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(MM2) Did I help inspire the abeil?


Just curious...the first monster listed in Monster Manual II is the abeil, an elf/bee hybrid. You have to admit, an elf/bee hybrid is not something you stumble across every day. Not just a humanoid/bee hybrid, mind you, but specifically an elf/bee hybrid.

In "Challenge of Champions IV" (Dungeon #91), I had a scenario called "Elf Hive" that featured a pair of statues of elf/bee hybrids. My description was as follows (this is from page 25, if you're following at home):

"At the far end stand two statues of peculiar hybrid creatures with the eyes, wings, and bodies of bees, and the upper torsos and heads of elves. Each statue holds a drawn bow aimed in your direction."
When I sent in the original manuscript (back in April of 2001), I included a drawing of an elf/bee hybrid statue, in case the artist needed an idea as to what I had in mind. (If you look carefully, you can note the details in the statues as depicted in the Scenario Maps on pages 24 and 25.) I have no idea who created the abeil, or when, but I do know from talking to Chris Thomasson and Erik Mona at Gen Con that "they playtested the hell out of that adventure."

So, if anybody knows the true story behind the abeil (I think Ed Bonny responded to a couple of other Monster Manual II threads), I'd be really curious to know whether my unnamed statues actually helped to inspire the abeil.

If so: Cool! I (unintentionally) helped inspire a D&D monster! :)

If not: Cool! I have telepathic powers enabling me to read the minds of WotC R&D personnel! :)


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Sorry to disappoint but your adventure was not the inspiration for the Abeil (although it sounds like a really fun adventure). When I was asked to write for the MM2, I was also asked to create 10 of my own unique monsters in addition to updating/rewriting/fleshing out what Wizards asked. The abeil was one of my own concoctions.

I love the idea of insects and insect humanoids. The thri-kreen continue to fascinate me and I really wanted to create my own race of insect-people apart from the formorians and the kreen.

In June of 2001, I originally pitched two bee creature ideas to Jeff Grubb. One was a magical bee-beast called the "stormwing" that were very aggressive with thunderously beating wings; the other was a race of bee-people. Jeff really liked the idea of bee people over a magical beast so off I went in that direction.

The abeil as bee-people took shape from a few experiences in my past not least of which was being stung multiple times as a kid (deservedly so as I got too close to their hives when observing them).

The drone attack is similar to a villain from a Teen Titans comic book I had read back in the 1970s where a superhero was attacked by his girlfriend. She wore a bee outfit, shot sticky dart stingers, and had buzzing wings that caused listeners to fall asleep.

And there's more. Being a Francophile, I spent a week in Paris last year and came across Napoleon's symbol for his industrious, growing empire - you guessed it - the bee. That's where the imperialist culture of the abeil came from. In fact, the French word for bee is "abeille."

The rest of the abeil was brainstorming and linking together the qualities that I wanted to really define the race. I also created a prestige class for vassal abeil that combined qualities of a druid and ranger plus other things fitting to their culture. Sadly, unlike the Monsters of Faerun, there were to be no prestige classes in the MM2.

This was probably more than you wanted to hear... but I hope it was entertaining.

- Ed Bonny
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First Post
Richards!!!!! Those were great adventures, in fact, I introduced one of my best friends to d&d via your adventures, a little combat, a lot of thinking. He had such a great time he is now a member of our group. Your challenge of Champions really made for a smooth transition into the game for him. I'm sure I speak for a lot on these boards by saying thanks for the great adventures.

Can you tell me if you have any new adventures, or anything else in the works.



If you wanted to have more bug people, you should have included a 3E conversion of the Hivebrood! I tormented my players way back in OD&D with those critters!

I'm just disappointed that Giff didn't make it.

And that Sylph didn't get an ECL (I have a player that REALLY wants to play one again).

Otherwise, a great product!



Ed: Thanks for responding! While I didn't get the answer I was hoping for (oh well, I'll live :)), I absolutely love hearing "behind the scenes" stories like these. (I was wondering where the name "abeil" came from; makes perfect sense now!) And I think you (and your co-authors) did an excellent job with Monster Manual II.

I share your love of insectoids. I've always had a warm spot in my heart for the aspis, myself. And I second the motion to post your vassal abeil prestige class, should such be possible. It sounds really interesting.

cousin_avi: Thanks! I currently have 8 of 10 scenarios figured out in my head for "Challenge of Champions V." With luck, I may have a manuscript to send to Dungeon in a couple of months.


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