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Modern/Delta Green - The Beginning of the End (COMPLETED)


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Fear of Falling: Part 3 – All Your Base

The night sky was illuminated by a fireball flaring overhead. It was the plane.

The explosion mingled with the thunder and lightning, nature's fireworks overshadowing the folly of man's flight.

Guppy took a headcount. "Where's Caprice?"

Archive frowned. "Good question. Where's the crew?"

"They didn't all make it, "said Hammer. "At least one of them—"

A corpse exploded as it splattered to the ground nearby.

"No parachute," Archive noted. "That means…" He looked up.

The eye thing billowed down from the sky.

"Get back!" shouted Jim-Bean, pulling the pin on a canister of tear gas with his teeth. "Since this thing likes eyes so much, let's see if it can cry!"

The thing landed over the corpse just as Jim-Bean threw the tear gas at it. Smoke concealed its form, mingled with the flickering lights of the crashed plane and the lightning above.

"Fire!" shouted Hammer.

The agents blindly unleashed on the cloud. Gunfire was drowned out by the crack of thunder.

"Did we get it?" asked Guppy after they finally stopped firing. "Did we get it?"

The smoke dissipated. There was nothing to be found.

"Where'd it go?" asked Archive.

The answer came as it materialized over Guppy's head, tendrils curling towards his face like a lover's embrace.

"Look out!" shouted Hammer, raising his pistol.

But before he could respond the eye thing squealed in pain as spotlights suddenly flashed over it. Eyeballs tipped several of the tentacles, and as the light played over the thing it yanked the eyes out of the beam.

Hammer couldn’t help but wonder if Caprice’s eyes numbered among its tentacles. It darted upwards into the sky.

Machinegun-mounted jeeps rolled up, driven by camouflaged soldiers. Automatic weapons bristled. "Weapons down, hands up!" shouted one of them, presumably the leader.

Hammer dug out his badge. "We are members of the Center Intelligence Field Agency. I'm Agent Hammer. This is my team."

"Major Bynum," said the leader by way of introduction. "Now if you'd be so kind, please put your weapons down and your hands up."

Recognizing his British accent, the agents complied and the soldiers relaxed.

"We seem to have been blown off course," began Hammer.

"You've got that right mate," said Bynum. "You're at the Royal Air Force base at Watton, in Norfolk, England."

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Fear of Falling: Part 4 – A Curious Problem

As they were ushered into the air force base proper, it was clear security procedures were in effect -- all entrances were sealed, and the perimeter was guarded by airmen with rifles. They were accompanied by a pair of corporals with sidearms.

Enlisted men set up several dozen four-man tents on the parade ground. No aircraft were flying. It was obvious that the base was at a complete standstill.

The agents were marched into the Colonel’s office, identified as Charles Munson at the door.

Munson stood up when they entered, escorted by Bynum. The armed escort stayed outside the door.

“So you’re the yanks invading my airspace?” asked Munson, sitting back down and gesturing to the empty seats.

“Yes." Hammer and the others took a seat. “We’re with CIFA.”

Munson shot Bynum a look. “So I’ve heard. Gentlemen, I have a problem. By all accounts you dropped out of thin air over restricted airspace. In these times, we can't have that, as I'm sure you understand. Thing is, we've checked you out. There's nothing on you. In fact, the American government has disavowed having any connection with you."

Guppy blinked. “What? But--”

Jim-Bean put one hand up. “I’m MI-5. I have security check clearance.”

Munson nodded to Bynum, who left the room. “We’ll check it out. Just a formality I'm sure.”

Jim-Bean smiled. It was nice to be back in a world he knew.

Munson turned serious. “But in the interim, I’m afraid you’re our guests. You’ll be confined to base until we work out this peculiar issue with your government. You must belong to somebody, after all.” He smirked. “We’ll also be reviewing the plane that we shot down.”

“Shot down?” asked Hammer.

Munson nodded. “We can’t have an unidentified plane in restricted airspace, now can we? When it failed to respond to our hails we had no choice.”

“That explains a lot,” said Archive.

“Did you find any other survivors?”

“A few,” said Munson cryptically.

“Agent Caprice?”

“Ah yes. He’s convalescing in our care, but he’ll be fine. There were a few other crewmen too, but their wounds are formidable. We’re looking for the black box on the plane—“

Hammer shook his head and sighed. “There won’t be one.”

“Why not?”

“For reasons of…national security.”

