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Meridian Adventures: The Dragonwick Campaign



Official Name: Fell-Empire of Aelinore
Ruler: His Grim and Terrible Authority, Mathraxis the Everliving, Autocrat of Aelinore, Overlord of Hyperion, Scourge of the Lower Planes, Commander of the Undead Hordes (NE Human undead male, Wiz 20/Clr 10)
Coat of Arms: Shield divided party per pale Gules and Sable, a griffin segeant Argent, crest of winged skull Argent with wings Gules and crowned Or, with mantle Gules and Sable
Government: Independent autocratic empire ruled by an undead monarch; Mathraxis has complete authority in all manner of government and rules through fear, manipulation and intimidation; his most devout followers are given high positions within the government and rule in their master's name
Notable Figures: Nainenwithel (CE Medium undead vample (shapechanger) female, Ftr 12); Commander Skirdur (LE Human male, Brb 17); Charcerwyd, Chief of the Secret Police (CE Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), Rog 15); High Priest Kerebos (NE Human male, Clr 18)
Rule of Law: Neutral Evil. Moderate law codes exist within the country but they are either enforced or not enforced based on the situation. Selfish needs of the individual or state are of paramount importance. The evil nature of the state may not actively engage in abject carnage but will have no compunction for harming others if necessary. Doing evil or evil's sake is the goal. Laws are only good as long as they do not get in the way of the ultimate goals of the state.
Population: 275,000
Capital: Geyathrad (pop. 53,000)
Major Cities: Barrowfield, Naxos, Spineheart
Major Religions: Mathraxis, Kharon, Tormac, Demoriel, Abraxas, Molghur
Major Resources: Few
Military: 20,000+ (composed of humanoid and undead heavy and light infantry augmented by human and undead heavy and light cavalry)
Allies: Golgathor, Draugmore, Rhuthune, Avernia
Enemies: Rendore, Tritheria, Meridia, Hrathgar, Defiant Lands (sometimes)

The dread realm of Aelinore is a nation bound by the Stagflow river on the West, the Brightwater to the North, the Ardos river on the East and the Hollowing Bay to the South. One of the more desolate realms on Hyperion, badlands, barrens and strong winds from the North are the predominant features of this region.

The central region of Aelinore is a wide plateau carved out over the eons by the rush of the Stagflow and Ardos rivers as they flow southward into the Hollowing Bay. The northern frontierlands are covered with heath, course grasses and ferns which give way to the true woodlands of the Scragwood Forest along the southern shores of the Brightwater. Much of this central plateau is composed of limestone. While moderate rainfall occurs throughout the year, most of it is absorbed by the karst (underground drainage and sinkholes) in the region. Formations of minor fissures, cracks, sinkholes and canyons are not uncommon making travel within Aelinore somewhat treacherous. Rainfall empties into these depressions forming significant underground rivers that eventually empty into the Hollowing Bay or Brightwater Sea. Vast caverns and subterranean tunnels form an underground network connected to channels formed by years of erosion. Foul humanoids are known to dominate this ecosystem with orcs and goblins in abundance.

As the region is known for its limestone, fertile farmland is in short supply. Once part of the northernmost portion of the dragonborn Brythonia Empire, the region was dominated by Voltari, Comori and Altari human tribes as the dragonborn empire collapsed and withdrew. Around the 14th-century of the 4th Age, a dark force began to slowly form in the slums of Geyathrad, the only city in the area of any significance at the time. The wizard Mathraxis is said to be the unholy spawn of a wretched Comorian sorceress and a devil of the Everhells. Some stories even mention that his father was no less than an avatar of the Dread Lord Kharon, god of death himself! In either case, it is apparent that the formidable wizard has some supernatural heritage. His rise to power and ability to maintain control within the region was both stunning and remarkable, even for the most prominent mages. With his command of powerful magic, Mathraxis gathered a small but loyal following of henchmen and servants. Using ancient spellcraft, followers and mercenaries, the wizard conquered large portions of Aelinore gathering more under his banner. Within a few scant years, he succeeded in dominating his home city of Geyathrad and most of the plains between the Stagflow and Ardos rivers.

