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Modern/Delta Green - The Beginning of the End (COMPLETED)

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Part 10 – Captive Audience

There must be something wrong with me because those last two posts had me stifling mad laughter on the MBTA.

Heh. On some level Guppy tore out what may well have been an innocent man's tongue (who just happened to be possessed by an alien bug). On the other hand, we were laughing hysterically too as Guppy went completely bonkers. Mechanically, you could argue that the golem's confusion ability totally unhinged him. But that's how my brother rolls -- give him an excuse to have his character go crazy and he will gleefully play out that weakness to the hilt.

And now, on with the show!


Occasional flashes of lightning spilled into the throne room in jagged shafts through the broken glass and iron frames of a large window in the wall opposite the entrance. Otherwise, the immense room stood in chilly, brooding darkness. Hundreds of cobwebs, thick with dust, hid the ceiling from view. At the far end of the hall, a huge throne stood atop a raised platform, its back turned to the room. Something hunched on the throne.

"Nadasdy," whispered Guppy.

Archive shook his head. "I don't think so. Look."

Whatever it was, it was large—larger than the throne, seeming almost draped over the massive chair and hanging over the arms and front. A tentacle or eyestalk rose above the dark writhing mass and twisted as if peering around.

"What…IS that?" asked Guppy.

The shapeless spawn was a great heap of flesh with only vaguely discernible features. Three large tentacles protruded from its body, but it constantly extended and withdrew an array of smaller appendages, each one bearing an eye, a mouth, or a less identifiable organ. Beneath its black, membranous skin, a pulsing heart glowed bright red, and two sac-like organs glowed a paler red beside it.

"Stand back." Archive took a few steps forward, raising his amulet. "I'll take care of this."

To either side of the throne, the stone puddle as if it were water. Gibbering masses of grey flesh rose up right out of the slate, covered with dozens of randomly placed eyes and mouths, of different sizes and shapes.

"By the power of the Elder Sign I…"

Everything else Archive shouted was drowned out by the shrieking voices. The great hall echoed with them, shrieks and cries and worse of all laughter reverberating and rebounding off the walls and inside their skulls. Jim-Bean stumbled backwards, hands clutching his ears. He turned and fled from the room.

The whip-crack of a tentacle cut through the din. If Hammer hadn't had Guppy in view he would have missed the motion, it was that fast. One of the tentacles from the thing on the throne reached out and, it seemed, barely brushed Guppy's cheek – a lover's caress. It was enough.

Guppy went insensate, howling. He was down, twitching, eyes rolling, mouth foaming.

Hammer fired at the thing and another tentacle spiraled out, this one fired like a javelin. A powerful force pierced his shoulder, nearly spun him with the impact.

Hissing from the pain, Hammer kept firing. He felt the barbed tentacle pierce his shoulder and twist. Flanges extended as the thing wiggled its tentacle in his wound. It wanted him to suffer.

It was difficult to think through the noise and the pain. He put both pistols to the tentacle jutting from his shoulder and pulled the trigger.

Black fluid spewed all over as the tentacle withdrew, severed. It was in pain. If it screamed, Hammer couldn't hear it.

Archive was still shouting, holding his amulet up. He looked tiny and pathetic in the huge room. The two other masses of gibbering flesh sank back down and the cacophony diminished somewhat. Archive's symbol was having an effect.

Hammer shook his head. White hot pain lanced his shoulder. The tentacle was still writhing, independent of the thing on the throne, remotely exercising its vengeance.

Hammer took aim at the sac-like organ and fired. It burst in the black membrane and the two remaining tentacles flailed madly.

The show of the thing's weakness hardened his resolve. Hammer was losing blood fast. He had to finish this before it finished him.

Grimacing through the pain, Hammer advanced. The two tentacles cracked toward him, but they were slower than before. Hammer skipped to the left as one smacked down. The tentacle wasn't barbed like the one still jutting from his shoulder; he took comfort in thought even though the thing that had touched Guppy was far worse.

He fired again, and the other organ burst. Now the tentacles took up a defense position, trying to cover the glowing heart.

Hammer chuckled at the irony. Maybe the damn thing's heart shouldn't glow if it didn't want it to be a target.

He fired again, missed, hit one of the tentacles. Hammer spat up a little blood. The tentacle had pierced more than his shoulder. He'd have to ask Archive to fix that.

Hammer used both pistols this time. He fired right and left of the thing and it had the intended effect. The throne thing took the bait, trying to block the gunfire from both directions, which left its heart open for a split second. Hammer put both hands together and sent a bullet right down the center.