Munson gave him a terse smile. “You understand my predicament of course. You’re claiming you're Americans without any corroborating evidence. But we’ll get it sorted, I’m certain of that. In the meantime, you're due some British hospitality. Major Bynum will show you to your bunks. Thank you gentlemen, that will be all for now.”

Munson turned back to his papers as Bynum entered with the other corporals. The conversation was over.

They were ushered out of Munson's office.

Out of earshot, Guppy said what they all thought. “Can we work for Munson instead?”


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Fear of Falling: Part 5 – Crying Jag

They were marched by the corporals across the base towards the barracks.

Jim-Bean cocked an ear. "Anyone feel that?"

"What?" asked Guppy.

"A breeze," said Jim-Bean slowly.

"They have breezes in Britain," muttered Archive.

"It's coming from the wrong—"

Bynum and the other three corporals collapsed before Jim-Bean finished the sentence.

"Heads up!" shouted Hammer.

A whirring matte black Bell Helicopter 206B JetRanger III hovered a few hundred feet overhead. Men in black stealth suits zip-lined down before the agents.

"Grab a weapon!" shouted Hammer. He was already rifling through Bynum's corpse for his pistol before their mystery assailants hit the ground.

One of the assassins shouted. "On your knees!"

"PISCES," said Jim-Bean with a grin. "The cavalry is here to pick us up."

"I'm not so sure," began Hammer.

Archive stepped out in front of the other agents, rolling up his sleeves. "I'll take care of this. Get back!"

"Get back?" asked Guppy. "What are you going to shoot them with? They confiscated our weapons!"

"Not all of them." Archive raised the amulet around his neck. "Fm'latgh!"

The eye at the center of the star on Archive's amulet opened wide. A blast of green fire spiraled down through the center of the JetRanger, igniting the gas tank. It smashed downwards in a fireball, engulfing the men who had just rappelled down.

Jim-Bean was slack-jawed. "You…you killed them?" He reached out and one of the assassin's cell phones flew into Jim-Bean's open palm.

"That's going to get some attention," said Hammer.

A military jeep screeched to a halt in front of them, spotlight trained on the agents. Before the corporal could say anything, he was plucked out of the gun bay atop the jeep with a yelp.

Hammer trained his pistol on the glittering night sky. "Oh we drew attention all right."

The driver gunned the jeep, all concerns about military protocol abandoned in his panic. It didn't save him. He shrieked, eye sockets welling with blood, as the thing tore him from the vehicle. The jeep careened forward, smashing through the perimeter fence.

Hammer looked around. "This is our chance. Let's go!" They ran for it.

Guppy hopped in the driver's seat. "What about Caprice?"

"He's in good hands." Jim-Bean piled in behind him. "He'll be okay."

Hammer and Archive got in and slammed the doors.

"Where to?" asked Guppy.

"Anywhere but here," said Hammer. "Now drive!"

Guppy floored it.


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Fear of Falling: Part 6 – Escape to the Unknown

Jim-Bean tapped a few keys. "I was right. That was a JAGUAR team."

"A what?" asked Hammer.

"PISCES. Majestic-12 equivalent in the UK. My old team. I used to work for Section H, the archaeological division. That's who I was working for when we crossed paths. The JAGUAR team's mission was…" he tapped more keys. "Damn."

"To kill us?" asked Archive.

"If the team wanted us dead we would have been dead already. It was a retrieval mission. They were bringing us to Magonia."

"What's Magonia?"

"Pray you never find out," said Jim-Bean. "Just trust me…you don't want to go there."

Hammer filled in the blanks. "The brain spiders are at it again."

"Brain spiders?" asked Guppy, struggling with the vehicle on foreign roads at night. "Would anyone mind filling me in?"

"When Jim-Bean and I were first recruited into Majestic-12, I was with the CIA on a mission to track down members of the Army of the Third Eye. It's some kind of cult that believes in trepanation."

"Trepanation?" asked Archive.

"Brain surgery, basically," said Guppy.

"Jim-Bean's team, as MI-5, was told that we were IRA nationalists. When we finally sorted things out all of our partners were dead. We barely made it to the U.S. embassy alive."

"So that's where we're going?" asked Guppy hopefully.

Hammer shook his head. "Too dangerous. I need to make a phone call. If we're really burned, we'll know."

"And where is that, exactly?" asked Guppy.

"I don't know, I didn't grow up here," muttered Hammer.

Guppy began hitting the steering wheel, punctuating each point with a slap of his hand. "Unless someone starts telling me where to GO I am PULLING this car OVER!"