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Official Name: Theocracy of Aldimir
Ruler: His Supreme Authority, Kemil, Overseer of Acquisitions, Balancer of Accounts, Archcleric and Archon of Mercuria, Keeper of the Holy Ledger, Dean of the College of Archons (NE Human male, Clr 20)
Government: Independent theocratic syndocracy dedicated to Brannoc, the god of commerce; all major government positions held by clerics of Brannoc; Grand Archon rules as head of state for life and is nominated to the position by the College of Archons
Notable Figures: Auberwyn, Secretariat of the Court (NE male human, Clr 16); Leinos, Prefect of the College of Archons (LE male human, Clr 15); Randormil, Captain of the Authoritarian Guard (LN male humna, Ftr 13)
Rule of Law: Lawful Neutral. Strongly ordered and regimented society with many written laws. Traditions and organization are greatly valued often with strict interpretation of the letter of the law. The value of order often outweighs morality. The letter of the law is more important than the spirit in which in the law may have been intended. Discipline outweighs mercy.
Population: 200,000
Capital: Mercuria City (pop. 45,000)
Major Cities: Southgate
Major Religions: Brannoc
Major Resources: Coal, iron, seafood, gold, silver, wine
Military: 10,000 (relies heavily on merchant marine with 10 war galleys and 30 cogs; land forces composed primarily of heavy and light infantry)
Allies: Meridia, Hrathgar, Merthyria, Fairdale, Rhuthune, Valoria, Shahfaria
Enemies: None

The theocratic nation-state of Aldimir is a study in extremes. It is a theocratic state dedicated to the economic growth of the nation but is controlled by a secretive syndicate of powerful criminal-clerics. The patron deity of the nation is Brannoc, a god of merchants and commerce but also patron of thieves and messengers. The whole state is loosely governed under a system of caveat emptor or 'let the buyer beware.' The Grand Archon and the College of Archons deal in any manner of operations including trade, slavery, drug smuggling, extortion, bribery and assassination. It is said that anything worth acquiring can be had for the right price in the markets of Mercuria City.

Aldimir is locaed on a rocky peninsula that divides two major bodies of water. The majestic Griffonwing Mountains dominate the central highlands. Geographically, the land can be divided into six distinct regions.


Heraldry and Coat of Arms

If you are anything like me, you are interested in the use of heraldry in fantasy role play. I think that traditional coat of arms gives a unique character to the playing environment and therefore I like to use it when I can. However, if you are also like me, you might be confused as heck when it comes to some of the descriptive terms. Therefore, I thought I would post this little blurb to define some of the terms and make things more clear.

'Heraldry' is the profession, study or art of creating, granting and blazoning arms and ruling on questions of rank or protocol. Traditionally, the use of heraldry was essential on the battlefield. With knights on horseback wearing faceguards on their helmets, it was impossible to tell one from another during the heat of combat. The use of a coat of arms on the shield or standard allowed a viewer to more easily identify the combatants.

The practice of heraldry in the Dragonwick Campaign is well over 900 years old. Similar to version in our world, heraldry has its own vocabulary, word order and rules governing description in order to provide a uniform code. On Hyperion, the descriptive language comes from old Pelinorean (similar to French in our world).

A coat of arms is composed of multiple parts. The central part is the 'escutcheon' or 'shield.' Generally, the shape of the shield was not important because the size and shape very by region to region and evolve over time and according to tradition. The shield however is common in all coats of arms.

Coat of arms may vary in the use of additional embellishments such as a motto, supporters, crests and mantling. Certainly not all coats of arms will have these elements and in fact most do not. The motto is a phrase or collection of words often with a personal significance to the bearer of the arms. Supporters are human, animal, mythic or inanimate objects placed on either side of the coat of arms. In some nations, only aristocrats could use supporters. A helmet and crest were often also used almost exclusively by aristocrats. The crest generally rested on top of the helmet which in turn sat atop the shield. Traditionally, a helmet and crest would also be accompanied by 'mantling' which appears as a strip of cloth or a banner wrapping the device.

