• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Minion Convention Challange


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Ok if someone else doesn't do this I will:

Go to a convention and run a game where players each bring a dude of X level. (to eb decided later)

PC walks into a cavern, and a horde of minions run out. As PC defeats the horde another horde of slightly higher level Minions runs out.

This continues for as long as the PC can stay alive.

Then he gets a power up. :D

Winner is the person who lives the longest.

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Thornir Alekeg

Warrior needs food badly!

My slightly more cynical version. I call it D&D: Gauntlet

Up to four PCs walk into a cavern, and a horde of minions run out. As PCs defeat the horde another horde of slightly higher level Minions runs out.

This continues for as long as the PCs can stay alive. Players can insert another quarter to regain HP

Then they get a power up. :D

Winner is the person who lives the longest.



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Thornir Alekeg said:
My slightly more cynical version.

Shrug... Call it cynical if you want... I still call it lots of fun. :p

Also somethign to do when you don't have anymore adventure left, but still have lots of time... Or you've shown up to the game and a bunch of players call out...



Oh man, I totally have to try running some Gauntlet levels with 4e rules. With generators and teleporters and everything. Do we have the 4e stats for a wraith yet? (Use magic to kill death!)

Daniel D. Fox


Green Elf is "it"!


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Gauntlet was actually quoted in a game of mine a few years back. The party (barbarian, sorcerer, cleric, bard) was trying to get into an elven prison to rescue the NPC-in-danger of the week. They decided that with the sheer number of guards around, the bard was going to try and fast-talk their way into the prison. No way, uh-uh - the guard captain wouldn't budge, despite both the bard's and cleric's best attempts to bring it to a bloodless resolution.

After about ten minutes of unsuccessfully trying to BS their way past the captain, the barbarian spoke (I think it was his first lines of the game). In that deep, booming voice that Gauntlet was famous for, everyone just heard:

"Elf is about to die."

Took us ten minutes to compose ourselves afterward, and the rest of the game was littered with random Gauntlet-isms.


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4E Guantlet

Ghosts check.

Working on and taking suggestions for

Grunts & generators [Might go with orcs]
Sorcerers & generators
Demons and generators
Acid puddles

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