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Midnight, Still Playing?


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I was wondering if anyone is still playing or running in the Midnight campaign setting? Looking in the Play by Post area no one is running it. Is it too grim and hopeless a setting to keep a long standing game going? Just wondering.
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I think you'll find some very positive responses over at www.againsttheshadow.org which has a pretty group of committed Midnight fans. There is also a lot of fan-created stuff that you can download from there most of which is very good.


I ran a short adventure last year, but my current group prefers more light hearted sword and sorcery action as opposed to Midnight. I would love to run or play in a Midnight campaign. If I had more time, I'd run a PbP game in Midnight, but I'm too busy to run another online game.



First Post
We've had a Midnight campaign going monthly since Feb 2004. Twice I've killed off a significant portion of the party, and each time offered to switch to a less-nasty setting, and both times the players overwhelmingly shouted me down and told me to get back to DMing them through the dark times. Mechanically, I think the players enjoy the heroic paths and covenant items. Play-wise, I think they enjoy experiencing a setting with which they're unfamiliar. Thematically, I think they like being underdogs.


First Post
Still playing? No, but only because I have not started yet! I plan on DMing a Midnight campaign in the not-too-distant future. I was able to give it a try at GenCon this year and I thought it was great fun.

I am hoping the rest of my group likes the change of pace Midnight offers from a traditional D&D campaign.


Thornir Alekeg

I am running a Midnight campaign and after almost two moths off cannot wait for Saturday to resume. I'm still trying to find a good balance between making it so dark and gritty that the players are frustrated and making it just another fantasy world. So far they are enjoying it, but we have not been at it too long.


My group played a Midnight campaign for about 8 months with me and another member alternating as DM's. It wasn't the bleakness of the setting that turned us off it, but problems with the crunch. Most of the players thought the setting really limited player options, since there are less classes than regular d&d there are also less possibilities for multi-classing... also nobody really enjoyed the channeler class, they though it was limiting and growed useless as you went up in levels (we reached levels 9-10).

From the DM's perspective it was hard keeping up, both I and the other DM have a job and besides FFG published Midnight adventures we really had a hard time converting adventures to Midnight (its atmosphere is so specific). So in the end we wrote most of our adventures which took way too much time.

To conclude, I like the setting and its atmosphere, and we had a good run, but we probably wont return to it


My group has all the supplements for the setting, (we even had the DM screen and map from "Fury of the Shadow" laminated) and we decided that we're going to run it in the new year.

However, because we have a few "Hack&Slash" players in the party, we're gonna alternate weeks between Midnight and "World's Largest Dungeon."

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