Monster Design in D&D Next, Part 2

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It provides a better fit with world building. The orc warband that can threaten an 8th-level party is still too few in number to sack a town. A great wyrm can attack the town and destroy it, but it still risks death if the town guard can turn catapults, ballistae, and massed crossbow fire against it.
Great to hear the rules serve the setting!


A world where the monsters' place in the world and their stats make sense?

What is this heresy?! :p

If they can get high level spellcasters to make sense in the world....


Addition to my above post.

Although I like the idea that the mechanics work in the background (the militia can kill the dragon), it does minimize the importance of the heroes. It stabs at their necessity a lot. Why do you need the heroes if you can take out the dragon?

It creates the "Elminister Excuse"

"I'm too busy running the city. Kill the goblins for me. I'll give you
"I'm too busy running the kingdom. Kill the dragon for me. I'll give you
"I'm too busy running the plane. Kill the demigod for me. I'll give you


First Post
Addition to my above post.

Although I like the idea that the mechanics work in the background (the militia can kill the dragon), it does minimize the importance of the heroes. It stabs at their necessity a lot. Why do you need the heroes if you can take out the dragon?

It creates the "Elminister Excuse"

"I'm too busy running the city. Kill the goblins for me. I'll give you
"I'm too busy running the kingdom. Kill the dragon for me. I'll give you
"I'm too busy running the plane. Kill the demigod for me. I'll give you

The reason is because even though say a hundred or two militia may be able to kill a dragon, how many of them will die in the attempt. Probably a good percentage. Then you don't have your militia for the next threat. Which ironically leaves you open for another threat. However, if you hire a band of mercenaries (i.e. the PCs) you minimize the loss of life and keep yourself strong. I still see a need for heroes.


Addition to my above post.

Although I like the idea that the mechanics work in the background (the militia can kill the dragon), it does minimize the importance of the heroes. It stabs at their necessity a lot. Why do you need the heroes if you can take out the dragon?

It creates the "Elminister Excuse"

"I'm too busy running the city. Kill the goblins for me. I'll give you
"I'm too busy running the kingdom. Kill the dragon for me. I'll give you
"I'm too busy running the plane. Kill the demigod for me. I'll give you

Not really, I don't think that the militia could survive it unscathed and they will need to be extremely well equipped to pull it off...

Not to mention that they won't be suited to the high risk tasks advanturers often do.



The reason is because even though say a hundred or two militia may be able to kill a dragon, how many of them will die in the attempt. Probably a good percentage. Then you don't have your militia for the next threat. Which ironically leaves you open for another threat. However, if you hire a band of mercenaries (i.e. the PCs) you minimize the loss of life and keep yourself strong. I still see a need for heroes.

Not really, I don't think that the militia could survive it unscathed and they will need to be extremely well equipped to pull it off...

Not to mention that they won't be suited to the high risk tasks advanturers often do.


I understand the fact that sending the heroes rather than the army saves lives,but it does remove some of the heroics. The heroes aren't "needed", they are "economical". They are medieval nukes. I am fine with that sometimes. But I'll miss the "Help me,Hero. You're our only hope.""You're going to trust these misfits,my lord/king.""Yes Bishop/Advisor/Councilman,We have no other choice." feeling.

I like the sense but I'll miss being in another tier of existence.


I understand the fact that sending the heroes rather than the army saves lives,but it does remove some of the heroics. The heroes aren't "needed", they are "economical". They are medieval nukes. I am fine with that sometimes. But I'll miss the "Help me,Hero. You're our only hope.""You're going to trust these misfits,my lord/king.""Yes Bishop/Advisor/Councilman,We have no other choice." feeling.

I like the sense but I'll miss being in another tier of existence.

I don't know man, I think that you're reading too much into this and projecting your fears into your reasoning.

In the end this is D&D, you should be able to play however you'd like.


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