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Milo's Homebrewed Story Hour (Updated 7/9/03)

Milo Windby

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I was really close to the clubbing idea, Nail. Our current reticent writer has actually written up some of the game. It's just a matter of getting him to post it and to continue from there. I'm going to give him one more chance before taking other measures.

If I can't get anything out of him I've decided to try a method closer to Spacebaby's XP suggestion. I've been tossing around the idea of a journal entry style of writing for the players. That way it wouldn't have to be an exact account and any one of them can contribute. I have a system I stole from someone on the boards called Player Experience Points that will be rewarded for posting entries. The PEP points can be used for rerolls, traded in for a small amount of experience, or sacrificed to swap skill points around on a one-for-one basis. I usually reward them for excellent role-playing, ingenious tactics, RL contributions to the game (IE snacks), painting mini's, and anything else that I feel should be rewarded but doesn't have an XP equivalent. It's worked rather well so far. I hope that it can help move the story hour forward.

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Milo Windby

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In the Beginning...the short version

Okay, let's get this started. I've got the first post in my hot little hands from our dwarven barbarian. The only problem is he didn't enter into the party until the second session. I'm going to post a recap of what took place before he encountered the group, then we'll let things take their course. Please excuse the writing. This was a while ago and I don't have any notes in front of me. Details are very sketchy. You're getting the Reader's Digest condensed version. Now you other players, please flesh out this session with some of your own notes. I'm not worried about being slightly out of order during the beginning. Once we get into the swing of things I'd rather keep it consecutive though.

General Corwin explained that they were held back from the graduation ceremonies due to some recent developments brought to his attention. Since the four students had excelled so well in their fields, they were chosen to form a team of discrete trouble-solvers. Their first task was to retrieve some important documents stolen from a court wizard's villa in the suburbs. Their unique position afforded them the amazing luxury of a 1000gp monthly salary. (In retrospect, it was ENTIRELY too much to give such low level PCs) They were sent to the Kobold Caves to the North immediately.

They arrived at the caves in a day and a half with no problem. They set about exploring the only obviously inhabitable cave. After coming across some heavily armored but rather weak kobolds and getting shot in the back by an arrow trap, they found the documents along with some art goods stolen from the wizard. They were love letters. Disgusted at being used to retrieve the seemingly worthless papers, the party wasted no time returning to Simmur and reporting to General Corwin.

They turned over the papers to General Corwin, as well as a painting of a particularly sentimental scene for which the wizard rewarded them handsomely. They opted to keep the rest of the loot to themselves. Corwin thanked them for their prompt action and dismissed them for the day. The party immediately embarked on a gleeful shopping spree with their first pay. (Note to self: don't give low level PCs mass amounts of money to spend in a sprawling metropolis) Some got drunk (Luxar), some sold the loot they found (Arwen and Hurrell), and one bought a wand of magic missiles, the bane of all kobolds (Ramzina).

The next day they were summoned again by General Corwin. This time they were being sent to investigate reports of ant-like creatures invading the Farming Plains to the east of Simmur. A confusing conversation with a local farmer later, (Ah don' care wha' ya do! Jus' git rid O' them big ole ants!) and they were ready. The ants' lairs were easily spotted in the trampled corn. Eight pits had been dug by the huge beasties. Using corn husks and open flame, they smoked the formians from their holes. They took them on two at a time, quickly eradicating the strange threat to the area. The last formian they fought seemed a bit tougher than the rest, but eventually was crushed by their superior numbers.

After reporting their success to the General, they were granted a week for further training. Once the week was up and they had completed training, they were summoned once again. The letters, it turns out, were coded messages that the wizard had intercepted. They spoke of fomenting rebellion among the kobolds and increasing the raids on Simmur. The group was dispatched back to the caves immediately.

They took a while to find the cleverly concealed entrance to a large complex of caves that appeared more lived in than the last. Arwen led them around a pit trap concealed near the opening of the caves. There were rooms carved out of the very rock in the dank darkness. The first room held more armored kobolds that seemed to be training krenshars! The kobolds showed the party the first trick they taught the krenshars, the beasts peeled back the skin from their faces and loosed a hideous howl. The site shook all but Ramzina to the bones. They turned tail and fled out the door and down the cavern hall screaming. Ramzina wisely joined them. It was here that we ended our first session.