The heart burst and immediately the noise stopped. The goo deflated, as if intelligence alone kept it propped up.

Hammer looked around. Archive was down on his knees, tripoding with one arm, his free hand clutched around his amulet as if in prayer. Guppy was still rolling around, but his howling had stopped.

A second later Jim-Bean came panting back through the door. "Did you get it?" was all he asked.

Hammer spat more blood out on the floor near the throne. "Yeah, we got it."

Archive rose unsteadily to his feet. "Was that an Inconnu? Is Nadasdy sane now?"

"Maybe," said Hammer. "That doesn't change anything. Fix up Guppy and let's go."


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Gothic: Part 11 – Who is Number One?

Sorry, sorry, I got sent on a business trip for a week, fell behind on writing story hours, and the baby isn't sleeping. Fortunately we still have several installments to go before I fall totally behind.

Thanks to you both for the comments!


Cobwebs hung from dust covered columns in the great hall. Stone gargoyles squatted motionlessly on the edge of a balcony circling some twenty feet above the floor. Cracked and faded frescoes adorned the domed ceiling, nearly obliterated by centuries of decay. Two great bronze doors stood closed opposite the arched entry. To the left of the entry, a staircase climbed into darkness. A wide hallway extended to the right.

Nadasdy stood at the top of the steps, dressed for battle. He wore ancient full plate armor, blood red. A huge sword was in his hand. He held it solemnly, like a warrior statue. And his features, normally jagged with rage, were frozen in a sneer.

Hammer and Jim-Bean stood at the center of the hall, a revitalized Archive and Guppy fanned out slightly behind them.

They were combat ready. Hammer's pistols were out. Jim-Bean had his submachinegun slung loosely over his shoulder. Guppy's stake shotgun was loaded and ready. Archive had his magical pistol in one hand, the amulet in the other.

"It's over Nadasdy," said Hammer.

Nadasdy's expression changed slightly. His lips curled in a smile. The rest of his features remained frozen.

"It is indeed," he said in his upper class British timbre. "I should thank you. You released me from the Inconnu's grip."

"Yeah, yeah," began Jim-Bean, "but see…it's time for a change—"

"It is indeed." A husky woman's voice, familiar, interrupted him. Her high heels clicking, Ariadne Hennessey walked over to stand next to Nadasdy in her power suit. "And that's why I gave you this mission."

Jim-Bean shook his head and sighed. He knew it. He just knew it. "So let's see…Nadasdy gets erratic, his pretty boy vampires take advantage of the lack of supervision to do whatever they want, they draw too much attention…"

Ariadne wore dark sunglasses, her hair up in a bun. "And I send in a desperate team of dupes to do our cleanup work without making it look like open rebellion. You're as sharp as ever, Jimmy."

"This isn't the old days," said Jim-Bean, keeping his hand loosely on the grip of the gun. "The Section H I remember didn't have bloodsuckers."

If the words had any effect on Nadasdy he didn't show it. Ariadne frowned.

"You're right, Jimmy. This isn't the Section H you knew." She encompassed herself and Nadasdy with a sweep of her perfectly manicured hand. "This IS the new Section H. PISCES is overrun with the Shan. You've already encountered Knightsbridge. Our allies may be different than what we're accustomed but they are necessary. I understand your skepticism." She lifted up a folder she held in the other hand. "This is everything on record about Windthrope Manor. All of it. As a gesture of good faith, it's yours if you join us. With Nadasdy restored to his right mind we will have enough firepower to fight back against the Shan."

"And if we don't?" asked Jim-Bean.

Ariadne shrugged. "You are free to leave. But you'll never survive long out there without our help."

Jim-Bean turned to Hammer. "I don't know, guys. What do you think?"

The files exploded out of Ariadne's hand as a bullet tore through them. Hammer, pistol still smoking, reloaded.

Jim-Bean smiled. "That's a no."

Ariadne sighed. "That…was a mistake."

Nadasdy looked to the left and right of them, and the entire room ground to life. Gargoyles hopped down from balconies, serpent-headed torches slithered forth, and ornamental suits of armor clanked forward to flank the Count.

Hammer danced backwards from the nearest snake-headed statue as it unleashed a gout of flame from one of its torches. He rolled and came up firing. The bullets sparked off its head.

Guppy, realizing his shotgun was useless, slung it over his shoulder and drew his pistol. He fired a bullet directly into a gargoyle's head. Nothing.

