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Midnight: Dawning of the Night Princes


Guest 11456

Each of you sees a similar scene...

You awaken as if from a long deep sleep. As your eyes adjust you instinctively reach up to your neck and feel just your neck. Strange! Why did you reach to your neck? Did you except something? You can not remember...

Remember? You cannot remember a thing. You remember your name and that is about it. How did you get here?

Your eyes are starting to adjust now. You are lying on a stone slab. You are inside of some type of box. It has windows on the sides. There is a light source above the box. You cannot see the light source, but you can see the light. It is an eerie green color. What does it mean?

Looking around inside your box you see that it has hinges on one side. Does it perhaps open? Next to your head are ashes of some sort. You are wearing clothes. Where did they come from?

Checking the opposite side from the hinges, you find that you can push up on the box. The box opens. You get up and look around. You see what remains of a body of some humanoid near your ?bed?. It is near a device. What is that thing?

You are in a ten by ten by ten feet room. There is a green sphere set into the ceiling providing light. The stone slab is about 3 feet above the floor with a metal box over the top. A strange device is connected to the slab. A single closed door leads out of the room.

What do you do?
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Galathir climbs out of the box and stretches to loosen up his stiff muscles. He looks around the room warily, wondering what he's gotten into. Having no memory aside from his name is unsettling to him.

After getting his bearings, Galathir takes a closer look at the ashes that were piled by his head. He will then investigate the remains of the humanoid and the nearby device. After looking over these things, he moves to the door and checks to see if it is locked or sealed somehow.

OOC: Search check of the room at +5. Knowledge check, either nature or arcana, whichever is more appropriate on the ashes, body and device at +5.


Kop shakes his head as if to try to bring something of his memory back. Finding that to be unsuccessful, he walks over to the strange device. He looks it over careful not to touch anything that could cause problems. He sniffs at the air and then turns to face the door. He approaches the door warily and listens at it. He then tests the door gently.

If the door seems to budge, then he will use a bit more force to open it.


Guest 11456


First investigating the ashes you determine that it was some sort of animal. A large parasite of some sort. About two fists in size. In all of your knowledge you can not recall ever seeing such a creature. It must be some type of abomination. (K:nature 20+5=25, DC:25 for specific info)

Next he investigates the remains of the humanoid. It appears to have been burned by something unknown. You are unable to discern what type of humanoid it was however. (K:nature 9+5=14, DC:10 for basic info)

Finally he investigates the strange device. It is definately magical in nature and seems to be inoperative. From the dents in the side it appears that something hit it with something. (K:arcana 13+5=18, DC:15 for general info)

Checking the door you find that it is unlocked and with much effort you are able to push it open a bit. (Str: 1+1=2, DC 10)


He looks over the strange device and determines that it is somehow magical. But that is about it. (Untrained K:arcana 14+1, DC:15 for basic info)

Checking the door you find that it is unlocked and you effortlessly push it open. (Str: 11+4=15, DC 10) You see a large half-circle room. Your door is on the curve with a number of other doors. There is a more massive door on the flat wall. You count eleven other doors besides your own. Some of the other doors are starting to open as well.

With a final glance into the room with the magical device, Galathir pushes the door open and cautiously steps through it into the circular room.

OOC: I'm assuming he sees the same circular room as Kop. If not, I'll edit my post.


Guest 11456

As Galathir emerges from his room he sees fives others coming out of similar doors. For some reason you know that they are a dwarrow, a dwarf, an erenlander, an elfling, and a dworg. By the looks on the others faces it would appear that they are just as confused as you are. All of you are wearing similar clothing (equivalent to a monk's outfit).

As Kop emerges from his room he sees four others coming out of similar doors. For some reason you know that they are a a dwarf, an erenlander, an elfling, and a dworg. A moment later a fifith individual comes out of a sixth door. He is a caransil or wood elf. By the looks on the others faces it would appear that they are just as confused as you are. All of you are wearing similar clothing (equivalent to a monk's outfit).

As you all look up you see that the light in this room is provided by an odd orange sphere in the ceiling which is about 20 feet high. As you look upon the strange orange light, memories come to you. Although you still do not know anything of your past, you seem to remember more of your skill (you are now 1st level; please update your character sheets accordingly).


Character bumped to level 1

Kop studies the others after he gets done examining the room. He nods to them and notes their odd dress. Looking once more at the globe, he moves towards the single door on the flat wall. He aproaches it and tests it to see if it's unlocked. If it is, he pushes it open and motions for the others.


Guest 11456

As Kop examines the others he notes that the Caransil and Dwarf seem to be of medium height for their race. The Erenlander is slightly tall, the Elfing is very short, and dworg is very tall for his race. All of them are of about average build except the Elfling is very slim and the Dworg is on the slightly heavy side for his race. How you know this you are not sure.

Checking the room you find the six doors where you and your current companions exited from and six additional doors all arrayed along the curved wall of the half circle room. Checking the one lone door in the middle of the flat wall you find that it is securly locked and seems quite heavy. You can see a locking mechanism but there is no apparent key hole. You estimate that this flat wall is about 80 feet long. The twelve doors are roughly 4 feet wide by 7 feet tall. The lone door is about 5 feet wide by 9 feet tall. There are no locks on the twelve doors and no handles. They seem to swing either way. The hinges on all 13 doors seem well mantained. When the six doors you and the others came through opened, none of them squeaked or made any noticeable noise.

It is the Erenlander that breaks the silence first.

[Erenlander]"I am Aldric Shadetree. Where are we?"[/Erenlander]

Kop and the Dworg don't understand the man's words. But then the Dwarf turns to you and speaks in a language that you understand.

[Durgis Clan Dialect]"He said his name is Aldric Large-Tree and he asks if we know where we are."[/Durgis Clan Dialect]

The Dworg nods in understanding. Apparently the Dwarf and the Dworg are from the Durgis clan like Kop. But try as you might you cannot remember either of them or anything about your clan.

Galathir approaches the Erenlander. [Erenlander]"Greetings, I am Galathir Celegond. As to where we are, I have no idea. In fact, I don't remember much aside from my own name. Are you experiencing similar difficulties?"[/Erenlander]

Galathir then begins to examine the lone door on the flat wall, spending the most time looking at the locking mechanism.

OOC: Spellcraft check on the door/lock at +7 and/or Knowledge (Arcana) at +6. If he is unsure from those checks as to whether the door or lock are magical, he'll use his inherent Detect Magic spell on it.


Kop nods to the strange speaking human and then looks at the dwarf as he translates. Able to comprehend the dwarf he smiles, and then shakes his head. [Durgis]"No, I'm afraid I do not remember much more than my name. I don't know where we are, much less if we really want to be here. My guess would be no. Any of you wish to give me a hand with this door?"[/Durgis] He points at the large door he stands in front of. He then waits for the Dwarf to translate.

Voidrunner's Codex

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