First Post
Back in the town of Simmur:

Soon after his meeting with Lit, Ulfgar found Simmur. Inside the gates of town he located the watch guards on duty. After a short discussion he was referred to General Corwin at the courthouse. Traveling through town he noticed the townsfolk appeared to be content and at ease. "Boring" he thought to himself and continued on his path. Finally he reached the courthouse and requested an audience with the General as soon as possible. He informed the assistant that he was a fighter looking for work.

General Corwin was relieved to meet with Ulfgar and invited him in right away. Urgency was in his voice when he said “Yes, I have important work for you, but you must hurry to catch up with the rest of your party. I’ll be sending you North to the Kobold caves to investigate the Kobold uprising. You will receive payment and in addition this small gift to assist you in your quests.” General Corwin passed his hand through the air and a servant moved toward Ulfgar with a single glove in his hand. “This is a glove of storing, you may store one item within its palm. This item can be called swiftly into your hand when needed.” Corwin then dismissed Ulfgar to find the party in the Kobold Caves and discover the intention of the Kobolds.

Ulfgar loaded up on supplies and headed swiftly North towards the caves. As the General instructed haste was needed, once Ulfgar reached the caves he followed the trail of corpses and opened doors with an alarming pace. He soon relaized he was making way too much sound and just before he slowed four characters appeared before him.....

-Tevyn as Ulfgar the Dwarf


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Hurrell's diary

Recent events have sparked in me an interest to create a personal journey, something to be able to track the adventures of a group of people I’ve come to be with. In case anyone other than myself should show an interest, I suppose the first order of business would be to tell the reader a little of our party, and then of myself. Our party consists of a dwarven battle-rager named Ulfgar, a half-elf cleric named Luxar, a gnome illusionist named Ramzina FnipperMoore, a elven bard named Tat Hathu, a human druid named Zul, an elven rogue named Arwen, and myself, an elven deep woods sniper named Hurrell.

I’ll tell a little about each person now. Ulfgar, always the first of the party into battle, quick and eager to jump into the thick of things. He shows a ferocity in combat that I’ve seen little of, and though we’d had our differences in the past, he is a man I am glad to be able to call a friend now.

Luxar, our cleric. I’ve never seen a cleric quite like him. For as deeply religious as he can seem sometimes, I’ve seen him as many times drinking the night away and trying to win over some lovely bar maid with his charms. Many a time his healing spells have kept the group’s strength up.

Ramzina FnipperMoore. Don’t ask me to pronounce her name; I had to check twice to make sure I had the spelling of it. Our gnome illusionist has gone through some trying experiences with our group, not always getting a warm welcome, and indeed in the mining town of Riddick she was not allowed in to several of the local stores simply by her being a gnome. She may be the smallest of our band, but the potency of her spells carries a gigantic weight.

Arwen, quite the picture of feminine beauty this one, and she seems to enjoy using it to flirt with various males, both in the party as well as out. Though were it not for her sharp eye and nimble fingers we’d fall victim to many of the traps laid in our way.

Zul, our druid. Like me, he has a tendency to favor the wooded areas, though when we enter a busier city he seems uneasy and a little anxious perhaps at the crowds of people. But should the need to fight arise he is quick to cast those feelings aside and lend his skill to battle.

Lastly, myself, Hurrell. A ranger turned deep woods sniper. Like most of the group, I am traveling to Biffur at the order of General Corwin, and serving under him as part of Simmur’s militia. With the exception of Zul, who has recently joined us, we were all sent to find out what we can of the source of recent gnome troubles in Simmur.
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A sign of life

Ah, good to see the campaign is still going!

Have you had a long delay between sessions, or has getting the players to write up their adventures continued to be a challenge?

Milo Windby

First Post
Nope, we've only missed a couple of weeks of playing since we started. The party is mostly 8th level now. It's just been a while since anyone wrote. At this point they've finished slogging through some mines the led to an abandoned demonic temple, killing a dragon at the end. I've started the party on a heavily modified (EL-wise) Speaker in Dreams because it fit my campaign story arc so well. It looks like Hurrell is going to start his journaling there.

