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mleibrock's in-game thread for Council of Thieves


Suzume half-rises and nods a quick bow when his name is called. Once the time comes to join the cause formally, he stands erect and casts back his cloak spreading his wings wide so that all may see who his joining. "I and my folk have been at this fight since the beginning. If you would ally with such as me then I shall be your most vigorous and devoted servant." He fixes each of the others with his dark avian eyes to see if any would doubt or comment.

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First Post
[sblock=Suzume] Just for fun, roll a dex [/sblock]

Suzume half-rises and nods a quick bow when his name is called. Once the time comes to join the cause formally, he stands erect and casts back his cloak spreading his wings wide so that all may see who his joining. "I and my folk have been at this fight since the beginning. If you would ally with such as me then I shall be your most vigorous and devoted servant." He fixes each of the others with his dark avian eyes to see if any would doubt or comment.


Drulox "Dru" Xorik, Oder of the Dragon Cavalier L2

Dru stands with his comrades and says, 'My lot is also cast with these. I will share their destiny, be it good or ill. I will bring as much of the might of the Order of the Dragon as I have and place it at the discretion of our leaders."

[sblock=Dru Xorik, Cav2, sheet]
Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2, age: 20
Align: C/G Deity: Sarenrae
S15 +2mod = [13(3pts) +2 racial adj. (human)]
D13 +1 mod = (3pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
I 11 +0 mod = (1pt)
W12 +1 mod = (2pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
Total = 15 pts

HP: 24 [10+1Con+1FC+10+1Con+1FC]
AC: 20 [10base+8Half Plate+2HvyShield+0dex(armor)] [in Hide+Shld: AC 17, FF 16, T 11]
FF: 20 T: 10
(W/O shield - AC: 18, FF: 18, T: 10)
BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Hero Points: 1

Fort: +5 = +3[class]+1[ability]+1[trait]
Ref: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]
Will: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]

Cavalier Class and Order of the Dragon Features:
*Challenge 1/day ) [allies gain +1 to att subject whenever Dru threatens subject]
*Perception and Survival added to class skills. [When use Survival to find food and water or protect from weather, gain bonus = 1/2 cav level, min +1]
*Tactician - Precise Strike Teamwork Feat -- By spending 1 standard action, Dru can grant his teamwork feat, Precise Strike, to all allies w/in 30 feet who can see and hear him. Feat grants to each flanking ally +1d6 damage against flanked opponent.
*Aid Allies - adjacent ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

*Weapon Focus, Greatsword (+1 att) [Reg. feat]
*Weapon Focus, Flail (+1 att) [Human bonus feat]
*Precise Strike (Cavalier Bonus Teamwork feat) Req: must flank with ally Eff: all flanking allies who have this feat deal an extra 1d6 precision damage with each successful attack.

Skills [8 ranks at L2]:
Climb 1 ranks, (+2 str), (+3 class skill) = +6 [-1 in half plate, +3 in Hide]
Diplomacy 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Intimidate 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Perception 1 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill), (+1/2 cav level, min +1) = +6
Ride 2 ranks, (+1 dex), (+3 class skill) = +6 [no ACP on Blister, otherwise, -2 in 1/2 plate +2 inHide]
Survival 2 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill) (+1/2 cav level to find food/shelter, min+1) = +6 (+7)

Resilient [+1 Fort saves]
Rich Parents [starting money=900 gp]

[900 gp starting money due to trait]
*= Gear of Choice
*Half Plate (+8 AC) (-7 ACP) (600gp)
Back-up Armor: Hide Armor (+4 AC) (15gp)
*Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC) (7gp) (ordinarily used but not always- strapped on back if not)
Greatsword +4 att/2d6+3, 19-20/X2 (50gp) (strapped across his back when not in use, under the shield)
*Flail +4 att/1d8+2, X2, Disarm, Trip (8gp)
2 Handaxes, +3 att/1d6+2, X3 (6gp) (used as missiles mostly)
Short Sword +3 att/1d6+2, 19-20/X2 (10gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Hammer (the tool kind not the weapon kind) (5sp)
4 Days' Trail Rations (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
10gp 4 sp 8 cp remaining money

Mount - "Blister", Light Horse (Palomino)
*Fancy* Studded Leather Barding (130 gp, +3 AC)
*Ornate* Military Saddle (40 gp)
*Heavy Duty* Bit & Bridle (4gp)
*Tricked Out Fancy* Saddlebags (8gp)


First Post
After Anundr casts his lot, Janiven smiles broadly hardly able to container her excitement. She moves over to the hulking man wraps her arms around him. "Thank you!!!!"

When Liath also agrees to help their group, she turns from the barbarian to the ranger. "We are so pleased to have your skill with the bow."

As Suzume stands, spreads his wings and verbalizes his commitment, he doesn't quite account for the close proximity of the table and Dru and Tiko each get a face full of feathers.

Janiven smiles and then gives up trying to control herself and begins to laugh. The others in the room join in and soon, the tension is quite gone and it feels much more like a group of friends. "I am so pleased to have your healing skills and I've seen what you can do with that javelin and am glad I'm not on the receiving end of that sir", Janiven says once she regains herself.

As Dru accepts, Janiven turns to the group. "This brave cavalier has already given his life for us and yet he does not shy away from what may come.". Janiven begins to clap and the others in the room quickly join in, rise to their feet in appreciation and soon Dru is feeling mighty proud.

All eyes move toward Tiko to gauge her response.

Anundr stands. Despite his intimidating bulk, intelligence shines behind the Shoanti's eyes as he considers the question. "It seems that there are only two choices in this. Lay down arms, and be slave to the tyranny that rules Westcrown. Or fight. Well I, for one, prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery. I shall join in your struggle."

