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(Mongoose) Babylon 5 RPG - Full Details!


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Ranger REG said:

Or any other Wizards' core rulebooks (Wheel of Time, Star Wars, Call of Cthulhu, d20 Modern).

Ok, and even worse case I can borrow a friends when I need to look up a rule ;)

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Ranger REG

Stad said:

Ok, and even worse case I can borrow a friends when I need to look up a rule ;)
Well, you could always buy secondhand rulebook from secondhand bookstore. Should be cheap.

If you don't like fantasy, I would recommend d20 Modern. Pretty appropriate since a year from now, Wizards will publish a d20 Future supplement for d20 Modern. It may go hand-in-hand with the B5 main rules.


First Post
Ranger REG said:

I believe what Mongoose_Matt meant, business student Sulimo, that it should not be limited to one Wizards' core game book.

Whether you have D&D Player's Handbook or Star Wars or d20 Modern, you can play Babylon 5 RPG.

Well, I wasn't looking at this decision from a business standpoint, rather a conceptual one. I personally don't really like the idea of buying the main book for a RPG, and it doesn't include all the info needed to make a basic character.

Darrin Drader

Sulimo said:

Well, I wasn't looking at this decision from a business standpoint, rather a conceptual one. I personally don't really like the idea of buying the main book for a RPG, and it doesn't include all the info needed to make a basic character.

That's how the D20 license works. Its the same story for the Farscape RPG, Spycraft, Jughe Dredd, and anything else with the D20 logo on it.

Winterthorn said:
Additionally, I'm curious to know if Giant in the Playground, a.k.a. Rich Burlew is involved with Mongoose Publishing regarding this new license?

Oh yeah, damn straight I'm weaseling my way into this particular venture! :)

While my sudden exposure as a result of the Wizards contest happened after the bulk of the book was written, I was involved in the playtesting and certainly feel I contributed in fine-tuning the game's balance to some slight degree.

Luckily, Matt had already seen my wizards.com thread; safe to say, if you liked the system I described there, you'll like what Mongoose has put together here. There's a lot of parallels, though obviously this book will be much, much deeper than my surface treatment and departs from it significantly in certain areas (which is a good thing). As someone who wouldn't play Chameleon Eclectic's B5 game if it was the last RPG on Earth, I'd say Mongoose has avoided making any of their mistakes. They've created the sort of game where you can, to paraphrase myself, "have that great moment where you sit down, open the book, and say, 'I'm gonna play a Centauri assassin!' or 'I'm gonna play a Minbari pilot!'"

I'm just starting to dip my toe into the Narn Regime, but I have some great ideas that I'm working on. I don't think it's a done deal, so I better get back to writing my outline for Matt. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a long and productive relationship!

Ranger REG

Sulimo said:

Well, I wasn't looking at this decision from a business standpoint, rather a conceptual one. I personally don't really like the idea of buying the main book for a RPG, and it doesn't include all the info needed to make a basic character.
Well, judging from the number of posts you've made, apparently you have been here long enough to know how this d20 thing work.

Almost all d20 product requires any one of the Wizards' core rulebook, even Spycraft, Judge Dredd, and T20: Traveller.

The only products that are standalone are EverQuest and Mutants & Masterminds. You can count GODLIKE but it is more of a conversion to their Hobgoblynn Press' own rules system presented in the book.

The fact they're going d20 means they want to tap into the d20 consumer base.

Kenpo Wolf

First Post
I was hoping for a StarGate core book but as long as it B5, one of my top 5 favorite sci fi series of all time, I have one word for my excitement;

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes:)

I may have wen a little bit overboard but I'm very excited about the news. Now here is a suggestion. Please don't put the starship deckplans in the main book which would take up more space. I would much rather see a supplement devoted to deckplans

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