At this point the party has left Tat back in Simmur as they've headed to Biffur, the gnome capital. So sans one bard and you've got a gnome wizard, elven rogue, elven ranger/deepwoods sniper, half-elven cleric, dwarven barbarian/fighter/battlerager, and a human druid.

Fun abounds at the yearly fair in Biffur! If any of the readers here have read or played through Speaker in Dreams, please refrain from spoilers.


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The party had just cleared through the kobold mines and returned to Simmur. There General Corwin had been waiting to give the group a new assignment regarding gnomes. Before they began Ulfgar and Hurrell had some issues to settle.

Back at the kobold caves, when Ulfgar introduced himself to the group, the first words came from the knotted mouth of the ranger. “I am Hurrell, and you are noisy. We have been fighting through these caves and have found no information. We are going to continue our investigation.” Hurrell then pointed down the hallway, which they were coming from “That way.” The party then continued in that direction. Ulfgar struggled to catch up to the front of the line next to the tall scantly clad elf woman. Strutting just in front of Harrell’s position.

At that point Ulfgar knew right away that he needed to show Hurrell who the strength of this party is. Lip and attitude then flowed between the two at every decision made. As the time spent together irritation grew on both of them.

When they reached Simmur and spoke with the General, .....


First Post
Ulfgar and Hurrell

((Out of Character note: The following happened prior to the visit that is mentioned by Ulfgar's mundane, so for now ignore that portion. And yes, we actually did roll an intimidation check, with Hurrell failing.))

Tensions had been building gradually between Ulfgar and Hurrell. finally coming to a head within the caves. The group had been debating which course of action to take with, as usual, Hurrell and Ulfgar coming up on opposing sides of the debate.

"We're going to go this way." The words were spoken with a harsh tone, the dwarf stepping face to face with the ranger, arms flexed over his massive chest, looking bigger as well due to the fact that he was puffing it out as part of an attempt to intimidate the taller, skinnier elf. "And that's final."

The elf took a step back, realistically knowing that he could not match the stocky dwarfs strength. "Fine, we'll go that way." Another step was taken back, giving him another few feet space between the two, then in a blur of motion an arrow was drawn from his quiver, knocked to the bow string and drawn back, the arrow head a scant few inches from the dwarf's throat. "But the next time you get in my face like that you may not live to regret what happens next."

Ulfgar's eyes went wide as he stared down the arrow, knowing that his companion was a good enough archer he rarely missed, and that should he choose to release there was no chance that he'd miss. The two each took a few steps back, the elf lowering the bow, returning the arrow to his quiver, each making sure to put space between them as they walked to not tempt fate again.
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First Post
Ulfgar and Hurrell conflict

Things had been tense between the two, Hurrell and Ulfgar avoiding eye contact or speaking to each other when the situation allowed. True, in the heat of the battle the two would fight as needed, defending each other and the group as if there were nothing going on personally between them. This continued on through their journey to the mines, and on their first journey back to town Hurrell was a few paces behind Ulfgar, his eyes were on Ulfgar’s back though looking distant not focusing on him. He nodded a little to himself as he walked, seemingly carrying on a debate within himself, and apparently having reached a conclusion of some sort.

When they arrived back in town the small group went about their own ways, each going to continue their training in their particular fields. Hurrell hung back, waiting for the rest of their companions before approaching him, a hand clasping his shoulder to get his attention. “Ulfgar, if we are going to continue to function well as a group I think the two of us need to try and resolve our differences. We both have things that we’re upset at each other about so I have a proposal. I suggest we go over to the fort and if the captain will allow, we borrow a few of his practice weapons and the practice grounds and take out our frustrations on each other in healthy combat.”

The two men faced each other, neither one speaking more for a moment as Ulfgar considered it. “Yes, it is time we come to grips, for the fact that we have to work together, if nothing else. Let’s go see this captain and see if he’ll allow it.”
Hurrell and Ulfgar made the short journey up the road from the city to the fort in silence, stopping as they reached the guards at the gate. “We’d like to see the captain, if he’ll allow us a few minutes of his time.” Hurrell said. The two guards at the gate looked at each other, then one went off to find the captain, returning a few minutes later.

