Metal School


Staff member
That, plus it could be a boost for the AFL if he managed to work out his issues and make it back to the NFL, like Kurt Warner did.

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Not bloody likely. Warner had solid mechanics, accuracy and a decent arm coming out, he just came from a small school and the pro game was too big for him. (re: speed) Part of the reason he didn't stick at first was because of where he came in: Green Bay with Favre, Brunell and Detmer on the roster also. He learned speed in the AFL. Saint Louis brought him in as a backup to Trent Green and had not Green been lost for teh season, Warner may never have gotten his chance to start. He was a perfect fit for the Mike Martz offense though because he had learned to speed up his decision-making.

Tebow has completely borked mechanics, a lousy arm, terrible accuracy, can't read a defense and hasn't shown the willingness (or aptitude) to learn. He simply lacks the basic skills and attitude needed to succeed as a QB in the NFL (and CFL and AFL also). In college he played for the best teams boosters could buy and he could run at-will or throw to wide open receivers.

In the pros, a guy who was considered covered in college is wide open. He doesn't have the accuracy.


Staff member
Not bloody likely.


He doesn't have the accuracy.

I agree, but if he really wants to be back in the NFL- and make no mistake, he does- he's only got 3 paths:

1) making a mark and improving in the AFL

2) making a mark and improving in the CFL

3) QB attrition in the NFL.

Of those, and considering only the KISS have offered him a contract (AFAIK), which do you think is the likeliest path?

Take it, Tebow. Or do the Bill Bixby Hulk end credits walk away from the NFL.

Since this is Metal School, here's some school kids that could take us all to school:

Unlocking the Truth
There appearance on "Totally Biased" reminds me of when I saw Living Colour on "Showtime at the Apollo" - the crowd is happy they are black, not so happy they aren't playing R&B or Hip hop. :( The sad fake mosh pit pissed me off a bit...

Soooo.... I guess you are all wondering where I've been. I have to admit my time is split between about thirty projects and my copious internet gaming habit, since I can't seem to find any roll-players in this area.

One of them however is me hooking up with my old guitar player from High School. We blew the dust of the instruments and realized, we still have chops (sort of) and started writing again. It's a VERY slow process since we only get a couple of days every month and a half (his real job is a riverboat captain) but we are closing in on a full album (hopefully soon). Will hopefully be posting some snippets here eventually.

Still bringing the noise - Thunderfoot :cool:

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