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Monstrous Races for PCs wishlist


WyzardWhately said:
I'd like playable dragons. Council of Wyrms style.
Here Here! I played a gold dragon hatchling (using the monster advancement class in Dragon Magazine 320) for over four years. Best PC I've ever had the pleasure of playing. :D

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One order of Kenku pls. Hilarious roleplay once find a way to get them out of the aerie. And a damn fine rogue to boot. I know its not phb 1 but this is all I really want off the top of my head.


Another vote for kenku.

Seeing as angels are more elemental and can be evil, I wonder how Aasimar will function? Would they be more like genasi?


First off, nice post formatting. It made for a really easy read, which is nice.

SamuraiRem said:
BLOOD REIJ(pronounced "rage"): When the Half-Orc gets bloodied, once per encounter, he can enter a blood reij, dealing greater damage in his blind fury at the cost of accuracy(?).
Encounter + Minor Action Personal
Special: Only when Bloodied
Effect: Add character level times 3 to damage and -3 from chance to hit (or AC?). Also add +2 to Will defense. Lasts for 4 rounds or until dead or not bloodied any more.

Reij? Seriously? This would sound a lot less silly just to call it 'Blood Rage' and be done with it. :p

Also, the ability seems really potent. Level times 3 to damage? At 10th level, you're hitting for +30 damage when bloodied? At 30th, you add 90 to all your damage rolls? This is just really, really broken. A blanket +1 damage, passively activated when bloodied would do the job fine, in my opinion.

The intimidation aura, however, I do like; it gives the race a nice out of combat bonus. I think movement ought to stay at 6, though; half-orcs are usually slow-moving brutes rather than quick, darting agile warriors like elves traditionally are.


Here's another vote for the kenku. And on the subject of bird people, lets seem some aarakocra love. I've really liked those bird-people since they first appeared in the 1e FF, while my feelings for the kenku are a more recent development prompted by some hilarious messageboard postings (Chuko, you will be missed!)


First Post
BIRD PEOPLE.... good idea. Don't forget the Avariel from the Races of Faerun, on page 31. They were like evolved elves. Had +4dex, -2con,+2wis,+2int (which was way too much). They also had dive attack n' such. +3level adjustment... which I am glad THAT is gone.

p.s. Yeah, I admitted that my original thought for Blood Reij was stupid. ;)


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Let me see... obscure monster PCs from the past that could be resurrected:

Svirfneblin, Wemic, Flind, Swanmay, Aleax, Verbeeg, Norker, Vegepygmy, Skulk, Meazel, Tabaxi, Xvart, Nymph, Dryad (Hama- optional), Manes, Margoyle, Ghoul, Wolfwere, Pseudo-Dragon, Salamander, Satyr, Centaur, Vampyre, Myconid, Formian, Foxwoman, Selkie, Araena, Dakon.

If I've gotten a few of those wrong, please excuse the spelling.

I've played a Satyr Paladin (thank-you Reincarnation) that was just plain weird. Not sure I'd do that again. I've seen a Centaur played back in Temple of Elemental Evil, that was a pain; simply not built for stairs and low ceilings.

It occurs to me that you could re-tool the -weres for use as PCs (maybe create the different forms as stance utility powers?) rather than Lycanthropes (to eliminte the 'I bite everyone in the party!' problem). I'd be interested in Vampyres as a non-undead alternative to the whole vampire thing.

Tabaxi (cat-people) could be a good addition depending on the way you do it. Gotta make them cool to compete. Dakon I'd want just so I could DM a talking ape wizard.


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SamuraiRem said:
Doppleganger/Changeling (They are one and the same in 4e)

Oh nooo! (Pointless complaint follows.)

Dopplegangers are evil. They kill people just because they can.

Changelings are just missunderstood. If they just want one of them, just get rid of the changeling already.


First Post
Frostmarrow said:
Oh nooo! (Pointless complaint follows.)

Dopplegangers are evil. They kill people just because they can.

Changelings are just missunderstood. If they just want one of them, just get rid of the changeling already.
Uh, they did.

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