Metal School

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Flobby said:
I think Slayer is the only metal band whose albums have never disappointed (unlike Metalica...)
really?!? I mean ... REALLY?!?

See I have listened to several slayer albums and not one of them did I like as an album.
I like a song or so on each but I never liked the albums as a whole. :confused:

Oh well, to each their own.


First Post
Slayer never disappointing, that's funny. Did you miss that album with the cover of Minor Threat's "Guilty of being right"? Oh wait the song is actually called "Guilty of being white" the changed the entire point of that one of Minor Threat's best songs that album sucked. Slayer is only good for killing infestations of hippies.


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Hey, I'm at it again with the Threadcromancy!

The year's almost through, and looking through my CDs is struck me that its been a good year, for me at least, in terms of metal. Some absolutely fantastic releases this year, with several bands proving that they sure as hell can still cut it. So without further ado, he's my personal top 5 releases for the year 2007

5. Helloween - Gambling With the Devil
I believe the technical term is "Earworm". This really is one of the purest expressions of power metal I've heard since the venerable German act unleashed "Keeper of the Seven Keys". Gloriously over the top, catchy, with solos that border on the ridiculous. Take it in the spirit its intended and you won't be dissapointed.

4. Serpentcult - Trident Nor Fire
"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger". This killer EP proves this several times over with every crushing, sludge-like slab of pure doom with siren like vocals. Rising from the horrific demise of Thee Plague of Gentlemen, Serpentcult are a fantastic find. Do yourself a favour and get this EP. I eagerly await a full-length from this Belgian act.

3. Primordial - To The Nameless Dead
I fell in love with these guys early in the year when I heard the rousing "Sons of the Morrigan" on, promptly grabbing the album it was from, "Storm Before Calm". This Irish act is impossible to classify, bordering Hard Rock, Black Metal and Pagan Metal. With only Guitar, Bass, Drum, and AA Nemtheanga's incredibly powerful voice, these guys play emotionally powerful music. This album doesn't quite measure up to the incredible heights of their last effort, "The Gathering Wilderness" (dear god, The Coffin Ships...), but is still an absolute marvel. "Heathen Tribes" alone is reason to pick this up. Nemtheanga's in full flight from start to finish here, and the simple production job really brings the whole thing to life.

2. Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
This is what pure, unadulterated hate for the entire universe sounds like. Atilla obviously picked up a thing or two during his stints with Sunn O))), because this is a murky, drone-influenced nightmare. The production is weird, the mid-range has been sliced out, making the whole thing sound muffled and fuzzy, especially the drums. If you like Csihar's deranged work on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, you're in for a treat here, since all the inhuman groans, shrieks and snarls are here in abundance. If you like Maniac's stint on the other hand, you may want to steer clear. Moreso than ever, there's no middle ground with Mayhem here.

1. Sigh - Hangman's Hymn
OK, I'll be honest. I didn't expect anything to top this once I listened to it, and I was right. This is just...incredible. It sounds like Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Quorthon and Euronymous all got locked into a room together with everything they'd need to make music, and were told not to come out until they were done. Take note Dimmu Borgir and CoF, THIS is how you take extreme metal and an orchestra and combine them. Mirai's deranged demonic snarling and screaming is in fine form here, and the demonic cackling that punctuates the whole thing is a great touch. The guitar work is also fantastic, In Devil's Arms is a great nod to Maiden's work too. Only the drumming lets down the package here, its pretty dull and sits too high in the mix. That aside, sheer creativity and some fantastic songs (Memories As a Sinner, Hangman's Hymn, Dies Irae) take this to the top of 2007 for me.

Honourable mentions for 2007 go to Arch Enemy-Rise of the Tyrant, Behemoth-The Apostasy, Candlemass - King of the Grey Islands (Messiah who?), and finally Nightwish - Dark Passion Play (Tarja who?)
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First Post
Right ... I'm gonna break with Testament ... a lot.

Top 5 albums of 2007:

5.) Circus of Dead Squirrels - The Pop Culture Massacre And The End Of The World

4.) Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos

3.) Devin Townsend - Ziltoid the Omniscient

2.) Between the Buried and Me - Colors

1.) Blotted Science - The Machinations of Dementia (Instrumental Group: Guitarist from Spastic Ink, Drummer from Behold ... the Arctopus, Bassist from Cannibal Corpse.)

Honorable Mentions:
Becoming the Archetype - The Physics of Fire
Katatonia - Live Consternation
Sieges Even - Paramount
Three - The End Is Begun
Ulver - Shadows of the Sun


First Post
AnonymousOne said:
3.) Devin Townsend - Ziltoid the Omniscient

2.) Between the Buried and Me - Colors

Ulver - Shadows of the Sun

Please note that I have these three on order at my beloved JB Hi-Fi. Getting a hold of Ulver's material in particularly seems to be a right- royal nightmare. REALLY looking forward to hearing what Rygg and his crew have come up with


First Post
Man oh man... naming a Top 5 for this year is kinda tough... I personally felt that overall, this year was quite mediocre from the taste of metal I found. There were some pretty good albums, but nothing outstanding, IMO.