The coat of arms is individualized through the use of tinctures, colors, metals and furs. The most common forms of tinctures include Or (gold), argent (silver), azure (blue), gules (red), sable (black), vert (green) and purpure (purple). Certain patterns known as furs can also be applied to the coat of arms with ermine and vair being the most common. The first rule of heraldic design is the Rule of Tincture. Metal should never be put on metal or a color on top of a color. For example, argent (silver) would not be put on top of Or (gold) as both of these are metals.

The shield itself can sometimes be decorated with a pattern of colors known as a variation. Horizontal stripes are called a barry. Vertical stripes are a paly. Diagonal stipes could be called a bendy or bend sinister depending on the direction. Other variations include the chevron, gyron and chequey. Wavy stripes are known as undy.



Official Name: Grand Duchy of Avernia
Ruler: His Grace, Grand Duke Nazrael of Avernia, Duke of Neberus (LE male human, Ftr 13)
Coat of Arms:
Sable, a goat rampant gules
Avernia Coat of Arms.png
Government: Independent militocracy; head of government receives title of Grand Duke though this has little influence outside capital city; leading nobles are all military officers and control their subordinates through private armies funded through a variety of sources; nation has recently become a fief of Aelinore
Notable Figures: Archduke Rimmon of Blackheath (LE male human, Ftr 10); Lord Xaphan, Chief of the Secret Police (LE male tiefling, Wiz 10); Marquis Melchiom, Chancellor of Avernia (LE male human, Clr 12)
Rule of Law: Lawful Evil. Heavily regimented society with strict adherence to numerous laws all of which tend to favor the selfish goals and pleasures of the aristocracy; status and position in a military hierarchy is widely observed
Population: 325,000
Capital: Neberus (pop 24,100)
Major Cities: Blackheath, Ebongate
Major Religions: Tormac, Mordagh, Kharon
Major Resources: stone, iron, copper, tin, manufactured weapons
Military: 16,000 (composed primarily of heavy and light foot augmented by heavy and light cavalry)
Allies: Aelinore, Golgathor, Rhuthune, Draugmore
Enemies: Rendore

Avernia is a warlike nation with a mostly temperate climate. Generally speaking, the land is mainly unbroken plain reaching from the Brightwater to the Shield Hills and the Tyr river valley. Within this plainland, terrain varies as one travels along the north/south axis. In the northern regions of Avernia, the country is low lying and pocketed with numerous bays and lagoons. The region around the Bramblewood is heavily forested and contains a large number of fresh water lakes. The southern regions, particularly south of the Tyr, tend to be far more hilly with rocky soil and less vegetation.
After the collapse of the Dragonborn empire, the native human and hobgoblin tribes of the region gained control of most of the plains between the Tyr and the Stagflow while powerful wardukes ravaged the local population staking claim throughout the area. Military campaigns and multiple attempts of expansion with the Aldari to the West of the Borderwater River have greatly shaped the history and culture of the nation. Tensions are constant along the western borders and a heavy military presence is maintained between the Borderwater and Bramblewood. In recent years, Grand Duke Nazrael has formed an alliance of sorts with Aelinore in the East. The Grand Duke is uneasy with the seemingly vast power wielded by the Fell-Emperor though he is wise enough to realize a military and political alliance is to his advantage at this point.

Internally, the social hierarchy is structured loosely along the lines of the fiends of the Everhells. The Grand Duke rules from the top of the hierarchy from his command in the capital city while numerous Archdukes, Wardukes, Marquises, Counts and Barons struggle against one another for control of the vast landscape, its land and valuable resources. The Grand Duke is known to maintain a proficient secret police operating far beyond the capital. With the knowledge acquired through his spy network, the Grand Duke pits rival against rival in an effort to undermine their authority while maintaining his influence over all.
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Official Name: Confederate Plains of the Barren Raiders
Ruler: Great Chief Nassasook, Lord of the Barren Raiders, Master of the Plains (NE male human, Brb 16)
Coat of Arms: Gules, a demi-sun Or, a horse courant Argent
Government: Independent tribal territory with no central government; population organized into small tribal groupings typically between 80-300 living a semi-nomadic existence; leader of the largest tribe is granted title of Great Chief and presides over the Council of Elders, an advisory and legislative body gathering four times a year consisting of the chiefs and prominent elders of all tribes
Notable Figures:
Rule of Law: Neutral. Laws may or may not be set in stone. Common law if more popular than written law. Such laws often stress rights of the individual to survive rather than out of any sense of moral obligation. Laws can almost be categorized as instinctual following patterns of simple common sense. Governments and leaders try to maintain a balance between all of the citizenry.
Capital: None. Largest town is Orinok (pop. 4,500)
Major Cities: None
Population: 240,000
Major Religions: Tormac, Galdor, Meru, Seralise, Uino, Ainu, Mordagh, ancestor worship
Major Resources: horses, leather
Military: No standing military exists.
Allies: White Wolf Nomads (sometimes)
Enemies: None

