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More Skillpoints


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The increased cost progression on skills reminds me of Rolemaster. I'm not going to say it's definately a bad idea, but it might hose Rogues since they rely heavily on their skills. Fighters do not gain BAB at a slower rate at higher levels. A 16th level fighter can "run amuk" with a sword just as much as a high level bard, or rogue can run amuk on skills.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's an intersting idea and it might work, but it might not work well for every one.

If your group as a whole seems to choose just a few skills to excell in then you might do something like this to "encourage" them to spread thier skills out. Then again though ... a high level fighter can kick alot of butt and a high level mage can do things we don't even want to think about. Having insanely high skill rolls shouldn't break the game more than these other aspects.

Just giving players more skill points should help them spread out, but yes they may still have really high rolls on a few skills.

Part of the problem may be poor skill selection by three out of the four primary classes. Wizard, Cleric and Fighter (especially the fighter) suck for air on skill choices. The Wiz isn't so bad since he/she will have a high Int and gets knowledge skills for cheap. Paying double for a skill you want doesn't encourage putting points into it. I realize this is intentional for game balance though. The system seems to be geared, or it may be more attractive to max out a few skills for most of the character classes that do not have a good skill selection.

Perhaps the primary skills for a class should not increase until they go over 10 ranks. Cross class could increase after 5 ranks. This would increase the desirability of multiclass characters though so that idea will probably need to be tweaked.

It all depends on the group. I've seen some groups where most of the players spread there points out a lot except for maybe one or two skills (excluding rogues and bards).

I give an extra skill point per level (4 at first) to be spent on Knowledge, Profession, Craft skills or also languages after 1st level) I've considered adding one more skill point to be spent normally on every level also.

I also added a special skill feat at first level.

Add one bonus Skill Feat at first level. This Skill Feat must be used on one of the options below. This Skill Feat is focused towards increasing access to skills and/or to differentiate the culture and background of the character.

1. +4 to a single craft, knowledge, or profession skill.
2. +3 to a single class, or cross class skill.
3. +2 to two class, or cross class skills.
4. +2 to a class, or cross class skill and a cross class skill becomes a class skill.
5. +2 to a class, or cross class skill & swap two of your class skills with cross class skills.
6. Choose two cross class skills to become class skills.
7. +2 to a restricted skill and it becomes a cross class skill.

Example: Durban the Dwarven Fighter has never seen a lake, sea, or river and his society does not have horses. The skills Swim & Ride do not match his cultural upbringing so Durban chooses Skill Feat # 5. Durban comes from a merchant family and so he chooses to give up Swim & Ride as Class Skill and replaces them with Appraisal & Diplomacy. He also decides to receive a +2 to the Appraisal skill.

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First Post
Spyritwind, I like your idea of the bonus skill feat @ 1st level. That might be the best solution. Seems a bit complex they the way you worded it, though.
I give an extra skill point per level (4 at first) to be spent on Knowledge, Profession, Craft skills or also languages after 1st level) I've considered adding one more skill point to be spent normally on every level also.

I like this idea too. Makes sense.
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Re: Re: More Skillpoints

FullTinCan said:

I really like this. I think it addresses some of the fundamental issues with the d20 system, and that is skills continue to progress linearly. Yes they still progress linearly, but at some point the player will have to justify the cost of the purchases.

Have you encountered anyone with 16 or more ranks in something?

Now what do you do about class skills?

I may well have to use this as a house rule. Thanks.

I actually introduced this system when people in an old campaign got 20-25 in all their skills. It seemed that I had to raise the DC to like 30 or something to make it "exciting" and I felt kind of bad adjusting the DC after the characters and not after the situation ;)

These rules are regarding class skills :eek:
But I havent polished the system that much yet. Cross class skills should maybe cost 1 point higher?

1-5 = 2 /step
6-10 = 3 /step
11+ = 4 /step

? :) Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve this system. Either way, I love when characters have skills they VERY VERY seldom use but reflect their personality.

A gnome who knows EVERYTHING about butterflies for example :)

Or a dwarven cook focused on fungi hehe...

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