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More Cat People

Kinomen Dragoon

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The Cat People live in jungles to deserts. Anywhere were a cat, small or large could survie.
Medium Sized
Speed 40ft
+2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Favord Class: Fighter
2 Claws 1d4+Str , Bite 1d6+ 1/2 Str
+2 to Move Silently and Hide( +4 in high grass)
ECL+ ?

Medium Sized
Natural AC:+2(the mane)
+4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Cha
2 Claws 1d4+ Str, Bite 1d6+1/2 Str
Favord Class:Ranger

AC:+1 size
Ablites:+4 Dex, -2 Wis
Claws 1d3+Str, Bite 1d4+1/2
Skills:+4 Hide(+8 in forested areas),+2 Move Silenty
Farvord Class:Infaltrator(in Kalamar Guide)Or Rouge

Speed:60ft(5/day 100ft for 1/2HD + con bouns min.
Size: Medium
Ablites: +4 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Special: Sprint: the cheeta runs way to fst for it's own good. So in or out of combat they can use this ablity. They gain a -10 to spot and listen checks when the use this. Also they gain 1/2 cover bouns.

More Latter along with a prestige class
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If you want to make cat fans happy, you should remove any penalities on Str, Dex, Wis, and Cha that aren't due to size.

Str: Jump & Climb skills
Dex: Move Silently
Wis: Spot, Listen
Cha: because we love cats ^_^

Otherwise, I would say:

Lynx ECL +1
if the hide and move silently bonus aren't due to the size, and with the dex bonus, it has basically 2 level in advance in rogues skills, but with less hit points, and less damage capacities.

Lion ECL +2
The Con bonus is very useful, and alongside the speed bonus, and natural armor you have a very dangerous combination for a monk.

Tiger ECL +2
It's a bit too much, but ECL+1 would be too cheap compared to ECL+1 races (aasimar, tiefling). Personaly I would rule ECL +1 if the player do not choose a class that profit of the natural abilities, like cleric.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Blacksad said:
If you want to make cat fans happy, you should remove any penalities on Str, Dex, Wis, and Cha that aren't due to size.

Str: Jump & Climb skills
Dex: Move Silently
Wis: Spot, Listen
Cha: because we love cats ^_^

hey, even a lot of people who don't like cats admit they have charisma - why else would we foolish cat lovers be so enamored with them. As Pratchett said "if cats looked like frogs, we'd understand what viscious, nasty little creaturers they really are."

on a more serious note, there needs to be a alternate rule for small or 'lithe' races to make dex the base stat for jump and climb (and maybe automatic weapon finesse). it would be easier than scaling the str stat to the understanding that if your body only weighs 7 lbs, a 4 str is much better than a 16 when your body weighs 250. (this is very hard to model, but the lack of some fix makes things simply break down when dealing with tiny and sometimes even small creatures)

Tiger ECL +2
It's a bit too much, but ECL+1 would be too cheap compared to ECL+1 races (aasimar, tiefling). Personaly I would rule ECL +1 if the player do not choose a class that profit of the natural abilities, like cleric.

IMHO, the ecl system cannot be fairly applied across campaign types, character types and default level. At the very high levels abilities that would be worth an ecl early on are mimiced by common magic items and cheap buff spells. An ability that would be obscenely useful to a rogue is irrelevant to the player who wants a warrior member of that race. and a dm who sticks mass dimensional anchors on dungeons by sadistic default kinda cuts the usefulness of etheral or teleportation style abilities. (such DM also sucks in general, but its much worse when you have accepted a 7-8 level penalty for an ability which is then never able to be used).

The non ranting point is that ECLs should be taken as a starting point for intelligently comparing the end character to others in that campaign setting.

Kahuna Burger


Kahuna Burger said:

on a more serious note, there needs to be a alternate rule for small or 'lithe' races to make dex the base stat for jump and climb (and maybe automatic weapon finesse). it would be easier than scaling the str stat to the understanding that if your body only weighs 7 lbs, a 4 str is much better than a 16 when your body weighs 250. (this is very hard to model, but the lack of some fix makes things simply break down when dealing with tiny and sometimes even small creatures)

umh, there is already a number of rule on that.

IIRC creatures with a climb speed can use the best of their Str or Dex modifier.

The lifting capacity is different based on your size and number of legs.

Monster (or is it only small creatures?) can get for free weapon finesse on their natural weapon (that's why the cat is much stronger than the average commoner :D).

and I wouldn't allow dex as the key ability for jump, it doesn't seems right. I can see how skill or strength might allow you to jump farther, but I fail to see how dexterity would.

I think that there is a number of rules on this in the introduction of the MM, but most of those aren't used with PC because there isn't many tiny sized PC races :)

The non ranting point is that ECLs should be taken as a starting point for intelligently comparing the end character to others in that campaign setting.

Somewhat agreed, though I suppose that the author wanted an ECL based on standard D&D (FR or Greyhawk) fantasy, with a DM that doesn't remove abilities.

and you need a player who warn you in advance of any desire of multiclassing, for exemple a minautor (with elven blood;)) sorcerer might have a too high ECL, but if the player suddenly decide to become an arcane archer, the ECL just fit.

So in the end, the ECL made with the worst min/max tricks are a lot more useful for the DM even if they restrict some character concept for the players, as you don't have to restrict the player any further during play.

In this case if the player really want to play a minautor mage, FCTF with the big book of superpower might be the best trick to build a fair character.

Now Kinomen Dragoon, where is our prestige class?:D


First Post
the Kolranti

a while ago i was trying to make a human sized feline race and got the folks i play with in to an argument over ecl and a bunch of other house rules. This race is designed for star wars rpg but could work with D&D just as well. the point of my post is i would appreiciate any comments/suggestions/evaluations you guys might have

The Kolranti are a Feline(cat) humanoid race. They posess many of their ancestors' evoloutionary adaptations (such as speed, grace, and highly attuned senses). They still harbor some of their ancestors' wild instincts, but keep them well in check. These wild instincts lead them to shy away from others outside their race, but will be friendly once they feel that they know an individual. A Kolranti's claws is strong enough to mar durasteel, and they all posess a natural fighting abilty with them.
They keep current with the technology of the galaxy but live more or less without it, in harmony with the natural world around them. Though they may not use modern technology regularly, they do posess a solid understanding of it (they know what everyday items like blasters and scanners are and understand more complex tech like starships. they don't use technology out of convience, just when they really need to).

+2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Cha, +2 move silently, +2 listen, +2 balance, low light vision, scent, claw attack 1d4 damage 19-20 crit, bite 1d4 damage

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