The vast northern plains north of the Bela River have long been the tribal lands of the Barren Raiders, a prominent horse culture living a semi-nomadic existence. Their influence extends to the Stormcrest Sea and as far east as the Juniper Wood. Though smaller tribes make the occasional raid south of the river border, the Barren Raiders for the most part isolate themselves from the other nations whom they do not necessarily trust.

The Barren Raiders are actually a confederacy of several smaller tribal units united by language and perhaps common ancestry. Historically, the members of the confederation live by hunting the herds of elk and buffalo that roam these plains while those living along the western coastline are fisherfolk. As their name might suggest, the Barren Raiders were once very aggressive and consistently raided not only one another but outsiders as well, taking what they needed and sometimes leaving a bloody trail in their wake. As their population dwindled and the southern human tribes expanded farther north, the Barren Raiders learned to exist through less aggressive tactics.

The basic social unit of the Barren Raiders is the 'band' composed of anywhere from 10-30 lodge structures housing anywhere from 80-300 people. This size has served the population well as they are large enough to defend themselves against attack but still small enough to move about quickly as they follow the roaming herd animals. During the warmer Summer months, the tribes are scattered across much of the plains. During the harsh, cold winters, many will migrate closer to the Bela River setting up seasonal camps where they will remain throughout the winter unless they run out of food or firewood. Hunting for wild game is often a great pastime for the hunters and warriors of the tribes.

All of the Barren Raiders are experts with the horse and are taught to ride from a fairly young age. Both young boys and girls are taught to ride and learn basic survival and hunting skills. War bands are dangerous with their lightning fast raids and use of the bow. Smaller tribes are known to unite into formidable light cavalry units to drive enemies out of their lands.

Barren Raiders Map.png
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Brimstone Isles

Official Name: Brimstone Isles
Ruler: None
Coat of Arms: Gyronny of eight gules and sable, a brazier Argent
Government: Variable
Notable Figures: Jaemiel the Blessed (CN female human, Wiz 9/Clr 6); Kaeldrik the Deposed (NE male human, Wiz 16)
Rule of Law: Variable.
Capital: None
Major Cities: Gambhira, Threxia, Usha
Population: 350,000
Major Religions: Jocasta, Kharon, Mordagh, Uino, Tormac, Galdor, Abraxas
Major Resources: Few
Military: None
Allies: None
Enemies: Coronar, Nazaire, Pelinore, Viridia (sometimes)

The Brimstone Isles are a volcanically active archipelago located in the southwestern seas. The numerous volcanoes in the region serve as both a blessing and curse. Seismic activity has resulted in a great number of significant natural disasters and yet the volcanic ash makes the local soil uniquely fertile for agriculture allowing the Brimstone Isles to support perhaps a larger population than one might expect.

Fossil records seem to indicate that the Brimstone Isles have been inhabited for a great length of time. Comori, Voltari and Teleri human clans are found in most of the larger islands. Dragons, dragonborn, salamanders, fire newts and even lizardfolk are likewise foudn throughout the region. Much of the civilized population tend to gravitate to one of the many city-states that are found throughout the islands. Few have been able to unite the islands under one banner mainly due to the local population's more chaotic tendencies.


