MiPS Lost Mine [IC]


As Eddicus Deane strolls calmly toward Gundren's office, he sees the back ends of the packs and the heels of three of Gundren's other employees disappearing through the front doorway of the office as they go inside. Eddicus hurries slightly, but no more than that: he doesn't push himself at all. (It's still "morning," after all. . . .)

"Good Morning," he offers as he reaches the door. "I see we're meant to go inside."

"I thought I'd swing by the bookseller's on the way, but that's not open yet,"
he offers by way of running commentary. "Looks as though some people are extending a long tenday-end."

Eddicus does not remove his backpack because his short bow is still strapped to it: he would want to unstrap the bow again before setting down the pack.

[OOC: Eddicus Deane is speaking in Green -- because that rhymes.]

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Gundren stumps into the office and motions for you to sit in the available chairs, then takes a brief minute to clear off some piles of paperwork muttering 'never enough time.'
He then says 'I'm sure you are interested as to why the summons so I will get to the point.
'I am sure you are all aware of the story of Phandelvers' Pact, Wave Echo Cave and The Forge of Spells so I'll not retell old tales. What you do not know, in fact nearly no-one out side this room knows, is that my brothers and I think we may have actually found it. There are some caves to the south of the town of Phandalin and, while we're not entirely sure, we have the feeling one of them may be Wave Echo Cave! If we're right, this could make all of our fortunes.
'I can't tell you much more about that simply because we don't yet know anything more. We're planning a survey in a few days but I need more supplies delivered before we can get started. This is where I'm hoping you all come in. I need your help. The damn High Road has been a bit...iffy these days. I lost a trade caravan last week at the hands of some damn goblin raiders!'
Gundren slams his mug down on the table.
'Because of the errands I've asked of you in the past, I'm sure I can trust you and would appreciate you escorting this wagon-load of tools and provisions for the survey to Phandalin.
'I just got back into town yesterday and I'll be leaving again for Phandalin shortly with my friends Sildar Hallwinter and Dougal Marken, but the cart of provisions won't be ready to leave until tomorrow morning. I need the wagon taken to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin where Elmar Barthen, a good friend of mine, will be waiting and will give you 10 gold pieces each for the task. Then meet up with Sildar, Dougal and I at the Stonehill Inn.
'I know this is a lot to take in, but I need an answer. What do you say?'


First Post
Caelynn Amastacia

Cae saw no reason not to escort the cart. Frankly, if Rockseeker had just asked them to do that without giving out any of the other information, she probably would have agreed to do it.

But the entire expedition sounded fascinating, and if she wished to take part she'd have to be in Phandalin. She'd been considering a trip in that direction in any case... So there was certainly no reason to refuse the escort mission.

"I accept," she said, "Have no fear; I'm certain we can neutralize a few goblins."


"I'm game for a hike," Eddicus agrees, grinning. "Do the preparations begin now if we're all going? I've heard of Phandalin; thought it was a ruin. Never been there. How do we find this Barthen's and this Stonehill once we get there? Landmarks? Just ask around?"


"You can always count on me, Uncle," Vottr says with a smile. "And if any goblins are fool enough to get in the way, they'll get a kiss from Sweet Meduna here," he adds, affectionately patting the head of his great maul.
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*something something*...will give you 10 gold pieces each...*something something*

Upon hearing someone will give each of the participants 10 gold, Garret agreed to it immediately even though he didn't catch what Gundren said while he was busy eyeing the room for valuables. "Yes, I agree to someone giving me 10 gold pieces!"


'Excellent! Glad to hear that! Take today to finish up any tasks you might have. The wagon of supplies will be at the south gate in the morning waiting for you.
'Travel safely, friends and, should you encounter Brachnuss, let him know what is happening. I hope you won't be needing his sword but you never know.
'We'll be waiting for you in Phandalin.'

With that, Gundren stands again and gives you all another hearty handshake, looks back at the piles of parchment he'd moved, shakes his head and begins to head out the front door again, then stops and turns back to you and states 'I don't suppose I have to tell you to keep this to yourselves but, do do that.' and then walks out the door.


Vottr smiles as his uncle walks out the door, beaming at the thought of helping his kinfolk and bringing honor to his clan. Suddenly, he furrows his bushy black eyebrows and purses his lips. Turning to his new companions he asks: "Ah... anyone else know how to drive a wagon, or just me?"


First Post
Vottr smiles as his uncle walks out the door, beaming at the thought of helping his kinfolk and bringing honor to his clan. Suddenly, he furrows his bushy black eyebrows and purses his lips. Turning to his new companions he asks: "Ah... anyone else know how to drive a wagon, or just me?"

Garret turns his head as his sight follows Gundren's departure, then turn back to Vottr. "Where's the gold pieces?"


Garret... "Where's the gold pieces?"

Vottr stares suspiciously at the halfling for a brief second. "At a tradin' post in Phandalin. You'll have to ride along with us and make yerself useful to get yer share." He looks Garret over with a soldier's eye and sees little in the way of a warrior. "You any good with a bow or crossbow? Might be you can ride #####* while I drive."

(* OOC - I gave no idea what the equivalent medieval term for riding shotgun would be, but that's what Vottr uses.)

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