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Points balance out. Slight verbiage difference when inputting (say enhanced close attack skill vs accurate with penetrating str)

His Strength is 0 unless engaging Array. It was a slightly odd way of doing it, but allowed for Higher Power Alt effects. Not sure what the Parry DC was for Penetrating Punch? If it was meant to have Parry as the save for Damage I will just say No. Have a Pic in Mind?

Mr. Amazing - PL 10

Strength 0, Stamina 11, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 7, Intellect 0, Awareness 4, Presence 0

Accurate Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit, Wealth (well-off), Connected, Fast Grab, Improved Critical: Unarmed, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3

Persuasion 10 (+10)

Amazing Feats
. . Amazing Strength: Enhanced Trait 26 (Traits: Strength +13 (+13))
. . Grounding: Cone Area Nullify 10 (Counters: Flight, DC 20; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 20, Effortless; Reduced Range: close)
. . Penetrating Punch: Enhanced Trait 18 (Traits: Strength +8 (+8), Close Combat +4 (+11); Penetrating 8)
. . Thunderclap: Cone Area Affliction 10 (1st degree: Dazed, Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Stunned, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 20, Extra Condition; Limited Degree)
Amazing Flight
. . Cruising Speed: Flight 7 (Speed: 250 miles/hour, 0.5 miles/round)
. . Hyper-Flight
. . . . Amazing Sight: Senses 6 (Linked; Extended: Vision 6: x1m)
. . . . Hyper-Speed: Flight 16 (Linked; Speed: 125000 miles/hour, 250 miles/round; Concentration, Distracting)
Amazing Kiss of Bliss: Affliction 12 (1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Defenseless, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Will, DC 22; Grab-based)
Amazing Toughness: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness)
Life Support: Immunity 10 (Life Support)

Initiative +8
Amazing Kiss of Bliss: Affliction 12, +7 (DC Will 22)
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 10)
Grounding: Cone Area Nullify 10 (DC Will 20)
Throw, +7 (DC 15)
Thunderclap: Cone Area Affliction 10 (DC Fort 20)
Unarmed, +7 (DC 28)
Penetrating Punch +11 (DC 23, Penetrating)

Motivation: Recognition: He has a PR agent making sure he's in the super tabloids, all the time.
Phobia: Tends to start with Accurate Attack to avoid doing real damage. Reserves Power Attack for truly dangerous foes and machines.
Relationship: He's in love with his PR agent, Leslie Moore. But she's expressed no interest and finds his self-promotion and "amazing kiss" chauvanistic.
Reputation: He is known as a womanizer and that puts off some people. On the other hand, there are fans who seek him out and want to experience his kiss of bliss. They usually show up when he's on a date.


Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 11, Toughness 13, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 60 + Powers 62 + Advantages 15 + Skills 5 (10 ranks) + Defenses 8 = 150
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Points balance out. Slight verbiage difference when inputting (say enhanced close attack skill vs accurate with penetrating str)
I had to add the ATTACK +0 extra to Penetrating Punch in order for it to actually calculate attack correctly. I've attached my Hero Labs file (in a zip) to this post.

His Strength is 0 unless engaging Array. It was a slightly odd way of doing it, but allowed for Higher Power Alt effects.
Odd, it seems to me the best way to do high strength characters. And the array is in theory innate, but that implies immunity to nullify and weaken so I didn't put it on the strength. If you want, I'll buy a feature that says the array is always active. (same cost as innate.)

Not sure what the Parry DC was for Penetrating Punch? If it was meant to have Parry as the save for Damage I will just say No. Have a Pic in Mind?
Huh, Pentrating Punch is defined at 8 Strength. Strength attacks are Close Damage attacks, which use Parry and close combat. It says in the description there is +4 close combat advantage as part of the punch so Fighting 7 plus Close Combat 4 is +11 on the attack roll. The toughness roll is 15+8 or 23. What is the confusion?

Unless I find something more superheroy, I might just go with a young Brad Pitt. :)


  • Mr
    22.2 KB · Views: 165


It appears Astral has a large 32pp array in which her Mental Blast resides. Her Mental Blast itself is 4pp/rank. So to increase any of those you have to increase the array as a whole.

Okay, how many points would that require, then, to advance the array? For future reference/saving up.


