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D&D 5E Miniatures, or Theater of the Mind

What is your preferred method of combat resolution?

  • Theater of the Mind

    Votes: 38 32.2%
  • Miniatures

    Votes: 63 53.4%
  • Other / Explain in the Comments

    Votes: 17 14.4%


I played a Polearm fighter in Adventurer's League and it sort of sucked with TotM. I was thinking the 10' reach would give me lots of opportunity attacks and allow me to limit enemy movement, but it basically boiled down to whenever the DM figured it was appropriate (which wasn't often). It basically negated any strategic positioning on my part during combat.

Overall I have no problem with TotM, but some of the game rules are less useful when D&D is played that way.

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Usually ToTM, but lately invested in a battle map and home made cardstock pieces using original edition Blood Bowl clip-bases, Photoshop and Google Image search (because money).

Enjoyed it with the minis, really makes tactics come to the fore more.


Magic Wordsmith
I played a Polearm fighter in Adventurer's League and it sort of sucked with TotM. I was thinking the 10' reach would give me lots of opportunity attacks and allow me to limit enemy movement, but it basically boiled down to whenever the DM figured it was appropriate (which wasn't often). It basically negated any strategic positioning on my part during combat.

Overall I have no problem with TotM, but some of the game rules are less useful when D&D is played that way.

That's a tricky one man, and one a lot of DMs struggle with in my experience. I try to use fictional descriptors, relative positioning in the description, and constant recapping before people take their turns to make sure that, even without a grid, everyone's on the same page and players with tactical options like you describe are useful. When there's a conflict between what the player imagines and what I imagine when it comes to using said tactics, I err on the side of the player, trusting him or her to be acting in good faith.


5ever, or until 2024
Miniatures. For over 20 years now. (so, so old...at least until someone says for 40 years now).

And didn't we have this poll? Maybe just a discussion?


First Post
Miniatures. For over 20 years now. (so, so old...at least until someone says for 40 years now).

And didn't we have this poll? Maybe just a discussion?

Over 35, but not quite 40. :) Miniatures all the way. I hated playing without them as figuring out where everyone was at any given moment, especially when something surprising happened, was a real pain more often than not. With minis you just look at the battlemat and know where everyone is, friends and foes alike. (Unless they're invisible or somesuch, of course.)


First Post
I use pathfinder pawns for all home campaigns. I use the 4e D&D tokens for my school campaign. I use Pathfinder/Gamemastery Flip Mats for both locations. I have tried theater of the mind but my players can't handle it so we always end up breaking out the minis. Oh, and I also use the plastic minis from the four D&D board games and the five D&D dungeon command games.


First Post
Both. Miniatures for combat and for dungeon delving or any area combat is going to happen. When there's no chance of combat, such as a town or tavern, etc. theatre of the mind.

The Human Target

Miniatures, especially in D&D which always deals in precise distances.

Even use them in Edge if the Empire, which is designed to be abstract TotM.

It's just easier/more fun.


Interesting to note, your survey and OP differ. I primarily run miniatures because we are on Roll20. It's useful for both combat and exploration. However, my preferred method (both as a DM and player) is Theater of the Mind since I feel miniatures tend to distract players from RP.

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