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Milo Windby's Adventures (Questions)


If any of you have questions re: Milo Windby's Story Hour please post them here. Milo and Brigit and Mazi...keep out.


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Tharizdun is one of the Old Ones of the Known World universe. It has two aspects, male and female. The male aspect is Zahdun, the female is Thari. Zahdun is the aspect that rules over death, plague, starvation, and undeath. Thari is the aspect that rules over torture, slavery, and sadism.

The last time that an Avatar of Tharizdun walked the world it was the aspect of Thari. She was overthrown by an alliance of heroes and Immortals, but not without cost. The desert of Ylaruam was created during the battles with her. The curse across that land remains to this day, a permanent mark upon the world and a warning from the Immortals to not ally with her. The Savage Coast curse that comes upon all who live there is caused by the tainted blood from her wounds corrupting the very land itself.

Currently, the “split personality” of Tharizdun is once again attempting to manifest itself. The two aspects conspire against each other to become the Avatar of this generation. And our heroes are caught in the middle.


• Martek – Imprisoned in the tomb of Martek located somewhere over/in the “Plains of Fire”
• Imperagon – He was exiled to another plane and is currently recreating the "Sword of Thari" using the soul of Brigit’s father as his chief smith.
• The Master – The Ruler of Hule. Instigator of the "Caves of Chaos." He arranged for the acquisition of the soul of Brigits father for Imperagon. He has attempted to kidnap Mazi several times in order to facilitate his mistress’s return.
• Zargon – A fiendish monster. Known as “The Beast”, Zargon was Thari’s general. He was slain in a great battle on the “Plains of Fire” near the end of Thari’s last mortal incarnation. He is currently worshipped as a god by the Cult of Zargon in the lost city of Cynedicea under the “Plain of Fire.”


• Zuggtmoy – Imprisoned beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil. Her followers were working to free her until agents of The Master tricked the PC's into destroying the Temple.
• Eclavdra – Currently exiled to another plane, her influence is growing amongst the Fire Giants of the North (where Obmi and Brigits mother and sister are currently hiding).
• Drelsna – She is currently imprisoned in the “Horn of Iggwilv.” This is a large mountain peak in the Kurish Massif.

Others of Note

• Vessel of Thari – A Shadow elf psychic warrior. Raised from birth to be the new incarnation of Thari in this dispensation of time. She is guarded by an elite group of female Shadow elf psychic warriors and guided by a powerful psion known as “Chancellor.” Currently she is hunting Mazi in order to become the sole candidate for the next mortal incarnation of Thari.
• Obmi – A Dwarven warrior who was used by the Master in the plot to acquire the soul of Brigit's father. He was later used by Eclavdra to point the party towards the re-born Temple in an attempt to disrupt the freeing of Zuggtmoy.
• Bargle – The High Wizard of the Black Eagle Barony. Bargle acquired a portion of a powerful artifact (The Golden Skull) during his research into extra planar summoning. When combined with 4 mystic gems, the Skull will allow the owner to summon an army of demon servants from the Lower Planes. He discovered the whereabouts of the four gems through a deal with Eclavdra. She encouraged him to use the party as a pawn to clear the path for his acquiring of the gems. What service he was to provide to her in return has not yet been revealed.
• Lareth “The Beautiful” – Follower of the Master. Lareth ran the Master’s operations in the Temple of Elemental Evil.
• Bordamir – A turncoat priest who betrayed the party when they ventured to the Caves of Chaos. He returned several times in different guises. Once as a wight and once as a flesh golem. He has been the party’s favorite “punching bag.” Much like a weeble, he wobbles but never stays down.
• Stephan Karameikos – Duke of Karameikos. Duke Stephan was kidnapped by the cult of the Temple of Elemental Evil and a duplicate was put in his place. The reasons for the kidnapping are as yet unknown. He was freed by the party and is now fighting to regain his kingdom.
• Mother Screng – Real name Y’dey Y’dey is a priestess in the Church of Karameikos. She was sent to Luln to remove her from the presence of the false duke in order to prevent her from seeing through the deception.
• Otis – Duke Stephan’s chief huntsman. He was sent to Luln with Y’dey to remove him from the false duke’s presence.
• Kella – A druid priestess from the Bear Clan. Kella has traveled from the Atruaghin Plateau to find Gar-Hamias (Jeremiah). Her goal is to bring him back to the Clans in order to unite them against a “great enemy from the west” who is prophesied to destroy the Clans unless they are united by a great warrior king. She believes that she has had a vision that shows Jeremiah to be this Warrior King.

Voidrunner's Codex

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