"Fine!" shouted Jim-Bean. "Fine! There should be a Tesco in the next town, we'll stop there, ditch the car, and get some clothes."

They pulled into a sleepy town and left the local Tesco with new clothes and some survival equipment.

Jim-Bean watched a station on the televisions in the electrical department while Hammer made a phone call.

"…sources indicate that a UFO was downed near the RAF base in Watton. Witnesses indicated that they had seen UFOs near previously identified sites of paranormal activity. In a rare appearance, Dr. Ariadne W. S. Hennessey of the British Archaeological Review Board issued a public statement…"

Jim-Bean blinked. "Hennessey? That's my old boss at Section H."

"…We have repeatedly investigated claims of the paranormal and they are without merit. I repeat: without merit." The reporter shrugged. "Standard denials of course. Up next, our documentary about the Nightmare Wave, a conspiracy theory detailing the influence of the Pacific explosion."

Jim-Bean turned suddenly on his heel. "I know where we can find a safe place."

"You figured that out just now?" asked Hammer, skeptical.

Jim-Bean didn't look over his shoulder. "My boss just told me."


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Fear of Falling: Conclusion

I'd just like to commend you on this excellent Story Hour, my personal favorite at the moment.

Keep up the good work!

Wow, thank you! I'm powered by praise and will post more often the more praise I get. :)

Here you go!


"A month ago, what is believed to be a nuclear explosion detonated in the Pacific. Currents — including those strong currents by which mariners have navigated for centuries — were irrevocably altered," blared the television at the tiny pub where the former agents drank a pint. "Trade across the ocean ground to a standstill as ships became becalmed or were carried far off course or sunk in freak whirlpools."

"Wait a minute," said Guppy. "A month ago? That was last night!"

"Looks like whatever that explosion was moved us through both time and space," said Archive.

The documentary continued. "…this ripple, that some call the Nightmare Wave, left its mark in many ways. In some locales, particularly those close to the Intrusion Point, the Nightmare Wave wrought terrible physical destruction. In others, the changes the ripple brought were subtler and more insidious."

"On one island, the entire population suddenly turned cannibal. On another, a broken, unplugged jukebox was rumored to play songs that could tell the future. On a third, the native population disappeared, with only cockroaches remaining."

A pixilated image spoke on the screen, its voice disguised as oddly mechanical and deep. The title beneath read CULT MEMBER OF THE BRINGERS OF SACRED LIGHT. "We are dedicated to revealing the truth of the Unbidden by taking the war to them. We’re fighting a shadow war for Earth and all humanity."

Archive did a double-take. "That group sounds familiar…"

Everyone looked at Guppy.

"Oh yeah. I may have, uh…" he chuckled nervously, "founded that group during my…uh, treatment."

"That organization went global fast." Hammer looked down at the bottom of his empty glass. "But if it's the same group, they may be our only allies."

Jim-Bean slammed his drink down, finished. "Cheer up. I have a safe house."

"A PISCES safe house?" asked Hammer. "They'll be looking for us there."

Jim-Bean shook his head. "Better. A Section H safe house. We do it old school out here; off the grid, no technology. Hennessey knows I'm here; the Major must have triggered some alarms when I asked him to check out my credentials. She gave me an encoded message in her public statement. 'Without Merit' is code for 'Windthrope Manor'. I have a cover identity and a support team embedded there. We can stay at the manor until we figure out what to do next."

The former agents regained their spirits somewhat. Guppy was the last to get up, following behind Hammer.

"I just realized," he said with a slow smile. "Jim-Bean got his accent back."


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Chapter 57: The Windthrope Legacy

Love the update! I'm really enjoying the new direction the plot is taking.

Thank you!

Although I've been saying that this campaign was Delta Green-inspired, this new turn has really put the agents in a more Delta Green-ish vibe. They're strangers in a strange land (okay, not that strange). They don't have any resources and aren't sure whom they can trust. You'll see that what starts out as same-old/same-old quickly devolves into paranoia and fear.

And just for commenting -- new update! :)


This story hour is from "The Windthrope Legacy" by Scott David Aniolowski from Ramsey Campbell’s Goatswood and Less Pleasant Places. You can read more about Delta Green at Delta Green. Please note: This story hour contains spoilers!

Our cast of characters includes:

Completely bereft of a home base, paranoid about being tracked by PISCES, and without access to any of their usual technology, the agents needed a place to hole up, fast. What better place to set up the former agents than in a creepy old manor house?

