Mongoose 3.0/3.5 Grand Archive - Any Interest?


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Voadam said:
Back when he first anounced that the logo would be retired Scott Rouse mentioned he thought it would be as simple as placing a black square to cover the d20 logo in pdfs for companies to keep the products available.

There's also license text within the books themselves that you'd need to edit.

And, I'm not sure about this but it's a concern I have, in a lot of books you might mention the "d20 system" in the text repeatedly. If you need to change all those references to the OGL system or whatever, then that'd be a lot of worker-hours spent.

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Community Supporter
That's very generous! Cool!

I wish I had the time or money to contribute significantly. :( As it is, all I can promise is that once a site is agreed on, I'll do my best to aid in distilling OGC.


First Post
Matt, that is an amazing plan that really shows your heart is with the players. The sort of thing that restores ones faith in companies.

I hope this gets done. If there's a way I can help with a small part of it pm me. You guys have some great stuff. I like to think the imagination of the writers continues and endures.



First Post
Voadam said:
Back when he first anounced that the logo would be retired Scott Rouse mentioned he thought it would be as simple as placing a black square to cover the d20 logo in pdfs for companies to keep the products available.

It's not that simple at all. Many books say "d20" in their credits. As a matter of fact, there is one "d20" at the end of the OGL itself for using d20.

I am not looking forward to removing all those references from 70+ of my books. Then again, I could always replace them with PATHFINDER...



First Post
Okay, then chaps, it looks like we have a direction of sorts :)

What I would like to happen is this. . .

Get together and figure out who should be leader/main point of contact for us - we will need to funnel files to just one person, so we can watch what is going on. That person can change over time, but we need to start somewhere, right?

Such a person will receive files, and send them on to whom ever is mad enough to take them on (!), and then ensure the files find their way into the wiki/database/whatever. Then they can request more.

The magnitude of this task is not to be underestimated, and it will take some effort from a number of people - for example, it occured to me that we could declare the entirety of the Drow War campaign as Open Content (levels 1-30, three volumes, 760+ pages. . .). There is more than just a few Slayer's Guides in there :)


Front Range Warlock
TheLe said:
It's not that simple at all. Many books say "d20" in their credits. As a matter of fact, there is one "d20" at the end of the OGL itself for using d20.

Honestly, that's still pretty simple. One person could feasibly update multiple PDFs in one 8-hour business day (if that's all they were doing). In order to keep a catalog in print/available for sale, contracting one individual to do this work over a period of a month or two seems like it would be well worth it (for larger publishers, anyhow).


First Post
I'm working on my thesis concerning wiki collaboration and bias, and would love to help out as part of the team that gets this going.

I'd also like to document the process (not for the thesis, but for future use).

contact me at: mt1225 @

Beyond the thesis, I've worked with mediawiki, tikiwiki, and breifly with wikkawiki.

-Michael Trice


First Post
MongooseMattt said:
Get together and figure out who should be leader/main point of contact for us - we will need to funnel files to just one person, so we can watch what is going on. That person can change over time, but we need to start somewhere, right?

Matt, could we set-up a yahoogroup for this discussion, similar to the one that the MongoosePlaytesters are on?

I'm very willing to lead this project:
Mark Gedak


First Post


Do you have a preference for the wiki's name? Do you want MGP to host the wiki or are you fine with outside hosting.

I'm thinking calling it:

Dr. Blottenberger's Grand Wiki

would be a very appropriate name.

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