Ariadne drew an obsidian blade from behind her back and hurled it at Jim-Bean. He held out one hand and it clattered to the ground.

"It's time," Hammer said to Archive. "We'll give you as much cover as we can."

Archive nodded, chanting. He already wore the ring. He hefted Saint Markovia's thighbone in both hands.

The sight of it shattered the Count's cool demeanor. He stretched forth an open palm and a blast of flame engulfed the entire hall below.

Jim-Bean tried to shield them from most of its effects, but he took the blast head on. He reeled, blown backwards even as the animated statues around him blackened and burst. The Count may have been sane but he was getting messy.

Ariadne shook her head, tearing off her sunglasses and releasing the bun in her hair. Odd fibrous strands that looked from a distance like dreadlocks snaked with a life of their own. Her eyes glowed a piercing red.

"Don't meet her gaze!" shouted Archive.

"How am I supposed to shoot her then?" shouted Hammer.

Some of the statues, cracking from the heat, continued to advance. Guppy fired, his bullets only managing to flake their already crumbling exterior. He gave up and ran towards the exit.

Guppy cocked his ear as he made his back the way they came. He knew that sound. Boots thumping. Lots of men, hustling in uniform.

"Guys!" he shouted over his shoulder. "I think…I think we're not alone in here!"

Jim-Bean groggily got to his feet, the melted flesh on his face knitting back together.

"Yeah, we KNOW," growled Hammer.

"No I mean…I think there's a LOT of people in here with us. Invisible!"

Black lightning flashed from the Count's fingertips. Archive held up one hand and the energy dissipated into his palm.

"No," snarled the Count. "The Ring of Parting Prevented!"

"That's right," said Archive. "And if you know what is, then you know what I'm carrying…"

"You still have to deal with me!" Ariadne drew a pistol from her belt and took aim, but before she could get a bead on Archive, Hammer put a bullet between her eyes.

If the Count had any affection for Ariadne he didn't react to her death.

Archive advanced as more energy blasted from the Count's free palm. Again it had no effect.

Archive swung the thighbone but Nadasdy easily blocked it with his blade. "I am nearly four hundred years old! I have fought more wars than your country has fought in its lifetime! You're no warrior!" He shoved Archive, who stumbled back to a nearby wall. Nadasdy lifted his sword overhead with both hands. "I'll show you what a warrior can—"

The Count froze in mid-swing, gasping. A bladed cross jutted from his chest.

"Can do?" said a man who materialized out of thin air behind him. "Why yes," said Agent Raphael. "Let's show him what a real warrior can do, shall we?"

Lean and wiry, Agent Raphael was filled with enthusiasm for his task; indeed, his dark eyes burned with divine fervor. He was dressed in an expensive suit, a full-body cloak covering his form, a golden sword in the shape of a cross in both hands. The click of cocked machineguns echoed around them.

"Damn," swore Jim-Bean. "Hands of Glory."

The magically-infused severed hands of criminals rendered the wielders invisible. They were surrounded by invisible PISCES agents. PISCES had sent an OCCULUS team, which mixed magic with technology to take down prey.

Jim-Bean pointed at the papers on Windthrope Manor, now scattered across the steps. They burst into flame. At least there would be no evidence left behind.

Nadasdy fell to his knees as Agent Raphael drove the blade deeper through his chest. He was close to Archive. "Run," Nadasdy whispered. "I'll hold them off for as long as I can."

Archive stumbled to his feet and ran down the steps just as Raphael, using both hands, rammed the sword even further into Nadasdy. The Count burst in a blast of red mist, dissipating into the air.

"Go!" shouted Archive, running past his companions and towards Guppy, who was ahead of them. "Go!"

Hammer and Jim-Bean hesitated long enough to see a massive, human-shaped figure made of stone, steel, and lead appear out of thin air. Carved, magic runes inlaid with precious metals adorned its head, limbs and torso. The runes flared up into a variety of brilliant colors and suddenly they saw the other eight men with their weapons at the ready.

Hammer and Jim-Bean ran after Archive as gunfire erupted all around them.


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Gothic: Part 12 – Asking for Directions

Jim-Bean skidded into the entry room to Thredra's lair. He was really starting to dislike the place.

"It's done," he said.

"So I gathered." Thredra had changed. Instead of her midriff-baring outfit she wore armor sewn from pale skins. The armor was studded with sharp canine teeth and adorned with a voluminous hood. Jim-Bean guessed it was made from people. Attired as she was, he actually found her more attractive.

"We saw mist come through here—" began Archive, but Jim-Bean cut him off.

