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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 1, The Charge


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Lightning flashes, revealing the desperate scene to the Heroes. Kaela's words resound throughout the cave, the air crackling with arcane power, loose stones and sand falling from the cave's ceiling. The two orcs in the back both emit a grunt before falling facedown in the ashen mud with a crash, the mud bubbling as they slowly drown oblivious to their plight. Aislinn cowers at Kaela's feet, her hands over her ears and her blind eyes wide, desperately trying to block out the screams of pain and hewing blades. Reznik kneels nearby Aislinn, his blades drawn, protecting the girl with his life if need be.

On the front lines, Brian aims a blow at the wounded orc's head only to have his fist glance from the heavily armored shoulder of the Shadow warrior. The Shadow-scourge smiles viciously, swinging his vardatch in a wide arc, catching Brian in the chest, slicing flesh and knocking the wind from the defender (7 points of damage).

Valurel, blood burning in his veins, leaps again at the hobbled orc. Claws rake and teeth gnash, but Valurel's wild attack is unable to find flesh, instead scraping on the warrior's metal armor. With a roar, the Blood Mother swings his cruel vardatch, the blade tearing into the Erunsil's shoulder, pain and shock runing through the ghost's body. (9 hit points of damage) My blade is thirsty, White-Hair!

Jon lashes out in response, his cudgel careening off the Shadow-warrior's heavy armor, his comments lost in the crash of battle. Starhl responds quickly, his massive frame moving into the fray. With a mighty heave, his axe comes crashing down on the hobbled Shadow warrior's mohawk-framed head, splitting the skull and spewing brains. The orc drops in a crash of metal and flesh.

From the cave opening, two more orcs drop drown, their hobnailed boots crushing their drowning companions in the mud. A small stream of water rushes in through the opening in the cave ceiling, the deluge outside growing in intensity. Near the entrance, the stone groans as the packed soil slowly gives way to mud. A flash of lightning reveals a multitude of cruel, dark Shadow-warriors hovering near the entrance above, eager to drop into the cave and join in the bloodletting.

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"Too many of them! We can't hold them off!" says Starhl. He will try to retreat with the others further into the passage.

Realizing that this is probably going to be his last few moments drawing breath on this wretched earth, Valurel tries to remain standing in the muddy cave despite his injury. "Go! Run!" he yells to his companions, not wanting his death to be completely in vain. He has no idea where the cave passage actually goes or whether there is any escape for his friends but only certain death waits if they don't run. He knows that if he breaks off his own attack, he will certainly be killed trying to flee. The only thing to do is fight and try to keep the Orcs busy for a bit longer.

In a haze of pain combined with animal rage, Valurel digs in. Standing in a slight crouch, he snarls at the Orc in front of him, the one who had wounded him so badly. He lashes out again, hoping to take at least one with him.

OOC: Valurel will stand his ground, attacking twice at +4 each, with 1d4+5 damage for each successful hit.


Jon Rane

"Hopefully they'll trip over the bodies of their own dead..." Jon remarked drolly. A moment later he shivered a little, surprised at his own coldness.

Gritting his teeth, he keeps parrying and sidestepping incoming attacks, waiting for the too-crowded passage to thin a bit so he can make his escape after the others. With his free hand he extracts the bag of shards and shavings to cover their escape.

OOC: Once again, Jon fights defensively. AC 15. Club attack: -1, 1d6+1. Move action to ready the caltrops.


Kaela calls out in alarm. "Run, Aislinn! I will find you soon! If you come to a fork, wait for me!" She once again lets her powers surface, casting the enchantment once more before retreating.

ooc: Cast Sleep again. Next time I'll run. :uhoh:


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Once again, the air resounds with arcane power as Kaela bends the power of Aryth to her will; a Shadow-warrior drops into the ashen mud, slowly sinking into the rising muck. Behind her, Reznik slowly leads Aislinn back into the cave, his Shadow-sight piercing the blackness. Starhl also slowly retreats, guided only by the frequent flashes of lightning above that momentarily illuminate the cave's walls.

Near the cave opening, Brian swings at the Shadow-warrior in front of him, but his blow lands wide in the darkness. With a whistle, the vardatch crashes into Brian, knocking him prone, blood oozing from a gash on his head. (5 points of damage, Brian is unconscious) Ha! Who else wishes to feed my blade?!

The orc who just dropped into the cave stands on his dead comrade in front of Valurel, its hobnailed boots crunching on a splintered skull. Valurel slashes at the orc in a frenzy, his claws ripping into the Shadow-warrior's neck. With roar the Shadow-warrior swings his vardatch, its iron edge illuminated in a flash of lightning. Quickly Valurel drops as the blade whistles harmlessly over his head. When the momentum of the heavy blade leaves the orc defenseless, Jon rushes in, smashing his cudgel into the orc's stomach. Oof! The orc looks at Jon with murder in its eyes.

Three more orcs drop down into the cave, vardatches flashing, seeking to end the fight now.

Is it worth it to fight the Shadow? Despair reigns, arms are leaden with defeat. The odds are overwhelming. Even nature seems to reflect the blackness in the hearts of the Heroes of Caft. Rain water rushes in from outside, mud sliding in and coating the cave floor. Above Valurel, stone and earth groan as the soil becomes saturated with water, the ceiling beginning to sag downward.

OOC: Toric, the orc Valurel had wounded initially, Starhl finished off.

Four orcs have been taken out: three by Sleep and one by Starhl. The one fighting Brian is wounded as well as the one fighting Valurel and Jon.

There are five orcs in the cave now: the two wounded ones and the three new ones.


ooc: If I thought we had a chance here, I would stabilize Brian, but with these odds I'll run. Sorry, Brian, your sacrifice won't be forgotten. :(

Kaela turns and runs, trying to catch up with Aislinn and Reznik.

Spotting the sagging ceiling, Valurel sees what might be the only chance to survive. If the roof caves in, it might trap the Orcs or at least impede their progress. He can only hope that it won't trap them all. "Roof falling soon," he says to Jon, hoping that the Orcs can't understand him. Knowing that he might be opening himself to further attacks, but also fully aware that there is no hope fighting the Orcs as they are too many, he reaches down and grabs Brian, attempting to pull him further down the passage and away from the Orcs and the imminently falling ceiling.

OOC: If all he can do is grab him and pull him five feet, that's what he'll do. If he can go further, he will. This is of course assuming that any attacks made against him miss because one more hit means he joins Brian on the ground. ;)


Starhl tries his best to drag Brian along, fending off the orcs with his axe as he retreats with the rest of the group.

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