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More advice needed: Having problems with therapist's business place.


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devilish said:
Standard caveats: not a doctor, not a therapist, etc.

Re: the meds, can you go to your family physician
and get the Rx? I believe they can write them out
for you (I think my mother had her GP write them when
my father died long, low, time ago.) until things
get 'fixed' at the therapists office.

One less thing to worry about
Unfortunaly, I am in between primary physicians right now. My last doc wasn't that great and the one time I did go to get meds, he charged me $55 for a visit (however, I can't remember if he gave me samples or not, but I might be thinking of allergy med samples he gave me and not Paxil)... plus, I don't think he takes Medicaid. Besides, I would probably have to sign a release at my therapist to send my medical info to the reg doctor before he/she could prescribe meds.

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Turanil said:
I apologize if what I said looked like a medical procedure. I really don't see what's so "medical procedure" in my sayings; but if someone else thinks otherwise t's not. It's just an "idea" (as requested in the original post) based on my experiences of something that gave good results for me. Nuff said.

It seems to me that therapy is a medical procedure, in the medicine of the human mind.

It really wasn't personal, Turanil, or anything particular against what you were suggesting. It is just my general reaction to someone who has a real problem - go see the real doctor. We out here are not qualified to say what may help, and even if we were qualified, we don't have enough information.

Giving folks ideas seems like it is helpful, but often it isn't. It has a tendency of giving a patient preconcieved notions of what will and will not work, and that can get in the way of real communication between doctor and patient.


AuroraGyps said:
My panic attacks aren't like what alot people hear as the classic symptoms, like dizzyness, feeling like you're having a heart attack, breaking out in a sweat. For me, I get really tense mentally and physically. My neck and back get all tight. Sometimes, my hands get kinda shaky and I'll get jumpy. That's mostly when I get in a tense situation. If it's me not being able to go somewhere, it's kinda like I'm paralyzed. I keep trying to get going, get ready, and it's like something's fighting me. I get more and more tense and upset, which makes it harder and harder to fight my problem and get going. It's exhausting mentally, emotionally, and physically. The last symptom, is that when I'm "freaking out" my mind is just racing, sometimes running through several different thoughts all at once. I can't focus, I can't think, and so it's even HARDER to concentrate on doing whatever I'm trying to do. All of it is really tiring and sometimes all I can do after is sleep (plus, I tend to pick being unconscious to freaking out most times.... although sometimes that bites me in the butt when I have a nightmare).
Hope that answers your questions. Don't worry about asking, I'm cool with talking about it. Yeah, it's kinda embarrasing, but I was always pretty open about talking about it and the things I did hold back, messed up things later.
So, again, I thank the wonderful members of ENWorld. Don't know what I'd do without you guys and gals. I REALLY appreciate everything... the support, the advice, everything.
Now, I am off to share some vanilla ice cream with the kittie and then do some reading in bed. Night all.
Allow me to add another voice to those saying that you're not alone with these things around here. My panic attacks are exactly like what you just described.
I'm going to see my doctor on Monday to change my medication to a brand I've used before, since my current medication doesn't help with the panic attacks at all, which the other brand did (to a certain extent anyway).
Luckily I've just been given confirmation by the city/social office that I'll get the 10 1-hour psychologist sessions I've applied for. I'm looking forward to those in combination with my medication.


First Post
I'm glad that things seem to be working out for you. Good job on making yourself go to the doctor, I know how hard that can be. I have had problems with anxiety for years, but I've made a lot of progress with dealing with people and managing my panic attacks. If you ever need someone to talk to who has dealt with these things, you can e-mail me at ashman012001(at)yahoo(dot)com.

I also wanted to say that no matter how much it may ever feel like you'll never get better, it's not true. I thought I'd never be ok enough to go out and be around people on a regular basis, but I am. I don't even need my medication anymore. So don't ever let yourself give up hope. :)


First Post
Ashwyn said:
I'm glad that things seem to be working out for you. Good job on making yourself go to the doctor, I know how hard that can be. I have had problems with anxiety for years, but I've made a lot of progress with dealing with people and managing my panic attacks. If you ever need someone to talk to who has dealt with these things, you can e-mail me at ashman012001(at)yahoo(dot)com.

I also wanted to say that no matter how much it may ever feel like you'll never get better, it's not true. I thought I'd never be ok enough to go out and be around people on a regular basis, but I am. I don't even need my medication anymore. So don't ever let yourself give up hope. :)

Yeah, I've been dealing with this for 20 years and I'm pretty sick of it. It wears on you and sometimes you just don't want to do "it" (keep dealing with the problem) anymore and give up. Basically, I'm just tired. After my ex & I ignoring and not dealing with my problems properly, I actually started doing pretty well on my own with new meds and learning/relearning coping skills. Unfortunatly, a lot of stuff happened during and after the divorce that did a lot of damage... things that for a regular person probably wouldn't have been so bad, but for me was very difficult to deal with. Now, I'm still dealing with that stuff, plus I'm just trying to get by day to day. It's all really tiring. I'm not giving up, but I can't say I don't think about doing so a lot.
It does help to have such good friends on ENWorld. It's helps to know that, while I can't really seem to find people that understand or care near me (some do, like my employee rep. from work and my therapist, but part of it's their job), there are people somewhere in the world that do.


First Post
AuroraGyps said:
Yeah, I've been dealing with this for 20 years and I'm pretty sick of it. It wears on you and sometimes you just don't want to do "it" (keep dealing with the problem) anymore and give up. Basically, I'm just tired. After my ex & I ignoring and not dealing with my problems properly, I actually started doing pretty well on my own with new meds and learning/relearning coping skills. Unfortunatly, a lot of stuff happened during and after the divorce that did a lot of damage... things that for a regular person probably wouldn't have been so bad, but for me was very difficult to deal with. Now, I'm still dealing with that stuff, plus I'm just trying to get by day to day. It's all really tiring. I'm not giving up, but I can't say I don't think about doing so a lot.
I know what you're talking about. I went through something similar with my ex, though we weren't married. I have my days of being so tired of dealing with everything I just want to go to bed and sleep until the problems go away, but other times it goes the opposite way, where I'm just sick of dealing with it and decide "I'm not going to let it get to me today." But I am left trying to heal the damage done by my ex, which is excruciatingly frustrating, because just when I was getting to the point where I was finally getting over what I've been struggling against for years, I now have to get back to where I was before I met her. It's like digging yourself out of a grave then having someone dump a truckload of dirt on you.

AuroraGyps said:
It does help to have such good friends on ENWorld. It's helps to know that, while I can't really seem to find people that understand or care near me (some do, like my employee rep. from work and my therapist, but part of it's their job), there are people somewhere in the world that do.
That's something that helped me a lot too.

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