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Misprounced Monsters; Or... What did you call that monster, again?



The prounciation thread about Saghuagin made me wonder...

Who else here had been misprouncing the name of a monster in some game or another?

Mine was 'Chimera'. Which I was prounoucing shim-er-ra instead of kai-mer-ah.

... I know they are others that I had heard other people talk about, but all of them escape me, except for one time I heard someone mispronouce 'Pegasus'.

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We have a particular word-mangler in our group who just makes his best guess on a word when he encounters it, and then never changes even when he knows it's wrong.

Granted, some of the things that trip him up are fairly complex names...

Isegrayne -- Should be pronounced "Is a grain?" but he latched onto "izzy grainy"
Celedras -- Should be "kuh-LED-ras" but he latched onto "SELL-a-dras"
Tharizdun -- Should be "tha-RIZ-dun" but he mysteriously pronounces it "THRAZZy dune"

-TG :cool:


I seem to have a minor dyslexic problem when parsing certain words (which generally happen to be fantasy names...)

Until this thread, I was thinking Tharizdun should be pronounced "Thar-zi-dun". Same thing with "Saghuagin" - Sag-ha-oo-in.

And most embarassingly: until two years ago, I thought Ragnarok was "Rag-arr-nock." :(

Mark Hope

I had one player pronounce wyvern as "wirrin", another who called ogres "uggras" and another who often referred to Tiamat as the "pneumatic dragon"...


Imagicka said:
... I know they are others that I had heard other people talk about, but all of them escape me, except for one time I heard someone mispronouce 'Pegasus'.

Heh. One of the people I started playing D&D with used to mispronounce "Paladin." He pronounced it "paddy-on."

Allandaros said:
I seem to have a minor dyslexic problem when parsing certain words (which generally happen to be fantasy names...)

"Jubilex" seems a common variation used for the correct "Juiblex" (didn't realize I had in wrong until the last couple of years).
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I tend to confuse the other gamers around me, due to my bizarre pronunciations of things.

If a word starts with C, I pronounce it like an S; unless I've been told otherwise, or it resembles a familiar word. (ex: Celedras - "sell - a - drah's", Catoblepas "cat-oh-blee-pahss")

If a word starts with a Y, I pronounce it like an I. (ex: Ysgard - "Eyez-gard") I usually pronounce I's at the start of words like this (ex: Ioun "Eye-oon", Iuz "Eye-ooze", Iuchiban "Eye-oo-chee-bahn").

Appearantly, I pronounce every name in Wheel of Time, I screw it up. (ex: Aiel "Eye-eel" [as opposed to the rest of the group's "Ale", Athan'Miere "Ah-thahn-mee-air" [as opposed to "Athan-meer"], Trolloc "Troll-ock" ["Trol-luck"], Arafellin "Air-a-fellon" ["Ar-aff-a-lin"]).

*shrug* So long as people understand what you're trying to say, just play it off as an in character accent.



First Post
The_Gneech said:
Tharizdun -- Should be "tha-RIZ-dun" but he mysteriously pronounces it "THRAZZy dune"
Similar to Allandaros, I've always pronounced it THAR-zi-dune personally.


Glyfair said:
"Jubilex" seems a common variation used for the correct "Juiblex" (didn't realize I had in wrong until the last couple of years).

Same on only noticing recently that its not Jubilex.

I don't really care what the proper pronunciation of sahuagin is, I always say "suh who uh ginn."

Apparently when I say Ptolus as "toll us" Its not correct.

Chimera I learned to pronounce as rhyming with chin and Gammorah from early greek mythology reading and only found out later the "Ky mare uh" pronunciation. So I still say chim er uh.

Baatezu, I pronounce "Bay at tay zoo" which works for me.

Tanari are either "Tuh narr ree" or "Tuh nar ee" depending on if I'm thinking of the wierd apostrophes in it.

Drow have always rhymed with cow for me.

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