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Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


Thanks Pilsnerquest. I posted the schoolyard bully at the other thread for ya. :cool:

Greywulf, I was just at your M20 site and was impressed again by all the work you have done with it. The site is very nicely laid out and clear. I love how it's all about choosing your favorites from a veritable buffet of options. Along those lines, I have a suggested project for you. (I know, like you don't have enough already.)

As I was reading through all the optional rules, I got to thinking. (It happens.) Wouldn't it be great if people could just choose the rules they want from a checklist, then select a BUILD button, and all the pieces they selected get pulled together into a single document? Then they can print out that document, stare at it lovingly, make copies, and hand it out to all their players.

Now I realize all this can already be done by spending an evening of cutting and pasting. But I think a feature like this would be unique, very popular, and should be doable without too much pain. Maybe a spreadsheet in Excel? Or at the website itself with some Javascript and XML skillz.

People would like the feeling of customization a Build Your Own System would provide. I can see them adding a campaign name to the finished document. "My M20 Rules for Dinklemoore Castle" or something.
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Larcen said:
As I was reading through all the optional rules, I got to thinking. (It happens.) Wouldn't it be great if people could just choose the rules they want from a checklist, then select a BUILD button, and all the pieces they selected get pulled together into a single document? Then they can print out that document, stare at it lovingly, make copies, and hand it out to all their players.

Wow. It feels like months since I was in this thread. Ouch. My tempus has been fugiting way too much lately.

Larcen, that's a terrific idea! Consider it added to my todo list.

Work has stalled on the Macropedia Big Shiny document because of lifestuff getting in the way, but hopefully I'll be back with it in the very near future.

The plan is to collate Microlite20, all of the optional rules, monsters, campaign setting(s) and adventures into one single document and stick it up on lulu.com as a print-on-demand offering as well as a free .pdf. So if anyone wants a copy of the whole thing they can toss around and scribble in the margins, it's there.

And I'll add a checklist in too. I like that idea.

Then I'll put together a "build-your-own" .pdf thingy as well as a separate document for download only.

Phew! That'll keep me out of trouble for a while :)

So, anyone else still fiddling with Microlite20?

(ps - the site is down right now due to the server having a bad case of hiccups. It'll be back soon though!)


How's this work In Play?

Cool little system you've got here! :)

I have a question regarding spellcasters: Am I correct in my interpretation that spells are cast directly from the character's hit points?

And if so, how has the system worked out in actual play for clerics, who are a bit more combat heavy and rely more on their hit points?

Has anyone tried using a seperate pool for spell-casting purposes? Would this too heavily unbalance spellcasters in this system?


Ar Nimruzir

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Of course, I've always been a big fan of the "less is more" ideology.
I heartily agree.

BTW: I really want to say thanks for this little gem of a game!
Basic D&D was even too rules heavy for me.
And... I despise Vancian magic with more vitrol than is healthy.

I use the mini-map from Judge's Guild First Fantasy (pg.12) as my micro "default setting". It's got plenty of coast, some rivers, mountains, hills, lakes, swamps, forests (I drew in even more), even a desert and an island. More than enough space for an extended micro-style campaign (oxymoron?). Than again, I'm using 0one's blueprint series as well for even more old school style micro goodness. Who needs flavor text?


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greywulf said:
So, anyone else still fiddling with Microlite20?

I keep a copy of the PocketMods and a set of dice in my bag for times where I'm out and about and want to play a quick Dungeon Crawl / Hack 'n' Slash game with the kids, or thow down with the guys. So yeah, I still use it from time to time.


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Here's an option to add some flexibility to casters:

For every 100 gp of rare / valuable components (e.g. incense, gems, etc) a caster uses (beyond any material components normally required for the spell) the cost to cast the spell is reduced by 1 HP.

Also, the fact that spell casting takes a physical toll opens up a possibility for evil casters. After all, why is it that evil clerics and mages want to sacrifice victims? Because they can use those victim's to power their spells instead of sacrificing HP. But it's bound to be less efficient. Maybe something like:

The better the victim, the more power than may be drawn from it. The victim must be ritually slain to release the power for the spell, with the ritual taking a minimum of 1 round per level of the spell to be cast before the victim may be killed. The victim's highest Statistic (Strength, Dexterity, or Mind) is used to power the spell's HP cost. And HP cost not covered by the expenditure of the victim's highest stat must be contributed from the caster's own HP.

If you want to make it less valuable, simply say the stats convert at 2 : 1 to HP for the purposes of casting a spell.

Adds a really nasty twist and beefs up evil casters (and explains those strangely long rituals they are fiddling about with).


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Question for M20 users:

How do you handle Conditions (e.g. paralysis, nauseated, shaken, etc)? There are no rules in M20 for applying the effects of a ghoul's touch, for instance. Obviously you can look in the SRD, but things start getting awfully finicky with all those modifiers.

I'd love to hear how people who have GMed m20 handle them, or any suggestions on how to handle them in a simpler way than the SRD.

Also - any suggestions for simplifying grappling?


First Post
Wow. It's been a while since I was here. Sorry 'bout that. Blame lack of connection and workstuff. Ouch.

Hargifex, I like your ideas for magic. That's good juju.

When it comes to conditions like paralysis, stunned, etc I use the DM Rule of what's Good For Plot. Unless the victim is completely out of the action I'll impose a -2 to attack, AC and/or skills (whatever suits) then lift it at the end of combat. If they are paralysed or unconscious I might let them recover at some opportune moment without intervention, or at the end of combat with help.

For example, I might let a paralysed PC squire recover just in time to slay the Ghoul that's about to devour his master. That's Good For Plot, so works just fine by me.

Hope that helps :)

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