Thredra's gaze shifted from Archive back to Jim-Bean. He could tell she didn't like Archive one bit. "And you want to finish the job PISCES started."

"Think of it as a promotion," said Jim-Bean. More gunfire. The guardian Nadasdy had summoned was formidable, but it couldn't hold off an OCCULUS team magically loaded for bear. "It's decision time, Thredra. The clock's ticking."

Thredra sighed. "Fine. You passed his tomb on the far right side."

"Is it trapped?" asked Hammer.

Jim-Bean sighed. "Of course it's trapped."

Thredra smiled. "I can't make this easy on you, you understand. If word got out that I helped you—"

"The new minions would never follow you." Jim-Bean nodded. "Got it." Boots marched down the hall. "Can you slow them down?"

Thredra nodded. "Go all the way south in the catacombs. You can't miss it."

"Great," Jim-Bean turned to go.

"You'll need to find a way out of here. You can't go back this way, it's not safe. There's a portal on the northwestern part of the catacombs, behind King Tomescu's tomb. It will take you back to your destination, but I warn you…it will exact a price."

"Fine." The others went ahead of him down the hall. The gunfire stopped completely. Now just booted steps echoed in the hall.


Jim-Bean almost didn't turn around. "Yeah?"

"How will I find you?"

Jim-Bean flashed her a smile and a wink. "Windthrope Manor. Look me up."

Thredra beamed, staring after the spot in the hallway after Jim-Bean had fled. Then her expression turned serious. "Bertram? We're leaving."

The disgusting muck in the pool at the center of the room bubbled to life. One formed appendage lifted up a heavy trunk in the shape of a coffin. The other slid beneath her feet. It roiled beneath her, an ever-moving carpet of death at its mistress' beck and call.

She lifted one hand without looking back to make her last order. "Toodles, Twiddles? Block that passage!"

The two oozing giants began squeezing their bulk through the hall behind her.

"I knew those overgrown blood sacs would be useful for something," she muttered.


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Gothic: Part 13 – Nadasdy's Lair

The arched ceiling of the catacomb sagged over squat crypts, forming a vast catacomb. Thick fog clung to the floor at knee level. Cobwebs hung limp in the musty air.

Iron bars blocked a marble stair down to a great, murky tomb in which light seemed to be repelled, and from which wafted the smell of freshly turned earth. A shining black coffin of waxed wood with brilliant brass fittings was embedded in the dirt on the floor. On the far wall three alcoves waited.

Jim-Bean pointed at the bars and made a pulling motion with both hands. Nothing happened.

"Wow," he said. "Too strong, even for me."

Guppy examined the portcullis for a moment. "Can you guys help me with this stone block?"

Archive and Hammer pulled on the stone. The heavy stone fell out, revealing a chain mechanism.

Guppy reached in and, fiddling with the gears for a moment to a series of grunts, clicked a switch deep within the wall. He snatched his arm back as the portcullis lifted.

Hammer clapped Guppy on the back. "Good job."

They descended the steps to the coffin.

Guppy loaded his shotgun. Archive hefted the thighbone. Hammer drew his pistols and nodded to Jim-Bean. "Open it."

Jim-Bean gestured and the coffin lid blew off.

An imposing man lay within the black coffin, dressed in noble finery, with a black cape lined with red velvet. His eyes immediately popped open and a hellish sneer twisted his features.

"Wait!" Nadasdy said, gasping. "You're all alone in this world. Think about what you're going to lose if you destroy me. I'm the only ally you have. Without me PISCES will hunt you down like dogs. It's only a matter of time!"

"No thanks," said Jim-Bean. "We work alone."

Guppy took aim with his modified shotgun. "Dodge this!" He fired the stake straight into Nadasdy's heart. The vampire gaped in agony.

Archive lifted the thighbone high overhead and smashed it down onto the stake.

"NOOOOO!" shrieked Nadasdy. Bright white light flared from the thighbone into the stake, filling first the coffin, then the entire tomb. When the light and the residual spots lingering in their vision faded, there was nothing but blackened ash where the coffin and Nadasdy once lay.

More gunfire echoed further down the tunnel. "Thredra's buying us some time, but it won't stop the OCCULUS team for long. Let's go."


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Gothic: Part 14 – Escape

The epitaph inscribed on the stone door read: King Tomescu; He Traveled Far. They didn't give it a thought as Archive and Hammer wrenched it open.