The ones which *did* stand out for me were (alpha order):

Dark Tranquility - Fiction
I think this is a great CD from one of the classic MDM bands, and still shows that despite In Flames becoming more like an alt rock band with each new release, some Gothenburg bands still have cojones :cool: I REALLY dig the track 'Misery's Crown' on this album; I hear it's the first time in years the vocalist has used clean vocals on an album, and I LOVE it.

Finntroll - Ur Jordens Djup
The very magical-sounding intro leads into an album of Epic proportions. Finntroll have never sounded like any other band I've come across, and this is no change. The vocalist is simply amazing, howling and screaming all over the place, with a *great* range. The instruments lend a heavy atmosphere to the entire shebang, and you really get the feeling of the Saga being told, which the liner notes describe a bit better then I can here.

Machine Head - The Blackening
This album, while displaying quite a bit of that NWoAHM metalcore influence, struck me as being something very mature and never, ever boring. The album dangerously starts off with a behemoth of a 10 minute track, and never let's go. I saw these guys in concert supporting Lamb of God, and having never heard anything by them before, I was immediately impressed and bought this album. It's mature, it's heavy, and it's even a bit experimental, and really gives the listener a feeling of how hard the band is trying to grow.

Type O Negative - Dead Again
I personally never saw myself as a fan of this band, simply because the whole style is not really what I'm into. I've heard they've spanned the genres, from gothic metal, to doom, to alternative rock and so forth. This offering of heavy metal music is something which i find impossible to categorize, which personally vexes me and therefore makes me respect the band that much more for making such a genre-spanning record. Doomy Goth Rock is the closest to that this falls under, and even then it doesn't quite get it. In any case, from slow, sombre doom metal riffs to the more upbeat, ironically named title track 'Dead Again. All-in-all, an ever-evolving and never-boring tour de force of an album, and tons of fn while you're at it.



First Post
Nyaricus said:
Dark Tranquility - Fiction
I think this is a great CD from one of the classic MDM bands, and still shows that despite In Flames becoming more like an alt rock band with each new release, some Gothenburg bands still have cojones :cool: I REALLY dig the track 'Misery's Crown' on this album; I hear it's the first time in years the vocalist has used clean vocals on an album, and I LOVE it.

Machine Head - The Blackening
This album, while displaying quite a bit of that NWoAHM metalcore influence, struck me as being something very mature and never, ever boring. The album dangerously starts off with a behemoth of a 10 minute track, and never let's go. I saw these guys in concert supporting Lamb of God, and having never heard anything by them before, I was immediately impressed and bought this album. It's mature, it's heavy, and it's even a bit experimental, and really gives the listener a feeling of how hard the band is trying to grow.

The Blackening was released last year IIRC, so I didn't count it. Really built on the return to form that Through the Ashes of Empires was though, although I think TtAoE was better. I saw these guys live too, as I've said, and Rob Flynn is just THE MAN live. Sad fact is though that everything they will ever do will be held against Burn My Eyes.

Dark Tranquility's latest, otoh, I disagree with. Violently. For me that album just confirmed that the Gothenburg scene's been going downhill ever since At The Gates disbanded, and this album marks DT hitting rock bottom. Honestly, if the keyboards were any more overused, I'd think they merged with Dimmu Borgir....

But yeah. In Flames suck almost as hard as Soilwork do these days


First Post
Testament said:
The Blackening was released last year IIRC, so I didn't count it. Really built on the return to form that Through the Ashes of Empires was though, although I think TtAoE was better. I saw these guys live too, as I've said, and Rob Flynn is just THE MAN live. Sad fact is though that everything they will ever do will be held against Burn My Eyes.

Dark Tranquility's latest, otoh, I disagree with. Violently. For me that album just confirmed that the Gothenburg scene's been going downhill ever since At The Gates disbanded, and this album marks DT hitting rock bottom. Honestly, if the keyboards were any more overused, I'd think they merged with Dimmu Borgir....

But yeah. In Flames suck almost as hard as Soilwork do these days
Nope, MH's The Blackening was released on March 27th of this year, so it definitely did count :D And yes, Mr. Flynn was an awesome showman, really what any frontman worth his salt should be like. I'll have to check out Through the Ashes of Empires since you're rec'ing it :D

As for DT, I disagree (but you know that already :p). I dunno, I just never really 'got' At the Gates and why everyone fellates over them (not saying you are, but man oh man on some metal forums... yeesh!). Anywho, I actually like the keyboards, I personally think they add a smooth synth feel to the music which I enjoy, and they're tastefully done, IMO. I understand why some, tired with Dimmu Burger and Dani and the Filths would be bored of this already, but I really like them :p


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