[Meta] How many story hours do you read?

How many Story Hours Do You Read Regularly?

  • 8 or more

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • 5 to 7

    Votes: 11 15.7%
  • 2 to 4

    Votes: 13 18.6%
  • Just one

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • One, But I browse several others

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • None, I only browse

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • 2 to 4, but I browse a handful more

    Votes: 24 34.3%
  • 5 or more, but I browse a handful more

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • I only post to my own, and don't pay attention to any others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dr Midnight

RangerWickett said:
Also, I took a look at one storyhour where the party was offered a deal from some mysterious skeleton, offering to let them draw from the infamous Deck of Many Things. It was nicely written, but I forgot which storyhour it was. Could someone tell me which one it is so I can take another look at it?

As Metus said, that's my Silver Quill story hour. Takes a look, shop around, hope you like what you read. New readers get a free embroidered bath towel!

I feel I can honestly say that my story hour is the only one that boasts this feature: The author of one of the modules I used is a reader, and regularly checks in with parody songs based on recent chapters. Most recently, he submitted "Gimme four cards" (after Skynrd's "Gimme three steps") based on a character's recent four-card draw from the Deck of Many Things. Other songs include "Did a bad bad thing", after a character turned CE and killed the party, and "Doctor Midnight" (After Midnight), about the campaign in general and how I run things.

So- there's the sales pitch. Take the bait, damn you!


First Post
What I Read

Read Regularly (Like, I look every day, alright?!)
Against the Shadows
Rel's Faded Glory campaign
The Savage Sword of Meepo

Read Less Regularly (but still dig )
Knights of the Silver Quill
Unusual Heros versus the Pool of Radiance

I browse others as the mood takes me.

Wulf, sadly it all came down to me starting late. I read the first dozen or so chapters, loved it, and realized I should wait 'til later to read the rest of it. I kept waiting for enough free time, until eventually there was too much for me to want to catch up on. But if there's a recent story arc that has just started, tell me where and I'll jump in and read.

And if we're boasting about the 'features' of our storyhours, my Tides of Homeland storyhour is one of the few with a talented artist doing fan art for it. You can find pictures of all the characters on the website. I also have some free d20 material for you to peruse, mostly prestige classes from back-issues of Asgard. The link to the site is in my sig.

Wulf Ratbane

Wulf's Compiled Story Hour


Every "module" can be read seperately, but the underlying story arc concerning the halfling (which runs up through "The Standing Stone") is the best bit.

The following chapters, which you can consider "Book II" or the second half of our adventures, begins with The Heart of Nightfang Spire. It's still good fun, but it lacks the spark that held the first half together.

If I had to recommend the story to you again, I would recommend Forge of Fury through Standing Stone, at which point I think you would be satisfied and could put it aside. It's actually quite a quick read, as I generally have a lot of dialogue. Now that it's all compiled here on the new boards, without comments or interruptions, you could probably read it in an hour or less.

I also have finally compiled it into a single Word document if you (or anyone else) would like a single hard copy you can print out.



Sniper o' the Shrouds
I regularly read the following:

Wulf's Lazy Days
Contact's Liberation of Tenh

I browse a few others when time allows, but it usually doesn't, and that's what made me give up WizarDru and Old One's.

I miss Tor's.
I really, really, really liked RangerWickett's Savannah Knights, but it's over now.
I also really liked Contact's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil if for nothing else, the sheer body count.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
I read Piratecat's, and browse many others. Also, I hope to find the energy to read more story hours regularly. :)

Wee Jas

First Post
I read Unusual Heros versus the Pool of Radiance and Knights of the silver Quill. Why? Well because I play in them and want to see the mistakes I make in print!

I often pop into Tsunami's (when he updates it! Shame on you Tsunami!) to read about his charasmatic toad familiar Het. I also named my horse in Doc Midnight's adventure Tsunami.. to thank him for his input.

I also pop into Broc's story hour and browse almost everything to do with the realms I can find.

My horse in Unusual Heros versus the Pool of Radiance is as of yet un-named.. so get popping in! Find out how we whooped on the pool too! :cool: We are starting a new FR module I think...

click here


Once A Fool
Tuerny said:
I read the following ones regularly:

  • Kid Charlagmane's Story Hour
  • Piratecat's Story Hour
  • Sagiro's Story Hour
  • Runic Story Hour

All of them share an interesting, imaginative setting, compelling charachters and an interesting plot.

Wow! Thanks! Looks like I keep good company!

I browse the Out of a Frying Pan campaign but so far it has failed to grab me as much as those four.

I won't go into my favorites right now (as I'm pressed for time), but I will suggest that you check out The Sunderer (formerly Monkey-Trained-to-Type)'s "The Sundered Sky". I'ts fairly new, but holds great promise (in fact, I'm going to use it for my next campaign).

Also check out the afore-mentioned, Paka's "Another Bastard Child of Tolkien"

Both of these should offer what you're looking for in a story-hour.

Tom Cashel

First Post
Wee Jas said:

I also pop into Broc's story hour and browse almost everything to do with the realms I can find.

Hey, my story hour... AERUNEDAR: The Curse of Hathos ...is set in northern Cormyr...

I think no one reads it because we only play once a month (infrequent posts) and the writing in the first few episodes was, well...horrible!

But it's gotten better! Really!

I like Broc's Vilhon Reach, anything called "Meepo" cracks me up, and Undermountain 3E was striking my fancy for a while there. And I browse for anything with a strong narrative flow and nice prose style.

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