Fused to the west wall of the crypt was a stone ring, ten feet in diameter. Disturbing glyphs and pictograms decorated the stone ring, which frame a shimmering curtain of green mist full of shifting stars, flashes of light, and blossoms of dark clouds.

"Let's go," said Jim-Bean. He strode towards the portal.

"Wait," said Hammer. "Thredra said something about a price."

"Stay if you want. I'm leaving." Jim-Bean touched the portal and disappeared through it.

The entire catacomb began to hum, trembling as some great force shook its very foundation. It was enough to make the others dive through after Jim-Bean.

They appeared a moment later in front of Windthrope Manor. Jim-Bean looked around, blinking. He checked the time on his cell phone. An hour had passed, though he didn't remember any of the journey.

The others came in a moment later.

"Well that wasn't so bad," said Jim-Bean. He trailed off as he got a good look at his companions.

They were all covered in claw marks, scratches, and bites. But from what and how, nobody could remember.

"Now we know the price," gasped Archive.


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Gothic: Conclusion

It's a good thing you remind me Red...I'm so far behind on writing story hours that I forgot to update this one! I've written three more installments, but I'm actually seven story hour chapters behind. And without further ado, let's wrap this sucker up!


Thredra had to give Toodles and Twiddles credit. They held off PISCES longer than she had hoped.

But the PISCES agents were too close now. She briefly considered taking the OCCULUS team on in their weakened condition – she guessed they were down a few men after encounters with the runic guardian and the blood hulks – but she knew more would be coming. Castle Drake's rule was at an end.

She didn't want to resort to such drastic measures. But PISCES left her no choice. It was time to release the Blood God.

Bertram easily slid her down the tunnel. The golem resumed its position before the altar, but it turned as soon as Bertram deposited her.

"Bertram, keep him busy."

The undead muck immediately obliged, wrapping tendrils of slime around the faceless statue. It crept up over the thing's head just in time to catch a sneeze of vile red fluid, which instead caused a large, sagging bubble of pitch to form around its face. It was disgusting, even for Thredra, who was wearing a suit of human skin.

She ran over to the altar and grabbed the cube. It had a strange violet luster that suggested it was merely covered with a black coating. Inscribed hieroglyphics had been incised upon its surface, which she recognized from the Necronomicon as protection against demons. It was surprisingly heavy – about the weight of a piece of lead of the same size.

Thredra backed away from the altar as a thick reptilian stench billowed out of the hole beneath the cube. "Let's go Bertram!"

The black slime disengaged from the animated statue and slid underneath her, ferrying her effortlessly into the darkness of the tunnel to the Darklands.

The statue started after her, stopped, and turned around as the OCCULUS team lowered on zip lines. There were five of them now, led by Agent Raphael.

One of the agents fired a grenade launcher at the statue, obliterating it. The cavern continued to rumble.

Agent Raphael sifted some of the dirt of the cavern between his fingertips and sniffed it. "She was just here." He pointed at the yawning maw of the partially collapsed tunnel. "That way—"

A strange stirring began beneath their feet. Looking down, the floor on one side of the cavern was ascending the stone wall, sliding down into darkness. The shattered statue slid down into the darkness below.

"Get back," shouted Agent Raphael. "Back!" He screamed into the mic at his ear. "Byatis is loose! Site has been compromised! Repeat, Castle Drake has been compromised!"

A slithering sound began below, mixed with a rubbery suction. A black object slid from underneath the edge of a wall and began to expand upward, slapping itself blindly against the sides of the cavern. It resembled a gigantic snake more than anything else, but it was eyeless and had no other facial features.

One of the OCCULUS agents let loose with his machinegun on full auto. The tentacle whipped around his torso and sucked him down squealing into darkness.

Raphael clambered up the zip line, shoving agents out of the way. He made it to the top. One OCCULUS agent was waiting for him.

"Give me your satchel charge," he snapped.

"But sir, there's still men down there."

"Now, soldier!"

The agent handed the entire satchel over. Agent Raphael set it and tossed the charge down the hole.

There was a protracted hissing sound from below, coupled with a terrible bass roaring, which rose in intensity and pitch before changing to a repulsive bubbling. The OCCULUS team, what was left of them, evacuated the building in jet black helicopters.

The explosion rocked the foundations of the castle. Towers sagged and then cracked, tumbling into dust and ash. Thin greenish spirals of gas whirled out of the castle's tombs and collected in a thick cloud about fifty feet above. The cloud seemed to congeal at one point of its ascent into a great swollen toad-like shape, which flapped away on vast bat-wings toward the west.

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