Minions and Temporary HPs


First Post
OK, I will use Kobold minions and the Wyrmpriest as examples.

Wyrmpriest has a power which grants 5 temporary HPs to all kobolds in a burst 5 area.

Would that affect kobolds and keep them alive after an attack which does say 4 pts of damage?

I would like some answers quick since I am running KotS starting tonight.

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First Post
Hmm. There's probably an answer in the rulebook, except we haven't got those yet.

For tonight, I'd just rule that the minion dies if the next attack does more than 5 points of damage.


First Post
I think so. The wyrmpriest can boost the energies of even kobolds minions.
And let's say... a hit for less than 5 HP damage deserve to not kill even a minion! :)

Kwalish Kid

I would say that the minion has the six HP and that if it survives the combat, it still lives to fight another day.

The idea of the minion is one that is supposed to represent the interaction of the PCs with various combatants, not some physical properties of the minion itself. The wyrmpriest gives a boost to the minions to help them survive vs. any opponent, especially the PCs, so the minions should get that bonus, though it will probably not matter vs. most PC attacks.


Sympathy for the Devil
Fantastic question! Minions interact normally with temporary hp rules (that's one reason why they have 1 hp). So, yes, the wyrmpriest makes the minions a little bit badder.


First Post
Thanks guys. That is how I am leaning also. I read over the DMs quick start rules last night (they are included in the module as well) and didn't see it anywhere.

I am really looking forward to tonight. As are the players. I havent DMed in about 2 years. Ought to be fun.

edit: Thanks Chris "ninja" Sims. Shout down to Mearls cube for me and tell him he can ignore my PM on the WotC site asking the same question.

Thornir Alekeg

eleran said:
edit: Thanks Chris "ninja" Sims. Shout down to Mearls cube for me and tell him he can ignore my PM on the WotC site asking the same question.
Mearls has a gelatinous cube as an adminstrative assistant checking his messages?! That's so cool. :D


First Post
Khur said:
Fantastic question! Minions interact normally with temporary hp rules (that's one reason why they have 1 hp). So, yes, the wyrmpriest makes the minions a little bit badder.

Including that all temporary hit points are lost at the end of an encounter?

So, a minion who took 4 points of damage collapses after the fight (even if their side wins), since he's takes 4 points of damage to his 1 actual hit point? Or perhaps he then graduates into becoming a non-minion monster.

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