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Official Name: Empire of Brythonia
Ruler: His Most Enlightened and Imperial Majesty, Padishah Rhogin of Brythonia, Commander of the Faithful, Lord of the Seven Deserts (LN male dragonborn, Sor 19)
Government: Independent feudal empire with hereditary rulership; Padishah serves as Head of State and Head of Government but has varying degrees of influence outside the Imperial Capital
Coat of Arms: Argent, a dragon passant Gules
Brythonia Coat of Arms.png
Notable Figures: Grand Vizier Zenon (LN male dragonborn, Clr 17); Commander Stergrim, Minister of War (LN male dragonborn, Ftr 15)
Rule of Law: Lawful Neutral. Strongly ordered and regimented society with many written laws. Traditions and organizations are greatly valued often with strict interpretation of the letter of the law. The value of order often outweighs morality. The letter of the law often outweighs the spirit of the law. Discipline outweighs mercy.
Population: 600,000
Capital: Shalizan (pop. 80,000)
Major Cities: Anghadar, Khnum, Ma'Ahruf, Qadesh, Qaxid, Serapis
Major Religions: Kronum, Ainu, Uino, Solovar, Jocasta, Nerthys, Brannoc, Tormac, Kharon
Major Resources: Salt, grain, coffee, wool, gold, copper, silver, iron, some gems
Military: Each city-state maintains its own military and defenses.
Allies: Valoria, Aldimir, Fairdale, Coronar, Merthyria
Enemies: Jhorgrund, Aelinore, Golgathor, Draugmore

Once the mightiest empire of the realm, the dragonborn dominated Brythonia at its peak covered almost the entire expanse of the Telerian Continent. The long line of Padishahs have ruled from the Imperial Capital of Shalizan controlling a vast network of tributary states bringing in wealth and prestige.

The Empire of Brythonia is a mere reflection of a once glorious and mighty realm. Having its origins in the Imperial Capital, the dragonborn achieved a period of dominance that has been unmatched ever since. At the height of its power, the Brythonian Empire covered almost 4/5th of Teleria as well as territory to the south on the Sahelian Continent. Its millions of inhabitants spoke different languages, represented different races and cultures and worshiped different gods. However they were all united under the military might and organized government of the Padishah. Expansion through military campaigns led to a Brythonian cultural renaissance as the dragonborn incorporated the best elements of each conquered territory into its own. The Padishahs saw it their sacred duty to bring law and order to the 'lesser races' and systematically acquired more and more domain. A direct result of this expansion was a marked influx of wealth and slaves to Shalizan but in time, the empire itself perhaps stretched itself too thin and collapsed at the beginning of the Fourth Age.

To this day, remnants of this glorious empire can be found throughout the world. Brythonian culture and ingenuity are widely attributed with the invention or expansion of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy and engineering. The Brythonian Empire constructed overland roadways, aqueducts and enormous monuments of stone. Arguably the greatest of architectural achievements is the great city of Shalizan, an urban center so ancient it is often known as the 'Eternal City.' In fact, Shalizan is likely the oldest city on Hyperion having been inhabited for over 1000 years.

What remains of this once-glorious empire is certainly no petty kingdom. The Padishah still owns vast wealth and territory. His direct influence is felt mainly within the Imperial Capital and surrounding region. The remaining imperial holdings consist of a multitude of semi-independent city-states mainly around the Golden Gulf. Each of these city-states is governed by a powerful noble who in theory remains a vassal of the Padishah. In reality, many of the more powerful nobles more or less govern their territories as they see fit. Each city-state within the empire maintains its own infrastructure, mints its own coin and maintains its own military. In the event of an external threat, the military forces of each region and province would unite under the authority of the Padishah until such a threat is eliminated.




Official Name: Kingdom of Coronar
Ruler: Co-Rulers: Their Royal Majesties, King Thorvald Longbeard of Deephall (LN male dwarf, Ftr 9) and Queen Ursula Foehammer of Palacia (LG female dwarf, Pal 14)
Government: Independent feudal monarchy; most all of the aristocracy are dwarves; state composed of a handful of semi-independent territories now united under the joint rulership of scions from the two most powerful royal houses
Coat of Arms: Or, a chevron sable, a pair of crossed axes sable
Notable Figures: Pryreius, Pasha of Lampwater (NE male human, Wiz 15)
Rule of Law: Lawful Good. Many laws exist and the government is run mainly to protect the citizens of the realm. The duty of the individual is to respect the state while the duty of the state is the protect the individual. Most laws are geared toward imposing justice, fairness and order throughout the kingdom.
Population: 290,000
Capital: Deephall (pop. 18,000)
Major Cities: Lampwater
Major Religions: Berathor, Nerthys, Galdor, Brannoc
Major Resources: Stone, silver, gold, copper, platinum, iron, many gems
Military: 14,500 (composed primarily of dwarf and human heavy infantry augmented by light infantry)
Allies: Nazaire, Merthyria
Enemies: Viridia, Pelinore (sometimes)

