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Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


greywulf said:
quoy : HD2 (11hp), AC14, Natural +2 (2d4+4)
teiyable : HD5 (38hp), AC16, By weapon +8 (2d2-2)
huthe : HD4 (23hp), AC17, By weapon +7 (1d10+3)
dubation : HD1 (5hp), AC15, By weapon +3 (2d8+3)
veiper : HD3 (24hp), AC16, By weapon +5 (1d6+5)
inchube : HD3 (14hp), AC14, Natural +6 (1d8-3)
laniss : HD4 (28hp), AC14, By weapon +4 (2d10-2)
unove : HD4 (24hp), AC15, Natural +6 (1d12+3)
vedition : HD3 (18hp), AC15, Natural +3 (2d6-4)
wacker : HD1 (6hp), AC11, By weapon +1 (1d12+3)

The first number is the number of critters to generate, the second is the max hit dice.

What the creature looks like, what it's weapon or natural attacks are and how it behaves is entirely up to you - consider it an inspiration tool for those times when you want something not in any Monster Manual or the SRD.

A few examples from the random goodies above.........

The veiper is a small, fast snake-like humanoid which attacks with a curved shortsword while tasting the air in their tongues.

Wackers are ogre children trained to raise the alarm if non-ogres approach their cave. They carry a drum and a huge hammer which is devastating in combat.

Inchube (pronounced inc'hoo'bey) are water spirits found in fast flowing icy streams. They dance along the snow at the edge of the stream to lure travellers to their deaths.

The code took about 10 minutes to put together so it's rough around the edges, but it works! I'll prettify it up another day.


I've got a random monster fluff generator:

quoy : HD2 (11hp), AC14, Natural +2 (2d4+4)

The quoy is an animated cypress tree that launches splinters at its foes

teiyable : HD5 (38hp), AC16, By weapon +8 (2d2-2)

The teyable is a cousin of the shambling mound that controls brambles and weeds to constrict its opponents

huthe : HD4 (23hp), AC17, By weapon +7 (1d10+3)

Huthe are a swarm of wasps that take a vaguely humanoid shape. Their origins are a mystery, but they tend to attack those who carry precious gems most violently.

dubation : HD1 (5hp), AC15, By weapon +3 (2d8+3)

Dubations are water-loving sparrowlike creatures that can be identified by their bewhiskered facial plumage. They are much tougher and more territorial than normal sparrows, however, and interact like a pack of wolves when dealing with threats.

laniss : HD4 (28hp), AC14, By weapon +4 (2d10-2)

Laniss are giant harvester spiders, and are largely docile creatures often harnessed as mounts by goblins.

unove : HD4 (24hp), AC15, Natural +6 (1d12+3)

Unoves are bone-white, spine-covered drakes with a pair of neck frills that join to one in the centre of the back.

vedition : HD3 (18hp), AC15, Natural +3 (2d6-4)

Veditions are a race of poisonous, blotchy humanoids that dwell in city sewers. They attack with their long fingernail-like claws, which naturally secrete their poison.

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First Post
There's nothing like a good bit of monster fluff to make me smile :)

Good stuff there Ry - proof positive that the Critter Generator works! It makes up the stats, so you can invent the cool stuff. Nice.

Darnitall, I'm going to use some of these in my next M20 adventure, just because.

C'mon guys! Generate some more, and give us unique critters :)

Ry, I'm going to snarf your post and stick it in the Macropedia, ok?

UPDATE: Critters are alive and in the Macropedia! Bwah hahahahahaha. Etc.
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First Post
I just re-read M20 core rules.

Am I dense, or are the magic attack bonus actually used for anything else but turning undead?


First Post
It's used for any spells that require a roll to make the attack and it's not ranged or melee. Or psionics stuff. Or magical battles between Magi where they toss energy at each other.

Or anything else that involves shouting loud words while waving your arms to scare the natives :)

Hope that helps.


First Post
Not used that often, then?

I think I'm going to take a look at the spell list and see if it's really needed.

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First Post
If it's any consolation, I personally don't care if the rules deviate from the SRD completely, as in my eyes, m20 has become its own game.

It is a consolation. Everyday I question why I'm trying to start games outside of the D&D D20 juggeranaut.

C'mon guys! Generate some more, and give us unique critters

Okay, got time for three, then it's time to get back to serious game stuff.

jiet : HD1 (4hp), AC15, Natural +2 (2d2-2)

Jiet are spirits who haunt a person's dreams for three straight nights. If the person fails MIND checks, DC 15, for each of the three consecutive nights the spirit assumes a physical body drawing half the persons stats to its new body. The person, who can sense the spirit, must hunt it down and destroy it to make their body whole again.

gow : HD2 (9hp), AC12, Natural +3 (2d6+3)

Gows are seemingly harmless looking livestock oddly found out in remote regions. However, these animals are dangerous and will slowly close in on unsuspecting persons while releasing a soundless and incapacitating gas that renders a person nauseated, DC 8 +1 for each additional Gow. The livestock will then attempt to eat the person. It is rumored that a tipped Gow cannot release the noxious gas.

brir : HD3 (18hp), AC16, Natural +6 (1d10-2)

Brir are fat humanoids who will attempt to grapple a person as their attack. On the next round, if still able to hold the grapple, they will seemingly deflate themselves revealing a gaunt body that protrudes long thin quills (Natural +6 (1d10-2)). They will use this natural quill attack until the person is dead or the grapple is broken at which time the Brir's body will bloat again disguising the quills.

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First Post
just re-read M20 core rules.

Am I dense, or are the magic attack bonus actually used for anything else but turning undead?

I'm glad someone else mentioned this. I was blaffled by the magic attack bonus and finally just altered my rules to state it was used for physical spell attacks (since the mage is using his mind to control the magic arrow, missile, etc., not his dexterity) and the target uses their AC for defense. However, for mind attacks by a mage (fear, mirror image, etc.) we do use it, but, the target uses a d20+Level+Mind bonus as their defense to see through or overcome the effect.

It would be nice to have a clean fix for all that.



First Post
New critters duely added to the Critter Collection. The first person to plausibly put gows into an adventure wins a single blank sheet of paper, ready to be turned into an M20 pocketmod :)

You're right about Magical Attack bonus. It needs clarifying when it should be used (if at all). I'll give it some thought. The Magi in our groups seems to use it a lot, and I just nod and let him roll. I'll ask him.

Critter Collection. I like that title. Hmmmmm......


Although I think the Dubation's going to have to do 1d6 damage, otherwise they're just wayyyy to dangerous to be sparrowlike.

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