“The captain will see you, though he says to be quick, he can only spare you ten minutes.” The elf and the dwarf nodded in turn, following the guard as he led the way to the captain’s office, stopping in the open door and gesturing them inside. The two companions walked into the room, stopping in front of the captain before the dwarf spoke. “Sir, the two of us would like to use some of your practice facilities for combat training if you’ll allow. We’d need the room to spar as well as a few practice weapons.”

The captain looked between the two, sizing them up before responding. “Not enough action for you in the mines that you need to fight each other, hmm? I like that, two fighters not allowing themselves to be complacent in their work but keeping themselves sharp. You may use our practice facilities and weapons.” He scribbled a quick note, adding his signature to the bottom which he then handed to the dwarf. “Give this to the sergeant of the guard, he’ll see to it that you’re allowed to use whatever you’d like.”

The two gave a quick salute, fists thumping against their chests before starting to head out the door. “Thank you, sir.” A short time later, and after a brief explanation to the sergeant and the two were equipped with wooden weapons, the two swords for the ranger and the axe for the dwarven fighter. They took up position in the open courtyard, a few others doing various combat drills mostly ignoring them for now. Dwarf and elf gave a cursory salute and then the fight began. In short order the two caught the attention of the others training, the metallic ring of metal on metal stopping as they stopped their training to watch the two fight, for this was obviously no mere spar.

In a short time the two had worked up a heavy sweat, their powerful blows landing on helmeted heads or armored bodies when they struck true, though even then the force of the blows brought grunts of pain and a slew of curses. The elf’s smaller, speedier form forced the dwarf to be more patient with his blows, having grown frustrated when the elf would nimbly duck beneath a swing or dodge out of the way. The elf in turn grew frustrated at the dwarf’s constitution, a heavy blow causing a small grunt and having little visible affect.

The battle waged on for a half hour, both combatants bloody and bruised from a variety of blows the other had landed. Their ‘spar’ was finally ended when two of the sergeant’s men grabbed each combatant, pulling them away from each other. “I don’t know what reason you two have for trying to kill each other on my practice field but that’s enough. If you haven’t worked out your problems here, I suggest you go down and get each other drunk. You’ll heave a headache anyway, may as well make it a good one.”

Hurrell and Ulfgar were then stripped of their practice gear, both too tired to make an argument of things. They both fairly staggered out of the courtyard and through the fort’s entrance as they walked back towards the city proper. Chuckling a little, Hurrell turned to Ulfgar. “What do you think, bath first, get our gear cleaned up a bit, then go get drunk?"

The dwarf shook his head in response. “’Ell no, I need a drink after chasing you around the courtyard. Drinks first, we’ll clean up later. I’ve got a tankard or three with my name on it.”

The two made their way into the Dancing Orc, a drunken yell coming from on table, indicating the half-orc mercenary was already deeply involved in his own drink. “Hurl, Ulf! Come, we drink!” Elf and dwarf rolled their eyes at one another before collapsing wearily into chairs at the half-orc's table, the barmaid setting a mug of ale on the table for each of them.

Morning would come to find the half-orc, elf, and dwarf passed out atop the table, the innkeeper rousing them each after the others had gone out to continue their day’s training. “’At’s it, no more stinking up my common room! I want you out of here and into the baths, I’ll have your clothing burned, and new bought. Between ale, blood, and rips you need new. Now off with ye!”

A chorus of groans followed as the two orcs went up to their rooms, the elf and dwarf staggering off towards the baths, a whiff and a glance at each other proof that the innkeeper was right about the state of their clothing, as well as their need of a bath. “That’s it, Ulfgar, you hit too hard for me to get you pissed off again. No hard feelings, okay?”
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Milo Windby

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Pic at the top!

Hey all,

I've bumped this so everyone can see the beeeeeautiful image crafted by a friend of mine at work. He is a talented man and he did this gratis. So what are you waiting for? Go up to the top and take a look-see!

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