Moving to their new location really brought home just how antiquated and isolated the agents were from their former home. It was also important to emphasize why being isolated was actually a good thing – less technology meant they couldn’t be tracked by PISCES. Ironically, the agents are being helped by a splinter division of PISCES, the H Division and Jim-Bean’s former employers.

This scenario is really a set up for things to come. It also introduces our favorite recurring characters: the unflappable Albert Jenkins, his perpetually cheery wife Elizabeth, and the dour and mysterious Andy Cook. This scenario also introduces us to John Cornwell, a hard man who will be the agents’ primary source of weapons. It’s time to make some new friends…

Defining Moment: Jim-Bean returns home after years away and nobody seems surprised.

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The Windthrope Legacy - Prologue

In a town in the woods at the top of a hill
There's a house where no one lives
So you take a big bag of your big city money there and buy it
But at night when the house is dark
And you're all alone, there's a noise upstairs
At the top of the stairs there's a door and you take a deep breath and try it

--Creepy Doll by Jonathan Coulton
SEVERNFORD, ENGLAND--Windthrope Manor was a Gothic Revival-style building of stone and wood. Sharp-peaked roofs, delicately scrolled wood trim and tall, narrow windows decorated with leaded glass gave the manor a gingerbread house appearance. The garage—a converted carriage house—stood well behind the house.

“This is it?” asked Guppy in disbelief. They had stolen a car and abandoned it, hiking their way to the manor so they could not be easily followed. “This is our new home?”

Jim-Bean slapped Guppy on the back. “Don't get too used to it. It's temporary until we can find another place less conspicuous."

“Does it even have electricity?”

Jim-Bean snorted. “Yes. Just not up to your twenty-first century standards.”

“I didn’t see any power lines on the way over,” said Hammer.

“That’s because the Manor isn’t connected to any outside water, sewer, or power lines,” said Jim-Bean, quickening his step. “Fireplaces and a coal furnace provide heat. Petrol-fueled generators produce electricity. A well supplies water. There have been septic tanks since the end of the Second World War.”

“What about phones?” asked Archive.

“Telephone lines do connect the manor to Severnford,” said Jim-Bean, “but don’t expect much in the way of cell phone service. We’re about as off the grid as you can get. This is a safe house, PISCES-style.”

“Won’t they find out about it then?” asked Hammer.

Jim-Bean shrugged. “It should be safe for a little while. Section H is PISCES historical intelligence department, responsible for research and investigation of ancient sites, artifacts, and historical events. PISCES was never too fond of our division so we have quite a few things off official records. And those records are typed in actual typewriters and filed in actual drawers somewhere.”

Guppy shook his head. “No wonder PISCES doesn’t know anything about what you do.”

Before Jim-Bean could knock the gothic door swung open.

A small, serious gentleman with sharp features, spectacles, and a black tuxedo was at the door.

"Master Windthrope," he said. "Good to see you back sir."

"Jenkins." Jim-Bean said dourly. "I'm back."

The interior of the building was as charming as the exterior with more delicate woodwork and beautiful stonework. All interior doors slid back into walls instead of opening on hinges. Many of the large rooms on the first and second floors had functioning fireplaces. Most of the furniture was original and, therefore, antique.

"We've kept things just as you left it years ago." Albert Jenkins peered down his spectacles at the Jim-Bean's companions. "Shall Mrs. Jenkins prepare dinner for four this evening sir?"

Jim-Bean handed his coat over to Jenkins without looking at him. "That'll be fine."

"Oh dear, I'd know those thundering footfalls anywhere!" shouted a high-pitched woman from across the manor.

"Don't make a scene, mother," chastised Jenkins, but it was too late.

Elizabeth Jenkins swept into the room, a plump woman with round features and rosy cheeks. "It is you, I knew it would be! Master Windthrope is home! I shall arrange a feast!" Her eyes twinkled. Hammer thought he detected tears.

After a few seconds of choked praise, she swept back out in the room shouting about preparations.

Jenkins cleared his throat. "You'll have to forgive the missus, sir. She's very sentimental."

Jim-Bean looked coldly at Jenkins. He was just another reminder of the fragility of the world. "Yeah, sure."

"I didn't know Jim-Bean was Batman," whispered Guppy.


First Post
*showers Talien with praise* Ia Ia updates fhtagn!

I just finished catching up; this is wonderful. I feel like I'm learning more about the art and science of making your players both paranoid and happy. Thanks for the wonderful story hour!

Voidrunner's Codex

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