The dwarven realm of Coronar occupies the westernmost region of the Khazarim peninsula to the southwest of the Telerian continent. The land is known for its rough and rocky geography and has long been home to the dwarves. The central region of Coronar is dominated by the Iron Hills which rapidly rise to form the Spineridge Mountains as one moves farther inland. Most of the coastline is low lying.

Through most of the recorded history of the land, the dwarves of Coronar have dominated the region, particularly within the Iron Hills. Most dwarven communities operated more or less independently of one another under the leadership of a powerful noble. As the region has always been rich in mineral resources, the competing communities tended to get along due to this abundance. By the 3rd Age, the dragonborn empire of Brythonia conquered the region and formed the tributary state of Coronar. Paved roads were constructed through the mountain passes and along the coastline. Great stone aqueducts were built to bring water to the drier sections of the peninsula.

The vacuum created by the collapse of the Brythonian Empire brought in renewed competition for the valuable resources of Coronar between the local dwarven population and the Comori humans of Viridia. By the 6th-7th century of the Forth Age, the Viridians had conquered most of the lowlying coastal regions and significant territory in the Iron Hills.

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Royal House of Foehammer

The House of Foehammer is a noble dwarven house of the Kingdom of Palacia, one of the tributary kingdoms of Coronar. Its head of house is Queen Ursula, the current co-regent of Coronar. The house controls territory primarily in the Iron Hills province.

The line of Foehammer royalty in Palacia have ruled throughout a period of military conflict with Lampwater. Their family has sustained significant amounts of inbreeding, which has led to a series of disputed struggles over rightful claims to the Palacian throne. The house was united with the House of Longbeard through the marriage of Thorvald of Longbeard and Ursula of Foehammer. With the unification of these two powerful royal houses, many of the minor kinglets of Coronar were united under one standard.

Ursula Foehammer succeeded to the crown of Palacia upon the death of her elder half-brother who died childless.
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Official Name: Defiant Lands
Ruler: No single ruler exists
Government: No central government exists
Coat of Arms: No single coat of arms exists though each city-state has its own unique heraldry symbol
Notable Figures: Gareth the Barbarian (CG male human, Brb 14), Princess Astra (NG female human, Sor 10)
Rule of Law: Chaotic Neutral. Few written laws exist. Most of the region is in a fluctuating state of anarchy. No single uniting force controls all of the region. Law varies by city-state and if generally only enforced within the immediate vicinity. The few laws that do exist generally deal with 'common law' such as taxes, infrastructure or defense.
Population: 225,000
Capital: None
Major Cities: Fountaindale, Stormcrow, Thornward, Windstark
Major Religions: Tormac, Nerthys, Seralise, Jocasta, Mordagh, Kharon, Meru, Galdor
Major Resources: None
Military: No standing army exists
Allies: None
Enemies: None

The region of coastland known as the Defiant Lands is a rough and tumble frontier land with little to offer in terms of natural resources or fertile farmland. Few nations have any interest in the region and perhaps because of this fact, it has long been a haven for all manner of scum and villainy.

Defiant Lands.PNG

The region of land located around Tempest Bay is strongly influenced in terms of climate by not only the bay itself but the massive Spineridge Mountains to the West. Moist ocean currents blowing in from the west are diverted by the mountains allowing for far less rainfall in the hinterlands of the Defiant Lands. Water and air currents in Tempest Bay form low pressure zones bringing in heavy storms throughout the rainy season though most of this precipitation falls mainly along the coastline. The ground becomes far more arid as one moves farther from the coast. Scrubland and conifers are common throughout the region.
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