D&D 5E Monte Cook Leaves WotC - No Longer working on D&D Next [updated]

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
My first thought is that this has to do with SRD. Or, rather, the lack thereof.

I hope not, but that's my gut instinct.


That's a likely takeaway from this news. However you look at it, it is big news.

My understanding is that the full time corporate environment within WotC is challenging.

That's one way to put it. Hang in there, corporate workers! :)

Monte's been his own boss for ages. It's hard to go back into an environment with a lot more bureaucracy.

I doubt this falls under the rigors of corporate life and suspect the difference of opinions is more fundamentally to do with management/legal expectations regarding how the design process and end goals are to manifest. It's not much of a surprise after reading infomation from threads like this -


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I'm A Banana

I'm not really shocked at some poster's reactions to this, but I am very disappointed. It takes a stubborn sort of petty bias to crow about this. It would be like everyone who took issue with James Wyatt's "Talking with guards and fairies isn't FUN!" comments and celebrated him leaving the company.

Monte's a pro, and is input is valuable. He's shown with his Malhavoc/AU/AE/Ptolus stuff, not to mention all his work in 2e and 3e, that he's got real design chops. Celebrating his leaving seems vindictive and small. He was the target of a lot of un-earned, disproportionate hate, and it's sad to see that the haters may have been taken more seriously than their complaints generally warrant.

Piratecat said:
My understanding is that the full time corporate environment within WotC is challenging. Monte's been his own boss for ages. It's hard to go back into an environment with a lot more bureaucracy. He's a great guy; I wish him the best.

I got that sense, too. Not about the design specifics, but about the corporate environment there now, which was part of the reason he left in the first place. He mentioned he might still contract some work, which is good to hear, that the relationship isn't entirely soured.

Not sure that bodes very well for the management's influence on 5e, if they were able to make him feel unwelcome.

I kind of hope to one day find out about what keeps happening there at WotC to get good designers to leave.


First Post
Well, lately, as I said on another thread, i'm sitting down with the Basic Rulebook (Moldvay, 81), 1st Ed PHB, 2nd Ed PHB, 3rd Ed PHB, 4th Ed Heroes of books and the Rules Compendium, and seeing what I come up with, so at worst, 5th Ed will just give me more to tinker with.

But this news is concerning, though I do have faith in Mearls (but Cook was a good balance).


Best of luck Monte. Would like you to put some products out from Malhavoc. Another dungeon crawl comes to mind as I liked Banewarrens and Demon God's Fane.


First Post
Monte Cook is a prolific writer. If WoTC were to say, for insance: "We'd like you to do polls from now on, m'key?" I'm sure Mr Cook would respectfully decline. I just hope he isn't turned off the idea of writing for the hobby in the future.


Having Monte directly involved with 5e was pretty much one of the main reasons I was optimistic about 5e. Seeing him leave the project lowers my overall interest levels in the new edition. Ill take a look when the playtest starts. But I don't think the departure bodes well for a unification edition.

Same. I hated just about everything I've been hearing about 5E, but had some small glimmer of hope deep inside that the new edition might still be ok due to his influence. Well, that hope just died...

I'm A Banana

Incenjucar said:
Are you familiar with Rob Liefeld, by any chance...?

Vaguely, as a source of much tempest-in-a-teapot nerdrage in the '90's.

It's like the movie Footnote. The passions run so high here because the stakes are so very small.


First Post
I wonder if the corporate bean-counters have decided that an open playtest is not necessary and just too much hassle. I could imagine them not appreciating the effect that would have on the community and Monte deciding he can't go further under that type of sell-out.

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