to your Strength and 1 to your Constitution scores.
Skillful Heritage: A player choosing a Voltari Human may select one of the following Skills to gain proficiency: Acrobatic, Animal Handling, Athletic, Intimidate or Survival.
Feats: A player choosing a Voltari Human may select any one Feat of their choice.
Language: You can speak the Voltari dialect in addition to the Common tongue.

Ability Score Increase: Add 1 to your Dexterity and 1 to your Constitution scores.
Skillful Heritage: A player choosing a Comori Human may select one of the following Skills to gain proficiency: Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth or Survival.
Feats: A player choosing a Comori Human may select any one Feat of their choice.
Language: You can speak the Comori dialect in addition to the Common tongue.

Ability Score Increase: Add 1 to your Dexterity and 1 to your Wisdom scores.
Skillful Heritage: A player choosing a Lyceni Human may select one of the following Skills to gain proficiency: Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, Perception or Survival
Feats: A player choosing a Lyceni Human may select any one Feat of their choice.
Language: You can speak the Lyceni dialect in addition to the Common tongue.
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The dragonborn of Hyperion were one of the original races of the world having been created during the dawn of time as distant cousins to the Dragons themselves. Dragonborn are powerful creatures who made great advancements during their long years of existance founding one of the most powerful empires to have ever graced the world. With few true rivals to their dominance, the dragonborn became lustful for more power. In time, their realm stretched over most of the continent. The dragonborn viewed all other creatures as being of lesser worth. Whether having expanded their empire too far or simply due to internal political strife, the Dragonborn empire receeded to a far shadow of its former self. Many dragonborn of Hyperion revere Kronum, the god of law and order. The dragonborn are still found throughout the world but their numbers are the greatest in the desert lands of the southeast.

Dwarves of Hyperion are ancient earth spirits known as "Children of the Mountain." They are said to have been created by the dwarf god Berathor, the 'Father of the Mountain,' who sought to bring life to the very rock itself. Dwarves are short, stout folk with powerful physical builds and stubborn natures to match. Like the earth itself, dwarves can be slow to act but once they have made up their mind can be difficult to influence. Being creatures of the earth, dwarves are naturally skilled at mining and metal work. They are known for their expert skills at smithing and arms making. Many dwarf communities in fact make their living as suppliers of weapons and armor to their often more violent and warmongering neighbors. As there seems to rarely be a shortage of conflict and violence, a need for reputable arms dealers are in large supply allowing most dwarves to grow wealthy in the process. Dwarves of Hyperion are further classified into a number of sub-races: Mountain Dwarf, Hill Dwarf and the Barter Dwarf. Dwarves are thought to be the least magically-inclined race of Hyperion. Whether or not this is true is unclear for dwarves certainly use magic in the creation of powerful weapons and objects. Dwarf magic utilizes mystical runes and has a tendency toward transmutation or evocation.

Barter Dwarf
As a barter dwarf, you have developed highly specialized skills in dealing with other creatures. You enjoy the buying and selling of goods far more so than your Mountain and Hill cousins.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Natural mercantile skills: You gain proficiency of your choice in any 1 skill: Deception, Insight, Intimidation or Perception

The elves of Hyperion are the spirits of the natural world and in particular the verdant woodlands that cover much of the planet. Elves are connected to both the natural world and the Faerie Otherworld making them cousins of the Sidhe though elves tend to be more grounded in reality than their fey relatives. The race of elves were said to have been created from the trees by the elf creator goddess Meru, the Seed-Mother. As a result, they tend to express a great affinity for trees and often prefer living in rural environments with some source of natural beauty which the elves view as a physical manifestation of their deity. Elves have a great interest in the arcane and as a result follow a path of magic though they are also just as likely to practice the arts of more primal or martial classes. Elves of Hyperion are further classified into a number of sub-races: High (the most common), Wood, Gray and Dark. Elves prefer magic in general but have a tendency toward Enchantments, Conjurations and Divinations.

Gray Elf
As a gray elf, you are considered more contemplative and mystical than the other elven kindred. Perhaps more realistic and less flighty, gray elves prefer more defensive cavern and mountain strongholds than living out in the open woodland glades. Gray elves tend to have darker hair and eye colors than the high or wood elf variety.
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence and Wisdom score each increase by 1.
Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the cleric spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

Gnomes are spirits of mirth and nature created according to myth from a union between the gods Berathor and Meru. Gnomish mythology tells how the divine patrons took clay from the hills of Hyperion to form the first gnomes. Each gnome was blessed with a mystical heart gem by the goddess Meru thus granting them life and a innate magical talent. Gnomes seem to dwell in two worlds- a realm of underground burrows and one of rolling hills and lofty boughs. No other being matches their talent at gemcutting and jewelcraft. Gnomes value curiosity and exploration and thus they tend to favor the classes of Bard and Rogue. They also have been known to make excellent Wizards, particularly with an emphasis on illusionary magic. Gnomish Fighters tend to prefer combat at a distance relying on missile weapons. Gnomes of Hyperion are further classified into a number of sub-races: Forest Gnome and Rock Gnome. Not suprisingly, gnomes will pay homage to both Berathor and Meru. Gnomes often prefer illusionary magic.

