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(meta)physics question....


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We've all heard that a cat always lands on its feet. We've all heard that buttered bread always lands butter side down. but have we ever stopped to consider the effects of combining these two phenomena?
I am sure that many people have considered the ramifications of gluing a slice of buttered bread to the back of a cat and dropping them from a height. I know that I have.

would it be the creation of a strange and economical new energy source? would it tear a hole in space/time? would it cause the universe to collapse?

I want to know what your theories are. post em here. maybe it will lead to a Nobel prize....

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That's an old joke, dude. I hope you didn't think you actually were the first to come up with that....




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I'm willing to entertain this as opposed to the spreadsheet work I get paid for.

I think that the answer to the buttered cat question really depends upon the use of real butter or margarine combined with the mixing of herbs used in the butter.

Buttered cat is typically quite bland without a little rosemary and thyme. While some uncouth individuals may simply add ketchup I think that this would completely throw off the whole study. Also, pepper, being heavier than most spices, when mixed with the butter, will most likely contribute to the cat landing on its back.

By the way, how many ways are there to skin a cat?

Thornir Alekeg

The answer is that the cat will land on its feet. Since at that point, the buttered toast would still be about 12 or so inches above the ground, it would not have yet broken the universal law about landing butter side down.

Now, if you glued the butter side of toast to the cats feet, the cat would spin end over end just above the ground. Whether the effect could be harnessed to any useful effect remains to be seen as, thus far, research grants to study it have been denied on ethical grounds.


First Post
Someone else has discoved the Buttered Feline Antigravity Drive! Quick! Send the MiB's!

Just stay put JM, the men coming to visit you are coming for the good of all mankind. :p

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