"This is being the same fight for me that I've been fighting. Glad am I to have friends to fight beside," Liath responds. She stands as she speaks, her slight form dwarfed by the Shoanti's bulk.

Suzume half-rises and nods a quick bow when his name is called. Once the time comes to join the cause formally, he stands erect and casts back his cloak spreading his wings wide so that all may see who his joining. "I and my folk have been at this fight since the beginning. If you would ally with such as me then I shall be your most vigorous and devoted servant." He fixes each of the others with his dark avian eyes to see if any would doubt or comment.

Dru stands with his comrades and says, 'My lot is also cast with these. I will share their destiny, be it good or ill. I will bring as much of the might of the Order of the Dragon as I have and place it at the discretion of our leaders."
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Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2

A bit embarrassed by the applause, Dru bows slightly and blushes greatly. "If all I must do to gain such appreciation is to die, then you will be exceedingly easy to please. We will find, I have no doubt, that the difficult portion of the task before us is to find a way to live, and live well in the face of this adversity."

[sblock=Dru Xorik, Cav2, sheet]
Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2, age: 20
Align: C/G Deity: Sarenrae
S15 +2mod = [13(3pts) +2 racial adj. (human)]
D13 +1 mod = (3pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
I 11 +0 mod = (1pt)
W12 +1 mod = (2pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
Total = 15 pts

HP: 24 [10+1Con+1FC+10+1Con+1FC]
AC: 20 [10base+8Half Plate+2HvyShield+0dex(armor)] [in Hide+Shld: AC 17, FF 16, T 11]
FF: 20 T: 10
(W/O shield - AC: 18, FF: 18, T: 10)
BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Hero Points: 1

Fort: +5 = +3[class]+1[ability]+1[trait]
Ref: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]
Will: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]

Cavalier Class and Order of the Dragon Features:
*Challenge 1/day ) [allies gain +1 to att subject whenever Dru threatens subject]
*Perception and Survival added to class skills. [When use Survival to find food and water or protect from weather, gain bonus = 1/2 cav level, min +1]
*Tactician - Precise Strike Teamwork Feat -- By spending 1 standard action, Dru can grant his teamwork feat, Precise Strike, to all allies w/in 30 feet who can see and hear him. Feat grants to each flanking ally +1d6 damage against flanked opponent.
*Aid Allies - adjacent ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

*Weapon Focus, Greatsword (+1 att) [Reg. feat]
*Weapon Focus, Flail (+1 att) [Human bonus feat]
*Precise Strike (Cavalier Bonus Teamwork feat) Req: must flank with ally Eff: all flanking allies who have this feat deal an extra 1d6 precision damage with each successful attack.

Skills [8 ranks at L2]:
Climb 1 ranks, (+2 str), (+3 class skill) = +6 [-1 in half plate, +3 in Hide]
Diplomacy 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Intimidate 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Perception 1 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill), (+1/2 cav level, min +1) = +6
Ride 2 ranks, (+1 dex), (+3 class skill) = +6 [no ACP on Blister, otherwise, -2 in 1/2 plate +2 inHide]
Survival 2 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill) (+1/2 cav level to find food/shelter, min+1) = +6 (+7)

Resilient [+1 Fort saves]
Rich Parents [starting money=900 gp]

[900 gp starting money due to trait]
*= Gear of Choice
*Half Plate (+8 AC) (-7 ACP) (600gp)
Back-up Armor: Hide Armor (+4 AC) (15gp)
*Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC) (7gp) (ordinarily used but not always- strapped on back if not)
Greatsword +5 att/2d6+3, 19-20/X2 (50gp) (strapped across his back when not in use, under the shield)
*Flail +5 att/1d8+2, X2, Disarm, Trip (8gp)
2 Handaxes, +4 att/1d6+2, X3 (6gp) (used as missiles mostly)
Short Sword +4 att/1d6+2, 19-20/X2 (10gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Hammer (the tool kind not the weapon kind) (5sp)
4 Days' Trail Rations (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
10gp 4 sp 8 cp remaining money

Mount - "Blister", Light Horse (Palomino)
*Fancy* Studded Leather Barding (130 gp, +3 AC)
*Ornate* Military Saddle (40 gp)
*Heavy Duty* Bit & Bridle (4gp)
*Tricked Out Fancy* Saddlebags (8gp)
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Suzume hastily folds his wings and ducks his head in apology to his feather dusted companions. No doubt his skin reddens beneath azure feather, but he laughs with an avian chortle, head thrown back in mirth.


First Post
Anundr claps Dru on the back and smiles. "But if we must die, then let us die well. We shall slay many enemies to serve us in the afterlife!"



Tiko brushes aside the feathers with the ease of a woman accustomed to long hair. When the others turn to her, she says, "I am a child of Westcrown. The town is dying at the hands of the devil worshippers. I will join you to rid this city of the Hellknights and anyone who supports them."


First Post
Janiven's smile widens and it is clear she is not one to hide her excitement. When Tiko agrees to help the band of rebels, Janiven exclaims, "We have our team! I hand picked each one of you and I really feel we need each of you to accomplish our goal." She raises a glass of juice, "Too early and too much to do today to celebrate properly but soon my friends...soon."

Everyone raises a glass and the comradery is palpable.

Everyone enjoys breakfast and begins getting acquainted.

Tiko soon notices Morosino (the young boy who brought news to the tavern of Arael's capture and was unknowingly followed by Hell Knights) come in and head right to Janiven. The two begin whispering and Janiven's expression turns quickly. They speak in hushed words and soon you seen Janiven grab some bread from the table, hand it to Morosino and then gently urge him to take his leave again.

Janiven's expression remains one of worry after the boy leaves. She gets up from the table and paces aimlessly for a few minutes, before going into another room and take a seat. She seems to be lost in thought.


Voidrunner's Codex

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