Half-elves are the result of a union from a human parent and an elf parent. Such unions are uncommon on Hyperion but not necessarily rare as there are a number of elven communities that are located quite near human settlements. Such proximity will often foster a common bond between the two races and the half-elves are the physical proof of such unions. Half-elves share traits from both genetic origins though they will often select one or the other in which to identify themselves. Half-elves preferring their elven blood will tend to dwell in elf-dominating communities. Half-elves preferring their human ancestry will tend to dwell in human-dominating communities. Half-elves identifying with their elven heritage will commonly pay homage to Meru, the nature goddess. Half-elves identifying with their human heritage will commonly revere whichever deity is more popular in their place of birth.

Sadly, half-orcs are often a reflection of the often violent union of their human and orc parents. Such a union is rarely a positive or even long-lasting one and half-orcs are often abandoned, forced to rely on their own strengths in order to survive. With such a harsh background, the half-orcs that do survive to adulthood tend to be physically powerful otherwise they likely would never have survived their early years. Half-orcs, having been jaded by their experiences, will often adapt a more evil nature or at least a neutral attitude. Half-orcs often revere the war deity Tormac.

Halflings of Hyperion are primarily a nomadic folk of river riders. Their culture is an ancient one rooted with rich folklore and tradition and as such halflings are a fiercely proud and independent people. Halflings have an innate curiousity that can often get them into trouble. Though halflings can be found throughout most of Hyperion, their numbers are concentrated within the good-aligned, human dominated realms. Halflings of Hyperion are further subdivided into three sub-races: Lightfoot Halfling, Stout Halfing and Greenthumb Halfling. Halflings generally follow the same deities worshiped by humans. Halfling magic tends to be domestic or protective in nature.

Greenthumb Halfling
As a greenthumb halfling, you are more reserved and less adventurous than your more haughty lightfoot and stout kin. You are also far more astute in the agrarian arts of farming and animal husbandry. Some say that greenthumb halflings have elven blood running through their veins though this is highly unlikely. Greenthumbs do tend to be slightly taller than the other halfing subraces.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Natural Affinity. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill and the Herbalist tool kit.


Tieflings are the result of a union between a human parent and a creature from the evil lower planes. As such, tieflings are not widely accepted or even trusted by other creatures of Hyperion. This by no means implies that all tieflings are evil though they certainly have a tendency toward that darker alignment. Tieflings are quite rare in Hyperion but are somewhat more common in more evil-dominated lands particularly within the Defiant Lands and the Fell-Empire. Tieflings typically revere Mordagh, Kharon or Tormac (if evil) or Nerthys, Seralise or Jocasta (if anything else).
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Alternate Character Races

If your DM permits, players may also choose one of the following character races in the World of Dragonwick.


Naturally inquisitive and somewhat playful in nature, simians are a race of humanoid primates similar in basic form to humans but with a distinctly monkey-like appearance with rounded ears, flatter faces, leaner limbs and long narrow tails.


Simians are arboreal creatures preferring life within large forests or jungles. Their natural climbing skills make such environment ideal for not only survival but also to provide safety from potential enemies. Simians are very social creatures generally living in communities of 30-50. Communities always have a very defined social structure with the female simian generally taking the leadership roles. Each simian has a specific function within the group. Simians generally take on the social status of their mother. In cases where a simian is not happy with their social standing, they sometimes branch out and form communities of their own. Most communities consist of wooden platforms built high in the treetops. There is usually very little individual privacy as it is standard custom to live within the community while share and share alike.


Simians are slightly smaller than the average human. Most simians stand between 4.5' to 5.5' in height. They are slender in build on average with a weight of 85 to 110 pounds with males being slightly larger and heavier. Simians have flat noses, round eyes, rounded ears that protrude slightly and are covered with course hair from head to toe. Hair color varies greatly with black, brown and tan being more dominate and red, gold and white being recessive. Simians have long, thin fingers and toes which allow them to grasp tree branches with relative ease. Most simians also have a long, thin tail though a small number are known to be tailless.


Your simian character has an assortment of inborn abilities,which are well suited for the simians arboreal homes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Simians mature about the same rate as humans. Most live to about 75 to 80 years of age. Simians are considered to have reached the age of majority at 16.
Alignment. Though simians can be of any alignment, the majority of them seem to follow more chaotic tendencies. Chaotic good and Chaotic neutral tend to be the most common alignments.
Size. Simians stand between 4.5 and 5.5 feet in height and average about 95 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Natural Climber. Your innate skill and body structure are highly suited for climbing. You may climb at your base speed rather than suffering from 1 extra foot of penalty. You may also use either your Strength score or your Dexterity score when making checks to determine the success of your climb.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.


