• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Midnight 2nd Edition

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Fury details most of Erethor from the Druid Swamps to the Highhorn Mountains, covering the fight against the Shadow. The boxed set takes the elves and goes in much deeper, giving you a real feel for how the fey are fighting the shadow along all fronts. There are some great adventure locations, treachery, hidden plans, etc. If you want to do anything along that front, anything including the elves, you should pick it up. The fans had hoped for a similar product for the dwarves, but FFG wouldn't agree to that large of a product. The dwarf book is still very good, but does not have the space to go as broad and deep as Fury.



Eternal Champion
Hstio said:
Fury details most of Erethor from the Druid Swamps to the Highhorn Mountains, covering the fight against the Shadow. The boxed set takes the elves and goes in much deeper, giving you a real feel for how the fey are fighting the shadow along all fronts. There are some great adventure locations, treachery, hidden plans, etc. If you want to do anything along that front, anything including the elves, you should pick it up. The fans had hoped for a similar product for the dwarves, but FFG wouldn't agree to that large of a product. The dwarf book is still very good, but does not have the space to go as broad and deep as Fury.

Thanks again!

I was wondering if you knew if the setting is currently unsupported? Is there any signs that they'll continue with 3.5E or convert to 4E?



First Post
The line is currently on hold as FFG makes decisions on their rpg line and 4E. FFG recently picked up the licenses to Warhammer and Warhammer 40K so they're in no rush to do anything else right now (my opinion). They also have been trying to get the Anima rpg for the past year or so. I think the line may be done unless they get the Midnight Chronicles movie out (was supposed to be out by last Gen Con) and it resparks interest. Still, Midnight as is if a very large line, with something like 18 supplements. The fan site, Against the Shadows has a bunch of good stuff as well, two netbooks, and an adventure or two.



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Many of the supplement books such as Star and Shadow and Honor and Shadow delve deeper into a region giving you the history of the people, of the war against the shadow, the fall into the shadow, all the major power players, running undercurrents that the players can use to their advantage, ect.

Pretty much if you are looking into taking your players into any given area it is a good idea if not required to get the books to add a high level of intensity and detail to the adventure.

As well many feats and prestige classes are given in the books that expand gameplay greatly.


I am so very interested in this setting. However, I am fully into 4e now and I would LOVE to play this setting in 4th. edition. Anyone have any idea how difficult it would be to convert this into 4e?


I suppose that depends on what kind of game you want to end up with. Do you want a tactical mini game set in Aryth? Doable, with a lot, and I mean a lot of work. Do you want a game that feels like Midnight but plays under 4e rules? Functionally impossible, I think.

For me, fitting Midnight's flavour, races, classes and magic into the 4e paradigm would destroy them. 4e has assumptions and systems of balance that are utterly anathematical to Midnight.

Don't take this as meaning I'm some kind of 3e/3.5e purist/fanatic; I run Midnight using a modified Mutants and Masterminds. I think it says a lot that it's easier to play a setting created for 4e's predecessor with a superhero rules system than it is for 4e :)


Staff member
Late to the party, but I'd like to chime in that Midnight 2Ed is, IMHO, one of the best 3.X fantasy games out there- on par with AU/AE and the core game- both in terms of fluff and innovative mechanics.

Even if I never get to play it (I haven't DM'ed in a while), I'm yoinking its Heroic Paths for my future 3.X homebrew campaigns.


First Post
daddystabz said:
I am so very interested in this setting. However, I am fully into 4e now and I would LOVE to play this setting in 4th. edition. Anyone have any idea how difficult it would be to convert this into 4e?

Unfortunately, I don't think it would work easily. In general, the points of light idea is compatible with Midnight....but the rest of it? You'd have to make massive modifications to the game....it's much less magical, and what magic there is, is totally different than in 4E. The balance between classes is very different as well....spellcasters function completely different, focusing almost entirely on *non* blasting magics. The Wizard and Warlock classes are pretty much polar opposites from how the Channeler of Midnight functions.

Other things might work better. If 4E is as easy to run without magic items as they claim, then that would help, as characters in Midnight have only 1/4 the magic items regular 3E characters do.

Races...you'd have to throw out the Dragonborn and Eladrin probably.

The entire Healing Surge system would likely need to be thrown out. Midnight is deadly, and part of that deadliness is the scarcity of healing. If characters have easy access to healing, then it fundamentally changes a major component of the system.


Voidrunner's Codex

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