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More lay-offs at WOTC! [Merged]

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First Post
OGL only

What's to stop people from just going straight OGL? I mean, take a look at Everquest RPG, which I just got, and I gotta say the system is better than the standard 3E system. It uses the d20 system to the core, but because they didn't go with the d20 license they have all the free will in the world to create it however they wanted without worries.

Even if they pull the d20 license, they can't pull the OGL/OGC, can they? If the OGL/OGC stays, then all we as creative gamers can do is create strictly OGL games, which would just destroy 3E and the Core Rule books because frankly with the OGL, we wouldn't need them anymore. Then Hasbro would lose more money and they would eventually sell D&D/WotC to someone who would really care about it, and then bring everything back anyways ya know. :rolleyes:

It's wishful thinking, but going OGL isn't a bad thing...its a good thing. And if all thsoe who were just fired went OGL with their new products, that is one sure fire way they can stick it to WotC/Hasbro. That would be awesome to see.

Plus, the decline of their PHB will decline even further with the release of d20 Modern. I for one am waiting for d20 Modern to come out, I already have a really kickbutt setting in the works for the game.

To rehash...Hasbro is stupid, Wizards never needed to go to Hasbro, a toy company for crying out loud, and neither deserve Dungeons and Dragons anymore. Nope, they just do not deserve it. With the OGL, unless they can somehow pull it, and if they can someone should mention that on these boards, if everyone went strictly OGL/OGC, then we would truly see some real d20 games that show the true versatility of the game. :D

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First Post
Nope, they just do not deserve it.
You're remembering the rescue mission that WotC did on D&D back when TSR was dying? Saving the intellectual property from being diced up by the lawyers? Give them some credit for that.

Then again, maybe the people who did that have now all left.


First Post
to be honest, I never supported D&D while it was under TSR and for the longest time I was hoping it would just die.

I am one who loves 3rd edition because of the game mechanic and I was glad they made the 3rd edition and at the time they did deserve it. Now, after what they have done and what Hasbro has done to the creators of the game that I do like now, they don't deserve it. It's only been two or three years and its already on the chopping blocks once again by lawyers and the higher ups at Hasbro. Go figure. Let a large corporation get involved in the RPG industry, people that never play it and never will and see it as nothing more than a fad or something that isn't truly profitable, and see what happens...but, like someone has already stated, even though the cuts are a bad decision for Hasbro/WotC, they are good in the long run for the RPG industry as a whole, and that is something I am glad about.

Do they deserve the game now, no. Did they deserve it at first, yes. Hasbro killed it for them.


First Post
Kamikaze Midget said:
Yar...this is sad, but not deadly...

Anybody who'se been fired: come work for 2 Euros and a Yank. We're Badass! And, y'know, we're....making a product...about BEER! :)

2 Euros and a Yank, eh? Sounds nice. I'm no Skip Williams, but I'll work for beer. Waddya say? Gimme a job? :)


BluWolf said:
This whole thing.

ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!

Layoffs and all.........

was put in motion 4 years ago by Peter Adkison and Ryan Dancey.

My friend, I think you are ascribing waaay too much intelligence to two human brains. :)

That kind of planning would be way above everybody from Rockefeller, to Ford, to Trump, all the way to Iacoca.


I would duly owe Peter a Wayne's World style "I'm not worthy" kowtow...


First Post

This is the real world, our economy slowly dies, we have forced reductions all around us. How many of you have survived a layoff? how many did not?

There is nuthing here to be upset about, this is life as we know it, will any of you care when HP completes there reduction plan, how about those guys at Consalidated Freight, show up on Labor Day to find there is no more work, no job because the company folded.

Notice the stock market, how many of your parants had there retierments wiped out?

The creative people will find other jobs in the D20 market, thats the legacy of D20, they can leave the parent company and still support the product line, with no corporate shill telling them what to do.

D&D will only be healthy when the economy bounces back.

Welcome to the world of the real.


EarthsShadow said:
It's only been two or three years and its already on the chopping blocks once again by lawyers and the higher ups at Hasbro.

Let's wait until the cow is dead before we write "hamburgers" on the menu...


First Post
True. I still say more companies should go strictly OGL and make their own games with their own character creation rules and things like that.

I agree that things change over time, and people get let go. It has happened to me, I accepted it (not really) but no matter what life goes on. Their layoffs will only help the d20 market in the long run.

Now, are there any odds about how long Ryan will stay with the company?


Re: Re: J. Tweet

ColonelHardisson said:

And let's not forget Ars Magica...

I'll go sit in the corner with the little pointy hat for that one.

Or if not for that then for forgetting James Wyatt and Bruce Cordell (unless I'm mistaken.. but I think they're still at wizards).

Ranger REG

Charles Ryan or Ryan Dancey?

You can't mean Ryan Dancey because he was let go before the summer along with Sean K Reynolds. Technically, he left a long time ago (2001) but he was contracted to work on the SRD and later Project Manager of the e-Tools.

So far, Charles Ryan is still employed by Wizards and is working with Bill Slavicsek in designing d20 Modern. Of course, the third member of their Design Team, Rich Redman, was let go Thursday.

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