A race of bipedal humanoids combining features of canine, wolf and fox, the Fennex are natural hunters who have long been at odds with the Gnolls. Fennex generally have athletic builds, broad heads, short muzzles, protruded ears and short bushy tails. Their canine teeth are quite pronounced. Their bodies are covered with short, wirey fur that varies in color from tan, gray, brown, reddish-brown or black. Many fennex also have white around the muzzle, eyes and chest.


Fennex typically live in well-structed communities that operate as a cohesive unit. Each member of the pack knows his or her place in the community and performs specifica functions for the good of the whole. Fennex society is a male-dominated one but females still often participate in hunting and other traditional male-dominated roles. A pack is often composed of a single extended family. Males and females mate for life and such loyalty is an accepted custom.


Fennex are keen hunters and rely on hunting for sustenance. Their senses are highly acute. They are skilled at moving swiftly while operating in a group to flush out prey. Most fennex learn how to use a bow and arrow at a very young age. They can be quite protective of their hunting grounds. Fennex are enemies of the gnolls.


Your fennex character has a number of traits in common with others of its kind.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Fennex are not quite as long lived as humans though they do have an average lifespan of 70-75 years. They reach adulthood by 13-14.
Alignment. Fennex have a tendency toward neutral good. Other neutral-leaning alignments such as Chaotic Neutral and pure Neutral are also common with Lawful Neutral being slightly less common. Few fennex are evil though it is not unheard of. Such creatures are typically banished from the pack.
Size. Fennex are typically taller than humans but not as heavy. Most average around 6 feet with some males as tall as 7 feet. They weigh around 150-200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Weapons of the Hunt. You have proficiency with the short and long sword as well as the short and long bow.
Skills of the Wild. You are proficient in Stealth, Perception and Survival.
Pack Tactics. You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least 1 ally is in 5 feet of the creature and this ally isn't incapacitated.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common.


The Nezumi are a race of bidal humanoid rodents resembling rats. They are sometimes called 'ratfolk' or even 'groundlings,' which is typically considered a derogatory term to the Nezumi. The nezumi are shorter than humans with heights varying between 4' to 5' tall. Their bodys are slender with long legs. They have a slender, pointed head, narrow muzzle, large eyes, prominent ears and a long, thin tail which is usually hairless. The rest of their bodies with the exception of the hands and feet are covered with a short, course hair with black and brown being the most common colors. Gray and even occasionally white nezumi are likewise encountered.


The nezumi generally have a bad rep from the majority of the other civilized races of Hyperion. Perhaps this is deservedly so for the nezumi possess many of the worst traits with very few of the graces. Most nezumi are selfish, cowardly, greedy, lazy and gluttonous. And these are their good points! The ratfolk are known to be rather secretive, sneaky and certainly most cunning, especially when it comes to dealing with non-nezumi. Certainly the nezumi are wholly self-centered and place the needs of the individual above the needs of all others. Their society lives as scavengers raiding and stealing from others while keeping a host of slaves to perform any of the dirty work.


The nezumi of Hyperion typically dwell in vast underground networks of twisting tunnels, caves and chambers. They generally live apart from other intelligent creatures as they tend to distrust all others, including perhaps other nezumi. The nezumi generally sleep during the day and emerge at night to conduct raids. Their lairs are typically well hidden so as to provide a safehaven from any potential retribution from the victims of their raids. Being cowardly by nature, the nezumi are not usually blood-thirsty and will only kill if absolutely necessary or if seriously threatened or cornered. They prefer if possible to strike fast, grab as much as possible before slipping back into the shadows.


Your nezumi character shares a great many traits common among the ratfolk.
Ability Score Adjustment. Your Constitution score increases by 2 points and your Dexterity score increases by 1 point.
Age. Nezumi have relative short life spans compared to humans. Most typically live to around 55-60 years of age. They are considered adults at the age of 15.
Alignment. Due to the nezumi tendency toward selfishness and greed, evil alignments are by far the most common amongst them. Neutral evil is the more common followed by Chaotic evil. There are perhaps some Chaotic neutrals and Neutrals but few lawful or good aligned if any.
Size. Nezumi stand on a average of 4 feet to 5 feet in height and weigh on average 75-90 pounds. You are Medium size.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark in dim conditions due to your peoples tendency to dwell beneath the surface. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Smell. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Nezumi Fortitude. You have advantage on saves against poison and disease. You also have resistance to poison damage.
Sly Nature. You are proficient in Perception and Stealth skills.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Undercommon.
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