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D&D 5E messy's 5e newbie questions thread


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
ah, the 'contest' rules. So, does it come down to 'roll a D20 and add your Dex modifier?'
Basically. There is a Feat that gives you +5 to Initiative, and I think there’s a couple subclass features that can give you Advantage on the check, but for the most part it’s just roll +Dex, take turns in descending order. Unless you use the optional Speed Factor rules from the DMG, but not many groups do that.

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Basically. There is a Feat that gives you +5 to Initiative, and I think there’s a couple subclass features that can give you Advantage on the check, but for the most part it’s just roll +Dex, take turns in descending order. Unless you use the optional Speed Factor rules from the DMG, but not many groups do that.
Also, the Bard's Jack of all Trades ability lets you add half your proficiency bonus to the roll, since it is an ability check.

24. is the battle master fighter the 5e equivalent of the 4e warlord?

The Battle Master can include warlords, but it is much broader than that in both crunch and fluff. Most of their abilities have nothing to do with assisting allies and are just direct personal combat tricks.

They are great at representing:
-Swashbuckler/Duelists. Maneuvers include parries, disarms, trips, mobility, etc
-Samurais (though there is now an official samurai in another book). Tool proficiency and the ability to size up an opponent.

They also fulfill a fluff-neutral role as a more complex fighter than the intentionally simple Champion.

A subclass that is more directly evocative of an inspiring warlord is the Purple Dragon Knight (setting specific name; the non-setting name is Banneret) in the Sword Coast Adventures Guide. I find that subclass very weak though.


For the question about variant classes... the only one to come out is the variant Ranger published as a playtest in Unearthed Arcana. Unearthed Arcana is non-official free document published (semi) regularly in WotC's website with some playtest rules. If you search DnD''s page for the Unearthed Arcana Artivles you will find this "Revised Ranger" an many more player options for free. Just remember they're playtest material and not always balanced.

Basically. There is a Feat that gives you +5 to Initiative, and I think there’s a couple subclass features that can give you Advantage on the check, but for the most part it’s just roll +Dex, take turns in descending order. Unless you use the optional Speed Factor rules from the DMG, but not many groups do that.
okay. Ya know, this is one of those cases where it would have been simpler to say 'roll 1D20 and add your Dex modifier'. The problem with calling it an ability check is that it implies you can fail it... and how the heck do you fail initiative? Sure, you can lose and go last, but fail? I was picturing the DM saying, "Sorry, you failed initiative, so you can't do anything. Better luck next round." :)


okay. Ya know, this is one of those cases where it would have been simpler to say 'roll 1D20 and add your Dex modifier'. The problem with calling it an ability check is that it implies you can fail it... and how the heck do you fail initiative? Sure, you can lose and go last, but fail? I was picturing the DM saying, "Sorry, you failed initiative, so you can't do anything. Better luck next round." :)
But if they don't call it an ability check effects that care about ability check won't affect your initiative roles. One example is the bard's "Jack of all trades" ability. It gives you a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus to non proficient ability checks, and Initiative is one of those.

Edit: If I understand your problem correctly the issue is that you misunderstoodhow ability checks work... they are not always against a set DC...

Edit: If I understand your problem correctly the issue is that you misunderstoodhow ability checks work... they are not always against a set DC...
yeah, I went and looked through the appropriate pages, and it doesn't really make it clear that initiative is one of those 'contest' checks. I think I prefer the old method of 'each side rolls 1d6'... may not be as 'realistic', but dang, is it ever easier...


Deluxe Unhuman
12. what's the math behind advantage/disadvantage? does it correspond to a simple +2/-2? or is it way more complicated than that?

There's math out there, and/or what others have posted here, but here's how I think about it:

Proficiency increases your numerical result, including the possibility of results above 20.

Advantage increases your chances of a desired numerical result by letting you roll twice, but your results will not be above 20 (assuming no other modifiers).

I see proficiency as an ability that is potentially super-normal, whereas advantage is just a knack for not failing.


let's call david's initiative question 26...

27. there seem to be three kinds of spellcasters:

wisdom-based/can prepare spell from a large list- cleric, druid, paladin, ranger.
charisma-based/can prepare from a small list the player chooses- bard, sorcerer, warlock.
intelligence-based/can prep from a personal spellbook- wizard.

why did they deviate from this with the arcane trickster and eldritch knight (intelligence-based/can prepare from a small list the player chooses)?

28. can a warlock with pact of the blade choose any weapon to create? so he/she could create a greatsword?

29. sleep doesn't seem to allow a saving throw to resist its effects. am i reading this right?

30. does the writing at the bottom of the (beautiful) tapestry on page 73 mean something? or is it gibberish?

31. while it's good to see that paladins aren't restricted to lawful good (or any other alignment), it seems that the tenets of all paladin oaths are geared toward good characters. am i missing something?

32. is there a fan-friendly spell list somewhere? flipping back and forth from spell lists to spell descriptions is a bit of a hassle.

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