First Post
And here's the revision. In this the Grimoire is still narratively the same; ancient wizard bound into his spellbook, able to talk but not act and so on. The non-spell knowledge in the book is now treated as 'super skills' and 'super advantages' that are lost when the book is unavailable, but the Grimoire isn't a sidekick any longer, because it can't take actions or DO anything beyond share knowledge. A couple of other changes simply reflect spending the earned experience points.

Hex - PL 10 (156pp)
Real Name: Sandra Connor

Attributes 28
Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 6, Awareness 5, Presence 1

Advantages 7
Equipment 1, Ranged Attack 6

Skills 8 (16)
Expertise: History 2 (+8), Expertise: Magic 2 (+8), Expertise: Science 4 (+10), Insight 2 (+7), Investigation 2 (+8), Perception 2 (+7), Technology 2 (+8)

Initiative +2
Disjoin: Nullify 8 (DC Will 18)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 10)
Hexat: Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
One Hundred Ways to Die: Damage 10, +10 (DC 25)
Soul Hand: Move Object 9 (DC 19)
Throw, +6 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 15)

Defense 24
Dodge 10, Parry 4, Fortitude 7, Toughness 10, Will 10

Powers 86
Glamour: Morph 1 (+20 Deception checks to disguise; Single form; Increased Duration: continuous) 6pp
Mystic Awareness: Senses 2 (Awareness: Mystic, Extended: Awareness 1: x10) 2pp
Mystic Warding: Protection 10 (+10 Toughness) 10pp

The Knowledge of the Grimoire (all easily removable) 4 (5 - 1 removable)
Expertise: Magic 6 (+14), 3pp
Artificer 1pp
Ritualist 1pp

Soul Sorcery Array 33pp
alt Magnus Warding: Create 9 (Volume: 500 cft., DC 19; Affects Insubstantial 2: Selective, Subtle 1) 30pp
alt Manifest Soul: Enhanced Trait 30 (Traits: Fighting +6 (+6), Fortitude +3 (+10), Strength +7 (+7), Athletics +2 (+2); Sustained) 30pp
alt Soul Hand: Move Object 9 (12 tons; Increased Range: perception, Precise, Split 2) 30pp
alt Soul Voyage: Remote Sensing 9 (Affects: Visual, Aural, Range: 2 miles; Dimensional: Astral, Subtle: Mystic Senses) 29pp

Tome Spells (Easily Removable Array) 31pp
alt One Hundred Ways to Die: Damage 10 (DC 25; Accurate 2: +4, Ranged, Multiattack, Variable Descriptor 2: broad group - Any Magic) 34pp
alt Disjoin: Nullify 8 (Alternate; Counters: Magic, DC 18; Broad, Increased Range: perception,
Simultaneous) 32pp
alt Hexat: Affliction 8 (Alternate; 1st degree: Impaired, Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Disabled, Defenseless, 3rd degree: Controlled, Unaware, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Extra Condition, Increased Range 2: perception, Reversible) 33pp
alt Thunder Road: Teleport 7 (Alternate; Carry 800 lbs.; Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Extended: 120 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass 4; Limited to Extended) 34pp

Cell Phone (Smartphone), Commlink, Mini-tracer, Rebreather

Identity: There are several reasons she protects her true identity. Insulating her family and friends is one, but also she's unsure how using magic will affect her desire to be a scientist...and she's hedging her bets on that, keeping it compartmentalized.

Motivation: I wanna try everything! Sandra is enthralled with the strange and mysterious, drawn to new experiences and new ideas. Being a superhero is in some ways a 'testbed' for her explorations of her a socially-positive way to use abilities and techniques that would otherwise be very hard to ethically experiment with.

Power Loss: Incantations: The spells cast from the Grimoire require the book to be in her hand, but also require incantations to be made in a clear voice. Background sound that drowns her out won't stop the spell from working, but anything that actually prevents her from vocalizing will. Her Soul magic has no such limitation, however.

Relationship: The Grimoire was not a nice guy in his human existence. While he has resigned himself to his current state, he doesn't hold the lives of those who cannot use magic in very high regard. As such, his lessons and advice for Sandra, while forced by his geas, to be honest, often reflect a callous disregard for the well-being of others.


Power Points
Abilities 28 + Powers 86 + Advantages 7 + Skills 8 (16 ranks) + Defenses 24 = 153
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First Post
Equally possible I just misremembered the award you gave out. That's what I get for trusting my traitorous memory instead of going back to the post and looking, lol

Ah yep, 3. I'll go back and trim down a few points.

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